11 NfeW YEAR'S 1986 !>THE WILSON QUARTERLY Rcguliir reii~lirig got you dO\~ri/ Feel less stim- ulated, c~icasy tibout current events, i1iiab1~- to evaluate the the world iis ii whole? Perhaps your search lias been in the wrong nooks and cranit~ms. Your briiin is crying out tor 1'170 /I 11irr;l~ilii S/ict-ii~nr.Each bowl is chock-full eiiricliin~:albeit ous) riclbics. mea tv book reviews. diet include the lack of vitamin packed 'irriclcs, ~lelectubleJissertii- insight, humor, eloquenceand intelligence [ions, and :ids tor other like-minded -your rn i nil needs A ~iicr'u-aiiS/iectatiir. magazines and perioclicals. No other No other monthly periodical contains these supplement on the marker today pticks as well-1xil;inced ingreclients: high fiber much wiillop per spoonful as The A~~irrn'~iii political and economic analysis, R. Ernmetr S/ll~l~/~iliil~. Tyrrell's miisings, hill course book, movie ;ind saloon reviews, idiotic quotations One bowl ol 'Ihe /\iiicrii'ii~i S/~a'tii/urhas ;is culled from around the world, and more much inorgiinic niitrition as eighteen bowls unregulated additives. of'/'/'~/i(,,thirty-six bowls ofthe \l"r/i/7/~/,y/o/~ Pml, and nine-lii~ndrecl;ind fiity-six bowls Your mind is starving for stimuli~s.Order of [lie Nat/uno/ Ltiiii/ll,i,li. .in eight month supply of '/'At' American S/ia~/ti/iirtoday! -- What sort of people need to learn a The FSI's Programmatic Spanish foreign language as quickly and effec- Course comes in two volumes, each lively as possible? Foreign service per- shipped in a handsome library binder. sonnet, that's who. Members of America's Order either, or save 10% by ordering diplomatic corps are assigned to US. both: embassies abroad, where they must be '-1 Volume 1: Basic. 12 cassettes (17 hr.), able to converse fluently in every situation. manual, and 464-p. text, $135. Now you can learn to speak Spanish Volume II: Intermediate. 8 cassettes just as these diplomatic personnel do - - (12 hr.), manual, and 614-p. text, $120. with the Foreign Service Institute's Pro- (Corm, residents add salestax,) grarnmatic Spanish Course. You'll learn Latin American Spanish recorded by TO ORDER By PHONE, PLEASECALL native speakers. TOLL-FREE NUMBER: 1-800-243-1234. The U.S. Department of State has spent thousands of dollars developing this course. To order by mail, clip this ad and sendwith It's by far the most effective way to learn your name and address, and a check or Spanish at your own convenience and at money order - or charge to Your credit your own pace. card (VISA, Mastercard, AmEx,Diners) by The course consists of a series of cas- enclosing card number, expiration date, (203)453-9794 ¥ ;B'1 - - 'c - Editor's Comment --Ssans^fgs^isy^- As the Wilson Quarterly enters its tenth year, we have changed the front cover, mostly to reflect the greater use of charts and pictures inside the magazine. A picture is seldom as enlightening as a thousand (well-chosen) words-the nightly television news makes that clear- but it supplies an extra dimension. Generally, in the WQ, we tiy to use pictures and captions not simply to illustrate the texts of articles but to add information. Even cartoons (see "France," pages 62-63) serve that purpose. The change to a full-color cover (designed by Nancy Root), a new typeface, and better paper does not herald a switch in the WQ's basic format or in its special mission. This magazine's goal remains what it was in 1976: to alert a sizable non-academic audience to the latest ideas and information, developed by scholars, on a broad range of significant topics. We emphasize clear prose. Like our parent institu- tion, the Woodrow Wilson Center, we have a bias in favor of history, and we seek a lively diversity of scholarly viewpoints. In so doing, the WQ's editors benefit from the advice of the Fellows at the Wilson Center, the cooperation of the Smithsonian Institution, and access to the rich archival resources of the nation's capital. We also profit from the comments of our readers (see pages 173-74), who seldom fail to tell us when we fall short of perfection. Editor: Peter Braestnip Published i?i,]ar~~iar>;March, May, September, and Deputy Editor: Timothy M. James November by t11e Woodrout Wikori International Center Senior Editor: Steven Iagerfeld for Scimlars, Smithsonian Instit~itionBuildi~ig, Literary Editor: Jay Tolson Washington, D.C. 20560. Indexed biennially Subscriptiori.<: one year, $1.9; tiroyears, $32; three years, Managing Editor:)ames S. Gibney $43 Foreign subscriptions: one year, $25.50; two years, Associate Editors: Richard Lipkin, Andrea $45; three years, $62.50. For* subscriptions air mail: M~ditcli,Neil Spitzer; Contributing Editors: one year, $34; tu'o years, $62; three years, $88 Lifetime Steven Fraser, Walter Reicli, Terence Winch; Copy subscription (domestic only): $150. Single copies mailed Editor: Leona S. Hiraoka; Executive Assistant: upon request: $5; hack issues. $2.50, includingpostage Gabrielle R. Goodman; Administrator: Margaret and /~ridlirig;outside US. andpossessions, $7.00 Gready; Administrative Assistant: LisaJ. Watt; Second-classpostage paid at Washington, D.C., and Researchers:)osef Ernst, Pamela Goldner, additional mkilirig offices. Editorial offices: Sr~ritf3sonian Institution, 600 Mar~laridAre. S it'! Suite 430, Gretchen Hermes, Philip Olinick, Anne Washi~igtori,D.C. 20560. All unsolicited manuscripts Rettenberg; Art Director: Nancy A. Root; Design simuhi he accompanied by a self-addressed stamped Consultant: Elizabeth Dixon; Librarian: ZclenCk envelope. Send changes of address and all subscription V. David; Business Manager:)on E. Yellin; con'es/wride~iceu'ith Wilson Qiiimerly mailing label to Circulation Director: Hilde Stein; AssisIa?zt Subscriber Service, The Wilson Quanerly, PO. /Sox 2956, Circulation Director: Barbara Kietz; Circulation Kouldvr; Colo. 80322. (Subscriber hot line: 30349- Assistant: Beverly Goldblum; Editorial Advisefs: 9609 or 212-687-0770.) Postmaster. Send -357% to P.O. /Sax 2956, I~ori/c/er;Colo 80302 Herbert). Ellison, A. E. Dick Howard, Michael). Iacey, Richard M, Morse, Ronald A. Morse, Advertising Manager: Melissa Worrell, Richard Seamon, Ann C. Shefield, Anna Marie Srriitl~sonianInstitution, 600 Mcnylarici Are. S.lV, Suite Torres, Ssimuel F. Wells,)r. 430, lL'?^s/~irigtori,D.C. 20560 (202) 287-3400. Copyright 0 1986 by the LVoodrou, Wikorr Sntematiorial US.A ~iewsstariddist17butiori by Easteni News Centerfor Sclmlars THE WILSON QUARTERLY is a Distributors, hic , 1l.W Clviwlar~dI<(/., Sanditskj; Ohio registered trademark. 44870. NEW YEAR'S 1986 THE WILSON QUARTERLY Editor's Comment PERIODICALS Research Reports FRANCE How [lie French Got a New Start by John Arc/ag/~ Gods That Failed by Diana Pinto Backgrouiicl Books IDEAS In Defense of Engineers by David I? 13illi1zgton THE AMERICAN INDIAN Here to Stay 14Patrica Nelson Limerick The New Indian Politics by Stephen Cornel/ Two Case Histories by David Edmunds Backg~oundBooks CURRENT BOOKS PERSPECTIVES I Iemingway Stalking Papa's Ghost bv Frank McConizell Comrnentar~ A8102. $29 951S19.95 (Counts as two of your 2949. S19.95lS13.95 2865. $25.95/$17.50 three select10ns.l (Values up to $101.95 with Trial Membership) No matter what area of history you enjoy reading about most, you'll find that The History Book Club offers some of the finest selections being published today. And no book club we know of offers greater savings - an average of 33% off publishers' list prices. You can save even more by taking advantage of our Introductory Offer. Select any three books on this page for99$ each (values up to $101.95) when you take a fourth book at the low Members' Price. Your total savings as a Trial Member, including the Introductory Offer, can be more than 50%. How the Club works: As a Club member, you'll be able to choose from the 150 to 200 books featured each month. Our books are always equal to the publishers' editions, never "economy" reprints, and are available at savings of $3, $4, $5, or more, off bookstore prices. You need take only four more books in the next two years, after which you'll save even more through Bonus Books that you may choose from our entire list. Every few weeks (14 times a year), you will receive our Review and a dated reply card. If you want the Editors' Choice, do nothing - the book will come automatically. If you want another book, or no book at all, return the card by the date specified. (Book shipments will be charged to your account at low Members' Prices, plus postage and packing.) If you should receive an unwanted book because you had less than 10 days to decide, you may return it and pay nothing. We guarantee postage. (First price is publishers' list. Boldface shows Members' Price.) FALLEN EMPIRES, FLOURISHING LEGACIES 8284 The Devil's Horsemen: The Mongol Invasion Of Europe, by James Chambers. $1 1.95/$8.95 1800 Akhenaten, by Donald 8 Redford. $27,50/$18.50 11 72. A History Of The Vikings: Revised Edition, by Gwyn Jones. The definitive account of the Viking age and world, $25.00/$16.50 AGGRESSION, CONFLICT AND DIPLOMACY 1263. A History Of The Ostrogoths, by Thomas S. Burns. $19.95/$14.50 2139. Command In War, by Martin Van Creveld. The art of orchestrating armies to function at their peak performance $20.00/$15.50 8631. The Great Cat Massacre: And Other Episodes In French Cural History, by Robert Darnton. The people and their views $17.95/$12.95 SHAPING HISTORY: THE MEN AND THE ISSUES 491 1. 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