STS. PETER AND PAUL CATHOLIC CHURCH 66192 St. Mary Drive Pearl River, LA 70452 Web: www.sppcprla.com Email: [email protected] Father Jerry Daniels—Pastor [email protected] Permanent Deacons: Deacon John “Pat” Downey Deacon Richard Calkins Deacon John F. Howard, Jr. (retired) Antonians: (Assistance) 985-863-7646 (leave message) Bulletin Editor: Amy Fandal CCD Coordinator: Mary Kittel [email protected] Development & Fundraising: Terri Schallenberg [email protected] Facility Custodian: Brian Tracey Parish Secretary: MASS SCHEDULE: Bonnie Milczarek 5:00 p.m. Saturday Vigil [email protected] 7:00, 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. Sunday Morning Office Hours: No Mass Monday Monday 8:00 a.m. Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Wednesday Tuesday—Thursday 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. HOLY DAY MASS SCHEDULE: Friday 5:00 p.m. Holy Day Vigil 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. 8:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Holy Day Telephone: SACRAMENT OF PENANCE: Rectory & Parish Office 4:00 to 4:45 p.m. Saturday 985-863-7935 6:00 to 6:15 p.m. Wednesday or by request 985-863-2700 SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Fax: 985-863-5431 Usually the third Sunday of the month (except during Lent) following 10:30 a.m. Mass. Please call the Parish Office for registration forms at least three weeks in advance. Parish Mission Statement: SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY: It is the mission of our Church By appointment with the parish priest or deacon a minimum of six Parish to follow the commands of months in advance. No other arrangements should be made before Jesus to Saints Peter and Paul: contacting the pastor. “Feed My Sheep” and “Carry My name among the nations.” FUNERAL ARRANGMENTS: Families should contact the priest (office) before making arrangements. New Parishioners: The pastor and members of Sts. COMMUNION FOR THE ILL, HOSPITALIZED & SHUT-IN: Peter and Paul welcome you! Please call the Parish Office so they may be add to the visitation list. Please register by filling out a SPECIAL DEVOTIONS: census form located at the en- Tuesday: St. Jude Novena immediately following 8 am Mass trances of the church and return to Thursday: Our Lady of Perpetual Help Novena following 8 am Mass the church. Thursday: Patriotic Rosary in church at 7 pm Bulletin Deadline: First Friday: The Most Blessed Sacrament & Eucharistic Adoration Office requires information no later than following 8 am Mass until 5 pm closing with Benediction Monday 2 weeks before publication. Seventeenth Sunday In Ordinary Time July 29, 2018 Vol. XXXIV, No. 30 Coming Attractions Offertory Giving Today's Gospel inau- The story of the multiplica- gurates a five-week depar- tion of the loaves and the fishes ture from the Gospel of is a familiar one, and has many Mark into the Gospel of lessons, not least of which is John. The account of the how our willingness to share feeding of the multitude is who we are and what we have- the introduction to what is known as the "Bread of exercising good stewardship- Life" discourse, which we will hear during the com- releases God’s power and bountifulness on the ing month. We can get so carried away with the stu- world and its people. Do we realize that there is pendous miracle recounted today that it is easy to enough for all if we are willing to share? Are we overlook how artfully the evangelist John introduces aware that God is at work when we share our time, the discourse. Like the people of Israel and Moses, our money and our other resources in His name? Jesus passes through the waters and then ascends a mountain. The ascent of the mountain (as in Mat- Last Sunday July 22 thew's introduction to the discourse we know as the Envelopes $3,067.00 Loose 1,542.76 "Beatitudes") is particularly important. It is the On Line Giving 200.00 trumpet blast announcing that something tremen- Total $4,809.76 dous is about to happen; something central and cru- cial to the ministry of Jesus is about to be handed on. First Friday August 3 Unlike Moses on Sinai, the mountains that Jesus as- Mass will be celebrated at 8:00 a.m. on cends to teach and work wonders are never named in First Friday in honor of The Most Blessed the Gospels, for it was important to the early church Sacrament. At the conclusion of Mass, Ado- not to sacralize places, but to keep their faith in Je- ration of the Blessed Sacrament will begin sus alone. And so it is that the crowds come to Him and continue until Benediction at 5:00 p.m. Sign-up today looking for physical healing and for the nour- sheets for Adorers are at church’s main entrance. ishment of their spirits and bodies. Bread of Earth and Heaven Weekly Miracles Jesus knew, as the evangelist shows in the ac- This week marks the beginning of a kind of count this week, that there is not much point in "liturgical detour." We have been listening to Saint speaking to people about the Bread of Heaven when Mark's Gospel during this liturgical year (Year B). their stomachs are grumbling for the bread of earth. Today we begin to hear a long section from John's For Jesus there was none of the Greeks' separation Gospel, starting with the miracle of the multiplica- of the human person into body and spirit, each entity tion of the loaves and fishes. This miracle story is a with its different needs. He knew people were creat- prelude to the Lord's statements that we will begin ed in love, flesh and soul, by his Father in Heaven. hearing in a few weeks, in which Jesus refers to Once again, the ministry of Jesus signals for us the Himself as the "bread of life." Each week we wit- intimate connection of the church's ministry to peo- ness a miracle at Mass. We do not see a multiplica- ple as both embodied and spiritual beings. Feeding tion of loaves before us. What our eyes of faith al- the multitude is a pragmatic way to help His listen- low us to see is the miracle of the transformation of ers focus on the teaching of His presence as the new common elements—bread and wine—into the Lord's manna sent from Heaven. For us today, that manna, Body and Blood. Once we have received the Lord, the Bread of Life, becomes our strength and suste- the multiplication begins, for in the Eucharist we are nance, so we are fortified to go forth in the name of strengthened to multiply our efforts to feed the poor, Christ, to be nourishment for the bodies and spirits shelter the homeless, and bring comfort to the des- of all those we encounter each day. pairing. Sts. Peter and Paul 3 Vol. XXXIV, No. 30 Mass Intentions Requested Pray For The Sick Monday, July 30 Lyn Adams, Ruth Anderson, Audrey Bonnet, Diana Brad- (Jer 13:1-11; Dt 32:18-21; Mt 13:31-35) shaw, JoAnn Brewin, Mary Brown, May Caballero, Patricia Cuccia, Dotsy Chedville, Fr. Warren Cooper, Deacon Pat No Mass Scheduled Downey, Steve Dunn, Marcelle Ernewein, Carroll Fourcade, Tuesday, July 31 Deacon John Howard, Virgie Hurstell, Allen & Joan Jagneaux, (Jer 14:17-22; Mt 13:36-43) Maria Kalcic, Gloriette Kiern, Pam King, Elizabeth Kittel, Vito 8:00 a.m. Altar Society Members Montalabano, Jessie O’Dell, Allen Poupart, Carlene Ragusa, Living and Deceased Lucy Reese, Norris Ripp, Ed Roszczynialski, Cathy Smith, Lorraine Steilberg, Eola Veillon Wednesday, August 1 (Jer 15:10, 16-21; Mt 13:44-46) WEEKLY EVENTS 6:30 p.m. Purgatorial Society Legion of Mary—Monday 7:00 p.m. in St. Antho- Thursday, August 2 ny Hall (Jer 18:1-6; Mt 13:47-53) Tuesday Morning Rosary—Tuesday after the 8:00 a.m. Claire Ragusa† 8:00 a.m. Mass and the St. Jude Novena in St. An- Friday, August 3 thony Hall (Jer 26:1-9; Mt 13:54-58) 8:00 a.m. Imelda Gares† Knights of Columbus—Wednesday, August 1, at Saturday, August 4 7:00 p.m. after Mass in St. Anthony Hall (Jer 26:11-16, 24; Mt 14:1-12) Patriotic Rosary—Thursday at 7:00 p.m. in the 5:00 p.m. Trudy Cusimano†, J.C. Spiers†, Larry & Church Carol Lesslie, Jessie Dukon, Eugene CCD Faculty—Teacher-in-Service Saturday, Au- Blanchard Jr.†, Curtis & Vita Owens†, gust 4, at 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall Eugenie Jeannie Gabriel†, Rosemary Poche†, Roszczynialski Family, Lee & Altar Society Bake Sale—After all Masses on Yvonne Tracey†, Joseph D’Antoni Jr.†, August 4-5 Louis Mangano Sr. & Jr.†, Ken & Adele GASPP—Monday, August 6, at noon in Parish Salzer†,Tina Mangano† Hall Sunday, August 5 (Ex 16:2-4, 12-15; Eph 4:17, 20-24; Jn 6:24-35) Pope Francis’ Prayer Intention 7:00 a.m. Betty Burkhardt† “That priests, who experience fatigue and loneli- 8:30 a.m. Jody Roszczynialski†, Maurice Poche†, ness in their pastoral work, may find help and com- Andrew Lambert†, Harry Guy Richard†, fort in their intimacy with the Lord and in their Henry & Margaret Jorns†, George friendship with their brother priests.” Butko†, Christopher Cadam†, Ramon Pope John Paul High School Garay Sr.†, Congetta Palermo† 10:30 a.m. People of the Parish Tabernacle Lamp This week the Tabernacle lamp in the Sanc- tuary burns in memory of the Deceased Mem- bers of the Knights of Columbus.
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