()OltlPILEO l'BOJtl l~it:lLVS' \/ ISl'l'A'l'IO!IIIS, ll'VlotUli>l'J'ION!! llOll!l'Jillf, DBEPi, t.:HAlt'l'EUIS, ,VILLI!,, l'ARltlH JU!;GISTIUIS, .\II: U OTII IJ:lt OUU,l BY H. G. SOM:ERBY, ESQ. SIR HUllEli'l' LAWREN CE: had unns (a cross ruguley, gulcs) conferred upon hindiy Richard Cwur do Lion, for his bravery m scaling the ,valls of Acre, A Srn RoJERT LAWllENCE, of .,~htou llall, in Lancashire. I --, q.aughter of -- Tl·afford, llliq., QI 1u.ucashire. JAJi:s LAWllENCE, of Ashton ][all. I Matiltl:,, ,laugh~:-aud heir of John de Washington. Jou(- LAWUENCE, of Ashton;~~!~-; i\fargaret, ,laughter of Walter Chesfonl. Jo.h· LAWHENCE, of Ashton l::1;111. I Eliz,d,cth, <laughter of -- Holt, of Stabley, in Lancashire. I --- ----,-- - Sui H0111,u, r LAWlU:NVJ<:, of A:_'_' Ifoll, I J',,farg·arot, daughter of -- Holden, of Lancashire. r- I I sui ROllEJ• r LAWRBNCB, of .\shton Hall: li.-ing in 1454. = Amphilbus, daughter of :Edward Lollgford, Esq. Thomas Lawrence. William Lawrence. I I Hir JJ1es; awrencc, of A,;:t~1:;~l~~ -~~-;:Jcrt Lawrence. NrcHlLAS LAWRENCE, of Age~Cl'oft. = I i-- .l I I Tho1,1as L:1wrence. Nteholas L1wre11ce. Robert Lawrence. JJHN LAWRENCE;; of Suffolk: diedjn 1461. In the pedigree of the= Wiltam Lawrence. Henry La Lawrcnces of Ashton H,ill, under thf. name is written, "From this I John are descended the Lawrences 01 St. James' Park, in Suffolk." -------------- THO,~AS ~'- WREN~E, ·o; l,umln,rgh, in Suffolk; made his will July 17, 1471: owned lauds in Jl.umburg 1; South Elmhani, Spettishall, ·wisset, Holton, &c. I ( ____________ " ______ -~ Jomr LAW'1ENCE, of Ruml,urgh. ·will ,lated July 10, 1504, in which year he died and was buried in th, chureh. =Margery; died in 1507, and was buried by the ,;ide of her lrnsl I RoL:R·r LA WREN CE, of Rumuurgh; namc<l in his father's will. I --. Wifo mentioned in her mothe1-in-law's \vill. ,-- -------- Jou; LAWHllNCE, of Rumburg\i; 11anwd in his grandmother's will; his own dated 27th January, 1656. = Elizabcti1. - .I -I------­ I . I I Henry L .. wrence, Jok~ LnvRlrnCE, of RumJ.urgh. \Vill -1latcd April 27, 1590. I Agnes, burieil ,· Ag,ies l.fargaret Katharine Wil\iam Lawrei:cc, :~- ~~~-:;~"~,~~~ P,~~. of Rumlmrgh. Burin! 11t H., May 21, 15~0. In 1560, Lord North alienated Jan. 22, 1583. Lawrence. l,awrcnce, Lawrence. exile during the reign of Q1tecu Mary Issue ·extinct. to him New Park, i1t South I,lmham. was a preacher at l<'rcssingfield. ,------------ I I .1 I ,JJm, LAWRENCE, of Wisset, in Suffolk. =s Johan Richard Lawrence, died in 1596, Susan Ehz;tl,cth Mar~aret Lawrence, .Lawrnnee. '\Viii dated Juue2, 1606. Buried Jim, 16, 1607. I without issne.' Lawrence. I -· 1---~ --- -I ~.mllle llia!luley, of ~re1:tham, in .Su!folk, descend- , Jan ed from an ancient fanuly m Chcslure. Buned i\lay Ma, n:1\::.t Lawrence. Left no male is.siw. In his will, dated in Margery Ke.therine 17, 1626. 1641 he mentious his kinsman, lknry North, of Laxficld, · Lawrence. Lu:yrence. who was son of S:.r Remy, an<l gran,Lson of Lord North, I . Sttruh, dau. of Joseph Bemis, = John Baguley, b,'.pt. ]ieb. l fi, = Mary, I of Watertown, 2d wife: mar. 161--6; came to N. Lng'laml, aml I rcn, o.t Ilo?6rt, b~p. at - j Oct. 2, 1694, settled at Watertown, where he mar. C WJi!ijet SJRM,,~""' ' died .July 14, 1703. fG, 1:JJ~. - ~ = ,_ ~4:as ... , . ..:...-....-=- - . -~-~ Joshua Bigelow borri Nov. 5, 1655; With this= Elizaheth, daughter • , i l u-encration the ~,1me wus chanl!ed to Bigelow. I .Flagg·, of Watertown, I ' $~.i,, Wrn. of.fohn M-, o. N "mm Lo wnc,c,, h,, " o, ,. <o, 11,mm,h, ltlizn heth. Removed to 'Westminster in 1742, and died there, I :W, lG7ti. D1cct :Sep Dedham, first wifo; m,1rricc 11630 a Representativ,r 10 the Ucnernl I :-!d wifo. Jum~ho.n. · :Feb. 21, 1745. _ _ j 13 March, 1660. Died at Coult. Removed to L1 1xington, where Zecha.riah. Groton, Aug. 29, 1683. lie died, April H, 172 i. 1--- 1· lJm\icl Bigelow, of Wtttcrtown and \Vorcester, = Eliznl,eth, clan .. ' I.uumh.. Mury. Jonathan. bap. Aug. 29, 1697. Died 1789.______ I -Whitney, of I I I --------,---,-------------1 1------1 1-- ---- -----· - ,arnh. Uaunah. Jo.u_N LA.WllENCE, of Lcxiugton, -,- 11Iunnah, dauglit£•t· of Thoma., Mary. l•]lizabeth. DeLora4. Col. 'l'illlothy Biµ:clow, of Worcester, youugc,t= ,\.11n,1, only ,, Hu borp J~Jy 29, 1667 ; died March 'i'arlwll, of Groto1,: mar. Nov. son, born Aug. 12, 1739. ]founder of the town £1.rn. a1ul heir of · - 12, 1747. ____ ·u, 1687. Die<l 10Dcc. 1732. of Montpelier, Vermont. A distinguished oJlkcr of 8amnel l,01 in the American '\Var of Independence; a l\faJor ,\u,lrews, of 1111 -- I I under Gen. Arnold in the expedition against Que- \Vorcester. of Woburn, Samuel La.vrence. Benjamin· A~ws LAWRENCE, of Groton, Abigail, da.ughtcr of Nehcrni11h hec, in 1775-6. Commander of 15th Continental ~for. April ica iee, of Groton. Anna Lttwience. Lawrence. born Feb. 19, 171 G ; an oftieer Abbott, of Lexington; married Regiment at the capture of Burgoyne, and other 11, 17-17. iwrence, of Groton. Jonathan Iawrence. in th~ Mi1]1ltesex lfrµ:itnent. 1 1749, Died Jan. ti, .1784. battles; also Member of the Provincial Congress. Dic,l ,July U, Peace, and Repre­ Sa:r@JJ, :J:iaw,·once. Died June 20, 1785. I . Washington said, when reviewing his soldiers, 1809. of J General Court. "This is discipline indeed." Died May 31, 1790. , I I I _ l Nehe~iah SA~WEL LA" 1\ENCE, of Groton, born .April U, = Su,anna, daughter of' William Asa Lawrence, r Hon. Timothy Bio-e!ow eldest son, born in .'\Vorccskr, Apnl 30, -1 Lu£ Lawrence, 1754·; an officc'r in the American war of Ii.dqH'nd- P,ukcr, of Groton; mar. 1777. diec1 young. I 767. Of Groton ~md Medford. A graduate of Ifarvard College. Oli ence, Amon; other battles he was at tliat of Dic,l May 2, 18-15, aged 89. An eminent Lawyer. For thirty years a member o(' one or ~thcr Sc Bunker's Ilill, where he received II slig-111 wouud, branch of tho Government of Massachusetts; and Speaker of the a bullet passin; through hi, hat. Died at Groton, Honse for eleven years. Died May 18, 18:ll. · ;Nov, 8, 1827. · .L T I -----~r . I I e, of Gro- =Lucy, daughter of Sa nine!, vVil limn Lawrence, of Boston; Amos Lawre11ce, of Boston, born April 22, Susaumih, Mary, b. Nov. AtrnjOTT LA WltENCE, LL.D., bf Boston; :Kat~~~~-.­ , b. Se.pt. Col.Timo~-:Sig­ died bornSept.7,1783; died 1848. 1786; died Dec. 31, 1852. Firstwifo'was died 12, 1790; mar. b, 16 Dec. 1792. · A Representative in est <lau. of '-duate of e!ow, of 'YJlnl!.\&~, young. Marrier! ~u,sau liugg·lcs, dau. 8arah, dau. of Giles Richards, of Boston;, unmarried. , Rev. Aamnel the Con;xress of the United States; after- Hon. Timo lege.' ter. - of W1lharlJ 1loarclmau. i;ccoml, Nancy, <lau. of Robert Means, pf , Woodbury. wards Minister Plenipotentiary lo the Bigelow, ,9. · Amherst, New Hampshire, ~ Court of St. James. Died August 18, ll/Icdfor~ 1855, and wns. buried with Civil and Married J1 Military honors. 28, 1819 __!__~--'--~--~~----~";-~----j"'-------,_______________ ~-----------j,-.---- ' I 1 ': =T=--------.1-----,----,1---j-l-----,, ---',-1---------------l.---~---- J•-ames Lawrence, of-I Ec!imbeth, only clan, George Lawrence, John Alpbott Timothy j3igelow = Elizabeth, eldest ilau. of the Abbott Lawrence, of· I- Harr igelow -'-_ :j:le!lj, S. Rot~.,'__ ~- !l·_.. !\S·t·· "9.U · of Joseph l¼t!lb1 Boston, a graduate •if vVm. H. Prescott, died in infanc;r- Lawre111cc; Lawrence, of Bos- Hon. Hrnry Chapman, of Boston, a grarlnate dan - of New Bedford. - · .. of Harvard Colle,ge. ~~L.D. Mar. March died in in- ton, a gratluate of l:lueks Co., Pennsylvania. of Harvard College. J. ,~ A graduate of llllil:YMd 1 ' College. -"-., -"· ,·, ,, : , 16, 1852. fancy. Harvard \;ollcge. Mar. March 16, 1854. of 1 I Mar. ·1----1 I i'-- I .\lil,ut\. ,1. Artliur. Aimee. ,James. , Gertrude. OF 'l'IIK FAMILY OF JOIIN LA vVRENCE, @f mlllimt, in ~uffo!li, ®nglnnll, ANI> 01' WATERTOWN AND GROTON, MASSACHUSETTS. "YOUR FATHERS, \VHERE ARE THEY'! 11 BOSTON: l!lublis!)elr for t!)e ~ut!)or hJ! S. K. WHIPPLE AND COMPANY, 161, WASIIINGTON STREET. 1857. Ent(~red, according to Act of Congrc~s, in the year 185i, by ,JOHN LA,VrtENCE, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. BOSTON: PRHHED 8V JOtlN l"tlSDI'< AND SON, 22, SCHOOL STREET. Tm, following extract is from a connnunication in reference to this volume, ma<le by Re,·. J. ll. FELT, LL.D., of .lloston : - " I have looked through the sheets which you left with me. I have been much interested in them. They must be YUluable contri­ butions to our genealogical publications. " Very sincerely your friend, " JOSEPH ll. FELT. " Il05TON 1 July 21, 1857." TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE. THE NAME LAWRENCE 5 AltCHllISIIOP LAWRENCE 5 THE ENGLISH fu'{CESTRY 7 THE AMERICA.'/ GENEALOGY 13 A FAMILY RECORD 170 · RECAPITULATION, Olt INDEX 176 APPENDIX 187 TO AMOS A. LAvVRENCE, ESQ.. WITH WHOSE COUNTENANCE THE l'ORMER LABOR, TO GATHER A GENEALOGY OJ,' THE LAWRENCES OF NEW ENGLAND, WAS ATTEMP'fED, A MORE COMPLETE AND VALUABLE ~IEMORIAL OF '.l'IIF.
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