New species of Calathea (Marantaceae) endemic to Costa Rica Helen Kennedy Abstract: Calathea hylaeanthoides Kennedy, Calathea retr0fle.r~ Kennedy, and Calathea irzcornpta Kennedy are described as new. All three species are endemic to Costa Rica. Calathea hylaearztlzoides and C. incornpta are from the Osa Peninsula, while C. retrofle-ra is from midelevation on the Pacific slope of the Cordillera de Talamanca. Calathea hylaearzthoides belongs to Calathea section Breviscaplcs, C. retroflexa belongs to Calathea section Calathea, and C. incompta belongs to the "Ornata group" of Calathea. Key words: Marantaceae, Calathea, Costa Rica, endemism RCsurnC : L'auteure dCcrit les nouvelles espkces Calathea hylaearzthoides Kennedy, Calathea retroflexa Kennedy et Calathea incompta Kennedy. Ces espkces sont toutes trois endCmiques au Costa-Rica. Les C. hylaearzthoides et C. incornpta proviennent de la pCninsule d'Osa alors que le C. retroflexa pousse B une ClCvation moyenne, sur le versant Pacific de la Cordillera de Talamanca. Le C. hylaearzthoides appartient B la section Breviscapus du genre Calathea, le C. retroflexa B la section Calathea du m&me genre, alors que le C. incornpta appartient au "groupe Ornata," toujours dans le genre Calathea. Mots clPs : Marantaceae, Calathea, Costa-Rica, endtmisme. [Traduit par la rCdaction] Introduction of endemism for Marantaceae in Costa Rica. The third is from the Pacific slope of the Cordillera de Talamanca, in San The Marantaceae, a pan-tropical family of large-leaved her- JosC Province. Surely with additional collecting in the more baceous plants, is a characteristic element of the understory remote areas of Costa Rica, additional undescribed taxa will vegetation of the lowland tropics, especially in the Americas, be found. where 80% of the species occur. Of the aproximately 420 species of Marantaceae in the Neotropics, just over half, Taxonomy 255, are in the genus Calathea (Kennedy 1992). The genus is widespread with species distributed from central Mexico Calathea hylaeanthoides Kennedy, sp.nov. in the north to northern Argentina in the south, occuring in Figs. IA, IC, and 1E semideciduous forest to cloud or rain forest habitats. The Planta cespitosa 0.8 - 1.6 m alta. Folia basalia 7 - 13, ellip- species range from sea level to 1500 m in elevation, though tica, acuminata vel obtusa cum acumine, base obtusa vel in rare instances up to 2100 m. rotundata interdum brevissime angustata, 25.5 -54 x 10 - Plant collection and documentation of the floristic diver- 19 cm, supra splendentia viridia secus costam et venas prin- sity of Costa Rica have increased considerably in the past cipales tomentosa, subtus nitentia viridi-grisea ad costam et decade. This is a result of a cooperative project to publish ad marginem minute tomentosa ceterum glabra; pulvinus A Manual to the Plants of Costa Rica through the collabora- supra tomentosus 0.8-4.5 cm longus; petiolus viridis tive efforts of the Costa Rican Biodiversity Institute (INBIO) minute tomentosus ad 40 cm longus; vagina ad marginem et and the Missouri Botanical Garden in the United States. Such ad basin minute tomentosa, 16-67 cm longa. Spica 1, increased field work has revealed many undescribed taxa for obconoidea (4.37 -9.5 cm longa x (3.37- 10.5 cm lata, Costa Rica, including an undescribed plant family, the Tico- pedunculo 4 -22.5 cm longo; bracteae (15?)28 -65, spira- dendraceae (Hammel and Burger 1991). In Standley's (1937) liter dispositae, herbaceae, anguste ovato-triangulares, Flora of Costa Rica, he listed 18 species in the genus interiores ellipticae, acutae, virides vel obscure purpureo- Calathea. Today, nearly twice that many, 38, are recog- tinctae, sparse minute tomentosae, 3.8 -9.5 x 1.7 -2.4 cm; nized. Of these, about one third (13) are endemic, known ovarium album glabrum; sepala anguste elliptica, acuta, ad only from Costa Rica. This paper describes three new apicem purpurea, 14- 16 x 3.5-4.5 mm; tubus corollae endemic species in preparation for the Marantaceae treat- albus, glaber, 30-35 mm longus; lobis ellipticis acutis pur- ment for the manual. Two of the new species are from the pureis, 14 - 18 mm longis; staminodium exterius obovatum, Osa Peninsula, Puntarenas Province, the richest single area emarginatum, luteum, 13 - 17 mm longum, staminodium cal- losum spatulatum ad apicem petaloideum retusum luteum prope basin album 17- 19 x 10- 12 mm, staminodium I Received November 13, 1996. cucullatum luteum ad apicem aurantiacum 7 -9 mm longum. H. Kennedy. Herbarium, Botany Department, University of Acaulescent herb, 0.8- 1.6 m high, each shoot bearing British Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T 124, Canada. 7 - 13 basal leaves, lateral shoots often develop in the axils I e-mail: [email protected] of the penultimate and occasionally the uppermost leaves on Can. J. Bot. 75: 1356-1362 (1997) @ 1997 NRC Canada Kennedy the main shoot (Fig. 1A). Cataphylls narrowly ovate, apicu- H. Kennedy, B. Hammel, and J. Solomon 4664 (holo- late, green. Leaf blade herbaceous, elliptic, apex acuminate type CR; isotypes BM, COL, DUKE, F, G, GB, INB, K, (in smaller leaves) to obtuse with acumen, base obtuse to MA, MICH, MO, P, U, UBC, US). rounded, occasionally shortly abruptly attenuate, 25.5- OTHER COLLECTIONS:COSTA RICA: Puntarenas Prov.: 54 x 10- 19 cm. Leaf blade above sparkling deep green, Cant6n de Golfito, Dos Brazos de Rio Tigre, JimCnez, Cerro densely minutely tomentose along entirety of major veins (on Miiller, bajando por la fila a 10s afluentes de Rio Niiio, minor veins only adjacent to midrib) and on acumen, midrib riparia, 400-744 m, 08"30135"N, 83'28'35 "W, 30 Aug. yellow-green, densely, minutely tomentose throughout; leaf 1990, G. Herrera and C. Fallas 4174 (CR, INB, UBC); surface below semi-shiny grey-green, glabrous except along R.N.V.S. Golfito, entre Golfito y Villa Briceiio, a 4.5 km margin of narrower side and along major veins adjacent to del Campo de aterrizaje, camino norte, Quebrada Gamboa, margin, occasionally subglabrous on veins adjacent to mid- 100-200 m, 08"40140"N, 83"12'10"W, 29 Jan. 1992, rib, midrib olive-green, minutely tomentose. Pulvinus ellip- U. Chavarria, B. Hammel, Formoso, and J. Martin 520 tic in cross-section, olive-green,~tomentosein a narrow band (INB, MO); R.N.V.S. Golfito, entre Golfito y Villa Briceiio, above, the rest glabrous, 0.6-4.5 cm long. Petiole green, ca. 7 km NO de Golfito, cerca de Quebrada Gamboa, minutely tomentose (barely visible at 14 x magnification), 08"40140"N, 83" 12'10"W, B. Hammel, U. Chavarria, and grooved, more deeply so just above the sheath, (1)6.5 - A. Ferna'ndez 18418 (MO); peninsula de Osa, Rancho Que- 40 cm long. Leaf sheath not auriculate, green above, becom- mado, 250 m, 6 Sept. 1992, J. Martin (INB). ing light yellow-green basally, minutely tomentose along the Calathea hylaeanthoides belongs to Calathea section margins and near base, central portion subglabrous, the basal Breviscapus Koernicke and is closely related to C. killipii 3-4 cm swollen, white, sparsely pilose to sericeous; 16- Smith & Idrobo, from southern Panama and the Choc6 67(8 1) cm long. Internodes sericeous, hairs brownish. region of Colombia. Calathea hylaeanthoides is readily dis- Inflorescence terminal on main and axillary leafy shoots, tinguished from other species of Calathea by its numerous one per shoot, basal, lax, obconical, (4.97-9.5 x (3.37- (seven or more) all basal leaves; the bright green upper leaf 10.5 cm (Figs. 1A and 1C). Peduncle green, minutely surface with a glittering sheen (like that characteristic of the tomentose, 4-22.5 cm long. Bracts (15?)28-65, spirally genus Hylaeanthe) and tomentose major veins; the obconoid arranged, herbaceous, narrowly ovate-triangular, apex inflorescence of soft herbaceous, spirally arranged acute acute, uppermost ones elliptic, 3.8 -9.5 x 1.7 -2.4(2.9) bracts with length to width ratio 2.2-3.9 in which the basal- cm, the bract length progressively decreases from base to tip most ones are longest and bract length progressively of inflorescence; each bract subtending ca. five flower pairs. decreases apically; and the glabrous flower with a petaloid Outer surface of bracts light green or strongly tinged purple, callose staminode. Calathea hylaeanthoides is distinguished whitish at base, sparsely minutely tomentose, basal one from C. killipii by the leaf tomentose along the major veins quarter subglabrous to glabrous, hairs < 0.3 mm; inner sur- above and glabrous below versus glabrous above and face green, minutely tomentose in apical one half. Bicarinate minutely pubescent, especially along the veins below; and by prophyll membranaceous, broadly ovate to broadly elliptic in the bracts not slime filled versus bracts conspicuously filled upper bracts, apex obtuse, translucent chartreuse, glabrous, with a clear gelatinous slime. All other species of Costa 1.3-2 x 1.1 - 1.5 cm. 0.8- 1.1 cm wide. carina to carina. Rican Marantaceae that are pubescent along the major veins Secondary bract memb;anaceous, broadly ovate, apex obtuse have one or more cauline leaves when mature and ovate to to rounded, translucent chartreuse, glabrous, ca. 1.4 - 1.5 x cylindrical inflorescences. 1.1 - 1.2 cm. Bracteoles two per flower pair, membranous, Calathea hylaeanthoides flowers in September and Janu- medial, one carinate, one channeled, transparent, glabrous, ary. It occurs in tropical wet forest habitat. At the type local- (0.7)l.l- 1.3 cm long. ity, the understory was almost exclusively of this species. Flowers with sepals narrowly elliptic, acute to 90°, Several hundred plants were massed in an area of approxi- purple apically, basal one half white, glabrous, 14- 16 x mately 0.02 ha. It appeared that the understory trees and 3.5-4.5 mm (Fig.
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