Canadian Bulletin of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 'Marine eivaive Molfuoco oil the Canadian Centro i and ecci tern, ArCtiC: Jaunai Com p ooition and Zoo geograp li v 1^Prie rf ildli '131111 SHELVED WITH LLETI N 207 SERIALS awa 1980 no. 207 c. 2 Op Government of Canada Gouvernement du Canada Fisheries and Oceans Peches et Oceans Canad3 75 ff 110NT1RTE DEPARTMENT OP ENERGY. MINES AND RESOURCES SURVEYS AND MAPPING BRANCH CANADA sad I 15840.000 OR ON( NCH 10 250 101105 Isles 1.5 _ Tor _ _702 io.o_ up 500 Wm $5601151. 1fn Im 60 MO 100 100 8097 700 800 IMPoelres National Cap.! • Provincial or Territenal Capital Map reproduced with permission of Department of Energy, Mines & Resources. 175 anumn Cantormu Consul PronNuon. Standard P..10114.49 and 77' Mo0.1.00 Polycon.e Prmect.on Dont. 01101100s BO' 1973 0 ‘-‘ 1, 81 81 25' o r 5 66,, 'f° 6 ■ s and I OP •S" • Mehl& Sound I I r?, a 9 , vio r wt. 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Recent num- bers in this series are listed at the back of this Bulletin. The Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences is published in annual volumes of monthly issues. Canadian Special Publications of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences are issued periodically. These series are available from authorized bookstore agents and other bookstores, or you may send your prepaid order to the Canadian Government Publishing Centre, Supply and Services Canada, Hull, Que. K1A 0S9. Make cheques or money orders payable in Canadian funds to the Receiver General for Canada. Director and Editor-in-Chief of Scientific Information J. WATSON, PH.D. Deputy Director and Editor JOHANNA M. REINHART, M.SC. Assistant Editors D. G. COOK, PH.D. LORRAINE C. SMITH, PH.D. J. CAMP Production-Documentation G. J. NEVILLE MONA SMITH MICKEY LEWIS Department of Fisheries and Oceans Scientific Information and Publications Branch Ottawa, Canada K1A 0E6 BULLETIN 207 2(8421 ) SHELVED WITH SERIALS M arine &Jake Motitt3co 0/ the Canadian Central and t aatern ArCtic: gatinat Com p ooition and Zoo geo grap h y Irene iLubinsky Department of Zoology University of Manitoba Winnipeg, Man. R3T 2N2 DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES AND OCEANS Ottawa 1980 ©Minister of Supply and Services Canada 1980 Available from authorized bookstore agents and other bookstores, or you may send your prepaid order to the Canadian Government Publishing Centre, Supply and Services Canada, Hull, Que. KEA 059. Make cheques or money orders payable in Canadian funds to the Receiver General for Canada. A deposit copy of this publication is also available for reference in public libraries across Canada. Canada: S 9.75 Catalog No. Fs 94-207E Other countries: $11.70 ISBN 0-66010719-8 ISSN 0706-6503 Price subject to change without notice Ottawa Printed in Canada by in-Graphic Printing (Ottawa) Ltd. Correct citation for this publication: LUSINSKY, I. 1980. Marine bivalve molluscs of the Canadian central and eastern Arctic: faunal composition and zoogeography. Can. Bull. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 207: III p. Contents ABSTRACT / Rtsumt VI Low-Arctic faunistic subzone 57 INTRODUCTION I Subarctic faunistic zone 57 History of Faunistic Exploration 2 Distribution not connected to recent exten- sion of marine waters: relict areas 57 Published records 2 Areas of endemic species 59 The Canadian Archipelago 2 Canadian endemics 59 The Canadian eastern Arctic 4 North Atlantic endemics 59 Foxe Basin 4 Pacific endemics 59 Hudson Bay, Hudson Strait, and Ungava Bay 4 ZOOGEOGRAPHIC SUBDIVISIONS OF CANADIAN ARCTIC FAUNA 59 Western shores of Baffin Bay 6 Fauna of the Arctic zone 60 Labrador coast 6 Fauna of the high-Arctic subzone 60 Molluscs identified by author 6 Fauna of the low-Arctic subzone 61 Canadian Archipelago 7 Fauna of the Subarctic zone 61 Canadian Eastern Arctic 7 RELATION OF CANADIAN ARCTIC FAUNA TO THAT Labrador 7 OF THE NORTHWEST ATLANTIC 62 MARINE SHALLOW-WATER REGION 7 RELATIONS OF CANADIAN ARCTIC FAUNA TO NEIGHBORING ARCTIC FAUNISTIC REGIONS 64 Systematic Description of the Fauna of Bivalve Bivalve fauna of the Canadian Arctic and Molluscs 9 Greenlandic shallow-water regions 64 Zoogeography of Marine Bivalve Fauna in the Bivalve fauna of the Canadian Arctic and Central and Eastern Canadian Arctic 50 Eurasian seas 65 PATTERNS AND ORIGINS OF DISTRIBUTION 50 Fauna of Canadian and western North American Arctic regions 65 Distribution of bivalves and late-Wisconsin events 51 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 66 Distribution of bivalves and the marine REFERENCES 67 waters of the Canadian Arctic 54 MAPS 1-42 74 MOLLUSC DISTRIBUTION AND MARINE FAUNISTIC ZONATION IN THE CANADIAN ARCTIC 56 PLATES I-XI 95 Arctic faunistic zone 57 INDEX OF SCIENTIFIC NAMES 106 High-Arctic faunistic subzone 57 v Abstract LUBINSKY, I. 1980. Marine bivalve molluscs of the Canadian central and eastern Arctic: faunal composition and zoogeography. Can. Bull. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 207: III p. Composition of marine bivalve fauna of the shallow-water region of the Canadian central and eastern Arctic, and distributions of species are discussed. The data are based on reports of expeditions to the Canadian Arctic since 1819 and on collections (iden- tified by the author) of expeditions to this region by the Arctic Biological Station, Fish- eries Research Board of Canada, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Que. (now Department of Fisheries and Oceans), the National Museums of Canada, and museums of the USA. The shell morphology of individuals and populations of 64 species and their areas of distribution are described. The zoogeography of bivalves in the Canadian Arctic is dis- cussed and illustrated on the basis of the Wisconsin glaciation of the region and present characteristics of arctic and subarctic marine waters. Key words: Arctic, marine benthos, bivalve molluscs, fauna, zoogeography Resume LUBINSKY, I. 1980. Marine bivalve molluscs of the Canadian central and eastern Arctic: faunal composition and zoogeography. Can. Bull. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 207: III p. Le present Bulletin examine la composition de la faune bivalve marine des eaux peu profondes du Centre et de l'Est de l'Arctique canadien, ainsi que la repartition des especes. Les donnees sont fondees sur les comptes rendus d'expeditions dans l'Arctique canadien depuis 1819 et sur les collections d'expeditions recueillies par la Station de biologic arctique, Office des recherches sur les pecheries du Canada, Sainte-Anne-de- Bellevue (Quebec) (qui fait maintenant partie du ministere des Peches et des Oceans), par les Musees nationaux du Canada et par les musees des Etats-Unis, identifiees par l'auteur. On y decrit la morphologie de la coquille d'individus et les populations de 64 especes, ainsi que leurs aires de repartition. La zoogeographie des bivalves de l'Arctique canadien est analysee et illustree en fonction de la glaciation du Wisconsin dans cette region et des caracteristiques actuelles des eaux marines arctiques et subarctiques. vi Introduction This Bulletin is a study of the fauna of the boundaries of these zones remained marine bivalve molluscs in the shallow-water vague. region of the Canadian central and eastern Recognition of the importance of Arctic between Parr Inlet (82°31'N, marine water masses in animal and plant dis- 60°05'W) in the north, Cape Bathurst tribution became the base for a new ap- (70°32'N, 128°05'W) in the southwest, and proach to marine zoogeography. At present, the Strait of Belle Isle (51 °30'N, 56°30'W) in the chemical and physical properties of these the southeast. masses are regarded as the basic parameters As a list of bivalves of this region was of marine environment, and determine the never compiled, and areas of distribution of composition of fauna and flora, as well as these molluscs almost unknown, the relation the areas of distribution of both animal and of bivalve fauna of this region to fauna of plant species. neighboring regions was never previously Ekman (1953, p. 138) was the first to analyzed. stress that ". the North Atlantic testifies The region under study is between the more closely than other parts of the ocean Arctic and Atlantic oceans, and close to the that marine zoogeography must primarily be Pacific Ocean. Although the Canadian the zoogeography of various waters, and Shield separates the deep regions of these only secondarily a zoogeography of various oceans, their faunas are connected over the coastal regions." Dunbar (1968, p. 42) submerged northeastern part of the con- stated that in high latitudes there exists ". tinent. a broad zone in which the Arctic and the Recent bivalve fauna of this region is of non-Arctic waters are found together in the Pleistocene origin. Its formation was deter- upper layers (200-300 meters), either in mined by geological events of the Wisconsin closely associated streams or as mixed period and by the presence of water masses water." He identified the area of polar water both of Arctic and Atlantic origin.
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