Join us for our Second Annual Spring Event FACING DOWN THE STIGMA OF MENTAL ILLNESS AT WORK AND IN LIFE Please join DMAX Foundation for our second annual DMAX Foundation Spring Fundraiser as a distinguished and thought-provoking group of national speakers share their experiences in Facing Down the Stigma of Mental Illness – in the military, in the corporate world and in life. WOULD YOU LIKE TO HEAR FROM? - A retired Army Major General about how he cut the suicide rate in half as the commander of Fort Carson? He and his wife lost two sons in the military, one to suicide. Speaker: Diane Coutu - A respected Yale Graduate and Rhodes Scholar with Bipolar Disorder – about how her distinguished career has been impacted by psychiatric episodes and a hospitalization? Key note Speaker: Major General Mark Graham & his wife Carol Graham DID YOU KNOW? Moderator: Maiken Scott In the Corporate World: - Indirect costs of untreated mental health TH disorders cost $79B annually due to loss MONDAY, APRIL 25 of productivity and absenteeism. Bryn Mawr College - 52% of employees say their employers Goodhart Hall do not do enough to promote 5:45pm .... VIP wine & cheese reception (Passover goodies available) employee health. 6:30pm ................................. Doors open for General Admission 7:00pm ................................................................. Program Begins - Disclosure about mental illness is risky and can prevent hiring or promotions and result TICKETS: VIP - $65 | General - $45 | Students - Free (with valid ID) in social isolation. EXTRA PROGRAMMING THROUGHOUT THE NIGHT In the Military: Two awards will be given out to: - In 2014, 288 active duty military personnel - Joe Sifer, Executive Vice President, of Booz Allen Hamilton. He has been instrumen took their lives – approximately 1 every tal in fostering Booz Allen’s commitment to making emotional health one of its 30 hours highest health priorities. - Dr. Husseini Manji, who has been special to DMAX since inception. As Global Ther- - 18.5% of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans apeutic Area Head, Neuroscience, Janssen R&D, his work is a critical component to report a mental health problem advancing mental health treatment and advocating for people with mental illness. - The incidence of PTSD among veterans A Book Signing by the Grahams: is climbing. A book signing of the Graham’s story by author Yochi J. Dreazen, The Invisible Front Love and Loss in an Era of Endless War, will follow the presentation. Don’t miss your chance to purchase a signed copy. Book purchases will benefit DMAX Foundation. More Info, Tickets & Registration: www.dmaxfoundation.org/events After more than a year of distress and emotional pain, 18-year old Dan Maxwell took his own life. In September 2013, Laurie and Lee Maxwell, determined that their son's life would make a difference in the world, established DMAX FOUNDATION. Our Mission: To eliminate stigma and encourage safe and caring conversations about mental health issues and emotional pain in our youth. Of completed suicides the125 reported during 2013 % had not previously sought 86 counseling centers assistance Source: 2014 ACA National Survey of College Counseling Centers CreatingCreating ConversationsConversations That Matter DMAX FOUNDATIONFOUNDATION isis committedcommitted to launchinglaunching and supportsupportinging DMDMAXAX CLCLUBSUBS, stustudentdent communcommunitiesities ooff ffriendsriends helphelpinging ffriends,riends, to encouraencouragege sasafefe and carcaringing conversatconversationsions and to reduce ststigmaigma about mental and emotemotionalional How It WorksWorkks ppainain iinn our yyouth.outh. DMAX CLUBSCLUBS willwwill plan regularlyregularly scheduled DMAX CLCLUBSUBS are fforor all students—not jjustust ffunun and enengaginggaginng actactivities.ivities. Clubs do nnotot ththoseose wwithith mmentalental iillness—becausellness—because we aallll ffallall provide theraptherapy,y, but are a place for all at different places along the mental health students to gain support ffromrom each other, spectrum at different times in our lives. raise awareness abouaboutt mmentalental hhealthealth Launching on college campuses, DMAX CLUBS issues, have fun and ffood,ood, and create create a sense of community to help reduce the sense many young people have that they visibility for the Clubs.Clubs. are alone in their emotional stresses. DMAX CLUBS create a fun and open environment Each DMAX CLUBUB wwillill hhaveave aann adadvisorvisor ttoo where students can feel free to talk about how help them plan ttheirheir actactivities.ivities. Student they are doing, how their friends are doing, leaders are trainedned iinn coocoordinationrdination wwithith ththeireir and how they can help each other. college counselinging centers where they learn to moderate conversationsnversations anandd acactivitiestivities aandnd DMAX CLUBS are also a place to recognize emergencymergency ssituationsituations and seek where its members who assuassumeme aappropriateppropriate hhelp.elp. leadership roles will have the opportunity to participatee iinn FOUNDATION’S DMAX WhatWhhat We Do DifferentlyDifferently leadership program, as DMAX FOUNDATION is committed to helping WhileWhile therethere areare vvariousarious ootherther esestablishedtablished mmentalental young people hhealthealth clubs on collcollegeege campuses that ffocusocus on become leaders. educationeducation, advocacy and the reduction of stigmastigma, the DMAX CLUBS are different because we: • Facilitate conversations that matter in intimate settings • Promote social interaction among members • Reduce stigma through a contact strategy • Encourage campus-wide involvement of diverse constituents WhatWhat Are The BenefitsBenefits of a DMAX CClublub aatt Your School?School? • SupplementsSupplements thethe mentalmental hhealthealth resources at youryour unuuniversityiversity Friends Helping Friends • Extends your focused caring about students’ mental health DMAX FOUNDATION was created to achieve several goals, including to: • Both extends the outreach of the Counseling Center and provides an alternative, less • Help friends and families increase seemingly intimidating outlet to allow studentss understanding and compassion for those to explore subjects of interest You Can Help DMAX suffering from mental or emotional pain. Make A Difference • Allows students to talk and listen without • Encourage the recognition that mental illness isn’t the fault of those who are affected and implied labels If you have expertise or time to share, that seeking help is courageous. would like to make a financial donation, • Fosters camaraderie or are interested in starting a DMAX CLUB, • Establish DMAX CLUBS on college campuses • Puts more eyes on students you can make a difference and other student environments. in the lives of our youth. • Aids in prevention - a reported 86%* of By fostering an understanding that emotional pain is experienced by more people than campus suicides occur with no prior visit to a Find out more about is realized, and can be softened through Counseling Center FOUNDATION CLUBS DMAX and DMAX , engagement with others, we are striving to make your tax-deductible donation * 2014 ACA National Survey of College Counseling Centers remove the stigma that keeps young people or volunteer today at from seeking help. And, by creating DMAXFoundation.org. opportunities for conversations that matter in a safe environment we hope to remove the feelings of isolation and hopelessness, tearing We can also be reached by email at down the walls between those who suffer [email protected]. and their peers, family and friends. The DMAX Foundation is a 501c3 organization. © 2015 DMAX Foundation. All Rights Reserved..
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