^Armge Net Press Ron I'or the Week liMed The Weather ---. March 10, U03 Pbreoast of V: 8< Weather Bnrean Rata ending edrijr tonight, 1 3 , ' S 5 4 winds diminishing lat«r toolght. Member of tiie Audit Low in 80s, Tnesday partly oioody. Bureau of OIrcntatlon Manchester— \4 City o f Village'Charm High around 40. VOL. LXXXI, NO. 136 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONNn MONDAY, MARCH 12, 1962 (Cfauslflsd Advertising on Page l i ) r PRICE FIVE CENTS Rusk, Gromyko iool nat:. i A m m . ~ T !» ’ Col. John cua atten* To Find Accord on in ftMMnc «tB' a by> iace in the * I irtafnment Rail Workers Interim Regime Qilestion rer jto h#tp State N ew s luat as it Arms Cut nonsti;nte4 Ponder Strike ay ^toward Roundup only thing Conferees at Odds ppskrentiy. To Save Jobs Problem s o the art*, o n ' execu- Dempsey Lauds CHICAGO, (AP) — The tie sertoua On A Igeria Con trol 3op]e are' Brotherhood of Locomotive ber as the S^Pronged War Firemen and Enginemen an­ Discussed wing ' ca-. nounced today a strike vote EVIAN, France (AP) ;^ecutlve. One reported proposal waa intijim oer* On ‘Slumlords’ will be taken among its 80,000 GENEVA (AP)—The Po- rama^the French and Algerian rebel for a 12-man panel composed of members in a dispute involv­ nine Moslems of no political affili­ lish foreign minister called -MdCarthy delegates went into ' their HARTFORD (A P )— Gov. ing proposed changes in work­ ation and three Europeans. An­ today for a summit meeting Dempsey said today he was sixth day of peace talks today ing rules on the nation’s ma­ other called for a panel of four Al­ and discu.ssion of a nuclear- [ nan pa6> very pissed with the State still at odds on the mfekeup gerian nationalists, four other free zone in central Europe as jor railroads. Moslems and four Europeans. puts on Welfare Department’s crack­ and powers of an interim re­ he arrived in Geneva to attend MqCart^.^ The action resulted from re­ Tile Algerians were reported r r ii^ down on rent gouging by land­ fusal of the union's general chair­ gime to take over until Al­ seeking a larger local fofee for the the 17-nation disarmament next-best; lords in the slum regions. men to accept a report of a com­ geria becomes a nation. Interim regime than the French conference. In endorsing State Welfare Com­ mission appointed by former InformantB close to the confer, were willing to concede ho far. Polish Foreign Minister Mt teleyt- missioner Beniard Shapiro’s three President Dwight D. Eisenhower ence In the heavily guarded Hotel In strife-torn Algiers, Euroiwans pale c o ^ India’s President Rajendra Prasad poses with his visitor, Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy, at his home In pronged war against rent gouging wMch recommended changes that Du Parc Were still optimistic that opened fire from windows and bal­ Adam Rapacki said his plan .ment n»e- New Delhi today. Man behind Prasad Is U.S. Ambassador John K. Galbraith. Ih e wife of the of welfare clients and ifainority would cut the work force among the negotiations would end in conies on a French army patrol for a nuclear-free zone was *e Mrboins U.S. President is in India on a nine-day -visit. (A P Photofax via radlb from New Delhi). groups, the Governor aald: railroad workers. agreement but conceded it might after It stopped a carload of Eu­ not fool-proof but added that my* moM "W e atand shoulder to ahotilder Union officials said the pro­ not come as quickly as hoped. ropeans trying to break through a if the plan is adopted it would Icate the with him to help in any way we posed rules changes would affect military roadblock. The delegations are striving to be a significant step toward > im itate can.” some 45,000 firemen, with about reach agreement on a cease-fire One French cadet officer and a maU the- White Roses at Gandhi Shrine The Governor said the problem 20,000 losing their j ^ s during a to end the 7H-year-old Algerian soldier were wounded by the hall disarmament. had been of “ deep concern” to him 15-month period. rebellion. The accord wlould be of bullets. The soldier fired back, He told a news conference les' o f en- as well as the Welfare Dept. The general chairmen of the accompanied by a lengthy docu­ wounding five Europeans. It was the main idea of his plan is schedule Noting that the matter has been the first time Europeans had fired brotherhood have been meeting in ment spelling out Algeria's future gradually to remove nuclear red to be under study since July 1960, the Chicago since Thursday to decide on a basis of self-determination. bn a French patrol in Algiers. edium are. Chief Ebcecuti've said "Oommlsaion- what action to take in the-rules Troops moved Into the Bab-el- weapons from the European the docu- Two main Issues are said to bued sectibn bf Algiers, a strbng- er. Shapiro and his department dlqnite. confront the delegations — the area, slowly disarm and there­ ismlss thf have done an excellent job. It is H. E. OUbert, president of the makeup of the provisional execu­ hold bf the right-wing under- by reduce the danger of a con­ they are grbund, Sunday night as 45,000 my sincere hope this matter can be Firemen and Bnginemen, said the tive and the strength of the local flict. at times, By FBANOES LEWINIC #Hlndl. These were the last wordsf striking in a bright pink silk coat resolved to the benefit of all.” strike balloU will be distributed force or local gendarmerie which men massed In the Algiers peri­ coatrttu- meter were alerted tb watch fer NBJW DELHI, India (AP)—In' uttered by Gandhi when he was with a pink sombrero straw hat The object, Shapiro said, la to among the union's members about would have chief responsibility By JOHN M. HIGHTOWER compel “sluihlords to make their April 1. He aald no date has been for keeping order during the in­ a majb(> actlcn by the Secret Ar­ somethlng dlaiis welcomed Mrs. John F. shot down by an assassin In New to sMeld her from the bright sun. Kennedy warmly ' today and Delhi. She rode from the a i r p ^ into buUdings habitable suid to treat re­ set for return and tallying o f the terim period. my Organlzaticn. AuthcrUles ex­ GENEVA (AP)—U.S. Sec­ sre tunne cipients of welfare fairly, equitably pressed irellef the Eurepean under- watched with Interest as she Keepers of the memorial %ave the city in the open Mercedes Benz vote. Both delegaUons maintained a reta ry ^ ! State Dean Rusk I prodiMud and humanely.” Gilbert said Jhe strike vote au­ grbund planned a series bf dra­ hese hay*: placed a wreath of white roses her a collection cf' books by car that Queen Elisabeth II used strict secrecy rule in contacts and Soviet Foreign Minister at the shrine of Mohandas K. Gandhi and pbout him, including on her royal tour here in 1961. He said the threat of condem­ thorization came after railroad with newsmen here and acrosa matic mbves tb try tb thwart Im- Andrei A. Gmmyko spent And they nation procedures would be uaed executives had issued statements plementatlbn bf a cease-fire agree­ theakeni.K' Gandhi. his autoUography. There -was a festive air to the Lake Geneva in neutral Switzer­ three hourg today discuasing The citiwd outside the shrine crowd that came from villages against landlords who fail to make ruling out any agreement with the land where the rebela bave their ment. trge pre^ More ttian 100,000 turned out to the required improvonents. State broke Inm a big cheer as Mrs. Ken­ far around—turbaned Sikhs, men union that was not in conformity headquarters. The secret army has ordered BeHin and disarmament prob­ big s u d » r witneaa the arrival o f America's and local health departmenta will thrtllhv, First Lady from Rome for a nine- nedy drove off to the U.S. Ekn- In uniform, women in gay saris, with the iwesidential commission's Reliable Informants said a Europeans In Algeria to strike for lems without reaching any be asked to aid in tMa aspect of the report. *y didn’t day visit to India and other thou- bassy chancery- qchool children, babies in arms, lengthy Sunday session failed to settlement. even a snakecharmer. program. The union president said the (Continued on Fags Seven) 1 net bee sa^s showed up for a glimpse of Galbraith invited American produce full agreement on the ex- Foreign Secretary Lord Home of They Pdrkod bullock carts, bi- In addition, Shapiro said, land­ railroads are “ asking for trouble hsr as she made a round of official families to a lawn party there to lords wiU not be allowed to charge Britain bowed out of the talks tem­ hum bee* esRs. eyelet,yclea, oarsoirs iand buses m the field by approaching negoUatlenq with porarily to allow Rusk to empha- see the First Lad% whUe they Jammed shouldor-to- welfare recipients rents more than preset, arbitrary ground rules.” and we Ihe pomp and ceremony o f'^ te sfte Western views on the issues. ‘nw aisable crowd along Mrs. riwulder along the dusty roadside. 10 per cent Mgher than those No date has been set for negoti­ owaMons nwas lacking,‘ ' for Mra, Kennedy’s ssvMi-mile route from Protest Parole Extension The discussions took place over The crowd of-about S,000 at the c h a n ^ in pubUc housing projects.
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