Cedarville University DigitalCommons@Cedarville The eY llow Springs American Local Newspapers 9-10-1953 The elY low Springs American, September 10, 1953 Cedarville University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/ yellow_springs_american Part of the Journalism Studies Commons Recommended Citation Cedarville University, "The eY llow Springs American, September 10, 1953" (1953). The Yellow Springs American. 12. https://digitalcommons.cedarville.edu/yellow_springs_american/12 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by DigitalCommons@Cedarville, a service of the Centennial Library. It has been accepted for inclusion in The eY llow Springs American by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@Cedarville. For more information, please contact [email protected]. NEW FRESHMEN ARE INFORMED The OF HORACE MANN’S STANDARDS BY DR. DOUGLAS McGREGOR YELLOW SPRINGS AMERICAN Colleges nnd universities, often crctse, the eletive system o f studies, accused of not having firm aims and a balanced curriculum with due at­ 10 cents per copy goals, could well adopt standards tention to the sciences, freedom of VOLUME I — NO. 14 Yellow Springs, Ohio, Thursday, Sept, 10, 1963 defined by Horace Mann a century religious and meinl equality, an in­ ago, jn the opinion of Dr. Douglas formal relationship between stu NEW Y.S. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL McGregor, president of Anlloch Col dents and faculty, and elastic en­ lege, whoso first president Mann be­ trance requirements with emphasis DEDICATED LAST THURSDAY; LEGION FAIR OPENS TONIGHT came In 1853. on potential rather than academic Dr. McGregor told the college's record. One ban which stjll exists centennial freshman class Tuesday from Mann’s day Is that against BUILDING JAMMED TO CAPACITY “COUNTRY FAIR” IS THE THEME OF that Mann’g views as to whnt a col­ prizes or medals, which he said stir Approxlmntly 1.000 people Jammed DR. McGREGOR WILL LEAVE ANTIOCH lege should and should not bo arc up "unholy fires of cumulation," the auditorium and halls of the new THREE DAY ROUND OF EVENTS "as challenging In our time ns they Dr, McGregor described ns "prac­ Miami Township Elementary School Dinner Given NEXT JULY - REPORT IS CONFIRMED were In his.’1 He added that Antlochs last Thursday night for simple but The fourth annual Yellow Springs crust pics, best angel food and dev­ tical applications of Mann’s princi­ As we go to press * confirmation Impressive dedication ceremonies. Legion Fair opens till* evening for il's food cake, best white cake and program, generally regarded as "pio­ ples" these developments at Antioch For Elmer Jacobs has been received stating that neering" and "trallblazlng”, is mer­ Open house was held all evening, a three-day stand on the site of the best loaf of bread), Mrs. Lester Par- during Its first century: A surprise birthday dinner was Officers, Plans Told Dr. McGregor has resigned, effec­ ely an attempt to live, up to MaMhns permitting public Inspection or the old Dayton St. elementary school. ton, Judge. "The course of study, whereby An­ given recently |n honor of Elmer tive July 1, 1954. He will return to standards. classrooms and facilities of the Sponsored by Thomas E, Bailey Painting and drawing (best oil tioch tries to give its students a Jacobs, whose blrthdny Was observed the School of Industrial Manage­ new structure, beautifully located By Garden Club Post No. 657, American Legion, the and best watcrcolor, best black and Dr. McGregor described a» parti­ solid intellectual foundation by re­ Sept, 4. The affair took place in his ment at M IT to resame his teach­ on historic Mills Lawn. Mrs. Howard Miller was re-elec­ Fair will feature a wide variety of white drawing and best cartoon), cularly appropriate MUnn’s defini­ quiring a broad cultural program Fairfield pike residence. ing career. - ted president of the Friendly Gard­ Robert Whitmore, judge. tion of what a college should not In the liberal arts and sciences, plus School Supervising Principal John exhibits and attractions. Guests Included Mr. and Mrs, Roy Dr. McGregor said he hag “chosen proficiency in a field of concentra­ Hnlchln arranged and directed the eners Club, when the group con­ Amateur photography (All prints be: Ivins of Lebanon, Mr. nnd Mrs* most satisfying to me, Antioch Legionnaires sPent the Labor Day tion; the cooperative study plus program, with Harold j . Bowers of vened Sept. 2 in her home, Dayton must be mounted for hanging. Best "It should not be an Egyptian Lloyd Jacobs and family of Wright* to return to the career which Is weekend on preparations. The, scho­ work program, under which students the state Department of Education pike. black and white, best tinted photo­ pyramid for the preservation of view, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jacobs, Mri. will remain dose to my .heart.” ol building will be used fo r some of spend iialf of their college career as the principal speaker. graph, and best color photograph, old mummies, literary pr psycholog­ and Mrs. Homer Jacobs, Mr. and Ncwly-elcctcd vice president is or Antioch college, Tuesdday was the exhibits and others will be on jobg |n various parts of the coun­ Bowers congratulated the people Mrs, Charles Mclllnger, and the not tinted), Mrs, Klanor Bahnsen, ical. Whatever has vitality in it, Mrs. Charles Jacobs, Ml*, anad Mr q f reported as telling theh student housed in large tents erected on the try, thus gaining valuable experience of Miami Township School District Judge. whatever has truth in It, let us re­ Wilbur Jacobs and fnmily, and Mr St new Sunshine secretary is Mrs. Ro- body heh is resigning his position grand* for their planned careers as well as for erecting a structure that meets ligiously preserve , , , but as for Ruth Jacobs, all of Dayton, Howard scoe Miller, Re-elected to the of­ to return to Magsachusscttss Insti­ Twenty local business firms have Household arts (handmade rugs, important measures of judgement, all the basic tests and for staffing the mummies of the pryamlds, let Bjrch of Newcastle, Ind., and Rob' fices of secretary and treasurer tute of Technology (MTT). contracted for space and will, as in I.e., hooked braided, etc., feed sack initiative and mnturity; It wjth qualified teachers. the Arab peasants continue to bum ert Fulton of Yellow Springs. * were Mrs. Ernest Collins and Mrs. When asked for confirmation, Dr. past years, show the great variety fashions, i.e., curtains, aprons, etc., them, as travelers tell us they are the character building program, He stressed the Importance of Eldon Saycr, respectively. McGregor said "no comment—can­ of products and services available crocheting, knitting, i.e,, sweaters, now accustomed to do, for cooking whereby Antioch attempts to stren­ competent, qualified teachers, stat­ It v/ns also announced during the not confirm or deny it until Oct. 15.” to the people of this area. Commer­ socks, infants* wear, quilts).: Mrs. gthen and refine the character of their dinners. Would to Heaven that ing that the teachers shortage Is so meeting that Mrs. Donald Brannum It was learned that heh also had cial exhibits in the past have equal­ Gladys Jacobs, Judge, students less by rules and exhorta­ New School Library nil the tyrants of the present day, critical that "one out of every 10 will have charge of the club’s floral made a similar announcement at a led those of the larger county fairs. Ribbons and cash prizes ($2 for tion than by makln clear the is­ elementary teachers this year In political and mental, could be put display at the American Legion faculty meeting last week. Among the greatest attractions ' the first prize) will be awarded, and sues and principles involved and Ohio will be undertralncd.” Because to ns good n use." To Correlate Work Fair this week, and that six club It was indicated Dr. McGregor of all will be he non-commercial ex .■guards will be provided 24 hours giving students responsibility, under of the shortage of teachers, he said, As to what a college should be. Mrs. May Frederic, Yellow Springs members will attend the annual would remain in Yellow Springs hjbits of arts and hobbles and agri­ daily throughout .the fair. Non-com- guldcnce, for their self government It has been necessary to issue tem­ Dr. McGregor reviewed Mann’s main librarian, stated that the local li­ State Garden Convention Friday until late this year. He succeeded cultural products. These will be mcricnl exhibits are being house In and their own code of honor, and points: porary teaching permits to 3,300 brary will work closely with the new nnd Snturady in the Netherlands Dr. Algo D. Henderson, who left Judged and awards made. the school building this year. a health and recreation program undertralncd teachers. Bowers is in Plaza Hotel, Cincinnati. (1) Colleges must concern them­ elementary school this year in-pro­ Antioch to become associate com­ Provisions have been made to for all students, with no intercol­ charge of tcncher training and cer­ selves with the solidity and breadth curing children’s literature, espec­ missioner of education for New Classifications and judges arc os amuse the youngsters this year with legiate athletic participation. tification in the Ohio state Depart­ of the foundations they lay, "not ially since the new school is located The delegates Include Mrs. How­ York state. He came to Antkeli five follows ride3 and entertainment. A merry The address of welcome to the st­ ment of education. The subject of only for the professions, but for all just across the street from the lib­ ard Miller, Mrs, Brannum, Mrs, years ago. * go round has been acquired for the udents opened Antioch's centennial his talk was "Building for Tomor­ Wilfred Routzong, Mrs, MWlinger, the business vocations of after life." rary.
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