© Chardstock Historical Record Group (CHRG) 2019 E-mail: [email protected] BURIALS - CHARDSTOCK St ANDREW’S CHURCH AND ALL SAINTS CHURCH Welcome to our revised layout. All information relating to deaths/burials is now grouped into a single file of three parts: Part 1 Burials at St Andrew’s Church, Chardstock (pages 1 - 272) Part 2 Burials at All Saints Church (pages 273 - 326) Part 3 Additional information on deaths/burials concerning Chardstock and All Saints (pages 327 - 382) All transcripts were made by CHRG members from the Bishop’s Transcripts held at Wiltshire Record Office for the period 1579 to 1582 and from the original Parish Registers held at Devon Records Office for the period from 1597. Entries prior to 31.12.1993 cover the complete entry in the Parish Register, while those from 1.1.1994 are restricted to name, date of burial and date of death (if recorded in the parish register). However, we hold full transcriptions for all burials after 31.12.1993. Should you wish to be provided with any information for this period, please contact us by E-mail [email protected] and include a brief explanation of why you wish this information to be supplied to you. When using this site, searchers should be aware that abbreviations have been avoided wherever possible and full stops have not been used in names, thus Wm C. Watts in the register appears as William C Watts. This measure is designed to assist word searching. Also in cases where other research has produced an alternative to the transcribed version, that alternative is shown alongside the transcribed version in [ ] brackets, provided the alternative has an equal or greater likelihood of being the correct or preferred version. Considerable efforts are made to ensure a high degree of accuracy, but errors can sometimes occur and other sources of information can question or enhance that shown in this transcription. Should this occur, please contact us on [email protected] and we will do our best to resolve the matter PART 1: BURIALS AT ST ANDREW’S CHURCH FROM 1579 Period 1579 TO 1582 from Bishop’s Transcripts held at at Wiltshire Records Office The Register booke of christenings Weddings and burials within the pishe of Chardstok from the fyve & twenth day of Marche in the year of our lord god 1579 unto the viij Day of Septembre in the year of our lord god 1582 1579 CHARDSTOCK ST ANDREWS 26.8.1579 Elizabeth DOMETT dau of Constantine 5.2.1579/80 Alice VERIAR wife of John 18.3.1579/80 John WILLSE son of Thomas 1580 CHARDSTOCK ST ANDREWS © Chardstock Historical Record Group (CHRG) 2019 10.4.1580 [Blank] SEWARD wife of John 24.5.1580 Thomasina WALKER wife of John (Fold in the parchment) 17.4.1580 Robert SHINGLER son of Henry 30.7.1580 John PLEAR son of John 18.10.1580 William COXDEN 20.10.1580 Margaret CATE widow 6.11.1580 Timothy SEWARD son of John 1.12.1580 Richard PARROCK son of John 10.1.1580/1 Walter LYME 4.2.1580/1 Susanna WOLLMINGTON dau of John (Fold in the parchment) 23.3.1580/1 John PEARCY son of John 24.3.1580/1 Marian PEARCY wife of Marian 1581 CHARDSTOCK ST ANDREWS 20.5.1581 Henry BULL 30.5.1581 Joan CRANDEN widow 26.6.1581 William PARRIS 26.7.1581 Nicholas DYLLING 4.8.1581 Elizabeth PARRIS wife of John 29.12.1581 Joan HILLARY dau of John 8.1.1581/2 Margaret PEARSE wife of Thomas 27.1.1581/2 Agnes COLMAN dau of William 19.2.1581/2 Mary DOWNING wife of Richard 1582 CHARDSTOCK ST ANDREWS 27.3.1582 Joan HILLARD wife of John 5.4.1582 Robert PINNEY 9.4.1582 John DOMETT 8.7.1582 John WOLMINGTON son of John 1597 CHARDSTOCK ST ANDREWS 31.3.1597 Thomas BOWDITCH 31.3.1597 Margaret FILLY 3.4.1597 William WODYEATS 8.4.1597 Ann SIMONDS bbd Marck Sewarde 28.4.1597 HALLES widow 1.5.1597 FERRIS wife of John 2.5.1597 Alice SPEEDE 10.5.1597 Joane WILLES dau of Thomas 11.5.1597 John DENMAN Carpenter 12.5.1597 John PARROCK 20.8.1597 Joane DUMMET dau of John 21.8.1597 Dorothy PARROCK wife of Richard 23.8.1597 Leonard GREENSLADE son of John 28.8.1597 WOODYEATS widow 20.9.1597 Edward WOODLAND 3.10.1597 PARROCK widow 8.10.1597 HEALE wife of John 20.10.1597 CHRISTMAS wife of John 7.11.1597 Alice WIAT dau of William 22.11.1597 Dorothy COOKENEY widow 11.12.1597 Roger TOLLER 15.12.1597 Robert GILL 28.12.1597 John COOKENEY son of Robert 29.12.1597 Joanna WILES wife of Charles 3.1.1597/8 Elizabeth HOOP 15.1.1597/8 Charles WILLES 16.2.1597/8 Aaron HAMLIN 19.2.1597/8 Elizabeth GILL widow 8.3.1597/8 CLEMENT widow 1598 CHARDSTOCK ST ANDREWS 26.4.1598 George GUPPIE son of Thomas 28.4.1598 Thamasin BENNOLL 14.6.1598 George MERRIMOUTH son of Thomas 31.8.1598 Richard STAPLE 16.9.1598 Robert BULL 30.9.1598 Agnes LARCOMBE 15.10.1598 Nicholas WOLMINGTON 10.11.1598 MARTIN widow 16.11.1598 John PEARSE 2.12.1598 George SPILLER son of Agnis 6.12.1598 John COOK 9.12.1598 John PEARSE son of John 13.12.1598 Nicholas BULL 22.12.1598 Giles WESTOFFER son of Nicholas 23.12.1598 Thomasin BARNES widow 6.1.1598/9 Joan DUMMOT widow 19.1.1598/9 Andrew SOUTHAIE 1.2.1598/9 Winifred DUMMOT dau of John 23.2.1598/9 Walter DENMAN 4.3.1598/9 Constantine DUMMOT 6.3.1598/9 Emma PINNIE wife of John 8.3.1598/9 Marian LONG bbd Catherine 1599 CHARDSTOCK ST ANDREWS 3.4.1599 Agnes GRANY widow 3.4.1599 Sara SPEWELL dau of William 13.4.1599 William SHINDLER son of Lawrence 16.4.1599 Robert SMITH 22.4.1599 Quintilian SELLER son of John 30.4.1599 Alice PARRIS widow 6.5.1599 George SAVORIE 15.5.1599 Elizabeth WHITEMAN 1.6.1599 Joanna WESTOFFER 5.6.1599 Elizabeth STAPLE dau of Walter 26.6.1599 Phillippa LARCUMBE widow 16.7.1599 Agnes WILLES 1.8.1599 Richard WOLMINGTON 7.8.1599 Joanna HOOP 8.8.1599 Taomasin WOLMINGTON dau of William 9.8.1599 Robert WYAT 10.9.1599 Joan SMITH widow 22.9.1599 Philippa COXE dau of Richard 30.10.1599 Thomas MARTIN 17.11.1599 William FIPPEN 1.12.1599 Thomas COLEMAN 12.2.1599/00 Emma YEAT wife of John 17.2.1599/00 Elizabeth WOLMINGTON widow 1600 CHARDSTOCK ST ANDREWS © Chardstock Historical Record Group (CHRG) 2019 30.4.1600 Florence COOKENEY wife of John 1.6.1600 Joanne C OOKENEY wife of William 12.6.1600 Thomas FIPPEN son of widow Mary 18.6.1600 Alice PARRACK dau of Andrew 24.9.1600 Margaret WOLMINGTON widow 6.9.1600 Joan BONDE 7.11.1600 John STAPLE 19.12.1600 John BENTLEY 20.12.1600 Richard PARRIS 8.1.1600/1 Maria SEWARDE 15.1.1600/1 Elizabeth PARRACK 13.2.1600/1 Roger MICHEL 20.3.1600/1 William VINCENT 1601 CHARDSTOCK ST ANDREWS 28.3.1601 Hercules HEARNE bbs Christian 17.7.1601 John & Joan SPRAKE son and dau of Edward 26.11.1601 John SHINDLER son of George 28/11.1601 Robert PARRACK son of widow Alice 6.1.1601/2 Thamasin GRANNY 22.3.1601/2 Judith DUNSTER dau of Richard 1602 CHARDSTOCK ST ANDREWS 6.4.1602 Martha BULL dau of William 17.4.1602 Avis WIAT wife of Richard 19.4.1602 Edward KNIGHT son of Richard 15.4.1602 Margaret VINCENT wife of Michael 6.12.1602 Nicholas PARSONS son of widow Christian 9.12.1602 Thomas VINNICUMBE Servant of Sir Paul Dewes Knight 29.1.1602/3 Barbara HUMFREY 10.2.1602/3 Andrew COOKENEY son of widow Agnes 1603 CHARDSTOCK ST ANDREWS 28.3.1603 Christian GILBERT widow 5.5.1603 Joan PARRACK dau of Richard 21.5.1603 Alice COOME wife of William 5.7.1603 Thomas WOODIET 6.8.1603 Christian PARRACK wife of Richard 9.8.1603 Thomasin SHINDLER dau of Lawrence 17.8.1603 Roger PARRACK son of widow Alice 22.8.1603 Elizabeth GAMMIGE 7.10.1603 Joan BONDE wife of John 16.12.1603 Thomas RITCH 6.1.1603/4 Dorothy SPRAKE widow 16.2.1603/4 Gamaliel CATE son of Edward 19.2.1603/4 Edward CATE son of Edward 23.3.1603/4 Robert LARCUMBE son of Thomas 1604 CHARDSTOCK ST ANDREWS 30.5.1604 Alice PARRACK widow 28.6.1604 Christian EDWARDS dau of John 2.7.1604 Joan FIPPEN wife of Robert 20.7.1604 Alice COOME dau of William 28.9.1604 Barbara ESTMOND wife of Nicholas, Gent 14.12.1604 Sybilla DENMAN widow 4.1.1604/5 Thomasin WILSHEERE widow Gentlewomen 15.1.1604/5 Heironimus ESTMOND Gent 30.1.1604/5 William COOME 1.3.1604.5 Richard KNIGHT 1605 CHARDSTOCK ST ANDREWS 17.4.1605 John WOLMINGTON 18.4.1605 George SHINDLER 28.4.1605 Agnes COOKENEY widow 14.5.1605 Margaret PINNIE wife of John 23.5.1605 Agnes FRICKE 12.6.1605 Joan CLODE wife of John 20.6.1605 Gertrude CHARDE servant of George Bowditch, Gent 23.6.1605 Christian WHITEMOORE 2.7.1605 John PARRIS senior 13.7.1605 Joan HELLARD wife of William 17.7.1605 Walter DENMAN 29.9.1605 Mary COOKE wife of Ambrose 2.10.1605 Richard BOWDITCH son of John, Gent 17.11.1605 George CATE 26.11.1605 Anstis LYNDON 26.11.1605 Alice LINE dau of widow Catherine 30.11.1605 Elizabeth LINE widow 1.1.1605/6 Alice WOLMINGTON widow 30.1.1605/6 Elionor HAMLIN dau of Thomas 15.2.1605/6 John BAILIE 21.3.1605/6 Thomas LARCOMBE son of John 21.3.1605/6 Edith QUYNTIN wife of John, Gent 1606 CHARDSTOCK ST ANDREWS 30.3.1606 Bense STAPLE son of Peter 11.5.1606 Cicilia FERRIS dau of John 22.6.1606 Dorothy VINCENT widow 2.7.1606 Robert KNIGHT son of widow Margeryt 14.7.1606 Robert WILLES son of Christopher 8.8.1606 Robert GRANGE 28.9.1606 John EDWARDES 4.10.1606 John LANGE 6.10.1606 Jane GUPPIE dau of John 9.12.1606 William MERIMOUTH 19.12.1606 Joan BARNES widow 5.1.1606/7 John VINCENT son of Michael 13.1.1606/7 Joan ESTMOND dau of Nicholas, Gent 1607 CHARDSTOCK ST ANDREWS 20.2.1607 Richard GREENEFEILD 1.4.1607 Thomas ESTMOND Gent 1.4.1607 Alice SHINDLER with her base child begotten by John CLODE 5.4.1607 George BONDE son of Richard 9.7.1607 Agnes PLEYAR dau of Stephen 29.8.1607 Mellis M ANNINGE dau of Edward 5.12.1607 John QUINTYN 26.12.1607 John HEALE 14.2.1607/8 Hester VINCENT dau of Michael 22.2.1607/8 Mary SHOOTE wife of Thomas 25.2.1607/8 Christian FIPPIN dau of widow FIPPIN 9.3.1607/8 John HOWE
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