Louisiana February 2010 Vol. 13 No. 1 Journal Inside This Issue: LAPELS Message from the Chairman Page 3 LES LES Honors Engineers Page 16 Two opportunities for Life Safety Code Hours Pages 13-14 ACEC/L MIChAEL N. MCGAuGh, P.E. - president The Spec Sheet Page 19 DANIEL E. MobLEy, CAE - executive director ACEC/LouISIANA y y ciet ciet Louisiana EnginEEr and survEyor JournaL So So ing ing r r February 2010 Vol. 13 No. 1 The Louisiana Engineer & Surveyor Journal nginee nginee (ISSN: 15275965, USPS 588-360) E E Louisiana Engineering Society 9643 Brookline, Suite 116 9643 Brookline Avenue, Suite 116, Baton Rouge, LA 70809 Baton Rouge, LA 70809-1433 isiana isiana Telephone: (225) 924-2021, Fax: (225) 924-2049 This is the official publication of the Louisiana Lou Lou e-mail: [email protected] Engineering Society, the Louisiana Professional Engineering and Land Surveying Board, and the Website: http://www.les-state.org American Council of Engineering Companies of LES Louisiana. LES This magazine is published quarterly. “PERIODICALS LA LA POSTAGE PAID at Baton Rouge, LA.” F F o o F POSTMASTER–Please send address changes to: F o o The Louisiana Engineer & Surveyor Journal mpanies mpanies 9643 Brookline Ave., Suite 116, Baton Rouge, LA 70809-1433 ncil ncil Co Co Telephone: (225) 924-2021, Fax: (225) 924-2049 Cou Cou ing ing r r ican ican r LEs advErtising ratEs r American Council of Engineering me nginee me nginee E A E A CoST peR CoST peR Companies of Louisiana Size iSSue yeAR 9643 Brookline Avenue, Suite 112, Baton Rouge, LA 70809 Full Page Inside $1000 $3200 Telephone: (225) 927-7704, Fax: (225) 927-7779 Full Page Back Cover $1200 $3840 e-mail: [email protected] 1/2 Page $600 $1920 ACEC/L ACEC/L 1/4 Page $360 $1150 ing ing D D r r r r A 1) Prices quoted apply to camera-ready copy. A one- A o o b b time charge will be added for composition of an ad, nginee nginee ing ing E art work, or if changes are made during the contact E y y E E nal period. nal o o Surv Surv fessi fessi 2) All ads must be prepaid. Advertisements with and and L L Louisiana Professional Engineering payment should be sent to LES by the 15th of the and LA Pro and LA Pro and Land Surveying board month preceding month of issue. 9643 Brookline Avenue, Suite 121, Baton Rouge, LA 70809-1433 3) Published quarterly, February, May, August and Telephone: (225) 925-6291, Fax: (225) 925-6292 November. LAPELS Website: www.lapels.com LAPELS PubLications committEE Brenda Gajan, Managing Editor Dan Mobley, Associate Editor Heidi Watts, Associate Editor The Louisiana Engineering Society, the Louisiana Professional Engineering and Land Surveying Board, and the American Council of Engineering Companies of Louisiana do not guarantee the accuracy of statements made or necessarily concur with opinions expressed in the publication. 2 • LouISIANA ENGINEErING SoCIETy FEbruAry 2010 • LouISIANA ENGINEEr AND SurvEyor JourNAL MESSAGE FroM ThE ChAIrMAN Timothy J. Allen, P.L.S. y the time you read this article Louisiana continues to feel the we will be roughly half way effects of the economic slump. You Bthrough the first quarter of 2010. have read about, and many of you are As I write this, though, we are barely directly involved with, the continuing into the new year, so I’ll take this op- efforts of the Jindal administration Timothy J. Allen, P.L.S. portunity to wish each and every one to reduce funding to governmental Chairman of you a healthy, happy and prosperous agencies and higher education so that LAPELS board. How can we not be new year. I hope your holidays were Louisiana government can reduce optimistic? LAPELS continues to filled with family and friends, and you spending to match expected income. receive applications from excellent all ate too much like I did. That’s what Although the LAPELS board is a state young candidates seeking professional the holidays are all about! Now that governmental entity, the funding for registration, the economy and the new year is at hand, it’s time to get this board is self generated through economic forecast is improving, job back to work in earnest. Before we blast the application and professional markets are stable and of course the off into 2010, let’s take a brief look back registration fees of the registrants New Orleans Saints are in the NFL at 2009 to keep everything in perspec- of the board. We receive no direct playoffs. Who knows, by the time you tive. 2009 was a tumultuous year. Let’s state funding. Rest assured that your read this they may even be Super Bowl hope that 2010 provides more stability. LAPELS board is a frugal manager of Champs! 2009 was a year that brought a lot our finances. We have and continue to of change to our nation, our state and be prudently ‘living within our means’. to a lesser extent, to the LAPELS board. LAPELS 2010 will bring with it some LAPELS The year started with a new president change to the LAPELS board. My board Members taking residence in the White House, tenure on the board is nearing its Timothy J. Allen, P.L.S. with a promise of hope and change. end. A ‘changing of the guard’ will Chairman The economy in most of the country occur at our March board meeting, James D. Garber, Ph.D., P.E. LA Pro Vice Chairman and LA Pro was in bad shape and continuing to drift whereby Mr. Mark Jusselin and Mr. and Rhaoul A. Guillaume, P.E. L toward the worse. Home foreclosures Rhaoul Guillaume will split time for L and and Secretary fessi and repossessions were at an all time the next year as Chairman and Vice- fessi Surv high. The credit crisis had a firm grip Chair of the board. It has been an Mark A. Jusselin, P.E. Surv o o Treasurer nal on available capital. The oil and gas honor for me to lead the efforts of the nal E E y y E Roger D. Danzy, P.E. E ing industry that Louisiana’s economy is Board these past twelve months. I feel ing nginee Ali M. Mustapha, P.E. nginee b heavily dependent upon was in similar we’ve made some positive changes b Norma Jean Mattei, PhD., P.E. o o A A r r shape. With lower commodity prices, and are in a better position to serve Richard L. Savoie, P.E. r r D D ing tight capital for drilling, and a new our registrants, and “to safeguard life, James E. Bowie, Jr., Ph.D., P.E. ing Miles B. Williams, P.E. administration in DC that was the least health and property and to promote M. Ernest Gammon, Sr., P.L.S. oil-energy-friendly in years, Louisiana the public welfare”, as is our charge. had the worst drilling rig count on This is the last article I write as board Staff record. Governor Bobby Jindal took Chairman and I want to take this Donna D. Sentell steps to reduce the budget as a result of opportunity to express my gratitude Executive Secretary the lost income to the state. to the dedicated professionals I have Heidi G. Watts The LAPELS board saw an increase served with during my tenure. The Office Manager in comity applications for registration commitment of time, energy and Justin Owens in Louisiana in 2009. Although passion exhibited by board members Compliance Investigator unemployment rates were high in parts has always been an inspiration to me. Victoria Hatton of the nation, perhaps our job market I like to think that I have contributed Compliance Investigator here in Louisiana was more stable and in some small way. Tyson Ducote undoubtedly attracted some of these I am very optimistic that 2010 will Compliance Investigator professionals. be a great year for Louisiana and for the www.lapels.com LouISIANA ENGINEEr AND SurvEyor JourNAL • FEbruAry 2010 LouISIANA ProFESSIoNAL ENGINEErING & LAND SurvEyING boArD • 3 DISCIPLINAry AND ENForCEMENT ACTIoNS Justin Owens, Compliance Investigator The Board continues to investigate alleged violations Louisiana Minimum of the laws and rules which regulate the practice of Standards Examination; engineering and land surveying in Louisiana. Substantiated to the suspension of violations result in disciplinary or enforcement action being his professional land taken either through a Consent Order or by Board Decision surveyor’s license for Justin Owens Compliance Investigator following a formal hearing at which the respondent is six months, with said adjudged guilty of one or more violations. Below is a suspension being stayed summary of the disciplinary/enforcement actions taken by based upon his compliance with all other terms of the the Board since the previous issue of the Journal. Consent Order; and to the publication of the Consent Order on the Board’s website, the printing of a summary of MINIMUM STANDARDS VIOLATIONS: this matter by name in this publication, and the reporting of this matter by name to NCEES. William J. Bodin, Jr., P.E., P.L.S., a licensed engineer (PE-8193) and land surveyor (PLS-4253), was subject to disciplinary action by the Board for failing to comply with the Board’s minimum standards for property boundary surveys in violation of La. R.S. 37:698(A)(6), to Mark Your wit LAC Title 46:LXI§2907(C) and (G)(3), (4), (7) and (16). In 2005 Mr. Bodin prepared, signed, sealed and issued a CaLendar ing ing D D r r r r survey plat for property located in Louisiana in which (a) A A o o b b monuments were not set and/or referenced on interior LAPELS board Meeting Dates nginee nginee ing lot corners, (b) there was no curve data, (c) there were ing E E y y E E no interior lot bearings, (d) the right-of-way width for a March 7 – 9, 2010 nal nal o o street was not specified, (e) there was no basis of bearings Surv Surv May 17 – 18, 2010 fessi fessi or reference to an established line on the ground, and (f) and and L L there was no certification indicating compliance with the July 19 – 20, 2010 and LA Pro and LA Pro appropriate class of survey or the minimum standards.
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