Call (906) 932-4449 DAYS ‘TIL CHRISTMAS Ironwood, MI The Best Gift for the Lions fall 2 Holidays is a Lock leads Denver over Redsautosales.com Gift Certificate from: Detroit 27-17 Ironwood, MI 906-932-4400 SPORTS • 7 Since 191 9 DAILY GLOBE Monday, December 23, 2019 Partly cloudy yourdailyglobe.com | High: 37 | Low: 27 | Details, page 2 Ho! Ho! Ho! Ironwood Township firefighters throw Santa party By P.J. GLISSON Carlson, who was [email protected] dressed as an elf, said the IRONWOOD – A Satur- 20 members of the depart- day morning “Christmas ment “take a day” to sit and for Kids” event at the Iron- wrap all the gifts that are wood Township Hall fea- donated by members of the tured a steady line of chil- community. dren waiting for the chance Wives, husbands and to tell Santa what they mates of department mem- hope to receive for Christ- bers also help with any mas. other aspect of the event. The Ironwood Town- In addition, Adam Gras- ship Volunteer Fire Depart- er, deputy sheriff with the ment sponsored the annu- Gogebic County Sheriff’s al event, which included a Office in Bessemer, lent gift for each child in atten- support. dance. While standing next to “It makes people multiple boxes that were happy,” said Fire Chief spilling over with gifts, he Scott Carlson with a big said the best part was see- grin. ing the smiles on the faces Also available was a of participating children. light lunch of hot dogs, One of the kids was chips, Christmas cookies Kanaan Tippet, 4, of Iron- and beverages. wood, who was there with After time with Santa, his mom, Jessica Tippett. kids sat at multiple tables Kanaan said he wanted to enjoy their meal while Santa to bring him “a visiting with their parents, kitchen set.” siblings and other family “He loves to cook,” said members and watching his mom, who added that other kids take their turn he’s hoping to receive with Jolly Old St. Nick. items such as pots and Joanne Carlson, wife of pans. the chief, said 100 to 200 Festive holiday decora- P.J. Glisson/Daily Globe kids attend the annual tions completed the pic- VISITING WITH Santa Saturday morning at the Ironwood Township Hall is Aeowyn Leslein, 5, who was attend- event, depending on the ture at the Lake Road loca- ing with her brother, Theodrik, 3, and their mom, Gwendolyn Leslein, all of Ironwood. The Ironwood Township year. tion. Volunteer Fire Department sponsored the event. Porkies hosts snowshoe making as part of outdoors academy By P.J. GLISSON participating. “I’ve been wanting teaching it,” said Urban of the [email protected] to do this for a long time,” he snowshoe session. She ONTONAGON – In modern said. explained that Neal also was times, when shopping includes The men were taking part in present because she’d taught the so much choice and conve- an all-day session sponsored by course “many times.” nience, most folks don’t even the Outdoor Skills Academy of The guys learning to lace the consider the option of spending Michigan’s Department of Natu- shoes claimed they are not crafty their spare time crafting an item ral Resources. by nature, but their instructors from scratch. Registration in the workshop disagreed. Urban described Not so with participants in included two wood frames, them as “the easiest students Saturday’s snowshoe-making tubular nylon lacing, and step- you could ever have” and added, workshop at the Porcupine by-step instruction by either “They’re just flying through Mountains Wilderness State Urban or Theresa Neal, who is a this.” Park in Ontonagon. park interpreter for the Tahqua- She said they were using “People should do this sort of menon Falls State Park in New- frames from a company in the thing more often,” said John berry. Munising area, where she said McIntosh of Ontonagon, who The women and their stu- employees “bend the frame was busy weaving one of his dents were stationed within the themselves” from white ash shoes under the careful guid- A-frame of the Porkies ski com- received from Escanaba. ance of Porkies park interpreter plex. Photos and diagrams provid- P.J. Glisson/Daily Globe Katie Urban. Urban, who just started at the ed by Neal helped to illustrate GUIDING JOHN McIntosh of Ontonagon on the art of making a “It’s kind of cool,” added Porkies last August, used to the steps needed to create a snowshoe is Katie Urban, park interpreter for the Porcupine Moun- McIntosh. work as a seasonal interpreter tains Wilderness State Park in Ontonagon. The park offered an all- Matt Evans, also of Onton- with Neal. day workshop on Saturday in the A-frame area of the ski complex. agon, was equally excited to be “This is my first time actually SNOWSHOE — page 5 Blue Canvas celebrates Christmas at Historic Ironwood Theatre By RICHARD JENKINS performed a variety of Christmas songs – [email protected] several with a unique twist that played to IRONWOOD – The Historic Ironwood the performers' musical backgrounds. Theatre continued to celebrate the holiday Ed Willett, the group's musical director, spirit Sunday with a performance of “Blue said the musicians on stage Sunday each Canvas Christmas” by members of the had a different musical background and Blue Canvas Orchestra. style. He said this allowed the group to “(The Blue Canvas Orchestra) has choose songs that highlighted those differ- always been a local favorite, so we wanted ent styles, rather than adapting the styles to bring them back this year, because peo- to a specific song. ple love them,” theater board president One of the examples of this was Yazmin Zona Wick said. Richard Jenkins/Daily Globe The seven members of the house band ED WILLETT plays with the Blue Canvas Orchestra during the group's “Blue Canvas Christmas” concert Sunday at the Historic Ironwood Theatre. for Lake Superior Big Top Chautauqua BLUE — page 12 TODAY INDEX Snow — Details, page 2 Classifieds . .10-11 75 cents Comics . .9 Sunday Today’s records Snowfall Community . .3 Vol. 101, No. 24 High 46 High 42 (1991) 48 hours to 7 a.m. Education . .6 Low 28 Low -26 (1983) Sunday none Snow depth 14 in. Obituaries . .none Year ago today Precipitation Season total 82.9 in. Opinion . .4 High 25 48 hours to 7 a.m. Last year 50.9 in. Sports . .7-8 Low 18 Sunday none l 2 MONDAY, DECEMBER 23, 2019 NATION THE DAILY GLOBE • YOURDAILYGLOBE.COM FIVE-DAY FORECASTFOORECAST FOR IRONWOODIRRONWOOD White House predicts Pelosi to TODAY TUESDAYTUESDAAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAYTHURSSDAY FRIDAY ‘yield’ on impeachment delay WASHINGTON (AP) – The White port for his plans to impose a framework House argued Sunday that Speaker Nancy drawn from the 1999 impeachment trial of Pelosi has put herself in an untenable posi- President Bill Clinton. That trial featured a Scatteredered Mostly Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Mostly Cloudy tion by stalling House-passed articles of 100-0 vote on arrangements that estab- SnowSnoow impeachment against President Donald lished two weeks of presentations and Trump in hopes of shaping the upcoming argument before a partisan tally in which 37° 27° 33° 23°233° 34° 26° 32° 27° 29° 19° Senate trial. then-minority Republicans called a limited Winds: Winds: Winds: Winds:Winnds: Winds: The House voted Wednesday to number of witnesses. 7 mmphph EESESE 2-92-9 mphmph SSESSE 6 mphmph ENEENE 7 mphmph S 7-107-10 mphmph WSWWSW impeach Trump, who became only the That has sparked a fight with Pelosi third president in U.S. history to be for- and Schumer, who are demanding trial Ontonagon LOCALL OUTLOOK mally charged with “high crimes and mis- witnesses who refused to appear during 36/28 Todayy we will see mostly cloudy demeanors.” Pelosi has declined to send House committee hearings, including act- Bergland skies, highg of 337°,7°, humidityy of 82%. the articles of impeachment to the Senate ing White House chief of staff Mick Mul- 33/26 East southeast wind 7 mph. The Wakefield until Republicans provide details on wit- vaney and former national security adviser Ironwood recordd high for today is 42° set in nesses and testimony, forestalling a trial John Bolton. Saxon 33/27 37/27 Marenisco 1907. Expect cloudy skies tonight, 35/29 overnovernightnight low of 27°. that is likely to result in Trump’s acquittal A close Trump ally, Sen. Lindsey Gra- Bessemer 34/27 on charges of obstruction of Congress and ham, R-S.C., said Pelosi would fail in her Upson Hurley 33/27 Watersmeet abuse of power. quest “to get Mitch McConnell to bend to 34/27 37/27 34/26 SUNS AND MOON Meanwhile, an influential senator and her will to shape the trial.’’ Graham is Mercer key Trump ally predicted that the drive for chairman of the Senate Judiciary Commit- 35/27 new testimony by Pelosi, D-Calif. and Sen- tee and was a House manager, comparable Manitowish 35/26 SunriseSunri . ...............................................................................se .........................................................................7:42 a.m. ate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D- to a prosecutor, during the Senate’s Minocqua SunsetSunse . ...............................................................................et...........................................................................4:16 p.m. N.Y., would be for naught. impeachment trial of Clinton. 35/26 MoonriseMoon . ...............................................................................nrise .......................................................................4:45 a.m. “She will yield. There’s no way she “She’ll eventually send the articles MoonsetMoon . ...............................................................................nset........................................................................2:36 p.m.p can hold this position,” said Marc Short, because public opinion will crush the the chief of staff to Vice President Mike Democrats,’’ said Graham. Asked whether ALMANAC REGIONALREGIONAL WEATHER NATIONALNAATIONAL WEATHER Pence. “We think her case is going he expected witnesses in the Senate, he Yesterday Today Tue.
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