Bibliography of Cuban Philatelic Literature -- Internet Edition Ernesto Cuesta SUBJECT INDEX This index is a work in progress and only reflects a limited number of the citations included in this bibliography. Additional entries will be added as time permits. The index includes the titles of works that appear with unlisted authors to facilitate the finding of their corresponding entries in the bibliography. The index does include the names of all Cuban post offices that are known to have existed and is thus a valuable tool that can be used to identify the full name of a post office for which only a partial spelling is available from a partial cancellation on a stamp or cover by using the “Find” command of your browser with the partial spelling to locate all possible candidates for the post office. The index includes the index of The Cuban Philatelist Nos.1 to5 50 that was prepared by Dr. Yamil H. Kouri and was published as part of issue No.50 of the journal. The citations in that index appear in the form of Volume Number, Issue Number, and page range for each cited article and are incorporated as such in this index. #* "1/2 Rl. Plata of Cuba, 1857; The"--<WETH0805> "1/4 real Stamp of 1862, The" "El Sello de 1/4 real de 1862"--<GARCF0109a> "1794 Letter From Prisoner-of-War in Cuba." "Carta de 1794 de un Prisionero de Guerra en Cuba."-- <LEWIG0401> "1873 50¢ Libros de Comercio Bisected Stamp on Cover"--<CPa9007a> "1874 Allegories of Spain, The" "Las Alegorías de España de 1874"--<GARC0105> 1883 overprints and surcharges “The Surcharge of the First Stamp of the Republic Was Done in Three Steps” “La sobrecarga del primer sello de la República se hizo en tres pasos”--<GARC0309> "1883 Surcharged Stamps of Cuba"--<BARR91005>; <BARR93812>; <BARR9yymmd> "1902: Foreign Catalogs and the Stamps of Cuba"--<BARR98409> “1902: Los Catálogos Extranjeros y los Sellos de Cuba”("1902: Foreign Catalogs and the Stamps of Cuba")-- <BARR98409> "1910 2¢ Imperforate"--<WEBByymm> 1960 Olympics stamp issue--<BFIAF7300> ; <BFIAF7400> "19th Century Cuba: Comments on Internal Mail Carried by Coastal Vessels" "Cuba Siglo XIX: Consideraciones sobre el Correo Interno por Buques de Cabotaje"--<TORRE0405> 19th Century Spanish stamps--<BLAS6000> "2 Cts. Tobacco Stamps are Surcharged, The" (Scott 512)--<AF5302> "22 c. Rate From Cuba to France Under the U.S.-French Postal Convention of 1857"--<WIER8111> 25th AAMS Convention held in Havana 21-23 May 1948--<GATC4806b> "25th Anniversary of the Postal Mail Rocket"--<AF6309> 265 Aniversario de la Rebelión de los Vegueros (1723-1988) (265th Anniversary of the Tobacco Farmers' Rebellion (1723-1988))–<MMDO8802> ("3¢ Stamp, The") "El sello de 3 centavos" (Scott 267) --<A2304b> 4th Centenary of the Establishment in Cuba of the Sugar Cane Industry (Scott 337-339)--<AF5511a10> 5th FIAF Plenary Assembly (5ta. Assamblea Plenaria)--<BFIAF7300> 50 años de revolución, 152 postales para coleccionar (50 Years of Revolution, 152 postal cards for collecting)-- <POSTd200800> A* "A Back-Door Blockade Cover from Matanzas to Charleston via Cedar Key, Fla."--<WELC8403> "A Centavo for Your Thoughts: A Brief Trip Back to May 1906" "Un Centavo por tus Pensamientos: Un Breve Viaje de Vuelta a Mayo de 1906"--<TYX9807> "A Century From the First Postage Stamp"--<ALVAG5404> "A Cuban Exposé"--<WPG3006> "A Cuban Philatelic Gem"--<BARR91004> ; <BARR97301>; <BARR97310> Index.DOC Index-1 09/26/21 Bibliography of Cuban Philatelic Literature -- Internet Edition Ernesto Cuesta "A Legitimate Victory of Our Club"--<AF4607a> "A los Filatélicos Cubanos" ("To the Cuban Philatelists")--<A2407> "A New Cuban Stamp"--<AVER2705> "A New Cuban Variety"--<WEBB1705> “A Penalty Envelope Used in 1931?" “Un Penalty Envelope Usado en 1931?"--<KOUR0005f>; and follow-ups in "Letters to the Editor" from Cabrera <KOUR0009b> and Roy <KOUR0101b>. “A Stamp and a Comment: Cuba 12 c. Centennary of J. F. Steegers”--<ARAC5706> "A Touchy Problem/Import Duties on Stamps"--<BFN4503b> "A un siglo del primer sello de correo" ("A Century From the First Postage Stamp")--<ALVAG5404> AAMS 22nd convention (Havana, 13-15 Nov 1955)--<BARB9811> A.A.M.S. Convention. Havana, Cuba – May 21-22-23--<APJ4804a> "A.A.M.S. Honored by Cuban Postal Department"--<APJ4805a> AAMC--see AmericanU Airmail Catalog A.A.M.S.--see American Air Mail Society "A.A.M.S. Havana Bound!"--<WARN4712> A. B. -- Antonio Barreras' signature in some CA articles. A.C.N.U. Philatelic Youth Club–(ACNU-PYC)--Club Filatélico Juvenil de la Asociación Cubana de las Naciones Unidas (Cuban Association of the United Nations)-- Also see BJF (Boletín Juvenil Filatélico). "A. C. Roessler's 'Fantastic' Cuban Aerophilatelic Covers"--<TYX8904> "A.C. Roessler's OTHER Cuban Aerophilatelic Covers"--<TYX8906a> A. C. Roessler's Standard Historical Souvenir Airmail Catalog–<ROES7600> “A Monumental Discovery: ‘Fantastic’ Cover #5 -- A SCADTA Survey Cover Flown From Havana to Miami” “Un Descubrimiento Monumental: La Cubierta ‘Fantástica’ #5 -- Una Cubierta Experimental de SCADTA Volada de La Habana a Miami”--<TYX9607> Abad, San Antonio--see San Antonio Abad Abajo, Cauto--see Cauto Abajo Abalos y Trillo, Carlos, Director General de Comunicaciones de Cuba, 1898--<TORRA4500>; pp.418-419 Abono de la correspondencia conducida por los ferrocarriles--<TORRA4500>; p.361 Abono por la Hacienda a la Renta de Correos por los portes de la correspondencia terrestre y marítima a partir de 1764--<TORRA4500>; pp.248, 339 "About Two International Exhibitions"--<AF5511a41> ; <ALVA5511> Abras Grandes (p.o., Camagüey Province)--<RODR8605>; <RODR9508> Abreu, Marta--see Marta Abreu Abreus (p.o., Las Villas Province)--<RODR8605>; <RODR9508> "Account of Stamped Paper Furnished the Director General of Posts of Cuba Through the Post Office Department"–<POSTb190005> ACF.--see Asociación Cuba Filatélica Acknowledgement of Receipt--<MALL0800> ACNU Philatelic Youth Club (ACNU-PYC)–Club Filatélico Juvenil de la A.C.N.U.–Also see BJF Acosta, Antonio; Teniente de Regidor Correo Mayor, 1760--<TORRA4500>; p.158 Acosta, Vedasto (designer of Cuban stamps)--<AF5511> p.28 “Acta del cabildo celebrado por el Ayuntamiento de la Habana, el día 23 de diciembre de 1757" ("Minutes of the meeting of the Municipal Council of Havana held on December 23, 1767")--<BARR90208> “Actas del I Congreso Internacional de Comunicaciones” (“Proceedings of the First International Communications Congress”)--<BAHA9511> "Actividades del Club Filatélico en su Nuevo Local Social" (“Activities of the Philatelic Club in Its New Social Meeting Place”)--<AF5511a36> Actividades Filatélicas--<AF>; <TERR6207> “Activities of the Philatelic Club in Its New Social Meeting Place”--<AF5511a36> Acuse de Recibo--<MALL0800> “Additional Information on the HABILITADOS POR LA NACION”--<BARR94907b> Adela (p.o., Las Villas Province)--<RODR8605>; <RODR9508> Adelante (Onward) --<A> Index.DOC Index-2 09/26/21 Bibliography of Cuban Philatelic Literature -- Internet Edition Ernesto Cuesta Administración Postal española en la Isla de Cuba, La Guerra de 1895 y los finales de la--<TORRA4500b-12> Administración Principal de Correos de la Habana, 1765--<TORRA4500a-23>; p.183 aduana, derechos de sobre la importación de sellos (import duties on stamps)--<BFN4503b> "Advertising Slogans on Cuban Mechanical Frankings (1944-1964)." "Las Bandas de Propagandas en los Franqueos Mecánicos de Cuba (1944-1964)."--<MEST0309> “Advertising Slogans on Cuban Mechanical Frankings (1944-1994)” “Las bandas de propaganda en los franqueos mecánicos de Cuba (1944-1994)”--<ECHE0405> AEPF (Asociación de Empresarios Profesionales de Filatelia)--<AEPF8300> Aerial Competitions, International (12-14 Jan 1940)--<AF5511a11> Aero Field, The--listed under AFLD in the bibliography aerofilatelia—see aerophilately aerograms 18 Jan 1957 aerogram FDC commemorative handstamp--<TERR60008a> "Cuba’s Aerogrammes"--<PIPE9909> "Aeromarine—An Airline Before Its Time"--<THOMA8207> aerophilately (aerofilatelia)--<APJ3511> first flights (FFCs)–<VEWA3900> index--<HERNM0708> special flights–<VEWA3900> Aeropuerto José Martí (p.o., Habana Province)--<RODR8605>; <RODR9508> AFC–see Asociación Filatélica Cubana AFHA—Agencia Filatélica Hispanoamericana Catálogo AFHA de los Sellos de Antillas, Cuba y Puerto Rico 1855-1941 (AFHA Catalog of the Stamps of the Antilles, Cuba and Puerto Rico 1855-1941)--<AFHA4100> “Agencia de Vapores y Ferrocarriles de Matanzas” (“The Steamship and Railroad Agency of Matanzas”)-- <ABRE1003> agents--see forwarding agents; postal agents Agramonte (p.o., Matanzas Province)--<RODR8605>; <RODR9508> Agramonte, Central--see Central Agramonte Agramonte Piña, Dr. Eduardo--<IGLEM0607b>; <IGLEM9509> Agricultura (p.o., Habana Province)--<RODR8605>; <RODR9508> Agua, Ceiba del--see Ceiba del Agua Aguacate (p.o., Habana Province)--<RODR8605>; <RODR9508> Aguacate (p.o., Oriente Province)--<RODR8605>; <RODR9508> Aguacate, San Isidro del--see San Isidro del Aguacate Aguada de Pasajeros (p.o., Las Villas Province)--<RODR8605>; <RODR9508> Aguada del Cura (p.o., Habana Province)--<RODR8605>; <RODR9508> Aguaras, San Agustín de--see San Agustín de Aguaras Agüica (p.o., Matanzas Province)--<RODR8605>; <RODR9508>; <ROSE8504c>; <ROSE8506c> Agustín, San--see San Agustín Agustín de Aguaras, San--see San Agustín de Aguaras "Agustín Parlá--First Cuban Aviator"--<AF5511a26> “Use of the First Postal Marking of the U.S. Military Stations in Cuba, The” “El Uso de la Primera Marca Postal de las Estaciones Postales Militares Americanas en Cuba”--<KOUR9704g> Aeronáutica de Cuba, Corporación--see Corporación
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