BASE BALL, TRAP SHOOTING AND GENERAL SPORTS. Volume 46—No* 7» Philadelphia, October 28, 1905. Price, Five Cents. \^_£________^*>itmjiim ^^ J \\MONTtCROSS. S.3. October 28, 1905. © of that organization, but the brainy HEARD IN REDLANP. 10-28-5. men therein are alive to the possibili ties of the situation. Renewal of Hints For a Big Eight-Club SPORTING LIFE PUBLISHING CO,, HARD TO CONVERT. There are just two danger points in League—The American Association consolidation. I don©t believe that any 34 South Third St., Philadelphia, Pa. tears would be shed in New York, is Watching Developments — Dr. St. Louis or Boston, but Philadelphia and Chicago would prove hotbeds of Casey May be a Red. Please send me cabinet size phototype of the celebrated dissent. Uncle Ben Shibe has often expressed anti-amalgamation views to BY EEN MTTLFORD, JR. me. "What©s the use of talking Cincinnati O., October 20. Editor base ball player _____________________________ about it?© he said the last time I met "Sporting Life." Sharpshooters in him. "Before we would be through Redland during- tbe past week have for which I enclose three 2-cent stamps to help to defray expense paying the cost of such a movement been peppering away at ©somebody else would come along, start the veiled future, but no a league, and we©d have the old fight holes have been torn in of printing, postage, packing, etc. all over again." the curtained posibili- Possibly Uncle Ben can be convert ties big enough to ram ed, but from a point far out on the one©s head through and edge and possessing no inkling of the safely survey the cir Send to extent Of thd negotiations the out cuits of Balldom. Hints look for a merger does not appear to of consolidation, which me to be more promising than a 25 to began to circulate anew 1 choice in the betting. StiU long shots about the time that the occassionally win and I am reminded robins were exercising of the motto that rests on Harry Pul- the Rooseveltian doc liam©s desk at National League head trine and raising large quarters: "Take nothing for granted Rea Mulford, Jr. feathered families, were in base ball." dropped at various WITH RED TROOPERS. points along the newspaper line of Frank Bancroft is still out circu march. The renewal of an old story lating with the Red Troopers. He re spread like the yellow fever. Three turned from Chicago on Monday filled distinct foci were discovered during CABINET SIZE PHOTOTYPES OF with enthusiasm over the success of the week, but out of the mass of the Cub-White Sox series for the speculation not one fact was lifted championship of that city. The Troop that was any longer than a California ers have hit cool and rainy weather oyster. Undoubted effort has been Celebrated Base Ball Players. this week, but they will continue to working toward a welding of the travel for a few more days, and not American and National Leagues into the leas,t interesting contest of their one great eight-club organization, but "Sporting Life" has had reproduced cabinet size phototypes of celebrated base ball post-autumn series wil be the clash no official outline of the work ac players and offers to send to any of its readers photos of their favorite base ball players by across the Hoosier line where at Con- complished has been given and none complying with the conditions named in the coupon above, 6 cents for each photo; by the nersville they will face Jot Goar, who will be until the time is deemed ripe dozen, 50 cents. Only one coupon required with an order. went to San Antonio with the Reds to take Fandom into the confidence of The photos are regular cabinet size (5i x 7£ inches) mounted on heavy Mantello mats the spring they trained at the Alamo the projectors of the union of forces. and packed carefully to insure safe delivery in the mails. City. The chances are. that the season WITH THE BIG SHOW. Here is an opportunity to ornament your room with photos of your favorite base ball will not be fully closed until the team As far as Cincinnati and Pittsburg plays at Willow Riia Park in Coving- are concerned the enthusiasts can well players at small expense. Each photo in a separate envelope to protect and keep it clean, ton. Ed Ashenbach would like to send sit back in plush covered reserved One coupon and three 2-cent stamps entitles you to one photo. You can, however. his Madagascar children against the seats. They do not have to put up obtain as many photos as you desire by sending tnree 2-cent stamps for each photo. Reds. He has Nick Altrock on his any pins to see the pupnct show, for The following photos are now ready lor immediate delivery. Others will be added. staff. "Ash" is at work on a new no matter what happen , Reds and mileage schedule for all the leagu©es. Pirates, free from opposition in their It is an entirely new idea and ought own cities, -will be welcome members NATIONAL LEAGUE OF 1905. AMERICAN LEAGUE OF 1905. to take well. of the big family. They are not in MEW YORK CLUB John J. McGraw, Jos BOSTON CLUB Charles Stahl, Denton MCJRPH IS HAPPY. any danger of being chosen by Dame eph McGinnity, Christopher Matthewson, Young, George Winters,Frederick Parent, Charles W. Murphy is happy over Rumor as partners in an oblivion John Freeman, James Collins, Charles the outcome of the Chicago scries, and waltz. Samuel Mertes, William Gilbert, D. L. Mc- his Cincinnati friends rejoice with SOME AUTUMN DREAMS. Gaun, lioger Bresnehan, George Browue, Farrell, Albert Selbach, Hobe Ferris, him. The last time© I saw Murph he Redland©s typewriter brigade have Frank Bowerman, Luther H. Taylor, William Dineen, Louis Criger, Norwood expressed the opinion that the Nation been hitting the keys in high places. William Dahlen, Michael Donlin, Leon Gibson, Jesse Tannehill, Thomas Doran, al League had been greatly strength Accepting the merger as possible, Ames, Claude Elliott, George Wiltse, Jesse Burkett, Robert Unglaub. ened by the influx of desirable young they©ve dreamed both Roger Bresna- William R. Marshal, Arthur Devlin, NEW YORK CLUB James Williams, David blood. Writing to me he says: "I han and "Wee Bill" Keeler into Red Samuel Strang, William Clark. L. Fultz, Clarke Griffith, William Keeler, think the outcome of the series just hose. As for Garry Herrmann, the Jack Chesbro, Norman Elberfeld, William closed for the championship of Chi Red Chief is enjoying the guessing cago proves that my assertion to you ; and it would stump Sherlock Holmes CHICAGO CLUB Frank Chance, James P. Conroy, John GanzelU John Powell, was not an idle one. The National. to discover the diamond thoughts that Casey, Joseph B. Tinker, James Slagle, Albert Orth, Patrick Dougherty, James League team of this city, -which was are nestling in the compartment of John Evers, Carl Lundgren, Jacob Wei- McGuire,. John Kleinow, Ambrose Putt- recruited after the stars were taken that wonderful brain of his that is mer, John Kling, Robert Wicker, John man, Joseph Yaeger. by the American League, played ©rings devoted to affairs of base ball moment. McCarthy, John J. O©Neil, Mordecai CHICAGO CLUB Fielder Jones, E.hvard around© the White Sox. Pour out of The Rajah of Maumee was one of those Brown, Herbert Briggs. William Maloney, McFarland, George Davis, William D. five games went to the Nationals and who were largely instrumental in des F<ank Pfeifier, Frank Schulte. Sullivan, James J. Callahan, Daniel the one game that was won by Com- troying Athletic confidence© in the iskey©s men was a ©fluke© victory, as recent world©s championships and it Green, Frank Isbell, Roy Patterson, Lee a high fly rfit off Reulbach should is hard to figure the contingent that C1NC1NN ATI CLUB Joseph J.Kelly, James Tannehill, Frank Owens, William Holmes, have been caught instead of going would enable Cincinnati © to- put Sebring, Harry Steinfeldt, Charles Har G. Harry White, Nick Altrock, J. for a home run, which enabled four through an annexation act that would per, J. Bentley Seymour, Robert Ewing, ("Jiggs") Donahue,AugustDundon.Frank runs to score. The victory of the make a Red out of Bresnahan. Thomas W. Corcoran, Edward Phelps, Smith, Edward A. Walsh, Ernest Vinson. Cubs is a glowing tribute to Frank A MAN OF MYSTERY. John Cf Barry. CLEVELAND CLUB Napoleon Lajoie, Chance, whose great hitting and field Still Santa Claus Garry has some William Bernhardt, Fred Buelow, Frank ing combined with diplomatic hand thing stowed away in his stocking, PITTSBURQ CLUB Hans Wagner, Fred ling of his men, enabled the banner Donohue, Harry Bay, Elmer Flick, Earl to be won by the West Side aggre and he will hang a contract with one Clarke, Claude Ritchey Thomas Leach, Moore, Harry Bemis, Adrian Joss, Will of the greatest of stars on the fans© Samuel Leever, Clarence H. Beaumont, gation. Such men as Maloney, Hoff- Christmas tree. That is a promise iam J. Bradley, R. S. Rhoades, Will L. man, Reulbach, Evers and Schulte, given and the fulfilment will be Charles Philippe, Patrick Flaherty, Henry Lush, Charles C. Carr, Otto Hess, Ter- who have the advantage of youth and awaited with wondrous interest. No Peitz, David L. Brain, Oiis Clymer, George rence Turner, Geo. Stovall, Otto Jordan enthusiasm, have crowded out the body knows who the mysterious re- Howard, Homer Hillebrand, George Gib- PHILADELPHIA CLUB Connie Mack former stars.
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