, .. D . - .. ... .i.,.7. N , * ,.g ..=, **. ,ga s.. .. .:*v ....3~~. - s- <...ee...,,, ms .*y aa ..ama m ..v. a. es +. a, . e.w .* . e. a... a.v, 4 .;. ,. .; . ...._a....,.< c.a A..., a . .- R. 3. e,..., .e w. .. ..,,r b, l .s .es a......- . , .0. f. .....w....: .e . _ cse . i.0 _-..R.ww u d- ." CL RY C OS. ;S S 10.N , t Oe f e nir .. ..., . ....L.............._.._.;.. ~ , ..._m.-. , , , . , , . eCR. , . .. ine p l a i n t .< .a .ss are: (a) ~n e City c: 'ancaster, 1 e nsy.va .ia :=i:: pal :or;c ration -ith .:s princ;;al office located at .00 ';c r t h Oue Street, 'ancaster, i Fennsylvania, phone 717-397-3501; ' ( 2) .ne hty of e c m er Ausuvc.; , a Tannsylv:ni: :=ic . ; = li t y ' authority, .b.ose :ailin;; addrers is :/o O'.arles ? Merr, Esqui e, 33 2rth . , 3.,t.., <.e o. v,.ca.;. .. Ae Street, . sncaster, .c t=sy3vania,. v., pnene (c) A.lbe r 3. achlsen, Jr. , an adult individual no resides a: 0;7 , East Orange Street, La nc a s t e r , tennsylvania, 176',2, . no .e 7!7-39:-49a3 , 2 ~he defendant is the United States Wu: lear Regula: cry O:nission t .(hereafter 'iRC), an agency of :he United States Oavert=ent, 4:5 its head- uar:ers in Washington, DC, and .: s facilities for service of process a r.d , : papers located a 1717 R Street '4, '.;4 s hing :c a , DC. , | )~ Jurisdiction of this ac:icn is based upon- 3 , ! (a) Section 102 cf :'.e ::4:ional Envir: ..enta; ?clicy s:: (hereaf ter ''E?A), 4 2 U. S. C. 14322. (b) Section 12 o f :he A:c=1: Iner:y A:: of 1946, is t=enced, ;; ,f 1 74, a; . ! . 0. $2:01, Se :io . 201 :: Me Ener;;- teor 3r. i:atia. .- 5. 0. :!el, and *itle 13, ?te:S '. 9 , O', f 0 and !! cf : e -:de cf Te:ers. -3;ulatians; (c) 2 5 e. S. C. $1:31(a). Th s se: en is 'c:au; .: a;ains- an spc.c y :he United 2:a:es. t. ' 90e n80 9/' ' o-390 256 018 G . , .... , - - . .: - . .. .. i r. rt.- H ~._ -- - e 0 a:rt:: of Saicanta. 5 he muni;ipal pis.-:iffs are 3 .ars in: pe ra t or s f a cc:_ _ i: < pu:lic wa:e - drinking sys tem se rving in excess of 105,000 people :hr: -hou: .ancaster Osun:y, Pennsylvania. "S.e individus1 plaintif f is a user an; : ens;:er cf public drinking water provided by the 2cnicipal plainr* fis. The ,:unicipal miaintiffs' source of raw drinking sater to se rv e their cus:c=ers is the Susquehanna River. i 6. As a result of a nuclear a:ciden: be; inning on March 23, 1979, d e f endan: assumed operational control -f reactor No. O at the nuclear powered - / ,( , .- - J |" >1e::rt: genera: ion pla n: owned and operated by Me:ropoli:an Edison Cc:pany and - leneral Outlic .tilities Curporation and located 4: Three 3dle island, laupnin The NR0 is exercising par- Coun: , ?ennsylvania (herein referred to as 21I). i :icular centrol over all plans and operations concerning deconta=ina:1on of -he ' i rea::cr buildings and the disposal of was:ewater. ! 7. Shortly af ter the acciden: began, approxi=ately 400,000 gallons of j radioactive was:ewater from Cat: No. l'a industrial ste syste=, contacinated in the accident, was dumped in:o :he 3usquehanna Rive r eithout any prior ! . no: ice )! such iamping to the plaintiffs or :ne general public. Addi:ionally, there were significan: releases of radicactive.todine into the Susquehanna River i ' in the five we e ks after M. arch 18, 1979. J . i s- ', $. The accident is the worst commercial nuclear reactor accident in 0.5. 1 .; his tory. The reactor No. I containment building is too radioactive to enter, I | and approximately 950,000 gallens of radioactive wastewater are presently i centained in the reac tor No. 2 buildings a: 7t!. According to the NEC, about i ' 250,000 gallons of " intermediate level" contaminated wastewater are in the .- u s u . e.- a uxiliary building , a pproxi=ately '600,000 gallons of 'hign level * radioa :ive eastewater see an :he floor of the reac:ar con:aineen: builcir.g and approxi- a:a;y *00,^^;. gal;ons of "-igh level" radioactive waste-ater are i- the rea::or'4 -rinary coling systen. The la:.e <rs:e has canv leais snich are td;;ns be: ween 1, ^00 and 1,500 ;allens a day of a;hly ra cioac tive , paten:ia;.s . - 1. .- * : the was:cwater a; ready in :he*contain=en: building. e - , . ...:ely - ''l di. na rge s wa s :e-2 :e r i :o the Sust enanna Live r a: five f. 5 ? ziles upstreas of the rav r in:ake of the =unicipal plain:tif s' __ , urinking water filter plant. 3 j 10. Unit i radioactive was:ewater released or discharata fro: T'il sould j 1 Jflow downstream, perhaos with only slight nixiag with the river water, and I - - j - . water fil: ration plant and systes owned and operated f , enter and contaminate :he i 1 by the municipal plaintif f s , and thereby contasinate drinking water consumed , i il t Aby the individual plain:1ff. Such conta=1 nation woulu * eae ''- municipal i l incur substantial expenses to obtain replace:ent water and to I flaintiffsto- b:I 'dec ontasina t e , if po s s ible , the wa:er filtration plan: and syste=, and would .. !\ (**T ! fcause bodily injury by radiation to the individual plaintif f and other cus- . I a j > | I somers of municipal plaintiffs. i 7 4 11* The defendant has control cver the decentamina: ion process and :he l g groposed d=nping over a number of soc:hs of the 950,000 gallons of partially- --- V f r*,v e ag i } decontaminated wastewater into the Susquehanna River. gf j * .; y 11. So systes has ever been designed or installed tn decontaminate a com- 1:ser ial nuclear reactor under the condi: ions currently existing at *y. I . ' 1 d 13. In sid-April, 1979, without any opportanity for public co=nen: or . ireview, the defendant approved a plan to at:empt :o decontamina:e outside the t I ; auxiliary building and dumo the 150,000 gallons of radioac:ive sastesater )"now contained in the aaxiliary building. The defendant approved the purchase ..acd installation of an EPICOR Il decontamination system of shielded ion ' exchangers which has been ordered and is currently being installed outside the !"i 9 Such ion exchange involves the use sf, resins ;in_ .lon - - auxiliary building..- - - _- - . - ::.- .. cexchange cartridges through which the radioactive wastewater would be passed in d I jordertoremove radioactive ions in solution. The cartridges would become 4 lsaturs ted with highly radioac:ive ions and would have to be removed and replaced i ' frequently. plaintif f s believe tha t :he used car:rtdges will 'oe handled and . : stored in a sanner which will no: prevent the release of highly radioactive j ; waste or resin into the Susquehanna Rive r. The defendants in:end to begin i l i.du= ping wa s tewater trea t ed by E?!OOR II in early June , 1979. j i 14. The defendant has no t yet received or approved a plan to attempt | 1 . 9 i -3- . * -. - . .o.vos , . rs - a: ;ve - ne dec: taninat:an :f :ne 72,::s gal. ns . ; n.f- .ar . :he prisar" coolant system and the contain en: building. _ --1 : he u: ;rior :: ice to - 15 The defendan: intends to auth: ize J;: ping 1 or approval by the plaintiffs. - i - | 16. Plaintif f s have not had a eaningf ul opportunity to review or i i t 3o cc ment upon any deconta:ination plans and, in particular, the E?l00R II plan e * 4 wnich has already been approved. ! I . ' 17. During the course of the accident, a high percentage of the nuclear . J " i j f uel rods located in the reactor core were oxidized and da= aged. Sc=e e the j i k wastewater currently 12 the reactor buildings has been directly exposed to ; , ' i ] damaged cladding and fuel pellets. ' + i 13. The waste currently in the reactor buildings centains very high and i a a i potentially lethat amoun s of biologically significant radioactive isotopes, , i l including bu: not limited to plutonic =-238, strontien-90, cesic=-137, iodice- , i ! . < 121, tricium, and carbon-14. ! I 4 - 19. Due to the accident and the ' resul:ing levels of highly toxic radioac-| ' 2 ~ tivity, reactor building No. 2 has been sealed. i i s Lefendant 710 estimates that the level of radioactivity attributable: j 20. !!1 solely to the gases in :he c.atainment building is about /=100 per *= hour , a ;4 although. the appropriate monitor is reading about 8,500 res per hour. Oefe: dant i . # , has publicly stated that many plant instruments have been disabled by high | I radiaticn and flooding; 'urther, defendant VRC has admitted it vill not be ablel ! | co check these instruments until it is safe to enter the containment building.f I ^- ! ! . 21. : De f endant NRC's regulations set the maximum permissible-levels I 1 of radiation in unrestricted areas at 0.5 rem per year. ! 4 E ~. In addition to the gases in the building, there are other sources nff - radioactivity within the wastewater, which has not been sa= pled because it is 4 4 2nsafe to enter the containment building.
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