RARITAN TOWNSHIP B MOST PROGRESSIVE i WITH THE SUBURBAN NEWSPAPER LARGEST IN GUARANTEED THIS AREA CIRCULATION "The Voice of the Raritan Bay District" VOL. IV.—NO. 35 FORDS, N. J., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1930 PRICE THREE CENTS VARIETY SHOW TO Aspirants In Tuesday's Election APPEARANCE MADE CANDIDATES WIND UP CAMPAIGNS HERE; BE PRESENTED BY Herewith is a complete roster of candidates for county and IN EVERY TRAFFIC local officers to be voted upon in Woodbridge Township on election P. T. A, HERE TONITdayE, next Tuesday: SUMMONSJYRITTEN DEMOCRATS REPUBLICANS MAYOR, 3 COMMITTEEMEN TO BE NAMED Commissioner Pedersen Is State Senate 429 Drivers Given Tickets Master Of Ceremonies; John Toolan Morgan R. Sriffert And 429 Drivers Made To FT A Unit In Clara Barton HARVEST BALL ON Tax Collector Also To Be Fullerton Chairman General Assembly Show Up In Court RIPLEY FIGURE TO Serves Luncheon To Pupils Elected At Balloting In Fred W. Dc Voc Fred C. Hcyl Township Tuesday Ambrose Mudrak Parker E. Nielsen APPEAR AT DINNER CLARA BARTON—Hot lunch- TAP HERE SUNDAY MANY NOVELTY ACTS Bernard W. Vogel John VR. Strong SPEEDING~1S~REDUCED es for school children are now be- County Clerk ing served each Thursday noon in CONTROL IS AT STAKE Seton Hall College's Cham- Edward J. Patten Maxwell H. Mayar Rigid Check Kept Of All Don Tranger, Musical Wiz- the Clara Barton school cafeteria St. Stephen's Society Of pionship Fencing Team Coroner Cases; 'Influence' Fails ard, To Head Entertain- by members of the local Parent- Our Lady of Peace Church Republicans Run On Rec- William H. Jaqui Fred C. Skrocki Teacher Association. Included On Program Freeholders To Help Offenders • ment At P. B. A. Event The project is being conducted Sponsors Affair ord; Democrats Offer CLARA BARTON—A capacity Thomas F. Dolan George Kantra WOODBRIDGE—When bigger RARITAN TOWNSHIP — The to raise funds to pay for musical FORDS—St. Stephen's Society 9-Point Program attendance is anticipated at the Chester A. Lydecker Arthur W. Laraon thirteenth annual banquet and ball instruction for the new school of Our Lady of Peace Church will and better records are to be made band which is also being sponsored WOODBRIDGE — Relative variety show to be given tonight Committeeman-at-Large of the local unit of the Patrolmen's hold its first annual harvest and Edward A. Finn August K. Greiner the Woodbridge Police Depart- by the same organization. quiet exists over the local political in the auditorium of the Clara grape dance Sunday at th« church Township Committee—Ward 1 ment will make them. Benevolent Association, to be held front as both major political par- Barton school under the sponsor- Thomas Desmond Frederick A. Spencer At the present time, Wood- at the Pines, Friday evening, No- auditorium. Music for dancing ties apply the finishing touches to ship of the Clara Barton Parent- bridge Township has the distinc- vember 17, will feature Don Tran- will he furnished by Andvew Bev- their campaigns to control the Township Committee—Ward 2 COMMITTEE MAKES Township government. Teacher Association. tion of being one of the few mu-ger ,one of the best known nov- nai and his Rhythm Masters. Joseph A. Dambach, Jr. James F. Schaffrick nicipalities in the State that de- elty musicians, on the program of A series of rallies in the various Proceeds of the affair will go Township Committee—Ward 3 mands a personal appearance in RECEPTION PLANS Frank LaBance is general chair- sections of the community ami to the fund established for the Frank Wukovets Herbert B. Rankin court on every traffic ticket issued. professional entertainment. man. He is being assisted by Alex last-minute instructions to workers purpose of purchasing gym 'bas- Tax Collector No-one is permitted to escape. Tranger was mentioned in Rip- Piscatawaytown Club Will Kondas, John Ducias, John Bor- over the week-end will climax the kets for the school's physical Michael J. Trainer C. Albert Larson Since the first of the year, the ley's cartoon several years ago be- kesz, Steven Olesvari, Frank Kal- offensives which have been marked education department. Justice of the Peace police officers have issued 429 Entertain At Open man, Steve Kiss, Mrs. Andrew Ne- this year with calm and restraint. cause of his ability to play two and Four members will be elected to Joseph F. Fofrich Harold L. Schiller traffic tickets and the records show meth, Mrs. Frank Kaiman, Mrs. Some of the features of the that there were 429 personal ap- three wind instruments at one House Nov. 14 the Township Committee and a show will be a dancing exhibition Stephen Nagy, Mrs. Peter Petrie, POLICE OFFICER WEDS pearances. According to Chief time. PISCATAWAYTOWN The Tax Collector, whose term is for and tap and dance numbers by Many other excellent acts arc Mrs. Alex Kondas, Mrs. Andrew five years ,also is to be named. little Mary Ann Renner, selections MRS. COSKY NAMED of Police George Keating that Happy-Go-Lucky Girls' Club will MISS FLORENCE HIRKO total does not include the number being arranged by the committee, hold an open-house party for girls Nagy, Mrs. Charles Puskas, Mrs. Woodbridge Township voters al- by Joe Krainitz and Alex Nagy, which includes Officers Roland accordionists, and renditions by of direct arrests for motor vehicle of New Brunswick, Highland Park, John Greber, Mrs. Joseph Nagy so will participate in the selection : Daniel Panconi Gets Fords BY P,T.AJN FORDS violations, in which the offenders Wuest, John Calambneri and Piscatawaytown and vicinity Nov- and Mrs. Stephen Kiss. of a State Senator, three county Jean Gerlufsen, vocalist and danc- were brought in immediately by George Palko. members of the House of Asse-m- er. Girl As Bride In Church ember 14 at its headquarters here. The committee is arranging for Elected As Secretary Of Pa- the officers. If those arrests were Tickets are on sale and a sou- Entertainment and refreshments bly, two monVbers of the County A skit, titled, "An Apple for added to the 429 tickets it would several entertaining features. Re- Board of Freeholders, a county Rites enir program is being prepared. will feature the evening's pro- freshments will also be available. the Teacher," will be presented by rochial Unit To Succeed make a total of over 600 persons Tickets may be obtained from any gram. clerk, and a county coroner. They seventh grade pupils, under the di-. FORDS—Mr. and Mrs. Michael appearing in court to answer per- member of the police department. On the entertainment commit- also will pass upon the State-wide rection of Miss Estelle Johnson, a Hirko, of Paul Street, this place, Mrs. Gallagher sonally to traffic charges. referendum to authorize a bond is- Officer Albert Loblein is serv- tee are the Misses Gertrude Jo- PRIZES FOR COSTUMES member of the faculty. announce the marriage of their seph, Tina Raspa, Josephine Min- sue of $21,000,000 to finance the FORDS The Parent-Teacher "When we started the system ing as general chairman. He is State's share of unemployment re- Two dance numbers will also daughter, Florence, to Daniel Association of Our Lady of Peace cenberg, Irene George, Margaret WILL FEATURE PARTY Panconi, son of Mr. and Mrs. at the first of the year," Chief being assisted by the following: lief costs. be given by sixth grade pupils. In church elected Mrs. Joseph Cosky Keating said, "we were told that program, Officers Clarence Stout, Deles;>ndro and Antoinette De- Frank Panconi, of Maxwell Ave- secretary to the group to succeed Luca. Only two offices to be filled by addition, a fencing: exhibition will nue ,also of this place, on October it couldn't be done, that persons Thomas McKay, Roland Wuest and Awards To Be Made At Af- be presented by the Seton Hall Mrs. D. Gallagher, who resigned. with influence would put a snag Allan Rolfo, and publicity, Offi- The committee will meet at the the local electorate are subject to 4, at Our Lady of Peace Church. home of the president, Miss Raspa, fair Tomorrow Held By Township-wide vole. They arc College fencing team which has Father Ketter performed the cere- The following standing commit- in it. During the year prominent cers Calamoneri and Loblein. I won thirty-two straight bouts with- mony. ttces were also named: Welfare, persons did receive tickets and no C'arsey Street, Highland Park, Club In Oak Tree CmumitU'euuin-al-Large, common- out a loss. Each member holds Mrs. Joseph A. Dambach, Jr., Mrs.matter whom they approached November 7, to make further ly designated as Mayor, and Tax various fencing titles in individual The attendants were Dr. Anton- Coskoy, Mrs. M. Rataczak and Mrs.they were all told the same thing RARITAN REPUBLICANSplans. OAK TREE Arrangements Collector. For the former office, classes. io FanelH, of Perth Amboy and Swanick; Program, Mrs. John —that they would have to come in The election of officers for the have been completed for a Hallo- tho contenders are the oncumbent Mrs. Helen Zanzalari, sister of TO FETE COUNTY UNIT we'en dance to be held tomorrow The show will also include nu- Schmidt, and hospitality, MTS. Gal- to court. Of course, we had the coming year will be held on Nov- August F. Greiner who is seeking the groom. Mr. Panconi is an of- ya. ember 28, while on December 2. night in the Henry Street fire- his fourlli term, and E. A. Finn, merous other features and will get ficer on the Woodbridge Town- co-operation of the court and the officials." Make Plans To Entertain At the club will hold an anniversary house under the auspices of the Democratic nominee.
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