WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26, 1969 ManrlTFBtpr Ctn^ning l|rraUi Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 0*Clock Mountain Laurel Chaidar A (nee motor boat Inspection Chorus of Sweat AdaBnoa wlU by the Ooaat Guard AuxlBary, Town rehearse toanoroar at 8 p.m. at FMUU 17», wlU be held at St. A r m m g e Dally Nat Praaa R u n & m e t IX p d ty NI|M tHH be th e Rtwelan A m eilca n NmUonad Bridget School parking lot to­ ■lar Xha Week Ended TTie Weather obeerred bgr MendaMp L«dge Ceniter, 2U Wethersfield Awe., night and tomorrow from 6:80 SEMI-ANNUAL SALE ddM O H bumottw in the Me- Haittord. The event la open to p.m. to dusk. HOUSE ' J i m 14, 1888 FMr this evening with tog de- • ■ d e Tent|)le a t t;M>. Clarencw all women interaated In sln(ln|^ 946 MAIN ETTREET veloFtag later and continuing It. BmNh of ToIUnd, deputy tor tour-paxt barberahopwQde Mar- The Search tor Spiritual Re­ Downtown Manchester Into m day tizarniiig. Tonfglit’e the MidUi MMonlc dMrIct, will 15,590 lEuTuttig llTralh low in 60s. Tomorrow hsoaming mony. Those wlahinr mors In­ newal group of Trinity Covenant Open 6 Days OMfee Ido olflcla] Tlstt, occom- formation may contact X n- Church will meet Friday at 8 of famous name eunnyv w arm . H igh in 80n. Thinaday to 9 PJL Manchester— A City of Village Charm poided by Hdword Oobell of Truman Crandall, 88 WMto SL p.m. at the church. I WMd— , oMOclofte Ktotnd m ar- VOL. L X X X V m , NO. 227 (TWENTY-POUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JUNE 26, 1969 (Olasellled Advertlstaig on Page M) rtwL The Batored Apprentice Jehovah’s WUneaaes will con­ PRICE TEN CENTS decroo wfll be conferred, with duct a theocratic minUtry Arab Sector Hit Itu n n W. BcMotter, aenlor dea- achool FrMay at 7:80 p.m. and HALE 00(1. preaidlns, and other ot‘ a aervice meettaic at 8:88 at Ooera moving up a station to By Israeli Jets Kingdom Hall. aenior deacon. TIiIb la the final ITBERIASw Israel (AP) — What*8 Your View? moaUnd o f the h>d|e b efore sum ­ YAKIMA, Wodh. (AP) — mer roeeaa. Members of Trinity Covenant Two Israeli Jet fighters bombed Enemy Negotiators Church win conduct a service and strafed an Arab guerrilla ^^^90 and ^^^90 Among the topics discussed Friday at 1:80 p.m. at the Mebp at the BSrd aimual conveiitian IbuKlieater B m b I e m Club stronghold Inside Jordan today White House Proposes ways and means oommlttao dowa Convalescent Home. of the PaudSc branch of the after guerrlUas attacked an w in m oot ft h la y ait 8 p.m . at Bntomotoglcal S ociety o f Iho home of Kra. Fituik TVm>s, Stain Club will meet tonight arm y patrol In the Belsan v a l­ values to $13 America, attended by some M V a n to n S t at 8 at the VFW Ch*. ley, the Israelis repotted. Score Nixon Plan 1,(XX) ddegates, was “the role of a volatile female sex The planes launched a 2S-mlln- PARIS (AP)—The Viet "It is on effort to predeter­ He repeated ^ t further with­ pheromone In sUlhulatlng ute assault on Adaslya, an unin­ Good looks. Good lines. Good leath­ Cons( and North Vietnam mine the outcome of the nego­ drawals will depend upon the male courtshtt) behavior in habited cluster of huts facing denounced President Nix­ tiation before It has begun.” he iantntng and equlpptag of South Eased Voting Rights the drosphlla melanogahas- the Israeli settlement of Aahdot ers. And at on even better pricel on’s Vietnam policy today said. "R must he characto)i>ad Vietnameae toroee, the military te r.” Taaqov near the southern shore You'll find famous brands in mid as Eui unreas(Hisd)le situation and progreM in the o f hte Sea o f OalUeie. as deceitful. They said he which delays progress at WASHINGTON (AP) — was following a dead-end peace talks. Witnesses said the planes en­ and low heels in styles you'll meetings. As President Nigon The Nixon administration road in trying to maintain The U.S. negotiator roads no countered antiaircraft fire but like. Bones, patents, white. made clear in his press cc reference to Nixon’s June 19 proposed today a nation­ returned to base undamaged. the Saigon regime and to ence on June 19, we categoi wide ban on voter literacy Sizes 5^/2 to 10. rtatemeirt that he hoped to have Enemy Shells The patrol also was unharmed, replace U.S. troops with ly reject your demand that we all U.S. ground toroes out of tests and on state resi­ they said. South Vietnamese. replace the legitimate govem- Vietnam ly Ihe end of U7D. dency r^uirements for met^t of the Republic of Viet­ 2 Witnesses said several abelU The Viet Cong’s now provi­ He appealed tor the beginning Test Troops presidential elections. 2 n a m .” from Jordan crashed into a chil­ sional revolutionary govern­ of serious negotiations and said The administration also called Lodge ajocuaed the other aide dren's nursery at Ma'oc Haim, ment described Nixmi’e hopes the United States Is ready to ex­ tor enforcement powers that Sunshine yellow, golden orange In a of diatortlng Nixon’s poslUoin on a few miles south of Aehdct sev­ as "sheer lUusiona." North Viet- amine every a'venue that might would allow the attorney gener­ fantastic selection of women's sum­ troop withdrawals. He sold the O f Saigon eral hours before the air strike. naun called the U.S. troop with­ lead to peace. al to dispatch federal voting ex­ mer styled shoes. Light on the feet attack on the deciahm to with­ The children were sleeping In HURRY TO A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF draws! statements "an act in a "K Is unfortunate, therefore BEN HET, Vietnam (AP) — aminers and oboervers any­ and Hght on the pocketbook too. But draw 2S,(XX> U.6s troops was "a underground shelters end were comedy played out to appease that your side persistently dta- North Vietnameae giamera where In the nation. complete and Irreeponsthle mis­ not Injured. hurry, not all colors and sixes in and deceive" public opinion. torts the meaning of our words op en ly bom bard thda Special The package, submlttad by every style. The attack on the so-called representation of a m ajor Inltla- Atty. Gen. John N. lOtcbril, The Israeli army announced Forces camp from surroundhig U.S. d»-AmericantzaUon policy 'U've" taken by Nixon and Ihleu. (See Page Bight) would be a major expanskm of Its troops kiBed one of a group ridges. Prioonens released by chansi^ was the major theme In epeech- the 1968 V otin g R igh ts A ct, 5 of guerrillas trying to Infiltrate North Vietnamese troops bring 6 ea deUvered at th 38rd full- which primarily affected seven hAo Isniel east of Qesher. Wit­ In letters from the enemy, acale sessl<m of the Vietnam boasting they Intend to overrun Boutheni states where more wiOiwater nesses said several sacks flUed • LOAFERS than 800,0(M N egroes have bean STRAPS, O X F O R D S- peace talks by Mrs.- Nguyen Thi it. with explosives were left by the added to the ■voting rolls in ths Bthn, the Viet Cong representa­ Ben Het Is cut ott by road and guen lU as. last four years. Use for Kitchen, ASSORTED STYLES • CORDOVANS tive, and Ha Van Lau, North Its alrstr^ Is dosed. The 7(M Other Informed sources re­ Dempsey Signs "We have come to the firm Vietnameae negotiator. South Vietnamese defendeni, a ported saboteurs tried to attack conclusion that voting rights Is Bath, Woodwork-and FOR BOYS A N D GIRLS • O XFO RD S U.S Ambassador Henry Cabot small beam of Green Berets and an Israeli army outpost east of I no longer a regtonal issue," Lodge replied that the other two American arttUery batteries the Sea of Galilee where the MltcheU told a House Judloiazy All Interior Surfaces • MANY MORE STYLES aide’s demands tor the over­ are sporadlcaUy supplied by air­ Syrian, Jordanian and Israel subcommittee considering an throw of President Nguyen Van Tax ^Proposal drops and an oooastonol heliot^ e A break-through in borders meet. 'Ifiey eald the extension o f the 1966 law . Ihleu "cazHiot he described as a ter. guerrillas attacked with gre­ sincere effort to find a common "It is a national concern tor paint technology oli/lc#ren*» "Saigon kaeps aidtlng why we nades and light arms after tir­ ground or to negotiate.” HARTFORD, Conn. (A P )— Gov. John Dempsey sign­ every American and must be don’t lift the atege," said one Wash it repeatedly ing mortar salvoes at the out­ ed this morning a $1.5 billion General Fund Budget for treated <»i a nationwide basis,*’ American cffloer. "I tell them post, but were repulsed with no the next two fiscal years and a tax package including h e said. without harm why we can’t. The troops are b ra ^ oasualtles. 9.90 an amusement tax and a levy on capital gains. Although much wider in soope Extremely easy tlr^ ; the Vletnamss may have In Amman, a Jordanian mili­ values'to $13 The spending and taxation______________________________ ___ than the current legtslaU^ the to apply- plans, reached by the Democra­ taken as many as 80 per cent administration p ro p o sa ls tary spokesman said Israeli and I caauaWeB.
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