- íšá*. -í:;tóV■i%* ■•“•'“«.ï ~ ^ --------- : ш - ......... 1 — — <&• POSTAGE STAMP CATALOGUE AND CűIIcríor’s Entire. TWENTY-SIXTH EDITION. REVISED, CORRECTED, AND BROUGHT UP TO THE PRESENT TIME. BY DE. Y IN E E , EDITOR OF OPPEN’ S POSTAGE STAMP ALBUM. LONDON: WILLIAM STEVENS, 421, STRAND. f PREFACE. T tîE Editor of “O p p e n ’s P o s t a g e -S t a m p A l b u m ,” in submitting th is Catalogue for public approval, begs to remark that it does not profess to comprehend all the numerous varieties of perforation, watermark, &i\, col­ lected by many philatelists. All primary issues and marked variations in colour, &e., will however be found duly noted, and the list made up to date of publication. No fewer than six additional pages have been added to the later edit ons. Little mention is made of fictitious stamps, and none of forgeries ; so many of the former, and, we regret to say, of the latter also, are rife that a partial notice would be incomplete, and a full one would exceed our bounds. The contributions of Pemberton, Stourton, Atlee, Earće, A c ., on forgeries in separate works, or in the pages of the ‘-Philatelist” and other magazines, should be well studied. Essays have been expunged from the later editions for want of room, except that of New Brunswick, which was really prepared for issue, and those of Zürich, which were the first proj>osed foreign postal issue. L o n d o n , 18S4, * i * . ' / О О N Т E N T S EUROPE. Album—BAGS Catalogue—I-AGE A lsace . ............................................................................... 1 12 A u s t r i a .............................................................................. 2 1 Baden ........................................................................................ 6 3 Bav ar ia ......... 8 ib. B elgium .......... 11 4 B ergedorf ................................................ ......... 14 5 Bo s n i a ................................................. ......... • . , . ib. ib. B remen . .............................................................................. 15 ib. B reslau (see P russia) ........................................................... 77 29 B runswick .............................................................................. 16 6 Bu l g a r i a ........................................................................................ 17 ib. D anubian Principalities (M oldavia and. W allachia) 18 7 D anubian Steam N avigation Company . 17 8 D enmark .............................................................................. 2L ib. D resden (see Saxony) ....... 8G 44 E lsass (see A lsace) ........................................................... 1 12 F inland .......... 24 9 F rance .............................................................................. 26 10 G erman E m p i r e .................................................................... 32 12 Great Britain and Ir e l a n d ....................................... 34 13 Greece ........................................................................................ 40 15 H amburg, Free City o f ........................................................... 42 16 H a n o v e r ........................................................................................ 45 ib. H e l ig o l a n d .............................................................................. 47 17 H erzegovina (see Bosnia) ........................................................... 14 5 Holland .............................................................................. 48 17 H ungary ........................................................................................ 50 18 Iceland .......... 51 19 Ionian I sles (vide G reece a l s o ) ....................................... 56 15 I ta l y .......... 52 19 L evant ........................................................................................ 56 21 L ivonia (vide R ussia a l s o ) ................................................. 57 ib. L orraine, or L o th rin g en ........................................................... 1 12 L übeck .... ....................................... 57 21 L u x e m b o u r g ....................................... ......... 58 22 M alta ...................................................................... 62 23 M ecklenburg-Sc h w e r i n ....................................... ......... ib. M ecklenbürg-St r e l it z ........................................................... 63 ib. M odena . .................................................................... 64 ib. M ontenegro .................................................................... ib. 24 N a p l e s ................................................................................... 65 ib. N orth G erman Postal D istrict .... 66 ib. N orway . .............................................................................. 68 25 Oldenburg .............................................................................. 70 20 P apal States .............................................................................. 71 27 P arma . ........................................................... 73 ib. P oland ..... ....................................... ib. 28 Portugal .... ....................................... 74 ib. P r u s s i a .................................................................... , 77- 29 Romagna .............................................................................. 79 ib. Ro u m k l i a ....................................................................................... ib. 30 R ussia .............................................................................. 80 ib. R ussian L o c a l s ....................................... ......... 82 3L San M arino .................................................................... 84 44 Sa r d i n i a ....................................... ......... , 85 ib. ’ór. 55 JT CONTENTS. Ibum—PAGE Catalogue—глов Saxony ................................................................................................. 44 Schleswig and H o l s t e i n ........................................................... SB 45 Servia .................................................................................................. 8!) 46 S i c i l y ................................................................................................. İb. Sp a i n .................................................................................................. 92 ib. Sweden ................................................................................................. 97 50 S witzerland ........................................................................................ ib. T hurn and T axis—Postal Convention. «. N orthern States , 105 53 • b. Southern States ib,. ib. T urkey ................................................................................................. 108 ib. T uscany . .......................................................... ......... 112 55 V eneţia ................................................................................................. 113 v> W URTE M burg ....................................................................................... 115 55 A SIA. A fghanistan 128 57 Alw ar , 129 ib. rs Settlements) . 142 68 Bhopal .... 129 57 Cabul ....................................... 128 ib. Cashmker .... 118 ib. Ceylon .... 119 58 China . 121 59 Cochin China, &c. ib. ib. Corea ..... 122 ib. Cyprus ..... ib. ib. D eccan .... 123 60 East Indies .... 124 ib. Earidkot . # 129 61 HONG-KONO .... 126 ib. I ndependent States . 128 62 J apan ....................................... 132 ib. J ava, &c. (Dutch Colonies) , 135 63 J h i n d ....................................... 129 ib. J oonaghur (see Sobuth) . , 131 64 K oorshed-jaii (see D eccan) . • 123 60 L abuan .... 136 64 M acao (Portuguese Possession) ib. ib. N epal . 130 ib. N orth Borneo . ib. N owanuggub . ib. Persia ..... 137 65 Portuguese Indies . il>. R ajpeepla .... 130 66 R awul Pindee . , ib. ib. Sarawak .... 139 ib. Shanghai .... 67 Si a m ....................................... 141 ib. SiRMOÖB .... 131 ib. Soruth ..... ib. ib. Straits Settlements . • 142 68 AFRICA. A ngola 144 68 145 ib. Cape of Good Hope 146 6!) <3 CONTENTS. vii ^ ÁLbuii —ГЛйК CaL.kjgUe—l'-i-jü Cape V ekd Islands ........ *147 69 E g\t t .................................................................................................. 148 ib. F ernando Го ................................................. 150 70 G ambia ......................................................................................... 151 ib. Gold Co a s t ........................................................... ......... ib. G riqualand (see Саге of Good H ope) .... • 152 71 G uinea ......................................................................................... , ib. ib. L agos . ............................................................................... ......... ib. ib. L iberia ......................................................................................... 153 ib. M a d e i r a ........................................................................................ 154 ib. M a u r it iu s ........................................................................................ • 155 72 M ozambique ............................................................................... 157 73 N a t a l ........................................................................................ ib. Orange F ree State ...................................................................
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