Hurricane Relief Crime Stoppers Continued from page 1 The Mennonite Disaster Service is also accepting donations at 100 Pear Tree also accepting donations. Mail donations Lane, Raleigh N.C. 27610. By phone (800) On Sept. 21., unknown individual(s) set fire to a trash can inside the to The Mennonite Disaster Service, P.O. HELPNOW or in Spanish (800) 257-7575. mens bathroom inside the Student Union. Box 500, Akron, Pa. 17501-9989. Other organizations include: State Do­ On Sept. 22., Mrs. Kelly Bennett reported that someone had taken her The Durham-Chapel Hill Jewish Federa­ nations Management Hotline (888) 768- 7601 (gives names and numbers for vari­ book bag its contents. The incident occurred at Reeves Auditorium some­ tion is accepting donations. Mail checks and make them out to The Durham-Chapel ous charities) Adventist Community time on Sept. 13. Hill Jewish Federation and mark them‘Hur­ Services: (800) 381-7171 and Church World On July 19., Patty Rose of the Methodist College post office reported ricane Relief . The address is 3700 Sen'ice: (800)297-1516. than an unknown individual(s) vandalized mail box numbers 12064 and 12065 Lyckan Parkway, Suite B, Durham, 27707. Several internet sites list detailed infor­ by pulling the doors off their hinges. The incident occurred between July 16 The United Methodist Church is ac­ mation regarding disaster relief efforts. and July 19. cepting financial contributions. Mark Some of these are the American Red Cross: On Aug. 25., Mary Kirchner reported that a computer (CPU) and key­ checks “Hurricane Floyd Relief’ and mail www.redcross. org., WRAL TV 5: board were taken from Clark Hall room 109. The incident occurred be­ to the North Carolina Conference, P.O. Box www.wral-tv.com., Fayetteville Observer- tween May 8 and Aug. 19. 10955, Raleigh, N.C. 27605. Times: www. fayettevillenc .com., and The If anyone has information regarding these incidents, please contact Meth­ Salvation Army Divisional Headquar­ News and Observer: www.news- observer.com. odist College Crime Stoppers at 630-PATROL (7287). A reward is offered ters is accepting donations. Please mark checks Flood Relief—^N.C. Mail to P.O. Box Note: Information regarding organiza­ to anyone who provides information that leads to the apprehension of the 241808, Charlotte, N.C. 28224-1808. Phone tions participating in relief efforts may individual(s) who committed the crimes. The identity o f individuals provid­ at (800) SAL ARMY. change as dates change. ing information to crime stoppers is kept confidential. We want your infor­ The American Red Cross in Raleigh is mation, not your name. M. C. celebrates Red Ribbon Week By Mr. Saunders throughout the week. donated for this event. To give everyone Convocation the opportunity to show their support- for Assistant Dean for Student Services In honor of the national observance of Continued from page 2 Red Ribbon Week, the Methodist College this worthy cause, we have designated The Red Ribbon Campaign is a celebra­ Community will offer several special ac­ Wednesday, Oct. 27, as “Wear Red” day. cate yourself’. He also told them to leam tion of living healthy and drug-free by tivities to allow students to show support At various events on campus, community as much as possible from the core “uniting the community with a visible com­ for a drug-free hfe style. During the week members will have the opportunity to take courses, and to leam to communicate mitment to empower the members of the of Oct. 23-31, community members who the Red Ribbon Pledge, a public effectively to move ahead in hfe. community to stay away from drugs”. The wear the red ribbon will receive 20% off on committment to remain drug-free. A key part of his speech was a dis­ Red Ribbon Celebration originated when all non-book purchases froin the Method­ Community members who use alcohol cussion on his feelings on ethics and Federal Agent Enrique Camarena was kid­ ist College Bookstore. Mamott Food Ser­ and/or other drugs may want to celebrate morality in a world that is changing so napped and murdered by drug traffickers vice will show their support fcy giving a Red Ribbon Week by taking a step to join rapidly. He was very blunt when he in 1985. The tragedy prompted an outpour­ free cold beverage containerwith any food the ranks of the drug-free. There are sev­ stated that ethics and morality were vi­ ing of public support for the fight against purchase at the Lion’s Den^while quanti­ eral resources available at Methodist Col­ tal in this world. He told the audience drugs and thus began the observance of the ties last! Ther& will be reserved parking lege, including Alcoholics Anonymous, that the most serious questions are ques­ first Red Ribbon Week in memory of Agent spaces designated for 1 0 vehicles in each Alcohol Education Classes, Peer and Pro­ tions concerning ethics and morality. Camarena. The red ribbon became the sym­ major parking area on campus, on a “first fessional Counseling, just to mention a few. “What is the Good Life?” President bol to eliminate the demand for drugs, just come, first se jy ^ ” b^is. Thf Student Life For more information about the aforemen­ Hendricks asked at the core of his as the yellow ribbon symbolized the hos­ Deparment^willspoJisOTa drug free recruit­ tioned services and other services available speech, a question that was what he tages in Iran, and green ribbon symbolized ing contest on Tuesda^O ct. 26, from 11 in this community, as well as in the wanted the audience to answer for them­ the murdered children in Atlanta. Red rib­ a.m.-l p.hj^ohj^eers wilf-tegiveo20 rnin- Fayetteville community, contact Darlene selves. After all, in such a changing bons will be passed out at the Welcome utes to acquj^e^as many sign^ajpes as they Hopkins, the Director of the Counseling world you cannot remain in “Kansas” Center on Oct. 25th and 26th. They will also can on their Drug Free Petition. The win­ Center, who is also a Certified Addictions both ethically and mentally if you hope be available at the Bems Student Center ner will receive a special prize that has been Specialist, at (910)630-7150- to succeed. After Dr. Hendricks finished speak­ ing the ceremony wound down with the RED RIBBON WEEK ACTIVITIES AT A GLANCE singing of the Alma Mater and the Bene­ 1. 20% off non-book purchases at the Bookstore for anyone wearing the Red Ribbon at purchase. diction by Reverend Carl King. Both were 2. Wear a red ribbon and receive a free cold beverage mug with any purchase at the Lions Den. (while quantities last). delivered beautifiilly and provided a fit­ 3. “W earRedDay” will be Wednesday, October 27,1999. ting conclusion to what was a well-con- 4. Reserved parking for red vehicles in all major parking areas. Look for the Red Ribbon signs. ducted and well-presented convocation 5. Win a special prize at the Drug-Free recruiting contest from 11 a.m.-lp.m. on Tuesday, October 26,1999, at the that should go down as one of the best Bems Student Center. for some time to come..
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