The occurrence of hypothermia in nestlings of the European Storm-petrel Hydrobates pelagicus Watson, Hannah Published in: Seabird 2013 Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Watson, H. (2013). The occurrence of hypothermia in nestlings of the European Storm-petrel Hydrobates pelagicus. Seabird, 26, 96-99. http://www.seabirdgroup.org.uk/journals/seabird_26/Seabird%2026%20-%20I.pdf Total number of authors: 1 General rights Unless other specific re-use rights are stated the following general rights apply: Copyright and moral rights for the publications made accessible in the public portal are retained by the authors and/or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. • Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. • You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain • You may freely distribute the URL identifying the publication in the public portal Read more about Creative commons licenses: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/ Take down policy If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim. LUND UNIVERSITY PO Box 117 221 00 Lund +46 46-222 00 00 Note The occurrence of Here, I describe incidental observations of hypothermia in nestlings of the European hypothermia in nestlings Storm-petrel Hydrobates pelagicus of the European Storm- (hereafter ‘Storm-petrel’), recorded while undertaking research at the UK’s largest petrel Hydrobates colony at Mousa, Shetland (60o00’N pelagicus 01o11’W). Hypothermia in the Storm- petrel has previously been reported in Hannah Watson young unattended chicks and in older chicks during periods of food deprivation; Email: [email protected] although Davis (1957), during three years of Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health & study, only observed a single ‘torpid’ chick, Comparative Medicine, University of Glasgow, Scott (1970) provided greater detail, University Avenue, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK. including measurements of body temperature, of five ‘semi-torpid’ chicks. Although Procellariiform nestlings develop Although I did not measure body independent endothermic thermoregu- temperature, the behavioural observations lation at an early age (Wheelwright & described here provide further evidence of Boersma 1979; Ricklefs et al. 1980), they the occurrence and nature of hypothermia may not be able to meet the high energetic in developing Procellariiform chicks. costs of maintaining a constant high body temperature during prolonged periods of In the breeding seasons of 2010 and 2011, fasting or cold exposure (Geiser 2008). The 75 and 82 occupied Storm-petrel nests, ability to reduce body temperature and respectively, were monitored from laying enter torpor could therefore represent an through to late postnatal development. In important survival strategy in the 2011, eight nestlings were found exhibiting Procellariiformes. Torpor constitutes a behaviours consistent with hypothermia, facultative hypothermic response, charac- whereas no such observations had been terised by a regulated reduction in made in the previous year. In each instance, metabolic rate and body temperature, an unbrooded chick was observed in the which reduces energy expenditure and nest cavity, displaying no obvious signs of potentially facilitates survival under life. On removal from the nest, the only energetically-challenging conditions initial indication that a nestling might still (McKechnie & Lovegrove 2002; Geiser be alive was that the downy plumage was 2008). This is distinct from an unregulated dry; otherwise, chicks appeared limp and drop in body temperature that may be the lifeless with the eyes closed. Following about result of an unavoidable pathological a minute of being held in the palm of the response. It is widely acknowledged that hand, perceptible signs of life began to Procellariiform chicks have the ability to appear. Minor movements were initiated, reduce their energy requirements and enter usually starting with the legs, then the head a state of torpor, yet there are few (mainly and gaping of the mouth, before a definite brief) documented observations of heartbeat became detectible, both visually hypothermia in Procellariiform young and to the touch. None of the nestlings (Davis 1957; Scott 1970; Wheelwright & started calling or regained activity levels Boersma 1979; Pettit et al. 1982; Lockley typical of healthy chicks, though they may 1983; Simons & Whittow 1984; Boersma have done so if they had been handled, and 1986), while some authors have found little thus warmed, for longer. The time during or no evidence for hypothermic responses which nestlings were handled and kept (Bech et al. 1991; Gębczyński 1995; outside of the nest was kept to a minimum Weathers et al. 2000). to minimise investigator effects. 96 SEABIRD 26 (2013) Note Presumably these nestlings were experi- after hatching. Hypothermia exhibited by encing large reductions in body temperature, these very young chicks was likely the result resulting in behaviours characteristic of of an unavoidable pathological response, as hypothermia. Drops in body temperature of opposed to regulated torpor, associated with more than 10˚C below the mean were the premature cessation of brooding. Indeed, reported, in association with similar all of these chicks died within three days of behaviours to those described here, in chicks entering hypothermia. of the European Storm-petrel (Scott 1970) and Fork-tailed Storm-petrel Oceanodroma The other four hypothermic nestlings furcata (Boersma 1986). Four of the Storm- (denoted E–H; see Table 1) ranged in age from petrel nestlings in this study (denoted A–D; six to 20 days old and presumably were all see Table 1) were aged between two and five competent of endothermic thermoregu- days old when found in a hypothermic state lation. Only two of these nestlings (F & H) and were unlikely to be capable of showed signs of recovery from their independent thermoregulation. Being a hypothermic state, presumably associated facultative hypothermic response, the ability with a rise in body temperature back towards to display torpor is concomitant with normothermia, while the other two chicks (E endothermic thermoregulation. In 2010, & G) were found dead the following day. I nestlings were brooded for an average refer to recovery as a gain in mass and regain (median) of seven days (range 4–11 days) of normal lively behaviour, irrespective of after hatching; this is similar to that reported subsequent successful fledging. The two in other studies (Davis 1957; Mínguez & Oro former nestlings were found to have regained 2003) and probably coincident with a normal lively state, following receipt of complete development of endothermy. The food, as evidenced by increases in mass of 4.6 brooding period was significantly shorter in g and 7.7 g within 24 hours and 96 hours 2011 (median 6 days, range 3–8 days, respectively (all mass measurements were Wilcoxon rank-sum: W = 730, P < 0.001) adjusted to a standardised time to account and it was not uncommon to observe chicks for mass loss during the day between feeds, alone in the nest within the first few days according to Bolton (1995)). Parental Table 1. Details of eight European Storm-petrel Hydrobates pelagicus nestlings (denoted by the letters A–H) observed exhibiting hypothermic responses. Data presented include age at which first unattended, age when first observed in hypothermic state, days elapsed between first record of hypothermia (H) and recovery (R) or death (D), mass at hypothermia (H) and recovery (R), and fledging success. The table is divided into those nestlings presumed to be incompetent and competent of endothermic regulation at the onset of hypothermia and thus incapable and capable of displaying torpor, respectively. Nestling Age unat- Age Days elapsed MassH (g) MassR (g) Fledged ID tended (days) (days) (H–R or H–D) Presumed incompetent of endothermic regulation A221D 4.9 NA No B331D 5.3 NA No C341R, 3D 5.4 8.1 No D551D 5.9 NA No Presumed competent of endothermic regulation E661D 9.0 NA No F610 1R 7.1 11.7 Yes G511 1D 10.4 NA No H720 4R 17.4 25.1 Yes SEABIRD 26 (2013) 97 Note Figure 1. European Storm-petrel Hydrobates pelagicus chick, seven days old and capable of endothermic thermoregulation. 1 September 2010, Mousa, Shetland. © Hannah Watson. brooding of these chicks had ceased and they a reduction in meal size under such rough had already been unattended for four and 13 conditions, though neither author linked days, respectively, prior to becoming weather conditions with observations of hypothermic. These two instances of hypothermia. In the first 16 days of August hypothermia may represent examples of 2011, during which six instances of genuine torpor - an adaptive and facultative hypothermia were recorded, the average daily response to an energetic challenge, wind speed at Mousa (recorded from the presumably due to exposure to a long period nearest station located at Lerwick, c. 33 km of cold or starvation. While a third nestling away) was significantly higher (median 6.2 (C) did show signs of recovery within 24 m/s, range 3.1–10.8 m/s) than in 2010 hours, it was found dead a further two days (median 4.6 m/s, range 2.1–6.2 m/s, Wilcoxon later; at just four days old, the nestling was rank-sum: W = 46.5, P = 0.006), when no unlikely to have fully developed endothermy hypothermic chicks were observed. On seven and thus the hypothermic response observed out of those 16 days, the average wind speed may not have represented actual torpor. This was equal to or greater than 7.2 m/s (max. chick was in fact accompanied in the nest by 10.8 m/s) in 2011, while it never exceeded 6.2 an adult when observed in a hypothermic m/s during the same period in the previous state, but was not being actively brooded.
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