By PAULR TAYLOR Witness: Vanderzalm is the man that B.C. can depend on to listen. He will Do actions agree with words? This make sure that government is open and is the measure of realibility If You honest.. .the Socred line. convince yourself, you can speak Witness: Gordon Campbell was the one utter balderdash in every word and who nominated Vanderzalm for Mayor you will be believed until those who in 1984 and campaigned in an all-out suffer from your actions feel their effort to get him elected here. wounds and see their own life's blood. Do You ever get the feeling that you have been kicked in the head? putting $80M to JobTrak while sell- History tells a narrow story of ev- ing public services to themselves & ents, always the high points that led reducing- assistance by $7 a head & inexorably to the next step. The vil- increasing shelter aid for landlord's lage, town, city, province, country & pockets- and being philosophically world grows and progresses and the opposed to social housing while 'official' records have a few sent- frothing at the rqouth to relax immi- ences saying the thing happened. But gration rules and get the super-rich those who would repeat the past must from Hong Kong to move their finan- control the teaching of history. So, cial empires to B.C. before China from kindergarten on, we are "helped" gets Hong Kong in 1990. Everything to believe that the Government has is being done to widen the gap be- been responsible for the present sit- tween the rich and the middle and uation. The present situation is the low-income people of this province. Socred-sanctioned leadership of Van- ,Witness: Brian Smith resigns as At- derzalm - and to get back to the torney General because the integ- question of being kicked in the head: rity of the legal branch was seriously How did this dismal excuse ever get in danger of subversion through to be premier? How could the so-call the meddling of the Premier's office. -ed majority in this province elect Vanderzalm self-righteously says: this blank to the highest office? The THOU SHALT NOT QUESTION - so when a answer might have something to do person with the whole story opens his with cloaking the tyranny of the mouth, the smoke and mirrors are minority in the mask of the majority. whirled out of the legal department.. Every leader requires outsiders to everything and anything to keep the perpetuate 'his' leadership, but case (read the Truth) out of court. even with Vanderzalm his backers The truth should be consistent with are learning that they can't manipu- facts and not just more politically late a marionette with only one motivated puke. You can tell by the string. These people are in it for smell that all's not well. It's obvi- the money and with Mr. der~alm say- ous that most of the scandalous ac- ing, "Give them shovels," he wasn't tions of Vanderzalm and Claude Rich- about to listen to his conscience. mond are covered with sickly-sweet Fine and dandy. '~e'spathological coatings, but no sweeteners can cloak enough to let being called "Mr. Prem- some forms of bitterness. If it ier" go td his head, so we can rely tastes bitter, spit it out. on him to confuse people while we hat's what our most ancient ancestors did. MAXIMIZE PROFITS.' BEL IEVE F.moke & Mirrcrs dnd get burned Unfortunately, education is no sub- Vanderzalm and the Socreds implore stitute for intelligence. The image us to Believe - like a hunchback who makers for Socred policies know so can't see the hunch. It's possible much about the subject that they're with mirrors, but the tragic conse- totally ignorant. Spending $20 mil- quence is that the entire being might lion on TV ads to promote family be seen. We are the mirrors - and (anti-abortion) ideas while cutting worst of all, their children, whose $50 off single mothers' cheques; willing parti.cipation they seek in their dream ...they must see their parents with disgust. (You try going to school with another kid who's hungry because your father thinks DANGER it's wrong to feed him!) The First Law of Bureaucracy: Grow WARNING: not boting to the limits of available energy. Use the lie that taxes and new pro- CAN grams will solve all problems. Keep doub- alive and you'll Always get one ) SERIOUSLY DAMAGE more chance. The basic belief that is sinking the Socreds is Money=Wealth=Power. When YOUR HEALTH. money is everything, not having it makes you nothing - and "nothings" & Government Health have no more rights than orts in the gutter. Don't get me wrong: money isn't evil - it's the actions of humans to acquire it that would make a corpse puke. 3 It should come as no surprise that COPE OPENS VOTER FEGISTRATION OFFICE the majority of unregistered voters live in the eastside. Most did not By Sue Harris, COPE Organizer even get the forms - a complicated, The temperature may be in the late wordy, official form. 801s,but COPE isn't taking a holi- As a concerned community organiza- day. Instead we've opened a store tion, COPE will do all it can to front office to register voters for register voters. To do this, we have: the November civic election. - a storefront, wheelchair accessible This year the NPA majority council office, 1314 Commercial Drive; has made a political decision and Tel. 251-2963 eliminated the usual door-to-door - the yellow & black COPEmobile will enumeration. Instead they are rely- be located in different neighbour- ing on the 1986 voter's list and a hoods to register voters mail-in registration. - actual door-to-door enumeration in Of 270,000 eligible voters, only communities with low registration. 155,000 are on the list. 115,000 Other groups have also responded (43%), many of whom are seniors, stu- to this very important problem. DERA dents, Downtown Eastsiders, tenants has a registration campaign for the and new Canadians and low-income Van- Downtown Eastside - contact Brain couverites are NOT on the list. Now Campbell (682-0931) - and for Grand- Mayor Campbell's answer to this has view/Woodlands call Michelle at been that only those interested in 251-4209. The campaign is on. If voting will get registered. Such an you can help, drop in to our office answer to the thousands unregistered on Commercial or call 251-2963. We is not only stupid but wrong. Many have until Aug. 20th and our target people do not even know they must is to register 30,000 residents. register to vote. If you don't know Even though the heat is on, C.O.P.E. something, how can you do anything is working for the people of Vancou- / about it? ver. Get on the list! !! 4~~andergoofHas Struck gain) Dear Friends, I Vandergoof is selling the B.C. I wonder if the readership knows Steamship, the last of B.C. Merchant that there is an Editorial Committee ! Marine. He does not care about the composed of Lillian Harrison, Bill men and women who crew these-skLpd- Deacon and Paul Taylor, and that this Well over two hundred jobs will be committee reviews items submitted. lost. They will go on U.I. for a I also wonder if the readership year and what then - Welfare?! knows that the Newsletter is totally That kind of thinking does not make independent of the City of Vancouver much sense to me. By the time the and is supported solely by the Carn- old boy is done and everything is in egie Centre Association, donations the hands of private business, the and advertising revenue. Socreds will have no need for the It's my understanding that the Parliament Buildings. They could Editorial Committee would welcome sell them to someone to turn into feedback. So if you're wondering why a tourist hotel. certain items are or are not printed Just think of it! They could put check it out with Lillian, Bill & Paul. up a sign saying "VANDERZALM Slept Sincerely, Here!" and have the cheapest rates Diane MacKenzie, Director. in B.C. - $100 a night. IJANES ROAD KNIGHT^ Dancing in the Downtown Eastside from some bar-room plastic table It's Welfare Day, when the fairy godmother the music not falter transforms with temporary gold sprawl and Prince and Cinderella into a gutter, reel down East Hastings, the coach not warp etbeir glass coach: a bottle to paddy wagon, that will spin them nor the footmen far from the five-week month mutate to rats and the mattress under the viaduct fighting them for sour scrapings into the Palace of Forgetting: Mardi Gras, from garbage cans where footmen bow them behind an East Hastings into the intoxication of the happy hour grocery store. no government can dock. where homelessness is banished, and theirs is the kingdom, the power and the glory, and Prince and Cinderella live happily ever after, dancing in glass' sl in the Downtown Eastside. If wine can flow like water, it will dr the bawling of the midnight hour, the glass slippers will not shatter, the dance not end, its measure dribbling to a slop mopped up RUSH HOUR: TODAY & EVERYDAY I see their faces Behind rush hour I see their eyes Determined to make work Bodys have to be showered Armpits deodorized, legs shaved Necks perfumed, fingernails painted Earlobes have to be hung with earrings Lipstick applied with a brush Today & Everyday Thousands of working minds Locked in on Powell Street One Way, through Gastown Ties have to be tasteful Shoes have to be shined Pants pressed, hair combed Socks have to be clean The world will stop dead If they don't dig it up If they don't turn it over Set the alarm, get out of bed Filing cabinets hav,e to be un11 Video screens switc:hed on Telephones have to be answered "The mind industry's Mail opened, forms filled in main business and concern is not to sell High heels have to click it~product;itistocse~theexisting
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