Connecticut Daily Campus Serving Starrs Since 1896 VOL. LXVIL, NO. 27 STORRS, CONNECTICUT MONDAY, OCTOBER 28. 1963 Blodmobile Coming Again: Spring Registration Dates Announced By Registrar Advance registration for the When students complete registra- They should also obtain signatures spring semester will be held No- tion cards, they should show first on petition forms at the Registrar's vember 18-22 at the Commuters and second choices of sections. Office for consent when necessar . Reading Room, Library Annex, excess credits or 200's courses not from 9a.m. to 4 p.m., Registrar open to sophomores. These are to Franklin O. Fingles announced. Plans Released be filed with the registration card. The registrar also said the stu- Registration cards will not be ac- dent-faculty counselor conferences For 36th Annual cepted after registration ends No- will be between November 11-15. vember 22. Mr. Fingles has said, in explain- Although priority of schedules ing the conference procedure: 'The Dad's Day will not be influenced by the date functions of the faculty counselor University of Connecticut stu- upon which the cards are turned in during this period are to be limited dents are mapping plans for a during this period. Mr. Fingles re- to advising students on programs warm welcome to the indispensible iterated his past request that stu- and courses designed to meet the man Nov. 2, when they hold their dents should not crowd the first latter's educational and career in- 36th annual Dad's Day on the main and last days. This will tend to terests and the requirements of the campus. avoid lines and delays. ..LAST YEAR'S WINNERS: (L to R) Joyce Lavine presents Se- University. The UConn undergrads have ar- The schedules are figured on a cond Place trophy to Carl Anderson of Sigma Phi Epsilon while Desired Program Cards ranged a broad range of social ac- priority determined by chance Dinne Dorsett (Hollister B. Blood mobile recruiter) and Robert Pinko "The counselors will indicate by tivities to make Dad feel at home among the semester groups in the (executive chairman) look on as Thea Vierling. President of Hollister signing the 'desired program cards' away from home. To help him re- order of seniority; that is semester B receives First Place trophy from Stephen Heiber, the 1963 men's and the registration card that this call his youth, the Dad's Day Com- 8-7-6-5, etc. recruiting chairman. has been done. A list of courses to mittee has again arranged a display Ratcliffe Hicks students will ncv be offered, not to be confused with of some 25 antique autos at the register until Tuesday (January 7. Determined to prove their sex is Chi, and Phi Epsilson Pi all ex- the schedule which gives sections Student Union. at Mr. A. I. Mann's Office. no barrier and to demonstrate just ceeded 25 per cent participation. and times of section meetings, will Antique Autos Fee bills will be mailed before how humanitarian - minded they Holcomb Hall, Hartford Hall, Hicks be distributed to residence halls on The vintage vehicles, which will Christmas. They must be paid by Hall, Hurley Hall, New London January 5, preferably by mail, in are, the women of Hollister B last or about November 5," Mr. Fingles be on exhibit at 10 a.m., will also Hall, and Tolland Hall contributed order to keep registrations and year look first place in the blood- noted. be utilized in special tours around room reservations in effect. No ad- mobile drive. an excellent record of over 15 pints The "desired program cards" the sprawling 1.700 acre campus. per dorm. will be obtained from the resident At the same time, but inside the vance payment is required at the Thanks to the efforts of Karen Every dorm contributed a min- counselors. When student and fa- Student Union, the UConn Army time of advance registration. Jedrziwski and Dianne Dorsett, the imum, of one pint. This is an out- culty counselor agree on a pro- ROTC has arranged an exhibit of On or about January 15 each in- bloodmobile's recruiters in Hollister standing record of which UConn gram, the counselor will sign the Quartermaster Corps materials. dividual's official "program oi B, a fantastic 49.2 per cent of the students may be proud. desired program cards and the No. At 11 a.m. and again at noon, courses" will be distributed by the house participate in the drive for Last year over 1000 pints were 1 registration cards, the registrar the Army ROTC will present its resident educational counselors and blood donors. Collecting second collected. We hope students will bet- pointed out. The student should crack drill team, the Pershing mailed to commuters. This only in- honors was Sigma Phi Epsilson with ter last year's outstanding record have No. 1 card completed, includ- Rifles, in a demonstration of preci- cludes students who completed pay- 48.2 per cent participation. by surpassing the 500 - pint - per- ing the choice of sections and sion marching. ment of all fees by January 5. Alpha Gamma Rho, Beta Sigma day quota established for the Blood- hours, when registering the follow- Chicken Barbcque Graduate students may register Gamma, Trumbull House, Kappa mobile visit which starts tomor- ing week. The card will be turned A highlight of Dad's Day will be for the second semester during the Psi, Beard A, Colt House, Theta row. in at registration time, but the "de- the traditional chicken barbcque advance registration program or on sired program card" will be stamp- from 11:30 a. m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Thursday (February 6). Those who ed and returned to the student, Mr. Field House. After dinner, which register in November will obtain Fingles said. will be arranged by the Food Tech- registration cards and instructions Bobby Kaye To Provide The registrar was careful to point nology Club, the honored guests at Mr. Fingles' Office. out that "Counseling Week" is not will be invited to Memorial Stadi- Incomplete and complete pro- intended to restrict student-faculty um where the football team meets grams may be changed on Thurs- Music For Military Ball counselor contacts. The process New Hampshire in a Yankee Con- day or Friday, February 6-7 for merely aims to offer counselors a ference game. any reason whatsoever (with neces- Dancing to the music of Bobby The sale will continue through chance to devote a maximum During the half-time ceremonies sary permission of course) except Kaye's band, refreshments, and all Thursday. amount of time to guidance during the Marching Band will offer a spe- mere rearrangement of hours. the pomp and gaiety that goes along Allan Grotheer, chairman of the this period, he remarked. cial tribute to the guests of honor. Place: Registrar's Office, No. 140 with a ball — these are yours for Meanwhile, copies of the sched- After the final whistle blows. Dad Administration Building, time 9 three dollars this coming Friday event, said yesterday that many stu- ules of classes will be delivered by will be invited to a series of cof- .\.m. through 4 p.m. You are en- evening. dents are mislead in a few points Alpha Phi Omega to students' resi- fees and buffets slated at student couraged to do this rather than wait Tickets for the annual Military about the Ball, and issued the fol- dence halls by Thursday (Novem- residence halls. Climaxing the day- for "adding and dropping" which Ball will go on sale today in the lowing clarifications: ber 14), the registrar stated. Com- long program will be a "Casino begins on Tuesday of the first week Main Lobby of the Student Union muters will pick up their copies at Night" at the Student Union at 8 of classes at department offices at Building from 10 a.m. until 4:30. (Con't on Page 4, Col., 5) the Registrar's Office. pjti. 1 p.m. " *-| 111— BAND DAY - 1963 (Campus Photo-Albino! PAGE TWO CONNECTICUT DAILY CAMPUS MONDAY, OCTOBER 28. 1963 LETTERS TO THE EDITOR Connecticut PHONY MORALS merits of fraternity living versus threat o he Greek way. Not that "jungle" living. fraternities are turning into drunk- TO THE EDITOR: The Greeks claim their system en dens of debauchery, but that Regarding your editorial about the produces men, mature and alive and they are a mama's apron to which Southern New England Telephone awake to the world about them. These men are the leaders of to- frightened, bewildered college baby Daily Campus Company, did it ever occur to you may run and hide his bead when- morrow, attaining through their fra- to urge your readers to stop stealing ternities the leadership qualities and ever he is scared. Little fraternity from the Telephone Company? maturity so necessary in capturing boys are not so much needful of a way of life as for a mothers image MONDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1963 JACOB M. DUKER the respect of followers. to soothe their babyish brows. Editor's Note: Students, Stop Alas, the poor lowly Jungle. No Stealing! common bond is felt, no unity, none of the suave sophistication of frater- ISO STALLED Goal, But nity life may seep in DRUG DANGER After all, it is impossible to bring Is is interesting to note in Mr. culture to a cave man. Ambrose's reply to my letter he TO THE EDITOR: Suddenly, about midnight my does not explicitly deny my charges. Not In Itself Friday morning's article on the thoughts were interrupted by calls Both he and Mr. Rosenberg make student use of drugs at Yale Univer- coming from somewhere in the the much of the narrowness of the vote The Student Senate which was elected in the Spring Se- sity made reference to experiments vicinity of the fraternities, the at the disputed meeting.
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