Golfers zero in on record...page 11 • C I Mountainside" USPS 16o6 860) Your Community Leader " VOL, 24 NO. 17 MOUNTAINSIDE, N.J,, THURSDAY, May 27,1912 Published liy Tfimiiir I'IIIHI ,hint| ( or | l'i I t • t if •• -n l« • N I i mid (' l,i 'P.iiil .it jr.- N j 30 Cents Per Copy Poo/ Blue Stars nip Vikings fo' open to win first half crown Saturday The Mountainside Little League two hits. Danny Chung had a three run ner, 10-5, over the Springfield Rotary. crowned its first half champion as the double for the Cubs and Jamie Downey Todd Richter went thy route for the The Mountainside Community Pool undefeated Blue Stars made it seven in played a smooth game at shortstop Colts and was strongly supported at the will open Saturday. The facility is a row at the expense of the Vikings, 11- Alan Gardiner and Grayson Murray bat by Kevin Everly with four hits, Joe located on Mountain Avenue and is 10. .Joe Ventura with a two-run triple combined to pitch a five hitter as the Grande with three hits and Bill Quandt operated by the Mountainside Recrea- and Ian Sharkey with a two run-double Dodgers pounded the Orioles, 10-2. with two hits. Catcher Larry Basnasl of tion Commission, paced the Blue Stars, as reliever Jim Frank Tennaro with three hits and the Rotarians stroked a long home run Barrt'tt came on in the last inning with Justin Toner and Glen Miske with two and played a strong game in the field, The pool will be open on weekends the tying runs on base and shut off a each paced the Dodger offense. The and Robert Fusco chipped in with two from noon to 6 p.m. until June 26 when furious Viking comeback. Mike Orioles got two hits each from Mike hits. daily operation commences. The com- Sabatino and Peter Rosenhauer each Rinaldo and Joe Crilly and a two-RBI The Mustangs moved back into con- plex includes the 50-meter pool, diving had thrue hits for the Vikings. single from Greg Barisonek, good relief tention with a double-header victory tank, wading pool, loekerrooms, snack pitching from David Blackwell and fine over the Mavericks. In the first game bar and picnic grove. The Mete pounded out two wins dur- outfielding from George Serio and Kevin Rodgers. Todd Lischin and ing the week to finish tied for second Rome! Sanchez. Frank Antonaeei came through with with the Vikings. In their first game the The management of the pool com- The American League Division the timely hits in sparking the prises Sue Winans, administrator; Bob Mets rallied for four late runs to pull out Mustangs to a 13-4 win. Mark Walters a 9-8 victory over the Braves. Matt witnessed a 8-5 Yankee triumph over Anderson, manager, and Rap the Angels with all the runs being was overwhelming in his two-inning Reinhardt and Al Hauser, assistant Swarts led off the rally with a home relief stint. Chris Ventura and Louis run, Pat Attenasio squeezed home Dale scored in the first two innings. Colin managers. Dana Zonneyville and Pat Graham sparked the Yankees with a Federico were the hitting stars for the Clark will coach the swimming and div- Torborg with the tying run and Mark Mavericks and Jim Clifford played a Castelo, who had three hits on the day, two run triple and fine fielding at short- ing teams, respectively. stop and combined with second solid game at third base. drove in the winning run with a triple, In the night cap. Shane Connell struck Swim lesson instructors include John Snraka pitched four strong inn- baseman Eric Dowdle on a double play. Kristen Conover, Beer-Befienedettor Peter Gittrich came on in relief to out 11 and hurled the Mustangs to a 10-2 ings for the Braves and Tom Logiofhip- triumph. Connell also had two hits as Christy Homer, Kathy Norwine and pedin with two hits. record the win. The Angels were led by Janney Zonneyville. Peggy Carrigg the hitting of Jimmy Alder and Eric did Greg Torborg and RUSH Picut, with returns as secretary, with Tim Har- In the Mets second game, Brandon Williams and Becky Bell and strong David Dietz contributing several nice rigan,, Dan Greeley and Michael Salsh Rusehe scored three runs to pace the relief pitching by Chris Chiavarelli, plays in the field. Pat Danielle had a on the maintenance staff. Lifeguards Mets to an easy 26-8 decision over the The Pony League continued its inter spectacular day at second base for the are FfSS AHhoIm, Walter Kempner, Cubs. Petu Kozubal pitched well for the town play with Springfield, and the Mavericks and Louis Caiola supplied John Kennedy, Rick VanBenschoten Mets as Brian Martin chipped in with Mountainside Colts came away a win- the bulk of the Maverick punch and Barbara Willis. Natalie Hay will PATRICIA LYNN KUKAN work at the gate control desk. Three types of pool memberships are available: family, single and senior citizen. Information on fees and Kukan is crowned Iroquois hold top spot membership applications can be ob- tained at the Recreation Commission office, in Borough Hall, or by calling NJ.'s Miss Pre-Teen 232.0015, in rec Softball league girls ages 8 through 12 who have been Patricia Lynn Kukan, II, daughter of selected by the their official state selec- In the Mountainside Recreation Soft- GOP dub sets Mr, and Mrs, Paul Kukan of Raccoon tion committed- "balt teiTfueT JunionJTvisionTThe Iro- Hollow in Mountainside, will compete They will be recognized for their quois edged out four other teams in a for the Miss National Pre-Teen title to scholastic and leadership five-way tie for first place in the first open forum be held later this year in Atlanta, She is achievements, poise, personality, stage half of league play. a student at Our Lady of Lourdes School presence and personal interviews, The Mountainside Republican Club The Blaekhawks, Mohawks, in the sixth grade. Joseph Hembroofce, the state director Shawnees and Comanches, along with will host an open forum today at 8 p.m. of the competition, said. at the Borough HsM on Route S2, Invited Kukan, 12, was named Miss New tl L Iroquois, finished with records of guests are Assemblywoman Maureen Jersey National Pre-Teen on May IS at The National Teen-Ager Foundation three wins and two losses. Last place Ogden, Assemblyman Robert Franks, the Somerset County Vocational High provides cash awards and prizes to the was awarded to-the Apaches. Sen, Donald DiPrancesco and Con-School. She was crowned by New national and state winners^ who also The Iroquois were led offensively by gressman James Courter. Jersey's 1981 Miss Pre-Teen, Jennifer wiU represent businesses and service Chris Piseitelli, who homered eight Loper of Cape May. organizations in parades, openings and times and drove in many runs. Andrea The program will focus on aspects For her state victory she received a other public functions. Wood and Joanne Esemplare hit well to several current public problems: $500 savings bond, a scholarship to Cap- Kukan is sponsored in the Pre-Teen put their team in first place. budget limits, environmental controls, pa Chell Model Agency in Washington, tournament by Adidas/Llbco of Spr- The Apaches were working defen- toxic wastes, and tax levies. In addi- DC, the trip to the national finals, a ingfield, sively behind the good pitching of Jen- tion, tte topic of wider involvements by trophy, official banner, tiara and a She also is a member of the Fanwood- nifer Price and Dawn Ray. They got a the public in local government will be year's subscription to Co-Ed magazine. Scotch Plains YMCA Swim Team and lot of offensive help from the strong hit- discussed. "I'm really excited and can't wait for has received academic honors in- ting of Becky Zirkel and Maria the nationals," she said. eluding first place this year and second Buckley. A question period will follow the Kukan, who describes herself as a place last year in the local American The Blackhawks were led by Pitcher discussion. Refreshments will be serv- "good student," says she is not sure but History Essay Contest sponsored by the Tracey Everly, who also was ed. The public has been invited. For may go onto a,career in a science field. National Society of the Daughters of the ALLS-STARS—Members of the fifth- and sixth-grade All-Star team will repre- outstanding with the bat, Robin sent Mountainside In the Union County Girls Softball Tournament in Warinaneo those interested there will be an oppor- Participating in the nationals will be American Revolution. Mishkin and Marianne Lopapa also tunity at the meeting to join the club, Park, beginning June 3. Pictured are, first row, from left, Lgrlent Harrison, Pat- were strong hitters, along with Jennifer ty Kukan, Robin Mishkin, Dana Fischer, Tracey Everly, Monica Schweizar and Johnson, who hit her first home run of Chris Piseittlli, Back row are Maria Gill, Jtnny Ahlholm, Chris MatejBk, Lauren the season. Venes, Andrea Wood, Marianne Lopapa, Maria Buckley and Janet Wilson, Peggy Firemen's unit Lodge names Ross The Comanches ended with a winning Wilson and Sue'.Vinans coach the team. record, thanks to the superb pitching of Dana Fisher, who led the league in fielding of Margo Demskl, Nancy Dem- power was supplied by Harrision, to hold service 1982 'Man of Year* strikeouts. Hitting for the Comanches ski, Nancy Schon and Valerie Rau kept Kukan and Sandra Trano, along with Vice President Fabian E.
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