Heart Of The UF Story Its 13 Agencies United Fund THE WESTFIELD LEADER Drive Nears THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY YEAR—No. 6 Second Clase Postage Paid Published at Wcstfteld, N. J. WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1963 Every Thursday 38 Page*—10 Cent* $750 Million Bond Program Bike Chock heStory Of Jung Soon 1.1. Thomas Calalon today an- nounced (hat bicycle Inspection Housing Topic Dominates To Be Aired Here Oct. 10 and registration will tuke place Saturday from 9 to 11:30 a.m. in The proposed $750 million bond plan will be tlie topic for discussion the lot at thc rear of thc Muni- -And Her 900 Parents at a public meeting to be held next Thursday at 8:15 p.m. at Roosevelt cipal Building. Every bike with Is dale was Sept. 28, 1958. The Junior High School. The Leagues of Women Voters of 11 Union County a 21 inch, <.•• more, wheel base Civil Rights Panel Talk % Pusan, Korea, and the inci- communities are sponsoring the meeting. Tlie bond plan will be presented must be licensed. Voter Signup Off to the voters of New Jersey Nov. 5 in the form of two public questions: Housing was the dominant topic t (he plaintive cry of a tiny Legion Post Arruugeg at last week's panel discussion at mt girl tossed into a bundle and Registration of new voters for one for bonds in the amount of $475 'A Night of Music' Temple Kmunu-KI on "How tlie Civil on o street corner, this year's election was lets thnn million for the construction and im-Police Press Hunt Oct. 12 Flag Display Rights Crisis Affects You." case history read: Name?— last year, Mrs. Joy C. Vreeland, provement of public roads and high- Martin Wallberg Post, 3, American Jung Soon; Father?—Unknown; town clerk, reported today. ways; the other for $215 million for To Kick-Off UF The panel was sponsored by the public building construction. Legion will place flogs along Broad Westfield-Mountalnsido Area B'nal ilfcer? Unknown; Relative or She said 593 persons were reg. For Gunman Who St., South Ave., and Central Avo. on B'rilh. Dr. Erwin Schoenewaldt, ^-Unknown. That was the lslered In the enrollment period William Kirchner will appear as Columbus Day, Oct. 12. president of thc Westfield Area Com- 7 in 1959. which ended Thursday night. Governor Hughes' personal repre- 1963 Campaign mittee for Human Rights, was mod- Last : far, she said, about 800 Robbed Depot Legionnaires, bended by Morris kit today it's a different story for sentative to present thc administra- Kamler, chairman of the flag com- erator. registered. tion's arguments in favor of the ref- ig Soon, now four years old. mittee, will meet at 7 a.m. at town MiiHical Review Set Representing the Westfield Board ang Soon !»s a foster parent, Total registration as of last erendum. John Fasoli, president of Bunclit Got $3,046 hall for the assignment. March was 16,156. the New Jersey Taxpayers Associa- At WHS Oct. 11th; of Realtors In thc housing discus- fact she has more than 900 fos- In Holdup of CRR sion was H. H. Barrett Jr., a West- parents and a iike number of tion, will present the point of view of Tickets Available field Realtor. Mr. Barrett In his nds, and this marks the second those who question the need for nd- Fnnwood Station Plan Dinner Dunce An increasing demand for tickets talk contended that viewed from a r of their "parenthood." Fried Lambastes ditiona) sources of revenue at the moral and sociological standpoint oday Jung Soon is the "adopted" present time. Police authorities yesterday were The annual dinner dance of thefor "A Night of Music" to be pre- pressing their hunt for a two-gun Westfield Chamber of Commerce sented next Friday night, Oct. 11there was little disagreement, eco- ghler of the entire student body Mrs. Paul Moffett, chairman of nomically however, there Is a wide Loosevelt Junior High School. The Freeholder Pay, bandit who held up the ticket agent will bo held at 7 p.m. Ocl. 17 nlat H p.m. in the Westfield High the New Jersey league of Women at the Jersey Central Railroad Fan- Shnckamaxon Golf nnd Country Club. School auditorium, plus the comple- . Mr. Unrrctt ndded that bal- tents have taken her under their Voters Stale Taxes committee, will anced or controlled integration had i| "financially" and are contrib- wood station Tuesday morning and II will be combined with a brief an- tion of program delnils, was an- speak for the league, which lias ad- fled with $3,046 in cash. nual meeting. nounced today by spokesmen for thebeen tried in another area and that % J180 a year for her support, Clerk Actions vocated an income tax as the fairest ut least one expert In New Jersey mj Soon Is now in an orphanage The ngent, Michael J. Ruscettn, Thc chamber's golf tournament two sponsoring agencies, The United mepns of increasing state revenues. will tee-off at 9 a.m. that day. Fund of Westfield nnd the Weslficld UiouKlit that this might be a proper Korea where, with hundreds of Arthur C. Fried of Westficld, Dem- State Sen. Wayne Dumont, who has40, of Marlinsvillc, was returning to way lo solve the matter in the future. ocratic candidate for Union County his office after attending a west- Recreation Commission. er brother and sister orphans she :ome out in favor of a state sales In bis remarks Mr. Barrett Indi- eng given the proper care, food, Freeholder, today pledged to work ax, will speak for this. Members bound mail train when the bandit Intended ns a "kick-off" for tho to rescind the $1,500 pay raise for MltS. KATIIERINE M. KOROMI put a gun to his back, followed him School Enrollment ra United Fund Campaign which cated (hat Introduction of a minority thing and education through the )f the audience will have a chance group into u majority group area toss and generosity of Roose- freeholders and put the question be- o question all speakers. into tlie office and emptied tlie cash will open on the following day, the fore thc voters. drawer and unlocked safe. He then musical evening will also provide does have an economic effect. He I'I student population, Mrs. Koromi Named Mrs. Donald VanDyke, of Chat- At Record 8,518 poinled out that under existing Fed- lore than a year ago the Student In a statement released to the ham, a member of tlie state League forced Mr. Ruscetta to stretch out a tuneful review of the summer on the floor of the baggage room concerts presented in Mindowiiskin eral laws one and two family mcil, which represents the pupils Leader Mr. Fried said: board, will be the moderator. She Dr. S. N. Ewan Jr., superintend- houses and those witli no govern- Roosevelt, wanting to do some- has presided over the discussion of and warned him not to move or cry ent of schools, today announced that Park under the auspices of the Rec- "I accept the mantle as one ofAuditor for 1963 out for 15 minutes. reation Commission. ment financing are exempt from sg to help other people, looked Harry V. Osborne's opponents in the many New Jersey issues viewed on on Monday I lie school enrollment hud N. J. State controls on housing dis- o a number of projects and found channel 13 last winter. The station agent remained there increased 292 students over this time Joseph K. C'olcman, recreation di- crimination. He said legislation was campaign for the freeholder elec- rector, and William llcn.snn, execu- they "could put their hearts tion on Nov. 5. "1 do not, however, UF Campaign about threo or four minules. He last year for a now total of 8,510 now pending which might change Mrs. Wilbert A. Allen, president of went to the phono but found the students. tive secretary of the United Fund, accept his categorizing of the free- the Westfield league, urged nil resi- announced that tickets are available lis. Adopting" Jung Soon through the holder raise issue as 'becoming a Appointment of Mrs. Kalherlnc M. wires ripped. He then drove lo Enrollment gains were greatest at dents lo attend this meeting. She nearby police headquarters. Wheth- tlie senior high school as IBM) stu-at all five financial institutions in "Can we in good conscience go s!*r Parents Plan, Inc. was their political target' in spite of assur- Koromi, assistant cashier of thc Na-said that although the league has Westfield ami in addition will be oul and further the cause of civil m, and so it is again this school ances he claims wore given that it ional Bank of Westfield, as cam- er the bandit fled in a car or ondents were in attendance for an in- rights by introducing n fnctor In a taken a stand on this issue, after foot Is not known. crease of 129. available at the dour Friday night. if. would not be made an issue this paign auditor for the 19fi3 solicitation leighborliuod which ultimately, if many years of careful study of the Tlie investigation is being con- Tlie junior high school enrollment However, both urged that those ke $180 a year financial commit- fail. by tho United Fund of Westfield was fiscal policies of the stale, as n mat- planning to attend obtain tickets not properly controlled, might harm st is raised by the students eported today by Arthur C. Fried, tinued under the direction of Police Jumped (14 to n new high of 11HI2.
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