478 HOLBEACH • LINCOLNSHIRE. [ KELLY'S • Royal Farmers' & General, H. J. Horry, High street PUBLIC OFFICERS:- Scottish Accident, Thomas Mitchell , Admiralty Surgeon & Agent, Ambrose Blithe Vise, West st Scottish Equitable Life, John Warin Willders~ Joseph Assistant Overseer, Charles Ingamells, Albert street Sawyer Clerk to the Burial Board, Robert Millns, High streE"t Sun Fire, Richard Caparn Collector of Poor Rates, Charles Ingamells, Albert street Westminster Fire, Wm. B. Stableforth Inland Revenue Officer, Thomas Duncan King, West street PUBLIC EsTABLISHMENTS :- Inspector of Police, Thomas Caban, Police station, Edin- Assembly Rooms, Cemetery road, Wm. Cooley, keeper burgh walk Cemetery, Penny Hill road, Robert Millns, clerk & Keeper of Fire Engine, John Presgrave, Station road registrar . Vestry Clerk, John Phipps Sturton, High street CountyCourt.HisHononrJames Stephen LL.D.judge; Richard PLACES OF '\\rORSHIP, with times of services:- Caparn, registrar& high bailiff; H. B. Gould,N orwich,officiai All Saints' Church, Holbeach, Rev. Fielder Hemmans M.A. receiver. The court JS held at the Assembly Rooms every vicar; IO.;JO a.m. 3 p.m. & 6.30 p.m.; '\\ed. & fri. month at 9.30 a.m. generally on the first tuesday. The district comprises the following places :-Fleet, including 11 a.m. & 7 p.m.; other days, 8 a.Il}. & 5 p.m St. Luke's, Hurn, Rev. Ferdinand '\\rilhelm Becker M.A.; Bank Fen; Gedney, Gedney Dyke, Gedney Marsh and 11 a.m. & 6.30 p.m Fen, Gedney Drove End, Gedney Hill, Holbeach, Hol­ St. Mark's, Marsh, Rev. Grant William Macdonald B.A.; beach Marsh, Holbeach Drove, Holbeach Fen, Lutton, II a.m. & 6.30 p.m Sutton St. Mary, Sutton St. Matthew, otherwise Sutton, St. Matthew's, Marsh; 3 p.m Sutton Bridge, including Sutton Marsh; Sutton St. St. John's, Fen, Rev. RQbert Joshua Leslie M.A.; 10.30 Jame!l, Sutton Fen, Sutton St. Edmunds, Tydd St. a.m. & 6.30 p.m Mary, Whaplode, Wbaplode Marsh & Fen, & Whaplode Congregational, Cemetery road, Rev. J. Ross Clarke, Drove & Wingland County Police Station, Edinburgh walk, Thomas Caban, minister; 10.30 a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7.30 p.m Primit;ive Methodist, Edinburgh walk; 10.30 a. m. & 6.30 & inspector 2 constables p.m. ; thurs. 7 p.m lnland Revenue Office, West st, Thos. Duncan King, officer Wesleyan, Chapel street, Re\'. Slater Sunderland, minister; Masonic Hall, Barrington gate 10.30 a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; wed. 7·3o"p.m Stamp Office, Robert Merry, stamp distributor Baptist, Albert street, Rev. Montague Mather, minister; HoLBEACH UNION. 10.30 a. m. & 6.30 p. m Board day, alternate thursdays, at the Workhouse, at II a. m Wesleyan Reform, Albert street, Rev. John Baxter, The union comprises the following places : Fleet, minister; 10.30 a. m. & 6.30 p.m.; thurs. 7 p.m Gedney, Holbeach, Sutton St. Edmunds, Sutton St. Free Methodist, Albert street; I0.3o a.m. & 6.30 p.m.; James, Sutton St. Mary, Sutton St. Nicholas, Tydd St. thurs. 7 p.m Mary, Whaplode, Whaplode Drove & Wingland. Primitive Methodist, Roman bank; 2.30 & 6.30 p.m Central Wingland, reclaimed from the sea since 1830, Wesleyan, Hum; 2.30 & 6.30 p.m partly in Norfolk, is in the Holbeach union; the popula­ Primitive Methodist, Hum; 2.30 & 6.30 p.m tion of the union in 1881 was 19,249; rateable value, '\\'esleyan, Marsh ; 2. 30 & 6. 30 p. m £q6,483 Primitive Methodist, Marsh; 2.30 & 6.30 p.m Clerk to the Guardians, Richard Peele Mossop, West street, '\\'esleyan Methodist, Fen; 2.30 & 6.30 p.m Holbeach Wesleyan Reform, Fen; 2.30 & 6.30 p.m Treasurer, Algernon Peckover, Wisbech Relieving Officers, Holbeach district, Christopher Marshal], ScHooLs :- Church street, Holbeach; Long Sutton district, Charles A School Board of 7 members was formed in x875; John Lowest, Long Sutton Warin Willders, West street, clerk to the board; Thomas Vaccination Officers, Long Sutton district, Richard Winfrey, West Curtis, attendance officer ; the board meet at Clerk's Long Sutton; Holbeach & Gedney Hill districts, Robert office, High street, every first monday in the month, at Millns, Market place, Holbeach 3 p.m Medical Officers & Public Vaccinators, Gedney Hill aistrict, Board {boys), built in 1877, for 200 children; Jonathan James Tregue Crowden M.D. Gedney hill; Long Sutton Mottram, master district, Alfred Henry Haines, Long Sutton ; Sutton dis­ Board, Holbea~h bank (mixed), built in 1877,for 180 chil­ trict, James Edward Smith, Long Sutton; North Hol­ dren; average attendance, 130: Ernest Cunnington, beach district, Robert Russell Harper L.R.C.P.LOnd. master Holbeach; South Holbeach district, Ambrose Blithe Vise, Board, Fleet Fen, for So children; average attendance, 6o; Holbeach; Sutton Bridge district, John Brett Johnstone Waiter Baddeley, master O'Meara L.R.C.P.Edin. Sutton Bridge; Tydd district, St. John's Board (mixed), built in 1877, for 100 children; Alfred Henry Haines, Long Sutton average attendance, 84 ; Arthur Calvert, master Shperintemlent Registmr, Robert Millns, Market place, St. Luke's Board School (mixed), Hum, erected in I8]o, Holbeach; deputy, John Warin Willders, High street, for 120 children; average attendance, 78; Henry Avon, Holbeach master Registrars of Births & Deaths. No. I, Gedney hill sub-dis­ The Grammar School, founded & endowed about x671, by trict, John Addy Bellairs, Gedney hill; No. 2, Long George Farmer, of Holbeach, is open to all children Sutton sub-district, Edwin Creak, Long Sutton; No. 3, residing in the parish: a scheme for the management of Holbeach sub-district, William Robert Millns, High street, this charity was issued by the Endowed Schools Com­ Holbeach mission in 1874, by which the management is vested in 13 Registrars of Marriages, Holbeach district, William Robert governors, & new school premise!! were built in 1877; :\:Iillns, High street, Holbeach ; Long Sutton district, there are now 30 sc·holars; the endowment amounts to Richard Winfrey, Long Sutton £240 yearly; Rev. Ralph Adye Ram M. A. master Workhouse, Fleet, is a building of brick, built in 18~7, at a All Saints' National (girls & infants), built in I 844, for cost of £s,Br2, & will hold 419 inmates; Robert Russell 234 C'hildren ; average attendance, 170 ; Miss Annie Harper L.R.C.P.LOnd. medical officer; John Henry Balch, Ogden, mistress master ; Miss Lucy Simpson, matron ; Mrs. Susanna St. Mark's National, Marsh, erected, with master's house, Cook, schoolmistress in IB]o, by the Rev. John H. Jowitt H. A. late rector, at a RURAL SANITARY AUTHORITY. cost of £627, for 72 children; average attendance, 6o; & Clerk, Richard Peele Mossop, West street, Holbeach · opened October 3rd, 1870; Charles Joseph Farrow, master; Tieasurer, Algernon Peckover, Wisbech Mrs. Mary Ann Farrow, mistress Medical Officers of Health, Holbeach district, Robert,Russell Railway Station, James WilPox, station master Harper L.R.C.P.LOnd. Holbeach; Sutton Bridge district, John Brett Johnstone O'Meara L.R.c. P. Edin. Sutton C'ARRIERS~- Bridge Whitelam passes through, tues, to Spalding, returning ScHOOL A'ITEND.ANCE CoMMITTEE. same day to Long Sutton Clerk, Richard Peele Mossop, West street, Holbeach GEDNEY-Jackson, from 'Horse & Groom,' thurs Attendance & Enquiry Officers, The Relieving Officers WHAPLODE DROVE-Cooper, from ' Horse & Groom, 'thurs Bycroft Richard, Fleet road • Croft John, Albert street PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Caparn Richard, Abbotts Manor house Dobson Mrs. Cemetery road Abbott William, Serpentine house Carbutt Miss, .Albert street Ffooks Mrs. Rtar cross .Bass Mrs. Albert street Parruthers Mrs. Albert street Franks Lawre11ce, High street Baxter Rev. John [Wesleyan reform], Carter John Hardy, High street Gent Miss, High street Rose cottage, Fleet road Clarke Mrs. Barrington lodge Grasley Mrs. Albert street Becker Rev. Ferdinand Wilhelm M.A. Clarke Rev. James Ross [Congrega- Grimstead Henry, Albert strei>t Vicarage, Hurn tional], Albert street Harper Robert J.P. Littlebury house Bothamley Mrs. High street Codling John Thomas, West end Harper Robert Russell, Ihttlebury Buffham Henry, High street Coxon Hugh Christopher house .
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