May 2002 Newsletter olume 02, Issue 05 V “Get the Message” is published monthly by Bethel Lutheran Church, 10181 Finch Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 SR. HIGH NEWS May Fellowship WEDNESDAYS @ 7:15 May 1 - Guess what?! Guess what?! GUESS WHAT?!?!?! THAT’S RIGHT, IT’S TIME FOR A kick- donkey DISCUSSION!!! May 8 - flickering flame...shining so bright... having a talk in the candlelight (at night) May 15 - I’m really excited about this one...We’re going to have dinner and discussion in the park! We’re not sure which park yet, but, dude, I’m excit- ed. May 22 - ya know when ya go shopping they have certain spe- cials? well...TONIGHT we’re having a discussion with a WESTERN STATES YOUTH GATHERING SPECIAL!! woo-hoo :) May 29th - don’t show up...you’ll be the only one here...unless you’re with Common Ground practicing In This Issue Senior High Pages 2 - 5 Upcoming Events & Birthdays Pages 6 & 7 4th - 6th Grade Page 8 Junior High Page 9 “The House” (College Age) Page 10 Tom's Stuff Page 11 Bethel Youth’s Mission Statement: “LOVE LIKE JESUS” To pro- vide a place where youth are loved and accepted with Jesus as our example. All youth events, whether fun or service, are designed to fulfill this mission. 2 More Sr. High News Miercoles,Mittwoch, Sooyoil, `xÜvÜxw|? Wednesday-Afternoons Hey Chicas y Chicos, how goes it? Well, if you’re not doing anything this Wendesday, the next, hmmm, everyWednesday, you can come to the Youth Room any time after 3 PM to hang with your favorite folks. You can watch TV, movies, do homework, play pool, go on the computers, and have a blast. Plus, if you bring money, you can get dinner when we go out to eat. All this before Fellowship, so Come on, what are you waiting for?!? Hey Guys!!!! Tom has a new Cell Phone, and oh is it cute, but there’s a new number which he thought he’d keep all to him- self, but hey, we convinced him otherwise, so here it is!!! 309-9975309-9975 CCoommmmoonn GGrroouunndd Hey Common Grounders!! On May 4th we’re going to the DeAnza Flea Market to make some money. Also, on Monday, May 20th there will be a Tour Meeting with your parents at 7:15, so don’t forget them when you come. Wait, wait!! One last thing. Due to Memorial Day, there will not be any CG practise on Monday, the 27th, so have fun without us. )-: Check out our site at www.bethelcupertino.org. You can find tons of cool stuff there as well as your own newsletter to print out. (You know, if you lose this one or one of your friends is dying to get their hands on one!) 3 Still More Sr. High News WWaallllaa WWaallllaa,, WWaasshhiinnggttoonn:: nnoo rreellaattiioonn ttoo WWEESSTTEERRNN SSTTAATTEESS YYOOUUTTHH GGAATTHHEERRIINNGG IINN SSAANN JJOOSSEE!!!!!! TThheerree wwiillll bbee aann iinnffoorrmmaaiittoonnaall mmeeeett-- iinngg oonn WWeeddnneessddaayy,, MMaayy 2222nndd aatt 77::1155ppmm iinn tthhee yyoouutthh rroooomm,, ssoo bbee ssuurree ttoo ccoommee ttoo iitt......SSttaarr WWaarrss:: EEppiissooddee IIII ccoommeess oouutt MMaayy 1166tthh......aannyywwaayy,, ccoommee ttoo tthhee mmeeeettiinngg aanndd aallssoo ccoommee ttoo WWeesstteerrmm SSttaatteess.. LOOK AT THIS: there’s highway clean-up on May 18th, at 8:30am...do not forget to bring money for doughnuts 4 Sr. High News theres a frog on the internet...but since youre onine anyway, dont forget to check out our bahoobada website: www.bethelcupertino.org Mission to Mexico: a success here are some quotes from a few people that went: Mexico was good, un-clean work. But it was good, clean fun. -David Emmert Mexico, wow. What an eye opening experience. It was such an awe- some trip. I loved just giving what I had, giving all my strength to help others out. God is truly awesome to bring so many people out to help. What can I say, the joy that came from serving was great. -Jeff Rom (now we’re buff,like him) It was hard work, but it left me with a lifetime of memories. -Jeanna Rogerson Mexico was fun, or so I hear...ummm....I was in China, but I had fun (both in China and previous Mexico trips) -Emily Larsen As always, Mexico rocked! Food, puppies, hardcore work all made it great. As it turns out, you really don’t mind laying on a pile of rocks or on the nice dirt ground if you’ve been working hard for a little while. I’ll definately be back soon. The fact that I’m going to be living in Washington for a while might be a little hard to overcome, but I will be returning after that. -Beth Coleman 5 May Activities Wed 1st 7:15 pm - Sr High Fellowship: Discussion Sat 4th 6:00 am - Common Ground to De Anza Flea Market 9:00 am - 6th - 8th Grade to Boardwalk Blitz Mon 6th 7:15 pm - Common Ground Rehearsal Wed 8th 7:15 pm - Sr High Fellowship: Candlelight Discussion Sat 11th Spring Celebration @ Great America Mon 13th 7:15 pm - No Common Ground Rehearsal Wed 15th 6:00 pm - Sr High Fellowship to dinner & the park Sat 18th 8:30 am - Hiway Clean-up Sun 19th 3:00 pm - 4 th & 5th grade - Games at Bethel Mon 20th 7:15 pm - Common Ground Rehearsal (Parent’s Tour Meeting Too!) Wed 22nd 7:15 pm - SHF: Western States Gathering Special Mon 27th 7:15 pm - No Common Ground Rehearsal Wed 29th 7:15 pm - Common Ground Rehearsal Sunday School is every week at 10:00 am. “Wednesdays” from 3:00 pm - Sr High Fellowship in the Youth Room! May Birthdays 3rd Nicole Ebert 18th Michelle Sewell 3rd Brandon Lum 20th David Jacobus 4th Andrew Denman 24th Kara Johnson 5th Dameshia Davis 25th Michael Schomaker 6th Christine Jackson 26th Jaime Dreyfus 7th Jill Wedgwood 26th Heidi Simon 8th Karen Emmert 28th Ryan Thornton 12th Kristy Chocholaty 29th Margo Lang 14th Scott Mauger 30th Ian Thomas 14th Kimberly Osborne 30th Leah Thomas 14th Jason Trask 31st Paul Cords 6 16th David Emmert Upcoming Events Common Ground Tour June 19th ✑ 26th, 2002 Western States Sr High Youth Gathering July 1st ✑ 7th, 2002 “Honk” - The Summer Musical at Bethel August 16, 17, 23 & 24 Sr High Beach Trip to Cayucos August 19th ✑ 21st, 2002 Labor Day Retreat @ Mt Cross August 31st - September 2nd See Tom for more info! Bethel's 2000/01 Youth Staff Tom Hoegel Youth Director 4th ✑ College Age Bob & Jill Burkhart 4th grade ✑ Jr High Youth Directors Beth Coleman Sr. High Youth Assistant Emily Larsen Sr. High Youth Assistant Rita Hoegel Common Ground Director Andrea Teed Youth Ministry Chairperson CALL US ANYTIME AT 408 252-8500 Tom: Ext 113, Rita: Ext 107, Youth: Ext 114, Fax: 252-0130 Tom’s Email: [email protected] Cell ph: 408-309-9975 Jill & Bob: [email protected] phone: 408-243-2940 7 4th - 5th Grade Stuff Mt. Cross Camp Did you miss the Bug Sufari at Mt. Cross last month? We sure had fun. Be sure to ask David, Paul, Aleya, Julia, Nicole, Erika, & Jordon all about it! (hi Jeremy!) But don’t worry, you didn’t miss all the fun. You can still sign up for summer camp at Mt. Cross. Brochures & info are available in the church office and the Narthex. Don’t miss out! Come and play with us! Sunday, May 19th 3pm - 5:30pm Meet at Bethel for an af ternoon of games & activities. Bring your friends! If you ever need to reach Bob & Jill, please call us at 408-243-2940 8 or email us at [email protected]. During events, we can be reached at 408-309-1789 or 408-309-1769. 6th - 8th Grade Stuff MAY 4, 2002 THE BOARDWALK BLITZ 2002 FEATURING “SUPERCHIC(K)” COST IS $30 meet at Bethel at 9am with sunscreen & extra $$ for food if you did not sign up by April 19th, call Jill & Bob (408-243-2940) to see if there is still room (& make sure we have enough seatbelts!) “Spring Celebration” AKA Christian Music Night at Great America MAY 11TH Concerts start at 3pm. MICHAEL W. SMITH, AVALON, SUPERTONES, RELIENT K, PAX 217, BLEACH, AND SLICK SHOES. Bob & Jill will be going, (but not ALL day - we’re getting old, you know). Please contact us if you need a ride (& want to hang out with us old folks). Please buy your own ticket through ticketmaster or Great America’s box office. Families encouraged. Be sure to watch for the summer events in next month’s newsletter. Requests? Tell Bob & Jill Bethel’s nusery is ALWAYS looking for extra help on Sunday mornings. Interested? call Bonnie Milutin @ 226-5221 Also sign up at side the youth room so people can call you when they are looking for child care help Sundays or any other day! Heading another direction! “The House” ministry has been an articulated desire and goal for Bethel for the past 3 years. Our hope was to launch into a regular schedule of worship, fellowship, study and service. That is still our goal, but right now the support by the 18 - 35 year old community is not there yet. Our commitment is to not just let this slip away though. If you have any questions or com- ments, you can call me at 408 252-8500 X113 or Rick at 408 252-8500 ext 108. To accomplish the mission of “The House”. Key components shall be Worship, Bible Study, Service and Fellowship. Come check it out! 10 TOM'S PAGE Encouragement to parents out there.
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