INTERNET ECONOMICS INTERNET AS A HUMAN RIGHT Tanvi Singh AGENDA PRIMER-INTERNET AS A HUMAN RIGHT- DEFINED 3 BIG EVENTS/ CONVENTIONS IN THIS DIRECTION 4 INTERNET CRITIQUES 5 CONS- “I DON’T ACCEPT IT IS A RIGHT” 6 IS INTERNET A CIVIL RIGHT? 7 GLOBAL INTERNET USAGE 8 LANGUAGES USAGE STATISTICS 9 GLOBAL DIGITAL DIVIDE 10 VOICE OF THE PEOPLE- BBC POLLS 11 INTERNET AS A RIGHT: ECONOMY 12 INTERNET CENCORSHIP 13 SETBACKS AND PRIVATE SECTOR 14 MY TAKE 15 FUTURE 16,17 DISCUSSION TOPICS 18 PRIMER: IS INTERNET A HUMAN RIGHT!! “Right to Internet Access” in order to exercise and enjoy their fundamental human Rights: • RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF SPEECH • RIGHT TO DEVELOPMENT • RIGHT TO FREEDOM OF ASSEMBLY PRIMER: IS INTERNET A HUMAN RIGHT!! PRIMER: BIG EVENTS 2003: WORLD SUMMIT Geneva 2009-10: 2011: UN Special Rapporteur report Sept 2012: The Internet and Human Rights Berlin Building a Free, Open & Secure Internet Oct 2012: SILICON VALLEY Human Right Conference San Francisco PRIMER: IS INTERNET A HUMAN RIGHT!! Internet crifques Vint Cerf : Internet access cannot be a right in itself. Technology is an enabler of Rights, not a right itself Sherif Elsayed Denial to Internet would lead to a detriment in Ali: the quality of Life of people. Viviance Reding : Removal of this Right through Censorship or denial of internet access is breach to Human rights. La Rue: Each state should plan for making Internet accessible, available and affordable. CONS • “Just another problem created.” • “Rights are things govts can't take, not Providing internet to all is like things they must give.” Ma Asay creang another unsolvable drugs issue. • “Internet access is a responsibility not a right.” Ma Asay • “As a right providing universal access to mountains and islands is • “Internet is a luxury, not a right.” economically unviable.” Robert Lockard. • “Other taxpayers must pay for right to Internet of others” . • “Calling Internet a right is part of entlement culture” . Does that mean I'm guaranteed fast access, or will dial-up do?" “Internet Access” Is Not a Human Right!! IS INTERNET A CIVIL RIGHT!! • Jan 4, 2012: From the streets of Tunis to Tahrir Square, protests around the world on the Internet !! • Vinton Gray "Vint" Cerf: While technology is point of differenfaon between the "haves" and "have-nots”. Access to the Internet, a light bulb and a wheel are not fundamental Rights. What about the claim that “Internet access” is or should be a civil right? • Civil rights, different from human rights as are conferred upon us by law, not intrinsic to us as human beings. • United States has never decreed that everyone has a “right” to a telephone, the nofon of “universal service” — the idea that telephone service (and electricity, and now broadband Internet) must be available even in the most remote regions of the country. • Engineers have not only a tremendous obligaon to empower users, but also an obligaon to ensure the safety of users online. • Engineers/IEEE—With the advance of the art in technology ,we must be conscious of our civil responsibilifes in addifon to our engineering experfse. • "Access to the internet is akin to a civil rights issue for the 21st century”. Comcast to make affordable Internet connecfons for 2.5 million low-income households in US . • “Times”-There seems to be “all-round support for the internet as a civil right”. Malta PM Gonzi announced “Four new civil rights related to online behaviour” . • In July 2012, ARTICLE 19 stated the “Civil Rights Framework for the Internet in Brazil” (the ‘Marco Civil’). GLOBAL INTERNET USAGE INTERNET USERS IN 2010 AS PERCENTAGE OF COUNTRY POPULATION INTERNET USERS IN 2010 IN ABSOLUTE NUMBERS % OF INTERNET USERS BY LANGUAGE CONTENT LANGUAGE FOR WEBSITE LANGUAGE USED ON INTERNET GLOBAL DIGITAL DIVIDE Physical Access Financial Access Socio-demographic Access CogniEve Access Design Access InsEtuEonal Access PoliEcal Access Cultural Access VOICE OF THE PEOPLE- BBC POLLS Almost 4 in 5 people around the world believe that access to the internet is a fundamental right. INTERNET ACCESS IS NOT ECONOMICAL I NTERNET • Ethiopia just declared Skype and other VoIP tools illegal in order to guarantee the profits of its telecommunicaon companies — as well as advocate for more internet censorship. AS A HUMAN INTERNET ACCESS HAS TO BE UNIVERSAL • Aser all, the lack of good internet connecfons won’t affect “just” the populaon RIGHT but can actually be the difference-maker in the development capability of a ? country, of a region. ECONOMY • Countries with almost no internet connecfons cannot be part of the global economy, and as much as the populaon may suffer as a whole, most economic sectors also suffer from the inability to get in touch with consumers inside and outside the country. • But at the same fme, the investment in opfcal fiber, submarine cables, and on the whole internet infrastructure in many countries — especially the developing ones- is inadequate. In Brazil — the investment in such infrastructure is years behind the current demand, and it lacks the capability to handle the future demand for GDP growth and development. INTERNET CENSORSHIP FREEDOM ON THE NET REPORTS REPORTERS WITHOUT BORDERS OPEN NET INITIATIVE Polical: Social: Conflict/security: Internet tools: Pervasive censorship Substanfal censorship Selecve censorship Under surveillance Lile or no censorship Not classified / No data Good Infrastructure and Internet Connecons is just the beginning…. SETBACKS AND THE PRIVATE SECTOR The series of problems that we must face and fight against, the Internet Divide to Censorship and Vigilansm. It might seem harmless, but as they have full access to ALL your info and to what you like and don’t like, they might also have access to your private messages, to stuff you think you have kept private. How safe is your CLOUD?? Case: just another simple YouTube, complaining about the dubious quality of the Brazilian telecommunicaon services. One of Brazil’s major companies censored the videos that crifcizes the quality of its 3G connecfon. If a private company can’t accept such crifcism, imagine if it started something bigger? MY TAKE ALREADY A FUNDAMENTAL RIGHT!! SYNOPSIS DISCUSSION TOPICS .
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