MA a /17V 1 0 The Publisher's Page Dimiter Adamov Dimitrov alias U. S. Army General Donald A. Donaldson As the final pages of this issue went to press. with several sections already printed. word reached us from extremely reliable sources that this man had been murdered on December 7, 1977. receiving seventeen shots to the head. His body has not yet been found. and no word has yet appeared in the press. If this report is true. it adds still another shock wave to the already terrifying article which begins on page 40. For this man is — or was — "the missing General' whose testimony would go far toward solving the mystery of the John F. Kennedy assassination. Until the General, or his body. is found, we at Gallery. fear also for the safety of noted Dutch journalist Willem Oltmans. whose courage. diligence, and professionalism are evident in this newest Gallery investigative report. WILLE 111 OLTMANS. ■ y T 4 '''' ',..ezt '-' ' - ,, -7% tv,,,. • ._ . '4, ' -.', ' ,*.L,. .....,,,,,, .44, V,P+4?-',;1'. s!. .. ,• *1:4. A‘:.gili ;1..., L SihaWt-tti.w..v.;.goullen12611411/3131°5116IEW e elaagt two ancta 11 yeiri., Ga. ublishea several. important ,inyestigative„.1, rep- 4 , 4. ,,. ??._. ...44-d -. , . t.,tl 1. ngblVed. murder of IFKvcat CibOilt tile Stijl u. r roup oinenwiTioliold. the real power in e liou, , . crgt g r-.,,t se ,,,t),,, power tli at perriiit; them to sabOa oses., ge , The e most most rec,ent o..111,s ,■:4 i't:silits their purp. strage.ey, -tigtiOn..of the. tillhicMask ,Lane's exariu eDe Molireris6h•44::,j.-14.1 was org , "suicide" of. Ge Vii'r diirg' :' e. , ...,stify '-) ore a. .„ 2,,, t'titif.'0ioatclie'ilic.S' lieVini,L,tries ,vs,,,c114.01.91,! .,,,..)*Ir. '4...-0,,it ''.:-. ' , na l.cMM.ittee:.-. '' ,'■''' ."`4.7:` -., o. learn, orthe first ,i.ri _ 4, .,-..... n the following potaes., you. i:, - 44.4 d. another important witness Whp-;--aiter.,,, e:ktol is r'' 4 . - - , one 61 Europe'6. most distinguished 1oi.ir4ab,s.s,!AC.; - .,a 0 ititihd..myRThe - Li.. ....., , -.- t,, email_ lidid:arid has not yet been ;hs '611. an the sidnificance; tire lig witness .01'• e General: himself and into+ " ' -1 i a. 4%. • ' , tic r 0 even toctay to keep USea. 44,-- ,:i eing frpm ever bern Id. ,, ' F. Keraipay asscissinatipia • 41 4fr.1 • 'At? • INTRODUCTION BY L. FLETCHER PROUTY. Former chief liaison officer between the Pentagon and the CIA, Col. Prouty is Gallery's National Affairs Editor n 1950, Henry Kissinger was a fourteen-year cover-up that has per- Student at Harvard, - William F. sisted since John Kennedy's death. I Buckley was editor of the Yale More than a hundred persons have died: Daily News, and Willem Oltmans, son of many others have been threatened in a rich Dutch family, was an under- order to shut them up. Even today, our graduate at Yale. Kissinger went on to major television networks will not handle become the Executive Secretary of the this subject objectively. Time and Council on Foreign Relations en route to Newsweek will not discuss the assassi- his jobs as National Security Advisor and nation objectively, nor will most of the Secretary of State for Richard Nixon. media. At the same time, books that are Buckley became editor of his own Na- patently untrue are published. They are tional Review magazine. Oltmans re- aimed at obfuscating and smearing at- turned to the Netherlands and became tempts to get at the truth of the assassi- one of its outstanding television jour- nation. nalists. In this capacity he has become Willem Oltmans After De Mohrenschildt's death, one of the world's foremost critics of the 011mans went on national television in Warren Commission and of its findings interview him there. Unaccountably, De this country in an attempt to tell his story. in the case of the murder of President Mohrenschildt disappeared. and for The networks put Oltmans on and then John F. Kennedy. weeks Oltmans was unable to locale immediately began a vicious campaign Foreign correspondents have had art him. Finally, Oltmans heard from De to smear him. The newspapers general- advantage over their American counter- Mohrenschildt that the House Assassi- ly ignored hiS news conferences, and if parts. They have not seen, read, and nation Committee was going to inter- they covered them, they distorted what heard the countless lies and misstate- view him. On the day he was to be inter- he said. ments that have flooded this country viewed —March 29,1977—George De More important, in May 1977, not long since Kennedy's death in November Mohrenschildt was found dead in the after Oltmans returned to Europe, he 1963. Today the crime of the vast Manalapan, Florida house where his was visited by a Bulgarian calling cover-up of that murder is a far more ter- daughter was living. himself General Donald A. Donaldson. rible crime than was the murder itself. It De Mohrenschildt joined a list of well Donaldson claimed to have inside has never been proved that Lee Harvey over one hundred people who, in one knowledge of the Kennedy assassi- Oswald killed, or ever shot at, JFK. way or another, have died in unusual cir- nation. He told Oltmans a story woven Foreign correspondents have always cumstances—apparently because they around some knowledge of it, but he been puzzled that the state of Texas knew something about the death of JFK. always stopped short of a real reve- never conducted its own investigation This is Pitmans' story, and Gallery lation. This is the story of Donaldson's into the murder —an investigation that presents it not so much because it is visits to Oltmans, and it repeats might have led to a trial. going to solve the case of Kennedy's Donaldson's claims. Foreign correspondents see these death, but because it shows that the It may be that Donaldson is real and questions more clearly than we do, and cover-up still lives. that he knows something about the this is what led Willem Oltmans to Dallas There have been many phony stories Kennedy assassination. It is much more in 1967 to talk with Oswald's mother. Dur- about Kennedy's murder, about Oswald, probable that Donaldson is another pan ing their long discussions Oltmans and about the Cuban connection. For of the cover-up and that he was sent to learned that in 1962 the Oswalds had instance, Priscilla Johnson McMillan Oltmans to feed him lies and, ultimately, been befriended by George and Jeanne claims to have interviewed Oswald in to discredit him. We would like to believe De Mohrenschildt (see the November the Soviet Union. Certain newspaper Donaldson's story, and if he will surface, Gallery: "The Mysterious Death of a Key reporters have been used to surface Gallery will offer him the space to recount JFK Assassination Witness") shortly phony Oswald and assassination sto- his story openly. after the Oswalds had arrived in Dallas ries in order to break down the validity I believe Donaldson is a typical "cover from the Soviet Union. and credibility of legitimate researchers story" character. He might well be Oltmans read the countless pages of and writers. Witness George Lardner's an intelligence ploy. The object of De Mohrenschildt's testimony in the stories in The Washington Post and "Donaldson" —and others like him—is Warren Commission Report — no one those of Priscilla Johnson's in The Chris- to provide Oltmans—and others like him else had been questioned at such length tian Science Monitor —with a story that can be broken down by the Commission—and then called on Books have been written by, or for, after publication. In this case. not only him and his wife. He interviewed them, such ''experts" as Hugh McDonald of would Oltmans look bad. but so would talked with them, and became their the Los Angeles Police Department. his true De Mohrenschildt story. It is a friend and confidant. Over the years, who wrote Appointment in Dallas. and clever and much-used ruse. Oltmans collected many hours of taped Robert Morrow, who wrote Betrayal. This is the world of the Kennedy mur- conversations with George and visited These books are usually identifiable by ders, No one has ever proved that Lee the De Mohrenschildts regularly. their smooth "authenticity" and their Harvey Oswald killed JFK. Until that has In February 1977. when he met them contrived bending of the truth. This is been done, and until the real murderers in Dallas, Oltmans found things part of the game played by the secret have been found, the killers walk the changed. George was visibly upset and murderers of the Kennedy brothers and streets, and the men who hired those concerned that someone was out to kill Martin Luther King, Jr. killers remain in power. This is the real him. Oltmans arranged through NOS Neither Lee Harvey Oswald, Fidel mekng of the story of General Donald television in the Netherlands to fly Castro, nor Nikita Khrushchev himself A. naldson of Bulgaria. with De MohrenSchildt to Europe to could have had anything to do with the • —L Fletcher Prouty • 1. •P i THE MISSING GENERAL by Willem Oltmans n September 15, 1975 a Gen- personal. classified Presidential mes- New Orleans, approached the heart of eral Donald A. Donaldson sage to the then prime minister of But- the assassination, and he was im- sent - a strictly confidential, gana, Ivan Bagrianolf. Reportedly, the mediately discredited. Others, includ- registered letter to Senator letter contained an appeal for the Bul- ing Mark Lane, talked and wrote a Frank Church, then chairman of the garians to join the West instead of the lot, but you alone really hit the mark Senate Select Committee on Investiga- Communists.
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