T h e K e l o w n a C o u r i e r V O L U M E 43 ^olovvna, Hritisli Colum bia. I'hursday, Scptcnihcr 26tli, 1946 The Krlowna Courier is an accredited N U M B E R 1 0 member of tiic Audit iJurcau of Circulation, an international orjjanization guaranteeing reliable circulation figures. Welcome Lord RoiVallanI STEEL STRIKE REPERCUSSIONS Population O f City Almost Chief Scout of Commonwealth FELT HERE Flooding of Okanagan Visits Kelowna for Few Hours Doubled Since Last Census, Fruit Industry Finds Nail Lake May Be Overcome T’lxlay i> "( birf .'^cmit Day" in Krlowna wlirii bun­ Shortage Desperate — M ay dled,'. of t ubs and J-ieoUts will bold a great rally ;it the Make Public Appeal Ration Book Fig ures Reveal City Park at 11 a.in. to honor their new Chief, l.ord Kow:tll;in, on the occasion MACS ROLLING If Plans Carried Out of his first official visit to Total of 10,857 Books Distributed Recently, Official Can.itla. First United Kingdom Export FA ST TIME Figures Reveal— Kelowna Had Population of Lord Rovvallan has had Leaves This Week— Farm­ International Joint Commission Orders Removal of ENDS SUNDAY 5,118 When Last Census Taken in 1941—Orchard a ilistinguished military ers’ Strike Hits Sales Osoyoos Dam— Dam in Past Has Raised Level of Krsideiits of Kelowna will be City Tops All Other Centres in Interior-—Sur­ career in both the first and able to sleep In an extra hour Osoyoos Lake, Resulting in Slow Run Off From The steel strike In Eastern Can­ second world wars. Me ada may have serious repercussions tills week-end when daylight rounding Communities Also Grown Considerably Okanagan Lake— Local Engineer Thinks Okana­ has been awarded the in the Okanagan and be the direct saving time officially comes to on end. Kelowna will set the clock gan River Must be Dredged Before All Difficulties Military Cross, the Medal cause of the loss of thousands of boxes of apples with the consequent bock one hour along with other Steady Growth Are Overcome of .Merit and the .Silver serious flnancial lops of growers parts of the United States and rs\ W olf. Under hi.s line lead­ concerned. Tliis becomes more evi­ Canada. dent a.s daily tlie shortage of noils Kelowna took the lead last V I I !•: population of the City of Kelowna ha.s more KliATIiR control of Okanagan Lake during the spring run- ership. the Scout inove- than (iouhlerl for the boxes becomes more dras­ May in advancing the clocks, and * .since the last census was taken in 1941. This ofj can be expected as the result of an orjler from the inent will continue to tic. other cities and towns In the In­ ......... was revealeil G tins week when officials in charge of distrihution of ration hooks Intcrtiational Joint Commission which calls for alteration of grow, inspiring and lead­ Some packing houses arc rapidly terior fell In lino with "fast time" reaching desperate straits a n d following a meeting of the Oka­ a da;ii at Oroville, according to a report made public last week. ing Youth to give to its released a hreakdown in figures of the nninher of hooks issued own country and to the cannot sec how they can possibly nagan Valley Municipal Associa­ surrounding eommunities. In Kelowna, 'I he dam iti the past lias raised the Ipvcl of Osoyoos Lake, re­ make boxes to handle their pack. tion, At that «timc there was sulting in slow run off from Lake Okanagan and Okanagan world its finest living, its Some ore now considering stopping considerable confusion os some 10,H57 hooks vvere distrihuted at the Scout Hall, an increase of River, and farmers in ti e southern part of the Valley liave suf­ worthiest service. the manufacturing of boxes In or­ communities did not wish to fall -,068 over 1944. In the census taken in 1941. Kelowna had a der that they may have enough in line, but the situation was fered extensive losses as a result of the flooding, while Kelowna Scouts and Cubs all liopulation of 5,118, and while no official cheek has been made nails to lid the boxes they now have ironed out wltliin the next few .since that time, the distribution of the ration hooks indicates residents living along the lakcshorc have not escaped damage. through the Okanagan on hand. weeks. The dam henceforth will be under jurisdiction of the Interna­ have been looking for- Seven hundred kegs of nails are Now everyone will be able to the population has jumi'icd 5,739 in the last five years. tional Commission, through a hoard consisting of two American ward with keen interest needed to meet even reduced usage, catch up on that hour’s sleep It fs liirit tomorrow, ration board declared It was an for several months to the if the balance of the crop is to be they lost live months agol population of "approximate" figure, adding that and two Canadian cn-Tincers. boxed and shipped. This figure re­ Kelowna would show almost a 100 some country residents came into According to D.’ K. Penlold. local --------------------------------------- Chief's visit, and he will find little rest during the few mains after every available source, per cent increase over the 1941 con- the city for their books when dls- Water Rights engineer, who was i r g m g w a m a/vw r hours he is in the city. including United States outlets, have sus Kelowna led the oUicr three tribution was mode one night. present at the hearing at Osoyoos 1/1 E /I I A Ic IWl V Those accompanying the Chief Scout are A. W . Hurll, been explored and some small quan­ SALE OF VET the In- The following figures show th6 and Oroville on June 21, there « J.£\JLA XmJII/ifJ. tities obtained. mrior in the distribution of ration sharp increase in the number of should be no further excuse for general secretary of the Boy Scouts Association, Imperial When the industry is making box­ books. In Kamloops, for instance, books issued two weeks ago. com- flooding of Okanagan Lake if the headquarters, London, Eng.; Deputy Chief Executive es to its capacity a hundred kegs a total of 10.510 books were Issued pared with October, 1944 wheh No HOMES CAUSES recommendations of the inquiry are PROBLEMS WILL Commi.ssioner for Canada, W . L. Currier, Ottawa; Execu­ of nails a day are used. in Kamloops and North Kamloops. 5 book was distributed* carried out. In order to overcome tive Commissioner, R. Ken Jordan, provincial headquar­ There is some hope that alum­ Yternon distributed 10,322 in the flooding, however, it will be nec­ inum nails will be procured but SPECULATION city itself, an increase of about 1,400 1945 Incr. essary for the provincial and dom­ BE DISCUSSED ters, Vancouver; and Ralph K. Johnston, member of the these cannot be here before the over 1944. A total of 18,991 books Kelowna City .... 10,857 8,180 2,668 inion governments to get together British Columbia Provincial Council. Divisional • Com-, first of November. Packing house --t /-• tt _ were- issued....... ......... in the- ----------------surrounding» ar- East ----------Kelowna .... 932 670 262 and dredge the Okanagan River be­ operators are now considering Hon. C. D. Howe Says Govern- oa, an increase of 3,462 when ration Ok. Mission ..... 656 Citizens’ Committee Named to missioner, Mrs. H. L. Coursier and District Commissioner 454 262 tween Penticton and Oliver. This whether it would be advisable to ment Considering Plan book No. 5 was distributed. At the Rutland .......... 2,755 2.013 74i will enlarge the river bed and allow Confer with Gen. Worthing­ Mrs. I. E. A. Arbuckle are in charge oLthe Girl Guides stop making boxes and hold enough Sell W , H. L. Houses same time, 9,318 ration books were Glenmoro ......... 633 391 242 the water to move much faster. Bet­ ton Here Today and Brownies, and District Commissioners, C. W . Morrow, . nails to lid during October and to distributed in the Penticton Muni- Winfield .......... 948 562 384 ter control of Lake Okanagan will M.L.A., and E. C. Weddell, K.C., of the Boy Scouts and simply fill all available storage cipality, for an increase of about Okan.' Centre .. 281 249 32 result, as control gates wilt be open­ WILLING TO BUY Many important problems relat­ W o lf Cubs. space with loose apples until the 2,000 over the previous issue. Wilson’s Ldg..... 14 9 5 ed up to allow more water to es­ ing to Canada’s peace-time army aluminum nails arrive and pack af­ --------- While it is taken for granted many Westbank ........ 798 571 220 cape. will be discussed when Maj.-Gen. Lord Rowallan will inspect the Cubs, Brownies, ter that time. This, of course, is a Ex-Servicemen Would be Re- of the books issued in Kelowna were Peachland ..... 729 487 242 The dam was erected by William F. F. Worthington, C.B., M.C., M.M., Scouts and Guides upon his arrival at the City Park fol­ costly operation, but It would now sponsible for Homes and Pay , floaters” employed in the fruit -— — —— ------ - Zosel several years ago in conjunc- General Officer Commanding Wes- lowing a March Past. He will then address the gathering, appear to be one of the most likely 'Tavoo industry, the increase locally com- 18,601 13,595 5,006 tion with the operation of a lumber tern Command, confers with prom- outs.
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