Preservation Oklahoma April 2016 NEWS Volume XXII, Issue 3 7KHMRLQWSXEOLFDWLRQRIWKH6WDWH+LVWRULF3UHVHUYDWLRQ2ɝFH and Preservation Oklahoma, Inc. PREPARING FOR PRESERVATION LEADERSHIP Oklahomans will celebrate the National Historic Preservation Act’s 50th Anniversary during Preservation is Golden: Oklahoma’s 28th Annual Statewide Preservation Conference (Enid, Õi£Î®° ÕÌ]ÜiÕÃÌ`Ài`ÕÀ}Ì iViiLÀ>ÌÌ >ÀiyiVÌ«>ÃÌ>VV«Ã iÌð 7iÕÃÌVÃ`iÀ ÜÌÃÕÃÌ>Ì iiÌÕvÌ iÃÌ>ÌiÜ`i«ÀiÃiÀÛ>ÌÛiiÌ ÌÌ ivÕÌÕÀi>``iÛi«}ÃÌÀ}i>`iÀà «ÃÌ iiÞ°-iÛiÀ>VviÀiViÃiÃÃÃÜ iÝ«ÀiÌ i}`i««ÀÌÕÌiÃvÀ`Û`Õ>ÃÌ>ÃÃÕii>`iÀà «ÀiÃ>`ÃÌÀ>Ìi}ià vÀLÕ`}ivviVÌÛiÀ}>â>ÌÃvÀÃÌ>Ìi>`V>«ÀiÃiÀÛ>Ì«À}À>ð "/ ÕÀÃ`>Þ>vÌiÀ­ÕiÓ®]i Õ«vÌ i1ÛiÀÃÌÞviÌÕVÞÜ«ÀiÃiÌÌÜ ÜÀà «Ã`iÛÌi`ÌiÃÌ>Là }>ivviVÌÛiL>À`v`ÀiVÌÀði `Ã>* ° ° `- ÕV>Ì>Õ`>ÌÃ>`č`ÃÌÀ>ÌvÀ*ÕÀ`Õi1ÛiÀÃÌÞ°i >ÃÓÇÞi>ÀÃviÝ«iÀ- iViÛÕÌiiÀ>`«ÀwÌ>`ÃÌÀ>Ì]ÛÕÌiiÀ`iÛi«iÌ>`ÃiÀÛVi>VÌÛÌià >`i>`iÀà «`iÛi«iÌ°ÃÀiÃi>ÀV ÌiÀiÃÌÃVÕ`i}iiÀ>Ì>>`}i`iÀ`vviÀ- ences; volunteer recruitment; motivation; recognition and retention; trends in volunteerism; >`i>`iÀà «`iÛi«iÌ° ÀÃÌ]iÜ«ÀiÃi̺ vviVÌÛi >À`Ã\ÌiÀ«ÀiÌ}Ì i-VÀi >À`°»ÌvVÕÃiÃ`i- ÌvÞ}Ì i«ÕÀ«ÃiÃ>`vÕVÌv>ivviVÌÛiL>À`v`ÀiVÌÀð-Ì>vviÝ«iVÌ>ÌÃ>` ÛÕÌiiÀ>`iLiÀiÝ«iVÌ>ÌÃÜLi«ÀLi`>`à >Ài`°/ iÃÌÀÕVÌÕÀiv>ivviVÌÛi L>À`] VÕ`} iLiÀà «] ÌiÀà >` ÌiÀ ÌÃ] «ÀÛi iÌ `à vÀ `iÌvÞ} «- ÌiÌ>L>À`iLiÀÃ]>`£äÌ«ÃvÀÀiVÀÕÌ}iÜiLiÀÃ>Ài«ÀiÃiÌi`°/ iÀiÃv L>À`iLiÀÃ>Àià >Ài`]>}ÜÌ >iÝ>>ÌvvwViÀÃ>`Ì iÀ`ÕÌið>Þ]> £äÌiºÃVÀiV>À`»Ã«ÀiÃiÌi`]>`«>ÀÌV«>ÌÃÜ`iÌiÀi ÜÌ iÀL>À`i>ÃÕÀiÃ Õ«Ì i}>i½ÃÃVÀiL>À`°­ ÌÕi`«>}ix°® Garfield County Courthouse. Photo: POK Preservation Oklahoma, Incorporated Board of Directors 2015-2016 Mike Gallagher - President Alice Johnson Oklahoma City Oklahoma City Jeff Erwin - Vice-President Melyn Johnson Oklahoma City Texhoma >ÃÃ>`À>*iÌiÀÃ-iVÀiÌ>ÀÞ Travis Owens Tulsa Tulsa Melissa Hunt - Treasurer ÀiÞ* «Ã Moore Oklahoma City À° ÀÞ>à Charis Ward -ÌÜ>ÌiÀ Oklahoma City Charlie Burns Barrett Williamson Woodward Norman -ÕÃi >À` - >Üii Sunset in Dewey. Photo: POK Preservation Oklahoma News, the newsletter of Oklahoma’s historic preservation community, is published quarterly DVDMRLQWSURMHFWRI3UHVHUYDWLRQ2NODKRPDDQGWKH2NODKRPD+LVWRULFDO6RFLHW\6WDWH+LVWRULF3UHVHUYDWLRQ2ɝFH Co-Editors Melvena Heisch David Pettyjohn 'HSXW\6WDWH+LVWRULF3UHVHUYDWLRQ2ɝFHU ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU 6WDWH+LVWRULF3UHVHUYDWLRQ2ɝFH 3UHVHUYDWLRQ2NODKRPDΖQF Oklahoma Historical Society The Henry Overholser Mansion Oklahoma History Center 405 NW 15th Street 800 Nazih Zuhdi Drive Oklahoma City, OK 73103 2NODKRPD&LW\2. ZZZSUHVHUYDWLRQRNRUJ ZZZRNKLVWRU\RUJVKSRVKSRPKWP 7KHDFWLYLW\WKDWLVWKHVXEMHFWRIWKLVQHZVOHWWHUKDVEHHQȴQDQFHGLQSDUWZLWK)HGHUDOIXQGVIURPWKH1DWLRQDO3DUN 6HUYLFH86'HSDUWPHQWRIWKHΖQWHULRU+RZHYHUWKHFRQWHQWVDQGRSLQLRQVGRQRWQHFHVVDULO\UHȵHFWWKHYLHZVRU policies of the Department of the Interior, nor does the mention of trade names or commercial products constitute HQGRUVHPHQWRUUHFRPPHQGDWLRQE\WKH'HSDUWPHQWRIWKHΖQWHULRU 7KLVSURJUDPUHFHLYHV)HGHUDOȴQDQFLDODVVLVWDQFHIRULGHQWLȴFDWLRQDQGSURWHFWLRQRIKLVWRULFSURSHUWLHV8QGHU 7LWOH9ΖRIWKH&LYLO5LJKWV$FWRI6HFWLRQRIWKH5HKDELOLWDWLRQ$FWRIDQGWKH$JH'LVFULPLQDWLRQ$FWRI DVDPHQGHGWKH86'HSDUWPHQWRIWKHΖQWHULRUSURKLELWVGLVFULPLQDWLRQRQWKHEDVLVRIUDFHFRORUQDWLRQDO RULJLQGLVDELOLW\RUDJHLQLWVIHGHUDOO\DVVLVWHGSURJUDPVΖI\RXEHOLHYH\RXKDYHEHHQGLVFULPLQDWHGDJDLQVWLQDQ\ SURJUDPDFWLYLW\RUIDFLOLW\DVGHVFULEHGDERYHRULI\RXGHVLUHIXUWKHULQIRUPDWLRQSOHDVHZULWHWR2ɝFHRI(TXDO 2SSRUWXQLW\1DWLRQDO3DUN6HUYLFH&6WUHHW1::DVKLQJWRQ'& 0DLODOOFRUUHVSRQGHQFHWR3UHVHUYDWLRQ2NODKRPD POK News Page 2 POK SEEKS NOMINATIONS FOR PRESERVATION AWARDS Preservation projects happen ONLY because of The Preservation Awards will be presented at the efforts of local citizens across our state. Pres- Preservation Oklahoma’s Annual Luncheon held ervation Oklahoma would like to applaud the at the Statewide Preservation Conference in Enid work of these individuals and groups whose te- on June 3, 2016. nacity, courage, and determination are the back- bone of successful preservation projects across Oklahoma. We are eager to compile our 2016 Preservation Award recipients and would like to solicit your assistance. Help us identify candi- dates whose work in historic preservation is note- worthy! Four awards will be given: Rural Private Sector, Rural Public Sector, Urban Private Sector, Urban Public Sector. Nomination forms are available online at www.preservationok.org or by calling OCU School of Law, 2015 Preservation Award Winner 405/525-5325. Nominations are due by May 2. Photo: Frankfurt-Short-Bruza Architects-Engineers PLANFIRST GRANTS AVAILABLE Do you have an upcoming preservation project? You need to Plan First! Preservation Oklahoma and Banc- First offer PlanFirst grants to assist with planning for a preservation project located in a BancFirst community. The grants are for a maximum of $1,500 in matching funds, and assist with preparatory work such as fea- sibility studies, Historic Structures Reports, architect’s drawings, etc. – all the “homework” that needs to be done before any good preservation project is under- PlanFirst Grant Presentation, Muskogee. Photo: POK taken! To learn more or to request an application, contact Preservation Oklahoma at 405/525-5325 or david@ preservationok.org. PlanFirst Grant Presentation, Duncan. Photo: POK POK News Page 3 Preservation is Golden: Oklahoma’s 28th Annual Statewide Preservation Conference June 1-3, 2016 Enid, Oklahoma Broadway Tower. Photo: POK. HEIN/DE MIESS TO ADDRESS PRESERVATION CONFERENCE Preservation is Golden: Oklahoma’s 28th Annual tion, “The Changing Face of Preservation and Main Statewide Preservation Conference will be held June Street,” which explores the impacts of increasingly 1-3 in Enid. The conference is one of the ways Oklaho- changing demographics on local economies and com- ma’s preservation partners are joining Preservation50, munity revitalization efforts nationwide. the national celebration of the 50th anniversary of the National Historic Preservation Act. Conference ses- Norma has found a unique niche in community-driv- sions will highlight the many accomplishments in the en revitalization. Her direct experience in local Main preservation of the Nation’s and Oklahoma’s heritage Street leadership and her ongoing work with hundreds that are direct results of the NHPA. Also, we will look of communities across the country provide a depth ahead to the challenges and opportunities for histor- of knowledge that helps communities come togeth- ic preservation in the coming decades. Two plena- iÀ Ì LÕ` VÃiÃÕÃ] `iwi ÃÌÀ>Ìi}iÃ] >` «i- ry speakers will share their national perspectives on ment successful revitalization programs. Through her these topics. entrepreneurial upbringing, Norma understands the needs and challenges of small business development. Erik M. Hein is Executive Director of the National Her civil engineering education makes a strong con- viÀiVi v -Ì>Ìi ÃÌÀV *ÀiÃiÀÛ>Ì "vwViÀÃ] nection with planning and implementation of physical the national membership organization representing improvements. And her experience in heritage tour- º-*"û LivÀi iiVÌi` vwV>Ã] vi`iÀ> >}iViÃ] ism offers insights on the promotion of communities’ non-governmental organizations and the public. He unique characteristics. Norma’s multicultural back- will present “The NHPA at 50: click Here to Save” in ground and bilingual skills are solid assets in under- the plenary session on Wednesday afternoon, June 1. standing increasingly changing demographics and helping communities implement strategies that build Before taking his position with NCSHPO, Erik was the more inclusive organizations and capitalize on the val- President of and Registered Lobbyist for Preservation ue of diversity for local economies. ƂVÌ]Ì i>Ì>«ÀwÌ}À>ÃÃÀÌÃLLÞ}À- ganization focused on federal historic preservation Full conference program and registration information policy. Prior to his work in federal preservation advoca- will be available in late April. VÞ] iÜÀi`>Ã>VÌÞ ÃÌÀV«ÀiÃiÀÛ>ÌvwViÀ]Ì i >ÃÃÃÌ>ÌiÝiVÕÌÛi`ÀiVÌÀv>V>«ÀwÌ]>`> Follow conference developments at program director at a statewide preservation organi- http://www.okhistory.org/shpo/conference.htm zation. and http://okpreservationconference.wordpress.com The second plenary speaker is Norma Ramirez de iÃð- iÃ-iÀ*À}À>"vwViÀ>` ÀiVÌÀv If you may have questions, contact Melvena Heisch, Leadership Development for the National Main Street Deputy SHPO (405/522-4484 or mheisch@okhistory. Center, located in Chicago. She will close the confer- org) or Kelly Tompkins, Director, Main Street Enid, Inc. ence on Friday afternoon, June 3, with her presenta- (580/234-1052 or [email protected]). POK News Page 4 PREPARING FOR PRESERVATION LEADERSHIP (Continued from page 1). board members and a dedicated membership to ac- complish their missions and goals. Next, he will present “Developing an Effective, Con- tributing Board of Directors.” A functional board of Ken Culp concludes the series of sessions with “Re- directors is a critical key component for a success- cruiting Youth Volunteers for Community Service.” If ful organization. Identifying, recruiting, empowering the preservation movement is to have sound leader- and developing the board of directors into an effec- ship in the coming decades, we must ensure that a tively working decision-making group are fundamen- new generation is getting involved. Youth can be the tal steps. The board of directors is the rudder of the easiest of all demographic groups to target for en- ship. Without strong leadership and guidance from gagement in community service activities. However, the board, the organization will be set adrift without
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