MandarinNewsLineSM SERVING THE MANDARIN COMMUNITY SINCE 2006 M EMBER OF THE RT PUBLISHING GROUP OF COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS Volume 8, Issue 1 Visit our online edition at www.mandarinnewsline.com October 2012 Safety tips to help reduce upswing of Local students learn real traffi c accidents in Mandarin world compassion By Karl Kennell By Contributing Writer Talie Zaifert, Martin J. Gottlieb Day School the Mandarin area. Eight were At the Martin J. Got- drug or alcohol related. Most tlieb Day School, students of the fatalities were caused by not only get an exceptional careless driving which encom- 21st century academic edu- passes many violations such cation, they are also receiv- as texting while driving and ing an “award-winning” following too closely. Another Values Education which is issue that is rising in Jackson- imparted through experi- ville citywide is the number ence. of vehicle/pedestrian crashes. Every Friday, during the In 2011 there were 11 traffi c Jewish Studies block, mid- fatalities involving pedestrians dle school students leave and as of September 14, 2012 campus to put into action there have been 23. Of the 23 what they are learning in crashes, three occurred in Zone class. For example, the stu- 3 which represents 12 percent dents learn the importance of the total. of feeding the hungry by The Jacksonville Sheriff ’s preparing lunch bags to be Offi ce is proactively addressing delivered to the families of the fatalities and traffi c crashes MaliVai Washington Foun- through prevention, interven- dation, volunteering at the The Jacksonville Sher- as the zone commander for the tion and enforcement. These Second Harvest Food Bank of Kindness, whether it’s visit- iff ’s Offi ce recently released a Southside including Mandarin, methods include the following, and collecting money and shop- ing the sick, visiting the elderly graphic detailing the locations has become particularly vigi- but are not limited to: Utiliz- ping for Thanksgiving meals each or just helping out to make life of car crashes and fatalities on lant about this disturbing issue. ing the Smart Trailer in high year so less fortunate families easier for another human being. the Southside and the Manda- He has asked that we share frequency crash areas which can enjoy Thanksgiving. The stu- Students refl ect on their experi- rin area. It shows locations of a with the residents of Mandarin displays your speed; Offi cers dents also volunteer their time at ence each week on their personal particularly disturbing problem particularly the need to become conducting weekly traffi c spot Mt. Herman Exceptional Learning blogs that are set up through the of pedestrians being hit and aware and alert and to become checks and educating the driv- Center, Beauclerc Elementary and school. killed. Believe it or not, many more cautious as we travel our ers, public service announce- Dignity You Wear to name just a Through fi rst hand expe- times the pedestrian is at fault. local streets. ments, conducting traffi c safety few. rience, MJGDS students are And this year this statistic is Since January 1, 2012 there check points, educating teen This Mitzvah Program instilled with leadership and markedly up over other years. have been 25 traffi c fatalities drivers, utilizing warning cita- was designed to help students motivational skills that they take Assistant Chief Bobby Deal, for Zone 3, which includes Safety tips cont. on pg. 20 learn the importance of Acts on to high school and beyond. It’s just a “State of Mind” for teen band What’s Inside By Karl Kennell Page 3 What’s New When a group these teens have Page 4 From the Council of teens gather in a performed and wowed Member’s Desk garage to become a the crowds at a lot of band, their journey venues. In addition to Page 5 School District Journal usually doesn’t lead performing at festi- Page 7 Your Voice, Your Vote them out to the vals and fairs all over Page 9 Pink Ribbon symposium road. However, two Florida, they have Mandarin NewsLine’s years ago when one had multiple appear- Page 12 Knights of Columbus Election 2012 such group decided ances at the Suwan- Page 13 KSC behind the scenes to name themselves nee River Jam in Live Page 15 Mandarin Women’s Club Section coming in our after just what it Oak, Florida and a November 2012 issue! takes to strike out weekend of shows Page 16 Encore! To Advertise: and begin the jour- at Six Flags Over Page 18 Go Purple! ney to become a hit, Georgia. [email protected] Page 19 Fashion Update appropriately they Original band named their group member White is a Page 20 MHS Happenings “State of Mind.” sophomore at Oakleaf Page 21 Faith News The band originally was High School in Orange Park. He next level—out of the garage Page 23 Job Finder comprised of just drummer into being recognized as the has played the drums since he Jacob White, lead guitarist Wil- Page 24 MHS Sports Permit No.4 Permit next up and coming pop/rock was fi ve years old. His favorite US Postage Paid US Postage liam Bishop, a bass player and Presorted Standard Callahan, FL 32011 band. Their talent has in just drummer of all time is John Local Sports Scene a female vocalist. Initially they Bohman of Led Zeppelin. White two years catapulted them into Page 25 Gardening were performing cover songs of the limelight by completing also plays bass guitar, banjo classic rock, country, pop and the recording of their fi rst full and electric guitar. Ever at home Page 26 Jaguars Honor Rows blues. They made a few changes length album of originals. behind the drums, his favorites Page 27 Woody and Stetson and a couple of additions to the Over that same two years, State of Mind cont. on pg. 14 band and have moved to the t0OF%BZ*OTUBMMBUJPOt-JGFUJNF8BSSBOUZt5XJDFUIFTUPSBHFBUIBMGUIFQSJDFt'VMMZ"EKVTUBCMF4ZTUFNt)PMET MCTGPSFWFSZ FREE Estimate & How’s Your Garage? FREE Installation % FINANCING* NewsLine Call Today (904)718-4608 (904)887-9395 www.MonkeyBarStorage.com Mandarin Ste. 403 12443 San Jose Boulevard, Jacksonville,FL 32223 We also offer Garage Cabinets, Ceiling Racks and Kayak and Surf Board Racks Page 2, Mandarin NewsLine • October 2012 • www.MandarinNewsLine.com Aging gracefully has now arrived. t(FOFSBM%FSNBUPMPHZ t%FSNBUPMPHZ4VSHFSZ t$PTNFUJD%FSNBUPMPHZ t"DOF SBTIFT TLJODBODFSEJBHOPTJTBOESFNPWBM t.PMFSFNPWBM t-BTFSUSFBUNFOUT t#PUPY Mark S. 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JP Perry does it better! q-DFNVRQYLOOHnV3URWHFWRUIRU<HDUV q3HUVRQDO6HUYLFH /DWHVW7HFKQRORJ\ q([SHUW6WDIILQ(DFK6SHFLDOW\ q+XJH6HOHFWLRQRI,QVXUDQFH&RPSDQLHV q'HGLFDWHG&ODLP&RQVXOWDQW q&RQYHQLHQW0DQGDULQ/RFDWLRQ q$Q$FNQRZOHGJHG/HDGHU q*UHDW&XVWRPHU/R\DOW\ q,Q3HUVRQE\3KRQHRU2QOLQH 0,66,2167$7(0(17 7RDVVLVWRXUFXVWRPHUVLQSURWHFWLQJWKHLUIDPLOLHVDQGEXVLQHVVHVE\SURYLGLQJWKHKLJKHVWTXDOLW\LQVXUDQFHSURGXFWVDQGVHUYLFHDQGWRXVHRXU ,QGHSHQGHQW$JHQWVWDWXVWRGHOLYHUWKHEHVWLQVXUDQFHYDOXHZKLOHPDLQWDLQLQJKLJKHWKLFDOVWDQGDUGV www.MandarinNewsLine.com • October 2012 • Mandarin NewsLine, Page 3 The MOMS Club of Jackson- JSO Community Aff airs Offi ce at ville/Mandarin-SE off ers support 630-2160. Do you have community or club news you would for stay at home and part-time What’s New like included in Mandarin NewsLine? working moms living in zip code Harriet Beecher Stowe Then contact Martie Thompson at: Community Happenings 32258. With the club, you will speaks to us again! The Manda- [email protected] or 886-4919. have enriching activities for you rin Museum & Historical Society and your children, during the will present a special lecture on day when you need the most Thursday, November 15 begin- support. A sample of activities The River City Women’s starquiltguild. ning at 6:30 p.m. at the Manda- include park days, beach days, rin Community Club, located at Club will hold their monthly monthly socials, playgroups and luncheon meeting on October 12447 Mandarin Road. Author RT Publishing, Inc. Get ready for the best Festa fi eld trips to the zoo and muse- Dr. John T. Foster, Jr. will be The CreekLine 17 beginning at 10:30 a.m. in Italiana ever. Mark your Calen- ums. For additional information, the Ramada Inn Mandarin. Joe speaking about his new book, The Ocean Breeze dars for Friday, October 19 from please email semandarinmoms@ Calling Yankees to Florida - Har- NewsLine Abb Overby, a local author, will 4:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m., Satur- yahoo.com. Mandarin be the guest speaker. He will riet Beecher Stowe’s Forgotten day, October 20 from 10:00 a.m. Tourist Articles. Players Journal entertain the group with a view to 9:00 p.m. and Sunday, Oc- of Mayport and the Beaches. The The North Florida Acoustic tober 21 from 12:00 noon until Neuroma Support Group will Publisher Rebecca Taus Florida native has written “Acres 6:00 p.m. We will have delicious It’s time to plant fall fl ow- Aweigh!” which deals with the meet on Saturday, October 13, ers! The Bumblebee Circle of the [email protected] homemade meatballs, pizzas, 2012 at 1:00 p.m.
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