city3/3A, Stagecoach 3/3A COVID-19 Timetable from 1st February 2021 From Monday 1st February 2021, the Oxford Bus Company city3A and Stagecoach 3A services will be temporarily amended to provide a daily link to the new mass vaccination centre at Kassam Stadium. The services will also be extended to serve Oxford Rail Station and Cowley Centre via Greater Leys / Blackbird Leys. For details, please visit www.oxfordbus.co.uk/covid-19 3 Oxford City Centre • Iffley Road • Rose Hill Mondays to Fridays except Public Holidays 3A Oxford Rail Station • Oxford City Centre • Oxford Science Park • Kassam Stadium • Cowley Centre Operator SC OBC SC SC OBC SC OBC OBC SC OBC SC SC OBC SC OBC OBC Bus Number 3 3 3 3A 3 3 3 3A 3 3 3 3A 3 3 3 3A Oxford, Rail Station 0625 0655 0725 0755 Oxford, Westgate, E1 0555 0615 0630 0635 0640 0650 0700 0705 0710 0720 0730 0735 0740 0750 0800 0805 Oxford, Magdalen Road 0603 0623 0638 0643 0648 0658 0708 0713 0718 0729 0739 0744 0749 0759 0809 0814 Rose Hill, The Oval 0611 0631 0646 0656 0706 0716 0726 0739 0749 0759 0809 0819 Littlemore, The George Pub 0651 0721 0753 0823 Oxford Science Park, Sadler Building 0656 0726 0758 0828 Oxford Science Park, Magdalen Centre 0657 0727 0759 0829 Kassam Stadium 0659 0729 0801 0831 Greater Leys, Long Ground 0703 0733 0805 0835 Blackbird Leys, The Blackbird 0707 0737 0809 0839 Cowley Centre 0711 0741 0813 0843 Operator SC OBC SC SC OBC SC OBC OBC SC OBC SC OBC SC SC OBC SC Bus Number 3 3 3 3A 3 3 3 3A 3 3 3 3 3A 3 3 3 Oxford, Rail Station 0825 0855 0930 Oxford, Westgate, E1 0810 0820 0830 0835 0840 0850 0900 0905 0910 0920 0930 0935 0940 0945 0955 1005 Oxford, Magdalen Road 0819 0829 0839 0844 0849 0859 0909 0914 0919 0929 0939 0944 0949 0954 1004 1014 Rose Hill, The Oval 0829 0839 0849 0859 0909 0919 0929 0939 0949 0954 1004 1014 1024 Littlemore, The George Pub 0853 0923 0958 Oxford Science Park, Sadler Building 0858 0928 1003 Oxford Science Park, Magdalen Centre 0859 0929 1004 Kassam Stadium 0901 0931 1006 Greater Leys, Long Ground 0905 0935 1010 Blackbird Leys, The Blackbird 0909 0939 1014 Cowley Centre 0913 0943 1018 Operator OBC OBC SC OBC SC SC OBC SC OBC OBC SC OBC SC SC OBC SC Bus Number 3A 3 3 3 3A 3 3 3 3A 3 3 3 3A 3 3 3 Oxford, Rail Station 1000 1030 1100 1130 Oxford, Westgate, E1 1010 1015 1025 1035 1040 1045 1055 1105 1110 1115 1125 1135 1140 1145 1155 1205 Oxford, Magdalen Road 1019 1024 1034 1044 1049 1054 1104 1114 1119 1124 1134 1144 1149 1154 1204 1214 Rose Hill, The Oval 1034 1044 1054 1104 1114 1124 1134 1144 1154 1204 1214 1224 Littlemore, The George Pub 1028 1058 1128 1158 Oxford Science Park, Sadler Building 1033 1103 1133 1203 Oxford Science Park, Magdalen Centre 1034 1104 1134 1204 Kassam Stadium 1036 1106 1136 1206 Greater Leys, Long Ground 1040 1110 1140 1210 Blackbird Leys, The Blackbird 1044 1114 1144 1214 Cowley Centre 1048 1118 1148 1218 Operator OBC OBC SC OBC SC SC OBC SC OBC OBC SC OBC SC SC OBC SC Bus Number 3A 3 3 3 3A 3 3 3 3A 3 3 3 3A 3 3 3 Oxford, Rail Station 1200 1230 1300 1330 Oxford, Westgate, E1 1210 1215 1225 1235 1240 1245 1255 1305 1310 1315 1325 1335 1340 1345 1355 1405 Oxford, Magdalen Road 1219 1224 1234 1244 1249 1254 1304 1314 1319 1324 1334 1344 1349 1354 1404 1414 Rose Hill, The Oval 1234 1244 1254 1304 1314 1324 1334 1344 1354 1404 1414 1424 Littlemore, The George Pub 1228 1258 1328 1358 Oxford Science Park, Sadler Building 1233 1303 1333 1403 Oxford Science Park, Magdalen Centre 1234 1304 1334 1404 Kassam Stadium 1236 1306 1336 1406 Greater Leys, Long Ground 1240 1310 1340 1410 Blackbird Leys, The Blackbird 1244 1314 1344 1414 Cowley Centre 1248 1318 1348 1418 OBC - Journeys operated by Oxford Bus Company. SC - Journeys operated by Stagecoach. cityzone passes are not valid on Stagecoach journeys. city3/3A, Stagecoach 3/3A COVID-19 Timetable from 1st February 2021 From Monday 1st February 2021, the Oxford Bus Company city3A and Stagecoach 3A services will be temporarily amended to provide a daily link to the new mass vaccination centre at Kassam Stadium. The services will also be extended to serve Oxford Rail Station and Cowley Centre via Greater Leys / Blackbird Leys. For details, please visit www.oxfordbus.co.uk/covid-19 3 Oxford City Centre • Iffley Road • Rose Hill Mondays to Fridays except Public Holidays 3A Oxford Rail Station • Oxford City Centre • Oxford Science Park • Kassam Stadium • Cowley Centre Operator OBC OBC SC OBC SC SC OBC SC OBC OBC SC OBC SC SC OBC SC Bus Number 3A 3 3 3 3A 3 3 3 3A 3 3 3 3A 3 3 3 Oxford, Rail Station 1400 1430 1500 1530 Oxford, Westgate, E1 1410 1415 1425 1435 1440 1445 1455 1505 1510 1515 1525 1535 1540 1545 1555 1605 Oxford, Magdalen Road 1419 1424 1434 1444 1449 1454 1504 1514 1519 1524 1534 1544 1549 1554 1604 1614 Rose Hill, The Oval 1434 1444 1454 1504 1514 1524 1534 1544 1554 1604 1614 1624 Littlemore, The George Pub 1428 1458 1528 1558 Oxford Science Park, Sadler Building 1433 1503 1533 1603 Oxford Science Park, Magdalen Centre 1434 1504 1534 1604 Kassam Stadium 1436 1506 1536 1606 Greater Leys, Long Ground 1440 1510 1540 1610 Blackbird Leys, The Blackbird 1444 1514 1544 1614 Cowley Centre 1448 1518 1548 1618 Operator OBC OBC SC OBC SC SC OBC SC OBC OBC SC OBC SC SC OBC SC Bus Number 3A 3 3 3 3A 3 3 3 3A 3 3 3 3A 3 3 3 Oxford, Rail Station 1600 1630 1700 1730 Oxford, Westgate, E1 1610 1615 1625 1635 1640 1645 1655 1705 1710 1715 1725 1735 1740 1745 1755 1805 Oxford, Magdalen Road 1619 1626 1636 1646 1651 1656 1706 1716 1721 1726 1736 1746 1751 1756 1806 1816 Rose Hill, The Oval 1637 1647 1657 1707 1717 1727 1737 1747 1757 1807 1817 1827 Littlemore, The George Pub 1628 1700 1730 1800 Oxford Science Park, Sadler Building 1633 1705 1735 1805 Oxford Science Park, Magdalen Centre 1634 1706 1736 1806 Kassam Stadium 1636 1708 1738 1808 Greater Leys, Long Ground 1640 1712 1742 1812 Blackbird Leys, The Blackbird 1644 1716 1746 1816 Cowley Centre 1648 1720 1750 1820 Operator OBC OBC SC OBC SC SC OBC SC OBC OBC SC SC OBC SC OBC OBC Bus Number 3A 3 3 3 3A 3 3 3 3A 3 3 3A 3 3 3A 3 Oxford, Rail Station 1800 1830 1900 1930 2000 Oxford, Westgate, E1 1810 1815 1825 1835 1840 1845 1855 1905 1910 1920 1935 1940 1950 2005 2010 2020 Oxford, Magdalen Road 1821 1826 1836 1846 1851 1856 1902 1912 1917 1927 1942 1947 1957 2012 2017 2027 Rose Hill, The Oval 1837 1847 1857 1907 1910 1920 1935 1950 2005 2020 2035 Littlemore, The George Pub 1830 1900 1925 1955 2025 Oxford Science Park, Sadler Building 1835 1905 1930 2000 2030 Oxford Science Park, Magdalen Centre 1836 1906 1931 2001 2031 Kassam Stadium 1838 1908 1933 2003 2033 Greater Leys, Long Ground 1842 1912 1937 2007 2037 Blackbird Leys, The Blackbird 1846 1916 1941 2011 2041 Cowley Centre 1850 1920 1945 2015 2045 Operator SC OBC SC OBC SC OBC SC OBC SC OBC SC OBC SC OBC Bus Number 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Oxford, Westgate, E1 2035 2050 2105 2120 2135 2150 2205 2220 2235 2250 2305 2320 2335 2350 Oxford, Magdalen Road 2042 2057 2112 2127 2142 2157 2212 2227 2242 2257 2312 2327 2342 2357 Rose Hill, The Oval 2050 2105 2120 2135 2150 2205 2220 2235 2250 2305 2320 2335 2350 0005 OBC - Journeys operated by Oxford Bus Company. SC - Journeys operated by Stagecoach. cityzone passes are not valid on Stagecoach journeys. city3/3A, Stagecoach 3/3A COVID-19 Timetable from 6th February 2021 From Saturday 6th February 2021, the Oxford Bus Company city3A and Stagecoach 3A services will be temporarily extended to serve Oxford Rail Station and Cowley Centre via Greater Leys / Blackbird Leys. Also, the Oxford Bus Company city3 and Stagecoach 3 services will operate to a Sunday timetable on Saturdays with a few additional journeys to match the levels of demand during the third national lockdown. For details, please visit www.oxfordbus.co.uk/covid-19 3 Oxford City Centre • Iffley Road • Rose Hill Saturdays 3A Oxford Rail Station • Oxford City Centre • Oxford Science Park • Kassam Stadium • Cowley Centre Operator SC OBC SC SC SC OBC OBC SC SC OBC SC OBC OBC SC SC OBC Bus Number 3 3 3 3A 3 3A 3 3 3A 3 3 3A 3 3 3A 3 Oxford, Rail Station 0730 0800 0830 0900 0930 Oxford, Westgate, E1 0635 0705 0735 0740 0805 0810 0820 0835 0840 0850 0905 0910 0920 0935 0940 0950 Oxford, Magdalen Road 0643 0713 0743 0748 0813 0818 0828 0843 0848 0858 0913 0918 0928 0943 0948 0958 Rose Hill, The Oval 0652 0722 0752 0822 0837 0852 0907 0922 0937 0952 1007 Littlemore, The George Pub 0758 0828 0858 0928 0958 Oxford Science Park, Sadler Building 0803 0833 0903 0933 1003 Oxford Science Park, Magdalen Centre 0804 0834 0904 0934 1004 Kassam Stadium 0806 0836 0906 0936 1006 Greater Leys, Long Ground 0810 0840 0910 0940 1010 Blackbird Leys, The Blackbird 0814 0844 0914 0944 1014 Cowley Centre 0818 0848 0918 0948 1018 Operator SC OBC OBC SC SC OBC SC OBC OBC SC SC OBC SC OBC OBC SC Bus Number 3 3A 3 3 3A 3 3 3A 3 3 3A 3 3 3A 3 3 Oxford, Rail Station 1000 1030 1100 1130 1200 Oxford, Westgate, E1 1005 1010 1020 1035 1040 1050 1105 1110 1120 1135 1140 1150 1205 1210 1220 1235 Oxford, Magdalen Road 1014 1019 1029 1044 1049 1059 1114 1119 1129 1144 1149 1159 1214 1219 1229 1244 Rose Hill, The Oval 1024 1039 1054 1109 1124 1139 1154 1209 1224 1239 1254 Littlemore, The George Pub 1028 1058 1128 1158 1228 Oxford Science Park, Sadler Building 1033 1103 1133 1203 1233 Oxford Science Park, Magdalen Centre 1034 1104 1134 1204 1234 Kassam Stadium 1036 1106 1136 1206 1236 Greater Leys, Long Ground 1040 1110 1140 1210 1240 Blackbird Leys, The Blackbird 1044 1114 1144 1214 1244 Cowley Centre 1048 1118 1148 1218 1248 Operator SC OBC SC OBC OBC SC SC OBC SC OBC OBC SC SC OBC
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