Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 6, pp. 1724 - 1739, 2005 THE ESTIMATION OF DISCRETE CHOICE MODELS WITH LARGE CHOICE SET Yu-Chin CHEN Liang-Shyong DUANN Ph. D. Student Professor Department of Transportation and Department of Marketing and Logistics Communication Management Science Southern Taiwan University of Technology National Cheng Kung University 1, Nantai St., Yung-Kang, Tainan 1, University Road, Tainan 71005, Taiwan, R.O.C. 70101, Taiwan, R.O.C. Fax: +886-6-2753882 Fax: +886-6-2753882 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected] Wan-Pei HU Ph. D. Student Department of Transportation and Communication Management Science National Cheng Kung University 1, University Road, Tainan 70101, Taiwan, R.O.C. Fax: +886-6-2753882 E-mail: [email protected] Abstract: In this paper we discussed the estimation of choice model with correlation and/or heteroscedasticity across alternatives when the number of alternatives was large. We examined the performance of randomly drawn choice set approach and Poisson regression approach. We designed 6 Monte Carlo experiments. 1000 observations with 30 alternatives each were generated for each experiment. We found that the randomly drawn choice set approach is only applicable to independent and homoscedastic alternatives. When there are correlated factors among alternatives, this approach can not get good fit for the correlated factors even when the number of draw is quite large. We proved theoretically and empirically that Poisson regression model can get the same estimates as some logit type models that showed heteroscedasticity and correlation across alternatives. Poisson regression model can also get estimates close to those of logit kernel model with less computing time. Key Words: large choice set, Poisson regression, logit kernel model, correlation, heteroscedasticity 1. INTRODUCTION A computational difficulty may rise when a researcher uses a discrete choice model to deal with a choice situation with large choice set, e.g., residential location choice or shopping destination choice. Some researchers (Hansen, 1987; Woodward, 1992; Friedman, et al, 1992) followed a suggestion by McFadden (1978) to solve this problem. They estimated logit models by using smaller choice sets randomly drawn from the full choice sets. Decomposing the structure of large choice sets can indeed reduce computational effort. However, McFadden’s proof of consistency for multinomial logit (MNL) model does not carry over to more flexible discrete choice models, e.g., nested logit model, logit kernel (LK) model, or multinomial probit (MNP) model. Furthermore, the estimates of randomly drawn choice set approach are 1724 Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 6, pp. 1724 - 1739, 2005 statistically less efficient, because this approach disregards some useful information. Since similarity and heteroscedasticity among alternatives are generally existed in the multi-alternative choice situation, choice models (e.g., LK and MNP) which can deal with this problem are increasing popular. The term logit kernel is chosen because this model has a logit model at the core and is extended by adding different error terms (Ben-Akiva and Bolduc, 1996). LK model is widely used due to its computing efficiency comparing to MNP model. Sometimes it is under different names, e.g., error components logit (Brownstone and Train, 1999) and mixed logit (McFadden and Train, 2000). The primary motivation for using MNP and LK model in the study of multi-alternative choice situations is to avoid the independence of irrelevant alternatives (IIA) problem. MNP model relaxes the IIA assumption by specifying the distribution of unobserved error terms of utility as multivariate normal with a general covariance matrix. LK model solves this problem by specifying the unobserved error term as a combination of Type I Extreme Value distribution and another distribution such as multivariate normal. Very few studies used LK and MNP models in the choice situations with large choice sets due to computing difficulty. An alternative approach to deal with the large choice set problem is Poisson regression model (Papke, 1991; Wu, 1999; List, 2001). McCullagh and Nelder (1989, Chapter 6) demonstrated the relationship between MNL model and Poisson regression model. Poisson regression is very useful in dealing with large choice sets since it treats each alternative as an observation. Papers dealt with the problem of correlation or heteroscedasticity across alternatives by Poisson regression model are very limited. King (1989) and Hausman, et al, (1984) developed two different generalized event count models which permitted dependent variable to be correlated. However, these models were used to analyze the time effects of panel data and they did not have counterpart discrete choice models. The problem of correlation and heteroscedasticity across alternatives is not discussed in their models. In this paper we discuss the estimation of choice model with correlation and/or heteroscedasticity across alternatives when the number of alternatives is very large. The performance of randomly drawn choice set approach is discussed when the correct choice models are MNL and LK. We prove both theoretically and empirically that Poisson regression model can be used to substitute some logit type models. Some of the models can deal with correlation and heteroscedasticity across alternatives. We also found that Poisson regression model could get estimates close to those of logit kernel model with less computing time. Data sets used in this paper are generated by simulation experiments. The results of our experiments show that Poisson regression approach is preferred due to its simpler form and less computing time, and randomly drawn choice set approach has limitations to handle correlation and/or heteroscedasticity. These results may provide an insightful reference to researchers in studying large choice set problems. 2. MODEL AND FORMULATION In this section we will show the formulation of models tested in this paper. First, we describe the basic assumption of logit kernel model and its estimation procedure. Then we illustrate the formulation of nested logit kernel model that can deal with similarities between alternatives. Finally, we develop three logit type models, i.e., fixed correlation logit (FCL) model which considers the correlation between alternatives, Heteroscedastic logit (HL) model which 1725 Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 6, pp. 1724 - 1739, 2005 considers the heteroscedasticity among alternatives, and FC-HL model which considers both correlation and heteroscedasticity. 2.1 Logit Kernel (LK) Model In a multi-alternative choice situation, if there exist J alternatives with j=1,…,J and N travelers with i=1,…,N, then the utility derived by traveler i for alternative j is given by Uxij=+βε′ ij ij (1) where β is a vector of unknown parameters, xij is an attribute vector of alternative j viewed by traveler i, and εij is a random error term. Thus, the utility of traveler i for alternative j is composed of a deterministic and a stochastic item. The theory of random utility maximization assumes that a traveler will choose the alternative that will yield her/him the highest expected utility. Multinomial logit (MNL) model and MNP model differ in the assumed error structure for εij . If εij ’s are independently and identically distributed (iid) with Type I Extreme Value distribution, then the logit probability of traveler i choosing alternative j is given by (McFadden, 1974) J px= expββ′′ exp x ij() ij∑k=1 () ik (2) Probit model assumes the error term εij ’s are distributed multivariate normal with mean 0 and covariance matrix Σε , and the probit probability is (Daganzo, 1979; Bunch, 1991) pUUjk=>Prob⎡⎤ for all ≠ ij⎣⎦ ij ik ∞ εεεjjj ε j (3) =Σ""φε|,Udd ε " ε ∫∫ ∫ ∫ ∫ ()ε 1 J εεjjjJ=−∞111 =−∞ ε−+ =−∞ ε =−∞ ε =−∞ where φε()|,U Σε is the normal density function with mean U and covariance Σε . LK model appears in this context as an intermediate alternative somewhere between logit and probit model. The main idea behind LK model is to consider one more error components besides Type I Extreme Valued component (Ben-Akiva and Bolduc, 1996). So the basic model is still kept as a logit, while other probit-like components with a multivariate distribution are added to capture the correlation and heteroscedasticity between alternatives. One can specify the correlation and heteroscedasticity using a factor analytic structure. This is a flexible specification that can include all known error structures, e.g., similarities between alternatives as shown below: Ux=++βη′ ⎡⎤ e ij ij⎣⎦ j ij (4) where ηj is a random term with zero mean whose distribution over alternatives depends in general on underlying parameters and observed data relating to alternative j; and eij is a random term, with zero mean and is iid over alternatives, that does not depend on underlying parameters or data. Let each element of eij be independent and identical Extreme Value distribution as that of standard logit model and with the value of ηj given, the resulting conditional choice probability is J πη=+exp β′′xx η exp β + η ij() () ij j∑k=1 () ik k (5) 1726 Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies, Vol. 6, pp. 1724 - 1739, 2005 Since ηj is not given, the (unconditional) choice probability is the above logit formula integrated over all values of ηj weighted by the normal density of ηj , φη()j | Ω . exp()βη′xij+ j pdd=⋅Ω=⋅Ωφη|| η π η φη η ij∫∫J () j ij() () j (6) exp βη′x + ∑k=1 ()ik k where Ω is the distribution’s fixed parameter vector. The choice probability of MNP model and LK model can not be calculated exactly because integrals that do not have closed forms are involved. These integrals can only be approximated through simulation. For the estimation of MNP model, the use of a maximum simulated likelihood framework combined with a Gewekw–Hajivassiliou-Keane (GHK) choice probability simulator is suggested in the literature (Boulduc, 1999; Geweke, et al, 1994).
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