IN THE WORLD OF CONCERTAANÉTOPËRA Parker and American Music 'Concerning"L'OiseaiiiBieu" H. E. Krehbiel plan. The interruption he believed Maurice Maeterlinck's "fairy play," milk, sugar, light, bread, the fire A By Bird". the The sense of individual loss and the I and hoped would bo but temporary. "L'Oiseau Bleu"---"The Blue cat, dog. to the American the window end of a friendly personal communion Professor Parker's belief that Amer¬ which was introduced Suddenly openin» i New Theater nine vites and to which had brought cheer, encourage- ican students could hold their own in public at the years Tyltyl Mytyl begi<- ,.., done into an of the blue bird. ment and edification for a full gener¬ competition with foreigners in Euro¬ ago, has been opera by quest Off tj.ç., ation must in the pean conservatories was as well found- Albert Wolff. In its musical garb it first to the Land of Memory, «.¡5^ ,' give way contempla¬ Palace of tion of the death of Horatio Parker to ed as his- conviction that they needed will have its first performance on any the Night, next to th» Gs den of some reflections on what the dean of no chauvinistic coddling in their na¬ stage at the Metropolitan Opera House Happiness, then to the Cemet»_ the School of Music of Yale University tive land. Long years ago we took Saturday evening, December 27. M. and then to the Kingdom of is to be the ture. Still have stood for in American music. He did the trouble to look into the report of Maeterlinck expected guest they not captured .¦ blue not belong to the younger generation the Hochschule for the last year of of honor, while the composer, already bird, and,after all their a;r;. of composers, though he died before he his sojourn there. Of the 200 students favorably known as one of the Metro- tures return to their home and bat an man. 182 were Germans. The entire Ameri- conductors, will direct the When the morning a had become old He was a link politan's comes, neigfcfo.' _ can consisted of three The receipts will go to who looks very much like the between the class represented by J. C. contingent young performance. Kairv ¦ i D. Parker. Dudley Buck, John K. Paine women who studied pianoforte play¬ four charities.the Queen of the Bel¬ the opening scene, enters, to beg fa and George W. Chadwick, who sur¬ ing, a young man from Columbus, Ohio, gians Fund, the Millerand Fund for blue bird so that her suffering !¦.., vives him, though he was nis teacher who was in the violin class and three French Orphan Children, the Three Big child may be made well bv the »ht,< more than forty years ago, and that of young men besides himself who were Sisters Organization (Catholic, Protes¬ it. Looking around, they "re amaze«; ..' Edward MacDowell and his .successors, contemplating work as composers as tant and Jewish) and the Milk for discover that their own little tnrüa as of had some of whom, like David Stanley well performers. Tho three young Children America Fund. Both au¬ dove, which been in their hom«1 »!'¦ for were his men were Holden Howard thor and composer have their the time, has tnrned blue. Smith, instance, pupils. Henry Huss, waived, give it, and with the Gladly they He stands with these men as Parkhurat and Arthur royalties for this performance. giving their !¦..'. exemplars Whiting. They neighbor recovers her spirits. R of sound musicianship, in contradis¬ gave a good account of themselves at General Manager Gatti-Casazza has when Tylty) asks for its the return utf tinction to many clamorers for public the conservatory. Mr. Huss won spe- spared no pains in the preparation of little neighbor Bhows a reineta«. whose claims rest cial mention for excellence* in counter¬ to give it back the blue bird recognition upon this operatic fairy spectacle. The Rus¬ from both and disappears. e;cap?i professions of nationalism and con¬ point, and at the examination concerts sian painter Boris Anisfeld has pro¬ fessed contempt for the learning and he ligured with Parker in the list oi vided the scenery and designed the Other operas of the week, the sirü training which once were universally composers whose works were per¬ costumes. The "stage business" has of the season, will be "¡'armen'' to. conceded to ¡>e essential to artistic formed. Eight students in all figurée been under the direction of morrow evening, wi1 Farra" Richard and Romaine, and Mi srs, Martinell« creation. It is for this reason that, in the conservatory concerts of 188o Ordynski. Rosina Galli has arranged and Couzinou. Mr. \v<,:,r will with h than that of a and of were ~ feeling larger '84, four them Parker the dances. The choral element ha.' "Oberon" Wednes ,( ..' personal bereavement, we deplore in Parkhurst, Huss and Whiting. Of th« been Mines. Ponselle, Delaunois, «lordon a;v supervised by Giulio Setti. And Sundelius and Messrs. 'he death of Professor Parker a great four non-Americans the one wh« over Martinelli, Di«, only all has been the guiding eye ol Dua, d'Angelo, Laurenti and Reschi- loss to American music. achieved anything like eminence wa: the composer himself. The list of char¬ glian. The attitude of The Tribune toward Alberto Franchctti, of whose compost acters in the play is a long one. Ir "Madama Butterfly" as a Bpeiii a ¡Christmas matinee national art has been plain and con¬ tion a symphony and two open's, "As detail, the cast is as follows: Day Thursday, wit! sistent for many years.so and rael" Mmes. Farrar and Messrs. HarroM plain 'and "Germania," have been hear« Tyltyl and Scotti. consistent that we do not believe it has at the th .Raymonde Delaunoii Metropolitan Opera House, Mytyl, .Mary Klli¡ "Cavalleria Rusticana' and Tl been misunderstood by former in Mother Tyl.Florence Eastoi acci" anybody, though the German régime, the lat Father Thursday evening. The former frequently misrepresented by men self¬ ter in one of the Tyl.Paolo Ananiai sung by Mmes. Destinn. Perinl and early years of Signo Grandmother Tyl.........Louise Bera Mattfeld and Messrs. Althotue ishly concerned with the commercial Gatti-Casazza. To Mr. Gatti fell th Grandfather Tyl.Leon Rothie Chalmers. in. side of the art and misconceived Maternal Love. .Florence Eastoi "Pagliacci" sung by Mi?s by honor of giving public production als- Joy of Understanding.Gladys Axmai Muzio and Messrs. Caruso, Amato small talents incapable of realizing to Professor Parker's opera "Mona,. Light .Fiora Perin Laurenti and Paltrinier this journal's ideals. American music, the of which Father Time.Leon Rothie Puccini's "Manon Lescaut" for the history forms an intet Bread .Mario Laurent first time this season by which term wo now moan music The Friday evening esting and instructive, if also rathe Little Girl.».Edna Kellogi with Mmes. Alda and I "gram and created and performed by native sons I Two Little Lovers. Messrs. deplorable, chapter in the career o Minnie Egener and Helena Marsl Crimi, Amato, de Seguróla of the United States, is, we believe, the theater in Bada, Laurenti, Rescl in, Paltr: proud lyric upper Broad Joy of Being Just.Margaret Faraan nieri and Audisio. Mr, every year coming more and more into way. Joy of Seeing What Is Beautiful .Cecil Ardei Papi w.il The conduct. the estate which The Tribuno has Fairy.Jeanne Gordoi in His Work As a Composer , Night.Frances "L'Italiana Algeri" at the Saíur- wished to have it enter; and for that The Ingrar, To Cat.Margaret Romain day matinee, with Mmes. Sesanioni, reason the writer has less and less that history we might return i The Dog.Robert Couzino Sundelius and Howard and Me;;;.. it, Mme. cause to affect the belief of a careless had not been made the subjec Berlingot.Jeanne Gordo; Hackett, de Luca, Didur and Piece. Happiness.Mary Mellis Miss Gaili and Mr. characteristic of the that of lather elaborate discussion in thes The Child.Adelina Vosai Bonfiglio will fen«. spirit, time, Milk Mr. Papi will conduct. American music means columns within the last year. It i .Mary TifTan the songs of Water.Adelina Vosai more pertinent to the purpose whic Sugar.Octave Du Fire we had in view when we began the re .Angelo Bad Another Child.Miss Kenned Charl-es Carver, Pianist The Late Horatio Parker flections invited by the intelligence o First Child.Miss Bellci Professor Parker's death to call at Second Child.Miss Florenc T+iird Child.Miss Borniggi tention to his, achievements in th Fourth Child.Phyllis Whit field of composition, especially th Fifth Child.Miss Manetl achievements which him brought fnm To refresh the minds of operagoer in England and also respect Tor Amei the story may be outlined briefly a ican musicianship. He did a larg Calcnöar for toe Current Wccü follows: amount of work in the smaller form: SUNDAY.Carnegie Hall, 3 p. ni., conceit of music such as secular songs and anthem pianoforte by Sergei Rach- Tyltyl and Mytyl are the children o maninoff; 8:15 p. m., concert Cantor Josef a for the church, and carried for yeai by Rosenblatt; 3 p. m., piano¬ poor woodchopper. To-morrow i forte recital 2:15 Christmas a large burden of the drudgery ei by Philip Gordon; Hippodrome, p. m., concert by Emmy Day, but for them there i and nó tree nor tailed by his duties as organist an Destinn, Philip Bennyan Jacques, Pintel; Metropolitan Ópera House, Christmas stocking. So af teacher; but it. was while these bu 8:30 p.
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