THERE IS S IN UNITY TRENGTH RATION O DE F E L F A B A O W R O I AFL-CIO AFL-CIO D e a s ow Moines I NEWS IOWAVolume 15, Issue 2 Official Publication of the Iowa Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO December 2015 The Secretary-Treasurer's Notes . It's Long Past Due To Make Iowa's Labor Laws Reflect Modern Society few families can now be supported wages that can sustain a family. families to get ahead without going by one person’s income alone. In a The same goes with other working broke. different era, many families were families as well, as our minimum While past legislative sessions able to have one person stay in the wage isn’t just an embarrassingly have proven that Governor Brans- home, and therefore didn’t have to low poverty wage, it is an outdat- tad and some House Republicans worry about the cost of caring for a are satisfied with the status quo, IFL Secretary-Treasurer child. That’s not the case anymore. Iowans are not. Polling indicates Charlie Wishman Especially in this very rapidly ag- strong support for these common- ing state, many people have the re- sense working family initiatives, We are fast approaching the 2016 sponsibility of being their parents’ and candidates of all stripes need to legislative session, but unfortunate- primary caregiver as well. pay attention. ly the mentality of many in the Iowa It is long past time that our labor Often times in election years there Legislature is stuck in the 1950s. laws reflect modern society. Work- is a rush to conclude the session in Simply put, we live in a “Modern ing families need paid sick time a timely manner and move on to Family” world but have “Leave it to and family leave laws. Working “elections.” There’s a good reason Beaver” laws that need updated. families need our state to invest in ed starvation wage. With so many for that in legislators’ minds. It’s be- We’re now 16 years into this cen- child care and pre-K opportunities students graduating college with cause they are prohibited from rais- tury, yet we have many labor laws in a major way. The people doing crushing debt and no wage growth ing money from PACs and lobbyists that are designed for a mid-20th some of the most important work to make up for it, we need to bet- while the session is going on. There century society. Because wages have imaginable, the caregivers who are ter promote apprenticeship oppor- are big issues that again will need to been stagnant for four decades, very taking care of our seniors, need tunities and find a way for young continued on page 2 WIN Supports Working Families Working Iowa Neighbors (WIN) miliar with and supportive of labor AFL-CIO. “This non-partisan ef- develop education agendas, sup- was established in 2009 with the and working family issues. fort is intended to make local poli- port and shore up incumbent elect- intent to lay the groundwork for To date, the WIN program has tics more responsive to working by ed officials who support working future legislative candidates and help elect 103 candidates (54 were electing working family represen- family’s issues, and developed an develop a “farm team” of activists union member’s retirees or union tatives.” effective opposition to elected of- and community leaders who are fa- household). In The most recent Tracy Leone and Ben Murry are ficials who oppose working family issues. The WIN statewide committee is made up of the IFL Executive Board, CLC presidents (or designee) a rep- resentative from each WIN commit- WIN tee, the IFL state political director and the two WIN organizers. PAID WORKING IOWA NEIGHBORS There are regular WIN commit- U.S. POSTAGE U.S. PRESORT INC PRESORT tee meetings set up in most Central NON-PROFIT ORG. NON-PROFIT Labor Councils (CLC). elections in November there were the two Iowa Federation of labor The WIN organizers will work 32 races on Iowa where WIN can- (IFL) WIN organizers in Iowa. Le- on recruiting candidates, maintain didates were running. WIN can- one works the eastern part of the communication with the commit- didates won 24 of those races with state and Murry the central and tees, plan and coordinate events in one more pending a run off. western. their WIN districts. “The WIN program keeps the The goals of WIN committees You can contact the WIN organizers labor political program running all are to develop WIN candidates, at: Tracy Leone: Tracy@iowaaflcio. year round, and makes better use identify future WIN candidates, org, 309-738-3196; Ben Murry 515-232- of our WIN organizers and other secure funding to continue the 0827; [email protected], or you can activists” said Ken Sagar, President program with an established per- contact the Iowa Federation of Labor of the Iowa Federation of Labor manent political infrastructure, at 515-262-9571 or [email protected]. The President’s View 1st In The Nation Restructuring Of CLCs The Iowa Caucus Inside This Underway A How-To Guide For Participants Issue ....................................Page 3 ............................Pages 4 & 5 Iowa AFL-CIO Iowa News AFL-CIO Federation of Labor, Iowa A St., Suite 2000 Walker 50317 Des Moines, Iowa Page 2 IOWA AFL-CIO NEWS December 2015 It's Long Past Due To Make Iowa's Labor Laws Reflect Modern Society continued from page 1 turn the entire Medicaid system idea what company they should mess from beginning to end. be dealt with and there is no indica- over to “managed care.” He claims sign up with because their provid- Evidence has mounted that Iowa tion this session will be short. there is $51 million in savings by ers aren’t contracted to work with isn’t ready for this transition, and it The Governor and House Repub- going with his plan, but has nev- these companies. Branstad’s target seems as though the Obama Admin- licans are likely to stay entrenched er showed his math as to how the date for this to go in effect is just istration might be putting the brakes in their position to underfund the state will do that. If you look at oth- a few weeks away, on January 1, on the transition for the time being. K-12 system. Last year if you re- er states that chose to do this, you’ll 2016. We all need to keep up the pressure member, K-12 education was un- see they never “saved” money, and Privatization could make it hard- for the Federal Government to deny derfunded, and what little extra costs for Medicaid only go down er for almost 600,000 Iowans to get this “waiver” that would allow this money was provided was vetoed by because they provide less services the health care they need. scheme to move ahead. Please con- Governor Branstad. Along with the care. Remember as these are cor- In addition to not being ready, it tact Centers for Medicare and Med- education funding dispute there is a porate entities they need to make appears as though representatives icaid Services (CMS) and tell them march toward the further privatiza- a profit for their shareholders. That of these companies had improper “Please block the State of Iowa’s at- tion of our education system though is their primary concern, not care communication with the Branstad tempts to outsource Medicaid man- online education, charter schools, of patients. There are hardly any Administration during a “blackout” agement in Iowa.” You can contact and more. providers signed up because these period when bids from managed CMS in Kansas City by phone at Speaking of privatization four companies haven’t negotiated care companies were being evalu- 816-426-5925 and by e-mail at rokc- schemes, the Governor is still with them, and patients have no ated. This whole scheme has been a [email protected]. pressing forward with his plan to THERE IS S IN UNITY TRENGTH RATION O DE F E L F A B A O W R O I AFL-CIO AFL-CIO The Iowa Federation Of Labor Executive Board D e a s ow IOWAMoines I NEWS The Iowa AFL-CIO News is the official publication of the Iowa Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO 2000 Walker St., Suite A Des Moines, Iowa 50317 and is published quarterly. (515) 262-9571 iowaaflcio.org Officers & Staff President KEN D. SAGAR [email protected] Secretary/Treasurer CHARLIE WISHMAN Back Row: Marty Hathaway (AFSCME); Danny Homan (AFSCME); John Herrig (IAMAW); Jerry Nowadzky [email protected] (IAMAW); Bruce Clark (APWU); Dan Prymek (LiUNA); Bill Hanes (IBEW); Front Row: Ken Larson (AFGE); Stacey Andersen (GMP); Jan Laue (BCTGM); Ken Sagar (IFL); Charlie Wishman (IFL); Brandon Greve (USW); State Political Director Steve Abbott (CWA) and Eric Brenneman (IAFF). Not Pictured: Bill Gerhard (LiUNA); Mark Fallis (NALC) BETTY BRIM-HUNTER Robert Gilmore (IUPAT) and Jeff Liske (UA). [email protected] Communications Director LANCE COLES [email protected] Iowa Federation Of Labor Elected Two New Board Members At the August IFL convention, run for that position this year, and board member and President of Lo- Political Organizer Eric Brenneman was sworn in as she recommend that Slater be ap- cal 7102. In 1995 she became staff BEN MURRY a member of the IFL’s Executive pointed to the IFL board in her place. rep for CWA. In 2009 she was hired [email protected] Board. Brenneman is a member of Slater started working for North- by the IFL to be the staff organizer the International Association of Fire western Bell in 1977 and became ac- for the Iowa Alliance for Retired Political Organizer Fighters Local 3586.
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