(CANCERRESEARCH57.1166-1 170, March15. 1997) Positions of Chromosome 3pl'L2 Fragile Sites (FRA3B) within the FHIT Gene' Drazen B. Zimonjic, Teresa Druck, Masataka Ohta,2 Kumar Kastury,3 Carlo M. Croce, Nicholas C. Popescu, and Kay Huebner4 Laboratory of Experinwntal Carcinogenesis. Division of Basic Sciences, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland 20892 (D. B. 1, N. C. P.!; Kimmel Cancer institute, JeffersonMedicalCollege.ThomasJeffersonUniversity.Philadelphia,Pennsylvania19107fT. D..M.0.. K.K., C.M.C.,K.H.J ABSTRACT constitutive familial clear-cell renal carcinoma-associated transloca tion t(3;8)(pl4.2;q24) (1 1, 12) has been found to be indistinguishable The FHIT gene spans approximately 1 Mb of DNA at chromosome from the most frequent of the common fragile sites, FRA3B (13). band 3p14.2, which includes the famffial renal ceHcarcinoma chromosome Nevertheless, evidence implicating fragile sites in the process of translocation breakpoint (between FHIT exons 3 and 4), the most Ire neoplastic development has been circumstantial. It has indeed been quently expressed human constitutive chromosomal fragile site (FRA3B, telomeric to the t(3;8) translocation), and numerous homozygous deletions argued that it is very unlikely that breaks in a fragile site should be in various human cancers, frequently involving FHIT exon 5. The FRA3B associated with cancer (14). has previously been shown to represent more than one specific site, and The constitutive ape-inducible fragile site at chromosome band some specific representatives of FRA3B breaks have been shown to fall in 3pl4.2 (FRA3B) is of special interest, because it is the most com two regions, which we know to be in FHIT introns 4 and intron 5. Because monly expressed in humans (15), and the region 3pi4.2 is involved in breakage and integration of exogenous DNA in this chromosome region is deletions in a variety of histologically different cancers (16—18),the frequent in aphidicolin-treated somatic cell hybrids, cancer cells, and, t(3;8) translocation in familial RCC, and Kaposi's sarcomas (19). In presumably, aphidicolin-treated normal lymphocytes that exhibit gaps or addition, consistent with previous cytogenetic observations linking breaks, we determined by one- and two color fluorescence in situ hybrid viral integration sites and fragile sites (8, 20), the first molecular ization, using cosmids covering specific regions of the FHIT gene, that evidence for HPV integration in FRA3B was provided recently (21). most of the aphidicolin-induced gaps at FRA3B fall within the FHIT gene, with the higjtest frequency ofgaps falling in intron 5 ofthe FHIT gene, less The positions of some ape-induced gaps and breaks in FRA3B have than 30 kb telomeric to FHIT exon 5. Gaps also occur in intron 4, where been determined by isolation of YAC clones encompassing the breaks a human papillomavirus 16 integration site has been localized, and in (22—25)and mapping ape-induced hybrid breaks (21, 26) or plasmid intron 3, where the t(3;8) break point is located. These results suggest that integration sites (27, 28) to regions of the YAC map. the cancer-specific deletions, which frequently involve introns 4 and 5, We have recently isolated the FHJT gene, which encompasses originated through breaks in fragile sites. perhaps 1 Mb, straddling the t(3;8) break, the FRA3B, and cancer cell-specific homozygous deletions (29), and have suggested that the INTRODUCTION FHIT gene may be the target of FRA3B-induced deletions in cancer cells. The FlIT gene is ex@pressedin all tissues thus far examined Chromosomal fragile sites are regions susceptible to breakage (29), including normal lymphocytes (30) and ape-induced lympho under specific experimental conditions. Antifolates, fluorodeoxyuri cytes, in which the normal-sized FHJT transcript was observed (data dine plus methotrexate, and ape,5 a DNA polymerase inhibitor (1), not shown). induce the expression of fragile sites during metaphase as nonstaining To determine the relationship of the FHJT gene to cancer cell gaps or breaks, usually involving both chromatids (for review, see deletions and FRA3B breaks and gaps, we have determined the posi Ref. 2). The latest compendium comprises 103 fragile sites classified tions of FHlTexons relative to the translocation, viral integration site, as common and rare, constitutive and inherited, that have been local cancer cell deletions, and FRA3B breaks described previously, and ized in all human chromosomes except chromosomes 21 and Y (3). have then used FHIT cosmid probes to determine the positions of Although fragile sites are dispersed throughout the genome, they tend specific FHJT exons relative to the ape-induced gaps and breaks in to cluster at G-light chromosome bands (4) that are known to contain human lymphocyte metaphase chromosomes. GC-nch Alu repeats and are constitutionally more relaxed and un folded during transcription (5). The location of fragile sites has been correlated cytogenetically with locations of recurrent translocation MATERIALS AND METHODS and deletion breakpoints in cancer cells, as well as the integration sites of oncogenic viruses (6—9).Moreover, structural rearrangements in Localization of STSs by PCR. Primer pair sequences for amplification of duced by mutagens or carcinogens through fragile sites can be cyto STSs were obtained from the Genome Data Base or were designed from genetically indistinguishable from those in cancer cells (10), and the published sequences in GenBank; the numbers beginning with U are GenBank accession numbers of the sequences. U39799 and U39804 primer pairs are Received I 1126/96;accepted 1/13/97. listed in Druck et a!. (30). Other newly designed primer pairs are: U39793F The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page (5'-TGGATTGAmCACACC-3') and U39793R (5'-GCCAGAGG charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked advertisement in accordance with GAGA ri-i-i- iC-3') at bp 104 and 265 of the U39793 sequence, respectively; 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. U061 l8F (5'-CGUGTAGTFCTGA'ITFGCA-3') and U06l l8R (5'- I This work was supported partially by United States Public Health Service Grants CA51083, CA39860, and CA21124, and a gift from R. R. M. Carpenter Ill and Mary K. GGATA1T1'GTCACTGCC1TF-3') at nucleotides 20 and 330, respectively; Carpenter. U60203F (5'-GTGCTCAGAGATFACATGC-3' and U60203R (5'-GTATGT 2 Present address: Banyu Tsukuba Research Institute, Okubo 3, Tsukuba 300-33 Japan. CAGCCAAACACC-3') at positions 786 and 1069, respectively; and cSB1AF Phone: 81-298-77-2000; Fax: 81-298-77-2024. (5'-CAAAGCAGAAATAAAACTGC-3') and c5B 1AR (5'-AlTFCCAA L1 Present address: Department of Endocrinology. Charles R. Drew University of Medical Science, Room 3069, 162 1 E. I20th Street, MPO2, Los Angeles, CA 90059. CAAGCFGCCA-3'), which amplify a —2l8-bpproduct containing a TA Phone:(213)563-5959. dinucleotide repeat (locus name D3S4490; GenBank accession no. U76285). 4 To whom requests for reprints should be addressed, at Kimmel Cancer Institute, Each primer pair was used in a PCR reaction with template DNA containing Room 1008, Jefferson Medical College, Thomas Jefferson University, 233 South 10th some portion of the FHIT genomic locus. PCR amplifications were carried out Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107. Phone: (215) 503-4656; Fax: (215) 923-4498. in 12.5-pJ reaction volumes with 10 ng of cloned genomic DNA or 100 ng of 5 The abbreviations used are: ape. aphidicolin; HPV, human papillomavirus; YAC, yeast artificial chromosome; STS, sequence-tagged site; BAC, bacterial artificial chro total genomic DNA, 20 ng of each primer, 10 mMTris-HCI (pH 8.3), 50 mr@i mosome; RCC, renal cell carcinoma; FISH, fluorescence in situ hybridization. KC1,0.1 mg/rn)gelatin, 1.5mMMgCl2,0.2 mMeachdeoxynucleotidetriphos 1166 Downloaded from cancerres.aacrjournals.org on September 23, 2021. © 1997 American Association for Cancer Research. POS@ONS OF FRA3B SITES WITHIN THE FH!T GENE Telomere Centromere 4- pSVZn.o HPV16 -@ Q)0)Q) 5'PTPRG @ F:::I 118k; @ I II@I@ C,) LI) @ + @+J!@ U ‘I, I II I II @8E8@ll14—@—14-c06#7c05#9c05#163 E4 El.-4j..cX3—O-'cX2E3E2 .I—c84 .—ll-cX4 —II-cXl c19-20 — @ —c76 —c36 BAC @!Af@ O@AAb ) 00 kb Fig. 1. Map of the Fllfflocus. The chromosome 3pl4.2 region (—1Mb) is illustrated with approximate placement of the cosmid and BAC clones relative to each other. Positions of relevant STSs were determined by PCR amplification with cosmid and BAC DNA templates. Localization of the telomeric side of the lung carcinoma deletion (U60203), the pSV2neo plasmid integrations, the c13break, the HPVI6 integration site, the t(3;8) break, as well as 5'-PTPRG are shown (arrows). D3S4260 and IA6G/H primers are derived from the cosmid 1A6, to which 10 fragile site breaks in hybrid cells have been mapped (37). phate, and 0.5 units of Taq polymerase. Amplifications were for 30 cycles of quences. The positions of the U39793, U39804, and U39799 markers, 94°Cfor30 s, 57°Cfor30 s, and 72°Cfor30 s. Products were analyzed by which represent the HPV16 integration site (21), were deduced by electrophoresis in ethidium bromide-stained 1.5%agarose gels. Presence of an amplification of appropriate fragments from the BAC clone (shown in amplification product determined localization of a STS to a particular genomic Fig. 1) and from knowledge of their positions relative to the nearby clone. Miul site and other markers that we mapped within the exon 4 Isolation of Genomic Clones. New cosmid clones were isolated as de scribed previously (29), and BAC clones were identified by PCR amplification cosmid. The hybrid cl3 break, representing our 3pl4.2 hybrid de novo of specific STS fragments from pooled BAC library template DNAs (Research break (35, 36), had previously been placed telomeric to FHJT exon 5 Genetics, Huntsville, AL); individual BAC clones were then ordered from based on Southern blot data (29), but we now know the break falls in Research Genetics, single colonies for specific STSs were identified and intron 4, as shown here.
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