Legend Legend ELU_summar Proposed LegHiellsn/Rdocky areas Public utility Existing Residential R2 Agriculture Agriculture A1 ProISp-oRseesiddential Hills/Rocky Qarueaarsry to Park Public uRtileitsy idEexnisttiainl gR3 Residential R2 Legend Commercial Legend Agriculture A1 IS-ResidentAiagAlrgicriuclutulturere A A12 IISnd-RuAQsegutsrraiiadcrleurylnt uttiorae lP Aa1rk IS-ResidentRiaeQRl cuereasiardrtyeio ntnot/i OaPlp aRerk3n space Quarry tRo ePsRaidrekesnidtiaeln Rtia4l R3 Residential R3 Defence area Commercial Proposed Hills/Rocky areas Public utility Existing Residential R2 Proposed Agriculture A2 Hills/RockIny dauresatrsial Agriculture A2 Public uIIntnilddituuyARs Egetrrxciiaaicrsellu tEialntutxgiirosent iA/nOg2pen space IRndeussidtreianltial RReRR2ceercesriadeteiaontniot/iOanl/p ORep4ne snp aspcea cEexisting RecreatiRoens/ROidepesenindti aeslnp Rtaiac5le R4 Residential R4 Forest Commercial Existing InduAsgtrriiaclu ilntu Rree Acr1eation/Open spaIAScge-Rriceuslitduernet RiAae1l sidential AgricultIuSr-eR Ae1sidentiaQl uarry tRo ePsaidrkential TransportatioQnuarry toR ePsaidrkential R3 Residential R3 AgricultuCreo mA1mercial IS-ResideInntdiaulstrial ExCisotminmg ercial Quarry Itnod PuCRasroetkrmciarmLel Eaeetxrigcoisinaeti/lnnOgdpen space ExisIRntidenusgsidtreianlt iEalx RisRR3tieencgsrideeantiotianl/ ORp5en space ExistinRgecreation/ROepseind esnptaiacle R E5xisting Residential R5 Legend LegenHidlls/Rocky areas Defence MineAsg raicnudl tQuruea Arr2ies ExistiLngegenIAngddruicsutrlitaulre RAe2sidential AgricultIunrdeu Ast2rial RecreatiRoens/Oidpeennti aslp taoc AegricultureR Ae1creatiRone/sOidpeennti aslp Ra4ce Residential R4 LegenAgdricultuCreo mA2mercial ExistingIndustrialIndustrial inC Roemcrmeearticoianl/ OEpxeisnti nsgpaRceecLreeatIginodenu/nCROsoedtprmsieaindmPl eisrennpor tcRapiiacaeolel c AsEregexaridsitctiouinnlgtu/Orep eAn1 spIRnadecuessidtreianlt iianl HRRRie4llecesrs/seRiiddaoetecionnknttyii/aa Oall rApTeegraanrsin cssupplatoucrretea tAio1n Residential RAPegusrbiicdliucel tnuuttriiaelitl y AT 1Eraxnisstpinogrtation Residential TRreasnisdpeonrttiaatli oRn2 Proposed Hills/Rocky areas Public utility Existing PropoIRsnedesudisdterinatlial R2 Hills/Rocky areas Public utility Existing Residential R2 Legend 320 Commercial Industrial Existing Recreation/Open space Existing Residential R5 1 Proposed 33 654 319 357 406 100 P 6 6 5 408 4 e 319 6 113 236 135 630nch le Wat ies 46 47 322 323 347 358 De411fence 07-405 I404nd403 ustr401ial 397 3 99 112 Commercial Industrial Existing Recreation/Open space Existing Residential R5 ft e 1 7 357 Mines/Quarries Residential Existing Residential to Agriculture A2 82 612 62 630 63 b P 6 r b od Satak 330 356 Can 8 8 Hills/Rocky areas Public utility Existing Residential R2 3 6 6 9 8 4 6 al 07 6 a 3 1 31 LEGEND: 2 6 8 Defe3 nce 5 7 b e 3 4 Mines and Quarries Existing Residential Agriculture A2 Residential to Agriculture A1 Khandala (Du) 21 5 77 80 Comanmercial 4 352 3 2 k 4 1 Proposed c n n Industr3ial Existing 35 Recreatio9 n/Open spaceA Egxriicsutilntugre A1 Residential R5 a 3 8 IS-Residential Quarry to Park Residential R3 1 n 1 3 3 Widen 3 32 2 al Hills/Rocky areas5 Defence upto 24 m Public utility Existing Residential RR2esidential Agriculture A2 Mines quarries Ag A1 c Mines and Quarries Existing k 5 3 8 4 1 ODR 105 6 8 8 387 7 h 406 6 5 4 Legend 609 Pr6 oposed 6 2 8 l 6 3 c Legend 3 e Dumri 8 5 1 9 64 6 f 5 4 2 a 3 9 1 De1 fence 3 Residential Agriculture A2 Mines quarries Ag A1 t 6 Mines and Quarries Existing 2 6 8 4 6 3 n 4 7 3 Beldongari3 5 4 3 3 6 4 a 5 0 l 6 0 9 9 6 a 4 9 6 n 7 l C 9 0 8 Hills/Rocky areas Public utility Existing Residential R2 Ca 6 9 9 9 9 8 a 0 3 2 1 13 l 1 Agricult3ure A1 Khurd Rly. Temp le 3 7 5 Ramtek 78 a n IS-Residential QuaPrrryo top oPasrekd 9 ARgersicidueltnutriea lA R13 IS-Residential Quarry to Park Residential R3 n 2 5 Proposed Land use 8 79 62 6 4 al 6 5 4 1 4 4 l 3 Agriculture A1 a 6 9 IS-Residential Quarry to Park Residential R3 9 1 5 1 C 3 a Commercial Existing Mines and Quarries 6 L Industrial in Recreation/Open space Residential Agriculture A1 Residential Transportation 2 4 9 5 9 5 Hills/Rn ocky areas Public utility Existing Residential R2 3 ODR 105 5 a 30 60 Station 1 5 k 6 1 3 1 2 5 Proposed 1 1 6 a e Forest 0 / 4 1 PSP Residential Mines Residential to Industrial 1 6 T ACgormicumlteurrcei aAl 1Existing Industrial in Recreation/Open space Residential Agriculture A1 Residential Transportation C 7 9 IS-Residential 5 Quarry to Park Residential R3 5 a 4 8 EXISTING RESIDENTIAL IN n Defence - Industrial 6 C Akhilesh High School 3 Beldongari Mines/Quarries Residential Existing Residential to Agriculture A2 Commercial Existing k 1 1 RESIDENTIAL R1 6 an Industr2 ial in Recreation/Open space 1 Residential2 Agriculture AA1griculture A2 Residential Transportation 1 Agriculture A1 a 7 Industrial Recreation/Open space Residential R4 0 IS-Residential 4 4 Quarry to Park Residential R3 1 8 6 l AGRICULTURE A1 8 128 22 P Defence - Industr4 ial Min3 es/Quarries Residential Existing Mines quarrie Ag A2 9 7 2 en 5 7 c 0 l 1 Hills/Rocky areas 6 Public utility Existing Residential R2 h 9 Lake/Tank 7 X 7 le a f 3 8 t HillsL/Reogckeyn adreas PubPlicr outpiliotys Eexdisting 7 Residential R2 Defence -5 Ibandustr4ial Residential Existing EXISTING RESIDENTIALMin IN es quarrie Ag A2 Mines/Quarries3 9 n n 4 3 ODR 107 Proposed 1 k 1 Agriculture A1 RESIDENTIAL R2 5 c 1 IS-Residential Quarry to Park Residential R3 a 3 a 0 3 65 5 n 4 Agriculture A2 al 5 5 3 Legen4 d 7 AGRICULTURE A2 6 1 C 5 Agriculture A2 Industrial Recreation/Open space 8 Residential R4 0 2 8 0 1 Industrial Recreation/Open space Residential R4 5 4 0 3 5 8 9 2 9 Agriculture A2 0 6 7 4 2 6 5 8 Industrial Recreation/Open space 1 Residential R4 1 9 6 l 2 6 20 1 5 Defence 0 EXISTING RESIDENTIAL IN 1 8 1 a 0 Mines and Quarries Existing Residential Agriculture A2 Residential to Agriculture A1 6 1Agriculture A1 6 8 2 9 1 8 5 IS-Residenti5al Quarry to Park PRSePsidential R3 8 6 n RESIDENTIAL R3 7 6 a 9 0 9 W Forest in Industrial PSP Existing3 91 MINES R/ QUARRIESesidential PSP Transportation 8 C i d 4 Agriculture A2 6 4 Industrial Recreation/Open space Residential R4 124 en 4 Forest 6 Defence Mines and Quarries Existing Residential Agriculture A2 Residential to Agriculture A1 8 1 u 99 6 PSP Residential Mines Residential to Industrial 2 Defenc1 e pt 1 Residential Agriculture 9A0C2ommercial Residential to Agriculture A1 6 Minm es and Quarries Existing Agricu2lture A2 o 6 Industrial Existing Recreation/Open space Existing Residential R5 1 Recreation/Open space ResidentiEXISTINGal R RESIDENTIAL4 IN Indu strial 6 l 24 4 8 m Forest 42 2 1 PSP35Agriculture A918 RESIDENTIAL R4 Residential Mines Residential to Industrial 8 2 Beldongari 7 IS-Residential Quarry to Park Residential R3 a 49 8 8 4 9 7 INDUSTRIAL 3 5 4 Agriculture A1 n 89 9 6 IS-R1 esidential Q3 uarry to Park Residential R3 4 03 0 8 6 9 9 5 3 a 1 Hills/Rocky areas Public utility Existing Residential R2 12 59 Forest PSP 66 ARgersicidueltnutriea lA 8M2in6 es Residential to Industrial 9 8 Industrial Recreation/Open space Residential R4 8 91 1 C o Proposed 4 1 EXISTING RESIDENTIAL IN W 0 6 Commercial 3 2 6 t 6 6 t 3 3 0 Commercial Industrial Existing i Recreation/Open space Existing COMMERCIALResidential R5 3 Residential R2 Hills/Rocky a6 reas Public utility ExistIingdustrial Existing 6 d 6 Recreation/Open space Existing Residential R5 5 89 2 6 f l e 3 2 5 ODR 105 6 RECREATION/ OPEN SPACE p 2 9 Commercial 2 e 0 Propn osed Industrial Existing Recreation/Open space Existing Residential R5 5 4 1 5 6 0 1 590 1 l a 5 u 2 0 4 Defence - Industrial6 u 5 6 Mines/Quarries 5 p Residential Existing Residential to Agriculture A2 1 2 7 9 Agr5 icultur5e A2 n 7 6 6 5 122 3 7 Indust0 rial Recreation/Open space7 Residential R4 86 5 h t a 0 o 4 Public utilEXISTINGity INDUSTRIAL IN 9 1 5 5 7 c 0 0 Gaothan Residential 4 c m Residential R/OS n Public utility Transportation Existing 2 601 5 1 6 Commercial Dumarikala 5 INDUSTRIAL Industrial Existing Recreation/Open space Existing Residential R5 8 59 n 0 7 8 9 Forest i5 n Industrial RECREATION/ OPEN SPACE 2 k e 7 PDSePfe nEcxeis t-i nIngdustrial Mines/QuarrieRsesidential PSP ResidenTtiraal nEsxpiosrtitnagtion Residential to Agriculture A2 Defence - Industrial e 5 3 Residential Existing 3 Residential to Agriculture A2 Mines/Quarrie9s m 8 Commercial Existing 55Commercial n 8 Industrial in Recreation/Open space Residential Agriculture A1 Residential Transportation 96 4 P d Industrial Existing 4 Recreation/Open sp7 ace Exi4sting Residential R5 4 7 9 2 8 a i 5 6 1 Agricultu5 re A2 4 2 5 Industrial Recreation/Open space Residential R4 1 b 5 Residential PSP Transportation 2 Forest in Industrial PSP3 Existing 1 Agr5iculture A2 7 QUARRY TO PARK 4 PUBLIC / SEMI PUBLIC 6 5 1 8 Industrial 2 Recreation/Open spaco e Residential R4 W Agriculture A1 6 Legend 4 IS-Residential Quarry to Park Residential R3 t 9 Forest in 1 Industrial CRoemsidmeenrtciiaall PSP 3 Industrial ExisTtirnagnsportation Recreation/Open space Existing Residential R5 PSP Existing1 (19) d 5 Dumri Commercial5 Existing p 8 4 7 Agriculture A1 Residential Agriculture A1 CRoemsimdeenrctiiaall TErxainsstipnogrtation a 6 Industrial in Recreation/Open space IS-Residential Quarry to Park Industrial in Recreation/ROepseidne snptiaacl eR3 Residential Agriculture A1 Residential Transportation 3 4 W 9 u Commercial Existing o Industrial in Recreation/Open space 3 2 Residential Agriculture A1 Residential Transportation 9 b PUBLIC UTILITY 8 1 9 Forest 8 2 5 4 PSP Residential Mines Residential to Industrial 0
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