j Concern Mounts Over His Health DENVER CA IN aiC World Prays i Vatican City — A special prayer in Masses in the REGISTER j Vatican parish church of St. Anne was echoed Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations 'throughout the world as concern grew over the health VOL. LVIl No. 42 DENVER, COLORADO THURSDAY, MAY 30, 1963 Iof Pope John XXIII who has earned international re- ! spect as the Pope of the People and the Pope of Peace. The ancient Latin prayer for ----------------------------------------- Plan to Loavo in July the Pope read: I THE POPE WENT into “spir- “ 0 God, the Shepherd and j 'tual retirement” coincident Ruler of all the faithful, look with opening of a novena that Doctor, Wife Volunteer down with favor upon Thy serv­ will last until the Feast of Pen­ ant John, whom Thou hast tecost, June 2. placed over Thy Church. Grant, He continued to celebrate we beseech Thee, that be may morning Mass in his private To Give Services in Ghana benefit, both by word and ex­ chapel and studied official pa­ ample, those over whom he is pers in his rooms but held no set, and thus attain with his private audiences. Two doctors By Paul Page stated that unless doctors arc Consequently, the 50-year-old flock unto eternal life.” were keeping a constant vigil. Picture a doctor and His obtained the Ghana government Denver physician and his wife Hope was expressed that the “might be obliged to accept are all set to embark on an wife sitting in comfortable THE PRAYER recitation was Pope would regain sufficient doctors from Communist coun­ apostolic and professional chal­ easy chairs reading news­ begun after the 81-year-old Pon­ strength to greet, with appro- tries.” lenge of a lifetime. papers during a relaxing tiff suffered a relapse from a evening at home. The only thing holding them DR. POLLICE wrote to stomach ailment and anemia. i Doesn’t exactly conjure up an back is an entry permit signed Prayers Asked Father McCoy, who was in His condition was generally be- i by Ghana Prime Minister Kwa- image of a lay apostolic chal­ lieved to be incurable. , Prayers of the priests and lenge, does it? me Nkrumah. Pope John was also believed the faithful in the Archdiocese Denver surgeon Dr. John “Father McCoy already has to have a painful prostate con­ of Denver have been asked by Pollice and his wife, Grace reserved plane reservations to dition which made sleeping dif­ Archbishop Urban J. Vehr for were doing just that (it happens Ghana for July 19 or July 23,” ficult. the recovery of Pope John sometimes) one evening last Dr, PoUice said in a special in- The Pope heard Mass at 6:30 XXIII. February when Mrs. Pollice (Turn to Page 2) a.m. May 29 as he had on May noticed a small article on the 28. The Wednesday communi­ priate ceremony. President Ken­ hack page of the Feb. 24 issue que said the Pontiff had had “a nedy, who is due to visit him of the Register. An Appeal night of quiet rest” during on June 22. She read it with interest and which he “had no need of as­ Concern over Pope John’s Pope Shown in Recent Photo called it to the attention of her The Ghana government, ac­ sistance.” health was fanned by a husband. Today, three months cording to Dr. Pollice, is anx­ It said that at 10 a.m. May cancellation, on doctors’ orders, Pope John XXIII is surrounded by national Cardinal Gregory Peter Agagianian, Prefect later, the couple are anxiously ious to get hospitals staffed 29 “a distinct improvement was of a general audience, two hours directors of the Society for the Propagation of the Sacred Congregation of the Faith. On awaiting permission to enter the with competent personnel. noted in the general condition before it was to begin. of the Faith in one of the last photos taken the right shown in profile, is Auxiliary Bish­ young African nation of Ghana Doctors, nurses, and techni­ of the august patient.” However, the Pope made an of him before his public appearances were op Fulton J. Sheen of New York, national as a missionary team. cians are needed. This is a The communique stated that appearance at his apartment curtailed for health reasons. ’The Pope greet­ director of the society in the U.S. Anxiety The article? It was an appeal challenge for U.S. volunteers. “even in the acute moments of window overlooking St. Peter’s ed the directors at an audience in St. Peter’s over the Poptiff’s health mounted when it Basilica at their annual meeting in Rome. by Father R. F. McCoy. W.F., Unless capable personnel of- the crisis the Pope “never square and told the crowd of was announced he had suffered a “weak superior of the White Fathers fer their services, the Ghana suffered (mental) absence or about 10,000 persons, “It is still At the left, with his back to the camera, is spell” and had cancelled his normal activities. of Afrjca, citing an urgent need government will be forced to confusion.” He was spending St. Peter’s, whether inside or for three doctors at three hos­ Dr. John Pollice accept such assistance from his days “in serenity, in pray­ out.” pitals in the Diocese of Wa in the Communists. If that should er, . with full mental pres­ During the appearance, the St. Mary’s, Colorado Springs Northwestern Ghana. Chicago seeking personnel, sup­ happen, another country could plies. and financial aid for the ence and lucidity.” Pope, who made many earlier The one column article, four be indoctrinated In the Red Cardinal Amjeto Giovanni references to death, referred to inches and four paragraphs. White Fathers’ many missions ideology. and hospitals in .\frica. Cicognani, Vatican Secretary of the Feast of the Ascension. Grade School Plans Last Graduation State and head of the council’s He said: “We hurry behind (See Story on page 2) this year’s eighth grade, the Loretto Sisters Jovlta, Wal- coordinating commission, was the Lord, who has ascended into The nearly 80-year history of grade school will be discontin­ burga, and Columba. Father important Dates reported as saying that the work heaven, and not being able to St. Mary’s grade school, Colo­ ued. Robert Byrne was then pastor of the various special commis­ follow Him, we remain on earth rado Springs, will draw to a The school was established of St. Mary's parish. Saturday, June 1, the Vigil of Dentist Harvests Teeth sions must be stepped up so in His Holy Church and we close Saturday, June 1, with in about 1885 as St. Mary’s The academy became St. the Feast of Pentecost, is a day that they can be ready to sub­ imitate the Apostles who gath­ graduation rites for the school’s academy by three Sisters of (Turn to Page 2) of fast and partial abstinence. mit their draft proposals to the ered together and implored the last eighth grade class. Meat may be eaten only at the On' Holiday for Humanity' Pope. Holy Spirit.” A total of 60 pupils — 30 principal meal. boys and 30 girls — will attend Wednesday, Friday, and Sat­ The harvest of untouched den­ met in Guatemala City, Hue- the graduation Mass at 7:45 urday, June F, 7, and 8, are tal work is so great “I could huetenango at Maryknoll Mis­ a.m. to receive their diplomas. 75 School Supervisors Ember days. Meat may be have worked there for 50 sion Central and at the medical eaten only at the principal meal years,” Dr. James Wambach of center being built by the pa­ fr. Murphy to Observe THE SCHOOL has been grad­ on June 5 and June 8. Friday, Colorado Springs said in de­ rishioners at Jacaltenango. ually closing down operations To Meet at Loretto Heights since 1955 in order to provide June 7, Is a day of fast and com­ scribing his recent “Holiday for more room for the high school, plete abstinence. Humanity” to Northern Guate­ “PRACTICALLY ALL the Silver Jubilee on June 2 “Supervision Looks to the voted to linguistics. which serves all the parishes Trinity Sunday, June 9, is the Guatemalans in remote areas Future” is the theme for the Miss Kay Ware, director of mala. Father John B. Murphy. June 5, 1938. at St. Mary’s in the Pikes Peak region. final day for completing one’s And the laborers are so few away from cities need dental 1963 supervisors’ workshop for education in public schools of Easter duty. C.M., assistant pastor at Most seminary, Perryville, Mo. He One class has been dropped that he learned he was the first work,” he explained. Precious Blood church, Denver, Catholic school supervisors to St. Louis, Mo., will manage the became professor and chair­ each year for the past eight be held at Loretto Heights language arts and individual dentist to work there in the 20 “The instruction I gave the will mark the silver jubilee of man of the biology depart­ years. With the graduation of college, Denver, June 17-21. ! differences programs. years of Maryknoll mission missioners who are called-on his ordination in the priesthood Car Tabloid ment at De Paul university, j ' Approximately 75 Brothers, The Rt. Rev. Monslgnor F.N. work at Jacaltenango. continually to cope with medi­ at a Solemn Mass of Thanks­ X 20-page tabloid in this is­ He was assigned as a mis-’ I Sisters, and lay teachers from He also spent six days in his cal and dental emergencies mul­ giving June 2 at noon.
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