The Daily Campus Serving the Storrs Community Since 1896 VoL LXXXIXNo. 30 The University of Connecticut Thursday, Oct 17, 1985 Kelley appeals lawsuit decision HARTFORD (AP)—The attorney for UConn basketball star Earl Kelley on Wednesday appealed a federal court decision dis- missing his lawsuit against the university Attorney Lubbie Harper Jr. also filed a request in US District Court for an extension of a court order temporarily barring an internal disciplinary hearing against the high-scoring guard As preseason practices went into their second day, Kelley found himself dividing his attention between schoolwork, bas- ketball and his ongoing battle to fend off charges stemming from an on-campus incident last spring that has already resulted in a criminal penalty of one year probation In addition to his disorderly conduct conviction in Superior Court, Kelley also faces school disciplinary measures. He and another student allegedly harrassed two other students and briefly abducted one of them in a search for a stu- dent who according to Kelley had stolen items from his dor- mitory room Additionally, the school has charged Kelley with keeping a pis- tol and several knives in his dorm room—a flagrant violation of UConn's Student Conduct Code that could result in his suspen- sion or expulsion CLASSIC READING—A student takes a moment to catch up on the day's news (Lisa Harper said he was disappointed with U.S District Judge M Hanson photo). Joseph Blumenfelcfs decision on Tuesday, which upheld the constitutionality of the school* s internal hearing procedure Har- per had challenged the hearing process because it does not allow a student to be actively represented by an attorney. Achille Lauro cruises home "While I respect the judge's decision on one hand I find it to be ROME (AP)—The Achille Lauro ended its of the longest-1Ved Italian governments since unacceptable on the other hand" Harper said Wednesday. odyssey of terror Wednesday, steaming into its World War II, split over how the piracy case was "Therefore I have filed an appeal today to the United States Court home port of Genoa where two more Pales- handled and appeared ready to falL Defense of Appeals for the second district in New York" tinians were charged in the killing of an Minister Giovanni Spadolinf s Republican Party American passenger during the ship's hijacking quit the 26-month-old Cabinet angered by The body of the dead American was flown to Craxfs refusal to detain a PLO official the United Rome for an autopsy, while the Italian govern- States accused of masterminding the hijacking ment faced collapse over its handling of the Klinghoffer" s body drifted to shore Monday hijack affair. near the Syrian port of Tartus Gennaro Calabrese De Feo, chief prosecutor Reports from the captain and others on the in Genoa, said all seven Palestinians accused in Achille Lauro said the Palestinian pirates shot last weeks hijacking of the cruise liner had been the 69-year-old New Yorker, who was confined charged with kidnapping and the murder to a wheelchair, when the ship was off Tartus of Leon Klinghoffer, the American tourist whose Oct 3 and threw him overboard body was found Monday along the Syrian State Department spokesmen in Washington coast said Klinghoffer apparently had been shot twice Prime Minister Bettino Craxfs coalition, one once in the head and once in the neck Confusion is the name of the USG funding game By Kim Nauer their less used boats to help pay for new parts, Daily Campus Staff but the ski club was given funds to buy skis The water polo team was given funds for swim caps because those are seen as team News Analysis equipment but jerseys for the rugby team are personal items and therefore not funded To Betts Fetherston, a psychology club rep- There has also been heated debate over resentative, the USG budget process is "a major whether the Norwich Mental Health Volunteers pain in the ass." actually need money for buses or whether they To others it is confusing time consuming or should carpool like the majority of other clubs inconsistent which travel. And for most clubs, the process is less finan- "You have to look at it clubby-club" Geissert cially rewarding this year. said "The sailing club has 40 members and 16 But tney have also been reminded of the pro- boats and the ski club has 600 members and no blem "With our not getting our fee increase, we skis," he said have less money to deal with this year," Warren Geissert explained that there are many dif- Geissert told four clubs represented at a recent ferent issues to consider when the clubs come Budget and Finance Committee meeting to the government for money. Membership size On a case-by-case basis, funding by the whether members pay dues, the per capita Undergraduate Student Government doesn't expenditure and how the club's events benefit A HELPING PAW—The Husky dog helps a child over the always seem fair. the entire campus are important con- fence at yesterday's soccer game (Mark Caswell photo). The sailing club was asked to sell some of siderations, he said See page 6 -v/" Inside Today: Weather Forecast: I More women are entering the military than ever before See Sunny and cool today with tem- page 7. peratures in the 50s Continued clear I Did you get a personal today? See page 15. at night with lows in the low 30s t, Page 2 The Dally Campus, Thursday. October 17, 1985 ALMANAC STATE NATION WORLD O'Neill may get raise Car bomb injures man Two Americans win HARTFORD (AP)—A commission charged with SALT LAKE CITY (AP)—A bomb exploded in a car recommending changes in salaries for elected state near the Mormon Temple on Wednesday, critically Nobel Prize in chemistry officials and judges informally agreed Wednesday on injuring a researcher who helped acquire a con- STOCKHOLM Sweden (AP)—Two Amercians an annual salary of about $85,000 for the governor, up troversial church document linked to two people whose work in determining molecular structure has from the current $65,000. killed in similar bombings the day before been used to develop hundreds of modern drugs won Mark Hofmann, a researcher of Mormon historical " I don't think we do too well by our governor now," the 1985 Nobel Prize for chemistry Wednesday. documents, was taken to LDS Hospital in critical con- Sweden's Royal Academy of Sciences on Wednes- said Joseph McCormick, chairman of the Commis- dition, said Lt Bill Gray. sion on Compensation of Elected State Officials day also gave the 1985 Nobel Prize for physics to Detectives had been looking for Hofmann on Wed- West Germany's Klaus von Klitzing, who made a dis- and Judges. nesday and had obtained search warrants for his Twenty-three states pay their governors more covery that is expected to lead to better quality elec- home said Salt Lake County Sheriff Pete Hayward A tronic goods. than Connecticut does. The highest paid governor in man described in a composite police drawing follow- the country is New York's, where the salary is Americans Herbert Hauptman and Jerome Karle ing Tuesdays bombings fit the description of Hof- are both physicists, but Nobel officials took the $100,000. mann, Hayward said exceptional step of awarding them the chemistry The commission is expected to vote on the pro- Hofmann had asked for a detective to talk to him at prize because their work in finding a method to deter- ixjsal later this month or next, but any raises would LDS Hospital, the sheriff said mine crystal structure has become indispensable have to be approved by the 1986 General Assembly Friends of Hofmann said he had received threats to chemists. and could not take effect until January 1987—after on his life last week and had an appointment Tuesday Three other Americans have won Nobel Prizes this next year's statewide elections. with Steven F. Christensen, 31, a stockbroker and year. Dr. Michael & Brown and Dr. Joseph Goldstein Mormon documents researcher who was killed that received the Nobel Prize in medicine for discoveries Material prepared for the commission by the Office morning by a bomb left in front of his office in a about cholesterol and Franco Modigliani won the of Fiscal Analysis shows that there are nine state downtown building Nobel Prize in economics for pioneering theories of agency commissioners and one deputy com- Kathy Sheets, 50, was killed at her home later Tues- personal finance The Nobel Peace Prize was missioner earning more than the governor. day by a bomb apparently intended for her husband awarded to an anti-war organization. International The highest paid state agency head is the com- J. Gary Sheets, a Mormon bishop who was involved Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, that is missioner of mental health who receives $79,739 a with Christensen in efforts to determine the authen- led by U.S. and Soviet doctors. year. ticity of the "Salamander Letter." The document Hauptman was swimming at YMCA in Buffalo, NY, which runs counter to official Mormon accounts of "1 cannot understand how the governor of the when he received a telephone call from a colleague how the religon began, purportedly was written in telling him the news. "I'm still numb I was terribly state gets less money than some of the com- 1830 by Martin Harris, an early church follower of its missioners who report to him," said commission surprised I still can't believe it" Hauptman said founder, Joseph Smith Karle's wife and scientific collaborator, Isabella member Violet Karatzas, calling the situation Hofmann had just come out of either the Salt Lake "highly irregular." Karle said she wasn't sure her husband who was Temple or a church-owned gymnasium and got into aboard a trans-Atlantic flight to Washington from Eighteen states pay their lieutenant governors his sports car north of Temple Square when a bomb West Germany, had heard the news.
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