The Gavel of Delta Sigma Rho Volume 30 Article 8 Issue 3 March 1948 3-1948 With the Chapters... Follow this and additional works at: https://cornerstone.lib.mnsu.edu/gavel Part of the Speech and Rhetorical Studies Commons Recommended Citation Delta Sigma Rho. (1948). With the Chapters... The aG vel of Delta Sigma Rho, 30(3), 54-59. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by Cornerstone: A Collection of Scholarly and Creative Works for Minnesota State University, Mankato. It has been accepted for inclusion in The aG vel of Delta Sigma Rho by an authorized editor of Cornerstone: A Collection of Scholarly and Creative Works for Minnesota State University, Mankato. THE GAVEL Witli tke Ckapters . HATES The University has over 30 active de During the sabbatical leave of absence bate teams competing for varsity posi of Prof. Brooks Quiniby, Norman Temple, tions. The schedule for the month of February includes meets with Mundelein, Bates '46, has been Director of Foren- Northwestern, University of Pennsyl sics at Bates. During the first semester, the Bates vania. University of .Miami, the Indiana University Tournament, and the North debating team resumed its international western Universitv Tournament. debates with the University of New —/ Brunswick. The series was interrupted shortly after the debate on Nov. 27. 1941, COLORADO on the entrance of the United States into Speakers Congress is now engaged in the war. the most active year in the forensic his ■ / tory of the University of Colorado. Over CARLETOX a hundred students are engaged in at In addition to its usual custom of spon least one and usually more of the Con soring the cantpus oratory and extempore gress' varied activities. speaking contests, the Carleton chapter Highlight of this year's debating will of Delta Sigma Rho is planning to hold be the trip of two Colorado debaters this two interschool debate tournaments this spring to the Hawaiian Isles to debate year. On February 14, Carleton spon with representatives of the University of sored a tournament for 15 .Minnesota Hawaii. Competition is keen among the high schools: and on February 28, an in many experienced debaters for the lau experienced division college tournament rels of making the trip. Colorado will was also held. send three other speakers as far as the -/- West Coast. The debaters will depart CHICAGO .\pril 7 and will return .\pril 17. Two Student Forum debating teams re Many other intercollegiate activities turned from Florida recently after a sev have been completed or are planned. Fall en round tournament at the University quarter debating was climaxed by the of Miami. The teams amassed the great trip of seven students and the two Speak est team-total of any of the participating ers Congress advisors. Roy C. Nelson and schools. Thorrel B. Fest, to Salt Lake City dur Winning five out of seven rounds, Curt ing Christmas vacation to participate in Crawford and Ray Marks took top af the Western Speech Association tourna firmative honors. Howie Schuman and ment. Don Davis and Roger Cozens en Dave Ladd upholding the negative took tered the team debate finals in the sen third among the negative teams. ior men's division. Other Colorado speak The debating culminated in an exhibi ers were Joan Willis. Virginia Kasdorf, tion debate between the University of Larry Travis, Jim Anderson, and Ed Ken- Chicago and the University of Miami, the dig. high teams on the respective sides of the On January 17, eleven participants proposition. That evening under the from Colorado were entered in the win stars and the palms of Miami the hosts ter quarter Colorado-Wyoming Forensic gave a banquet at which the team awards League meet at Colorado Springs. Cecil were presented. Jones. Bernard Shapson, Daniel Sklar, Ray Marks, accepting the gold trophy and Jim Friedlander brought home the indicative of affirmative honors, thanked lop honors in debate for CU: and Mar- the Miami students and faculty for their jorie Bertholf, Harvey Weeks, and Phyl thoughtfully planned and thought-pro lis Silvio placed second, third, and fourth voking tourney. respectively in the extempore speaking The Miami officials were so happy over sequence. Arthur Taylor. Leslie Polk, the outcome of the affair that they pro James Cruse, and Courtland Peterson posed that it become an annual affair were the CU teams that tied for third with different schools being special place. guests. .\1I of the participating schools Twenty-six speakers participated in —Alabama, Georgia, Stetson. South Car the Rocky Mountain Speech conference olina. Florida, Miami, and Chicago sec in Denver, February 12, 13, and 14. Also onded the proposal. on the agenda for this year are the Uni In summing up the University's experi versity of Nebraska tournament at Lin ence at the tourney Wm. Birenbaum, Stu coln, February 27 and 28; the Savage dent Forum Director, said. "It is from Forensic tournament at Durant, Okla the intimate discussion of these diverse homa, March 5 and 6; the Colorado-Wy sectional approaches to the proposition oming legislative assembly at Greeley on of world government, or of any other de April 16 and 17; and several dual meets bate topic, and not from the incidental with schools of this region. trophies that the true value of such a A University oratorical contest known tournament arises." as the Klinger Contest will be held April THE GAVEL 5, and an extempore contest sponsored more to the nation than does Missouri." by the Colorado chapter of Delta Sigma University of Colorado debaters will ar Rho is planned for April 19. rive the second week of April to debate The Public Information and Discussion on the national question, plus one debate division of the Congress has sent a pro on "Resolved: That the Federal Govern gram containing a list of available speak ment should provide for the economic se ers and subjects to organizations in every curity of all citizens." part of the state. Speakers have spent Hawaii Union, campus forensic organ the fall quarter preparing over thirty ization. is sponsoring a mock state con subjects. Requests for programs are be stitutional convention for the "49th ing handled by Bill Eaton, student chair State" during March and April. The en man of the program. tire student body will have a part in this Three forensic clinics for high school convention, which will in so far as pos students have been conducted by Speak sible follow the exact procedure the Ter ers Congress members this year. These ritory of Hawaii will use when statehood clinics are held in conjunction with the becomes a reality. The Territorial State Colorado State Debating League. Speak hood Commission has offered its services ers Congress members will serve as and support for the project. An extensive judges at the Colorado State Debating series of campus forums has been ar League festival to be held the 19th and ranged to bring information to the stu 20th of March on the Boulder campus. dent body on the problems to be dealt In April the University will be host to the with in the convention. District National Foren.sic League tourn The last two forensic events before the ament. forensic banquet and Delta Sigma Rho The Public Forums division has pre initiations will be a campus-wide humor- sented two forums on the campus so far us speaking contest and the annual cam this year, and plaus to hold one a month pus Berndt Extemporaneous contest. for the remainder of the season. The -/- questions discussed at the forums by IOWA campus leaders have been "academic- Iowa's intercollegiate forensic activi freedom" and "institution of an honor ties for January consisted of the Western system" at the University of Colorado. Conference League women, home-and- The local chapter plans to elect new home series with the University of Wis members during the winter quarter. consin and Minnesota. On January 20. —■! Maureen McGivern and Virginia Rosen H.AMn.TO\ berg represented Iowa on the negative of "For the first time in over five years, the Federal World Government proposi the Hamilton College Debate Society has tion against two women from the Univer entered into big-time competition. Dur sity of Wisconsin before an audience In ing the year 1946-47, the varsity debaters the senate chamber of Iowa's Old Cap held forensic clashes with such colleges itol. The audience ballot indicated a as R.P.I.. Colgate, Syracuse, West Point. shift toward the negative. On January Temple, Princeton. Haverford, Columbia. 22. Eleanor Kistle and Georgianna Ed Vassar, Wells, Urislnus. Williams, and wards traveled to Minneapolis, where many others. they defended the affirmative of the "The year's activities were highlight World Government question against the ed by four week-end debate trips. In University of .Minnesota. The audience December, Hamilton sent four teams to vote following the debate was for the af the annual tournament at the University firmative. of Vermont. During February, Hamilton Iowa's February intercollegiate pro toured colleges in Pennsylvania. New gram includes two Western Conference Jersey, and New York. The end of the home-and-home debates for the men. On semester concluded our trips with a trip February 19, Evan Hultman and Sher- to New England. win Markman are upholding the affirm "At various times during the year, sin ative of World Federation in a cross-ex gle debates were held on a home-and- amination debate with the University of home basis. Michigan at Ann Arbor. February 26. "Debating activities ended in May with Walter Johnson and John Oostendorp. a banquet and election of officers." on the negative of the national high / school question on Compulsory Arbitra HAWAn tion of Labor Disputes, meet a team from Major forensic events at the University the University of Illinois.
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