E1706 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 24, 2004 Highland Park, Frostproof, and Lake Hamilton Colorado’s First Lady is involved in many ment to take the Postal Service off-budget received relief at a critical time of need. The long-term projects that promote the great di- during the 1960s in an effort to stop congres- BERT team worked to reconstruct Poinciana’s versity and vibrant culture of Colorado. She sional attacks on the Postal Service. APWU is fire department and assisted with firefighting chairs the Colorado Commemorative Quarter an affiliate of the AFL–CIO, and Roy worked duties for the community. In addition, the team Advisory Commission for the design of Colo- closely with other labor leaders for the goals worked on debris clean-up, directed traffic, rado’s new quarter, which is planned for re- of this nation’s working men and women. and assisted in damage assessment activities lease in 2006. Frances has also been instru- Roy’s wife of 36 years, Marilyn, is also an throughout the area. In the end, the BERT mental in the privately funded renovation and APWU member, and they are the proud par- team accomplishments included 336 work restoration efforts of the Executive Residence, ents of two young men, Rick and Daniel. He hours removing trees from residences and which was originally constructed in 1908. has an A.A. Degree from Kinsborough Com- roadways; 14 hours traffic control; and deliv- Mr. Speaker, Frances Owens is a tremen- munity College in Brooklyn, New York, and a eries of 1,250 bags of ice, 450 cases of water dous asset to the State of Colorado. Her im- B.A. Degree from Richmond College in Staten and 150 prepared meals to hungry citizens. peccable record of dedication and service Island, New York. I would like to express my gratitude for the throughout her life is a high standard for any Roy will be retiring to the Phoenix, Arizona BERT team’s service. Their actions dem- public servant to match. Frances’ devotion to area where his sons are living. He plans to re- onstrated the dedication, selflessness, and the State of Colorado has advanced Colorado tain full APWU membership, and to become sacrifice of the human spirit that emerges from and certainly made it a better place to live and actively involved with the Phoenix Metro Area rubble of Mother Nature’s fury. I am proud to raise a family. I want to thank Frances for all Local (Arizona) and the Arizona Postal Work- represent the Fifth Congressional District of of her hard work, and I wish her all the best ers Union relating to legislative issues. He Florida, where members of the heroic in her future endeavors. also will be spending time traveling and relax- ing with family and friends. Brooksville Emergency Response Team call f home. f TRIBUTE TO ROY BRAUNSTEIN, f LEGISLATIVE DIRECTOR OF THE HONORING LATE REPRESENTA- PAYING TRIBUTE TO FRANCES AMERICAN POSTAL WORKERS TIVE WILLIAM NATCHER OWENS UNION, AFL–CIO HON. RON LEWIS HON. SCOTT McINNIS HON. CAROLYN B. MALONEY OF KENTUCKY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF COLORADO OF NEW YORK Thursday, September 23, 2004 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. LEWIS of Kentucky. Mr. Speaker, I rise Thursday, September 23, 2004 Thursday, September 23, 2004 today to pay public tribute to a remarkable Mr. MCINNIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Mrs. MALONEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today man of this House, the late William Huston pay tribute to the First Lady of Colorado, to pay tribute to my friend, Roy Braunstein, Natcher, on the occasion of The Kentucky Mu- Frances Owens. Frances is a compassionate Legislative Director of the American Postal seum and Library’s opening of the William H. and intelligent woman whose dedication and Workers Union (APWU). Natcher Political Collection, a compilation of commitment to her family and fellow citizens is Roy was hired in June 1973 with the United artifacts from his storied life and career. renowned and unprecedented. Long before States Postal Service, and worked as both a Congressman Natcher served in this body, she became Colorado’s First Lady, Frances Distribution Clerk and CMU Clerk during his preceding me as representative of the Second was an education advocate for children and a postal career. He will retire on November 6, District of Kentucky, from August l, 1953 until dedicated servant to her fellow Coloradans. I 2004. his death on March 29, 1994, having cast an am honored to stand before this body of Con- The APWU has more than 300,000 mem- astonishing 18,401 consecutive votes, a gress and this nation to recognize her many bers in every city, town and hamlet in the record most historians believe will never be accomplishments. United States and is the world’s largest postal matched. Through the years, he earned a rep- Frances is a Colorado native, spending her union. Roy was first elected in 1980 as the utation as an exceptionally hardworking and childhood in Texas before returning to Colo- APWU Legislative Aide, and was elected Leg- honest public servant, becoming one of the rado to receive a degree in Art History from islative Director in 1992. He was elected nine most highly-respected and influential members the University of Colorado at Denver. She times by the APWU membership. of congress in recent memory. began campaigning for former Senator Bill Before he came to Washington, D.C. in As years passed and his congressional se- Armstrong in the late 1970’s and served as 1960, Roy was active in the New Jersey niority increased, Natcher received several im- the Associate Director of the Colorado Council Shore Area Local where he served as Legisla- portant committee appointments, namely with- on Economic Education. Frances, who is mar- tive Director and Shop Steward. He was also in the powerful House Appropriations Com- ried to current Governor Bill Owens for twenty- the New Jersey State APWU Legislative Di- mittee. From 1961 to 1979, he chaired the Ap- nine years, has three children: Monica, Mark, rector and Editor. He served in community af- propriations District of Columbia sub- and Brett. She is actively involved in her chil- fairs as a member of the Barnegat, New Jer- committee, exercising control over spending in dren’s academic careers. sey Board of Education for three years and as the Nation’s capital. He later moved on to On January 12, 1999, Frances became the a member of the Ocean County New Jersey chair the subcommittee on labor, health and First Lady of Colorado, where she has made Mental Health Board. human services, influencing major legislation important strides for Colorado in public service In Washington, Roy served as a lobbyist for to advance education and promote public wel- by actively volunteering her time to various the APWU and has worked on a number of fare throughout the 1980’s. He was elected charitable projects and organizations through- issues important to the membership. During Chairman of the full House Appropriations out the state and by serving on boards such his tenure at the APWU, Roy worked to se- Committee in 1992, a position he held until his as the Children’s Hospital Cardiac Care Cen- cure passage of the Hatch Act, legislation death in 1994. ter, and the Colorado Opera. Frances is a granting greater political freedom for postal Congressman Natcher became a legend not dedicated advocate for children; her involve- and federal employees. Roy also played a key only for his effectiveness as a legislator but for ment crosses into many arenas, including sup- role in the eight year battle for the Family and his uncompromising dedication to the respon- port of Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic, Medical Leave Act which President Clinton sibilities of public service. Not only did he cast Samaritan’s Purse-Operation Christmas Child, signed into law in 1993. an unbroken chain of roll call votes over a 41- Make-A-Wish Foundation, and the Colorado Over the years, Roy worked diligently to year career, he also exercised a sincere rev- Historical Society. Frances currently serves as help win passage of the Federal Employees erence for the opinions of his constituents, the Honorary Chair for Early Childhood Inter- Retirement System Act, the Spouse Equity personally reading and responding to his own vention Awareness Day, where she continues Act, the Postal Employees Safety Enhance- mail. Though he attained a position of national to champion important issues for Colorado’s ment Act, the Veterans Employment Oppor- influence, he maintained a modest, respon- children. Frances widely promotes literacy and tunity Act, and many other legislative initiates sible lifestyle, never accepting political con- children’s programs like the annual Easter Egg to help working families. tributions, driving himself to and from work in Roll. Her latest honor, given by the Republican Roy fought to protect the viability of the his aged Chevrolet. He was a model citizen- Women Leadership Forum, was their Humani- Postal Service. He was a leader in the fight legislator worthy of an honored place in our tarian Award for civic involvement. against Postal Privatization, and the move- Nation’s history. VerDate jul 14 2003 01:16 Sep 25, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A23SE8.060 E24PT1 September 24, 2004 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1707 After several years of processing, the Wil- TRIBUTE TO THE 100TH ANNIVER- and abiding sense of professionalism. As his liam H. Natcher Political Collection will open to SARY OF THE STOUGHTON HOS- family and friends mourn this loss, I believe it the public Friday, October 1, 2004, at the Ken- PITAL is appropriate to remember Bob and pay trib- tucky Library and Museum on the campus of ute to him for his contributions to the state of Western Kentucky University.
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