1938 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-sENATE 869 a comprehensive survey and inspection of soldiers' hospitals 3844. By Mr. CLASON: Petition of Ferdinand Caisse and and other Veterans' Administration facilities; to the Com­ other registered voters of the Second Massachusetts Con­ mittee on Ruies. gressional District, favoring the abolition of the Federal Re­ By Mr. LANZETI'A: Resolution (H. Res. 407) to make serve System and the restoration to Congress of its constitu­ House Joint Resolution 440, a joint resolution declaring the tional right to coin anti issue money and regulate the value \ policy of Congress relative to employment under the Relief thereof; to the Committee on Banking and Currency. Appropriation Act, a special order of business; to the Com- 3845. By Mr. CLAYPOOL: Petition of certain residents of mittee on Ruies. Logan, Ohio, opposing Senate bill 69; to the Committee on By Mr. HEALEY: Joint resolution <H. J. Res. 570) pro­ Interstate and Foreign Commerce. posing an amendment to the Constitution of the United 3846. Also, petition of certain residents of Baltimore, Ohio, States to enable the United States to lay and collect taxes and vicinity, opposing Senate bill 69; to the Committee on on income derived from securities issued and salaries paid Interstate and Foreign Commerce. by any State, and to enable each State to lay and collect 3847. By Mr. CULKIN: Petition of the Woman's Christian taxes on income derived by residents from securities issued Temperance Union of Nyssa, Oreg., urging enactment of and salaries paid under authority of the United States; to House bill 3140, the Culkin bill to ban liquor advertising on the Committee on the Judiciary. the radio; to the 'committee on Interstate and Foreign Com­ merce. PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS 3848. Also, petition of the Watertown Chamber of Com­ merce, Inc., E. C. Gouid, secretary, Watertown, N.Y., opposing Under clause 1 of ruie XXII, private bills and resolutions enactment of Senate bill 69, the train-limit bill; to the Com­ were introduced and severally referred as follows: mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. By Mr. DOWELL: A bill <H. R. 9074) for the relief of 3849. By Mr. CURLEY: Petition of the United Shoe Work­ G. W. Bauserman; to the Committee on Claims. ers of America, New York City, urging enactment of the By Mr. HALLECK: A bill (H. R. 9075) for the relief of Fe~eral Workweek Act and the Federal Workers Appeal Act; James I. Barnes; to the Committee on Claims. to the Committee on the Civil Service. By Mr. HARLAN: A bill (H. R. 9076) for the relief of 3850. Also, petition of the United States Appraise~s Stores, Here Comes Meeks, Inc., Hamilton, Ohio; to the Committee Local 54, endorsing the Federal Workweek Act and the on Claims. Federal Workers Appeal Act; to the Committee on the Civil Also, a bill <H. R. 9077) for the relief of the Miami Valley Service. Brewing Co.; to the Committee on Claims. 3851. By Mr. HAVENNER: Petition of the Western Con­ By Mr. HAVENNER: A bill (H. R. 9078) authorizing the struction Equipment Dealers and Distributors Association, President of the United States to reappoint Harry Milford urging the continuance of the Federal-aid highway program Brown as a major in the United States Army and then place by permitting the Highway Act of June 16, 1936, to remain him on the retired list; to the Committee on Military Affairs. absolutely unchanged; to the Committee on Appropriations. By Mr. IZAC: A bill <H. R. 9079) for the relief of Owen J. 3852. By Mr. KENNEY: Petition of Maywood Unit, No. 142, Hayes; to the Committee on Claims. the American Legion Auxiliary of Maywood, N. J., asking By Mr. KRAMER: A bill <H. R. 9080) for the relief of favorable action on universal service bill and widows and Edwin W. Saunders; to the Committee on Military Affairs. orphans bill (S. 25 and H. R. 6384) ; to the Committee on By Mr. LUCKEY of Nebraska: A bill (H. R. 9081) granting World War Veterans' Legislation. a pension to Sarah White; to the Committee on Invalid 3853. By Mr. KRAMER: Resolution of the American Feder­ Pensions. ation of Labor relative to investigating charges of extortion By Mr. PALMISANO (by request>: A bill <H. R. 9082) to and racketeering that are violating human and fundamental confer jurisdiction upon the Court of Claims to hear, deter­ rights of the working people of Los Angeles and vicinity, etc.; mine, and render judgment upon the claim of Allen Pope to the Committee on the Judiciary. against the United States; to the Committee on Claims. 3854. By Mr. SHANLEY: Resolution of the Military Order By Mr. REECE of Tennessee: A bill (H. R. 9083) to extend of the Purple Heart, regarding Senate bill 1516, or as it is the benefits of the Employees' Compensation Act of Septem­ more commonly known, the Stars and Stripes fund; to the ber 7, 1916, to Sam Green; to the Committee on Claims. Committee on the Judiciary. Also, a bill (H. R. 9084) for the relief of John Lawson; to 3855. By the SPEAKER: Petition of R. Matteson, with ref­ the Committee on Claims. erence to the Constitution; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. RIGNEY: A bill <H. R. 9085) for the relief of 3856. Also, petition of the ·East Oakland Democratic Club, Charles J. Ray; to the Committee on Claims. Oakland, Calif., with reference to the Ludlow referendum By Mr. REECE of Tennessee: A bill <H. R. 9086) for the amendment; to the Committee on the Judiciary. relief of Roy Webb; to the Committee on Claims. By Mr. RIGNEY: A bill (H. R. 9087) for the relief of James A. Porter; to the Committee on Claims. SENATE Also, a bill (H. R. 9088) for the relief of Walter Reinheimer; FRIDAY, JANUARY 21, 1938 to the Committee on Claims. Also, a bill <H. R. 9089) for the relief of H. F. Cunningham, (Legislative day of Wednesday, January 5, 1938> doing business as the Cunningham Dry Goods Co.; to the The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, on the expiration Committee on Claims. of the recess. Also, a bill <H. R. 9090) for the relief of J. C. Ludolph; to JosH LEE, a Senator from the State of Oklahoma, ap­ the Committee on Claims. peared in his seat today. By Mr. TAYLOR of Tennessee: A bill (H. R. 9091) for the THE JOURNAL relief of Joe Crisp; to the Committee on Claims. On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by unanimous consent, By Mr. WHITE of Idaho: A bill (H. R. 9092) for the relief the reading of the Journal of the proceedings of the of Reuben Owen; to the Committee on Claims. calendar day Thursday, January 20, 1938, was dispensed with, and the Journal was approved. PETITIONS, ETC. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE Under clause 1 of ruie XXII, petitions and papers were A message from the House of Representatives, by MrL laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: Calloway, one of its reading clerks, announced that the 3843. By Mr. BOYLAN of New York: Petition of the House insisted upon its amendment to the bill <S. 1882) for Rochester Association of Credit Men, regarding the Revenue the relief of the Consolidated Aircraft Corporation, dis­ Act of 1936; to the Committee on Ways and Means. agreed to by the Senate; agreed to the conference asked by 870 CONGRESSIONAL .RECORD-SENATE JANUARY 21 the Senate on the disagreeing :votes of the two Houses MEMORIALS thereon, and that Mr. KENNEDY of Maryland, Mr. KEOGH, The VICE ·PRESIDENT laid before the Senate letters in and Mr. CARLSON were appointed managers on the part of the nature of memorials from Mrs. W. C. Driskell and other the House at the conference. citizens of England, Ark., protesting against the. United States SENATOR FROM NEW :JERSEY engaging in war, which were referred to the Committee on The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a letter Foreign Relations. from Hon. A. Harry Moore, Governor of New Jersey and CONDITIONS AFFECTING NAVAJO INDIANS former Senator from that State, which ·was read and or­ Mr. CHAVEZ. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent to dered to lie on the table, as follows: have printed in the REcoRD and appropriately referred a peti­ STATE OF NEW JERSEY, tion to the Congress of the United States from sundry rep­ ExECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, resentatives of Navajo Indians from all parts of the reserva­ January 18, 1938. The Honorable JOHN NANCE GARNER, tion in New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah. The Vice President, Washington, D. C. There being no objection, the petition was referred to the MY DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: The enclosed is a copy of a letter today Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed in tendered to the Governor of New Jersey giving my resignation as the RECORD without the names attached except the first, as .United States Senator from this day. In tendering my resignation I cannot leave without saying a follows: word of appreciation of the courtesies and considerations shown FARMINGTON, N. MEX., January 8, 1938. me by you, the membership, and statr of the Senate. My service, To the Congress of .the United States: while comparatively brief, gave opportunity of gaining knowledge We, the representatives of Navajo Indians from all parts of the of the operation of the Senate and the personnel of the body. I reservation in New Mexico and Arizona and Utah, assembled in must say, in leaving, that I have the highest admiration for the conference on this 8th day of January 1938, do hereby make known Senate as an institution and a high regard for you and its distin­ to you some of the strange and ruinous policies forced upon our guished membership.
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