
FCCFORMU40FCC FOllM U.W VPDAl<l'!M.HC':G TING MAXIMUM~!AXJMV\t PERMIITEDl'f:l'U11 !'Tl.'l> RATESR~1'€S FOR REGULARf.:Gl:L\Tl:OTED CABLECHlU: SERVICESSliRV!Cf$ Cable Operator: MM Name of Cable ()peraIor n-W ........ Ca... • Liberty_ Newburgh Mailing Address of Cable ()peraIor 2 IadUitriai Driw CiIy 1 State I ZIP Code Middlet...... NY 110941 YES NO x If yes. complete the fnoncluse ....OOfllY infonnation below and ....ter the associaJed CUID number bet.: YES NO 2. Does fllilliIia& jay_ aliDcJe f.-bile autllority but awltiple _unity uni.. ! x If yes, enter the associaled CVIDs below and complete the fnw:bise aUlborily infonnation at the bottom of Ibis _: 3. Does fIIiI_,_ muItip.. frudWe authorities? If yes. attach • separate sheet for _ franchise aUIbority and inclode the following franchise authority infonnatioo Wllb its associaJed CUlD(s): F..-bUe Authority lafo...... tioD: Name of Local Franchising Aulhorily N... 1JuJU Mailing Address of Local Franchising Aulhority City State IZIP Code Telephone number Fax Number Your_FH 4. For:F<H"l'ilat wbat purJIOIe_pUi1M~SC ilfIIiIi' rbi"l FormJionn 1240124(1 beIaghein~ filed?fd£-.il':* Pleasel"lt'll~-t' put11ut anau "X"''X" iDiu 1bethe appropriateatl{)l'l.t-f.H"i.<~tl' boLbill:. a. OriginalOnJ.-;t:tai Formf•;:w:n 12401'2:-1(1 forf,;;~· Basic1-.i-t(s~c TierTic1 b. AmendedAnc ..-'t;d •.~.d Formf-vni 1240 for Basicf1.-.:r:,t· Tier c. Original(J:-t.r.;::r..U Form-h.;tm 1240 for\br CPS Tier d.C. Amendedi\:n·}tide.ti Formf\'1-n;·~ 12401:40 forf,:;;· CPS TierT,t:r TO~ S.lndicate the ODe year time period for which yoo are settiD& rates (the Projected Period). .'!111~-01/12 I 12112 (mmIyy) TO 6. ladieateltu:hca·if~ thetht' time·lim-e periodpt'riod forfor whichwhif:h youytou arean· performiuCp-ttf!itmw~ ajj tnJe..up.tnu•-np. 01111 I 12111ll/!l (mmIyy) 7.7'. StatusStafuJ< orM~H'\fil)m Previous FilingF'ihn~t of(If FCClTC Formf\Jnn 1%4011'4H (enter(t.ntt.\r an.tn "s"''x'' illin therhc appropriate<iflpHifa'iil:tl': box)bux; YES NO a.:t Ish this Ibeth::' firstt'~:r5i FCCH~C FormF::-nn 1240~::-hi;·;;;;,,"{ filed in<f> any3.11)" jurisdiction?iw~.di.:J:ir.-n1- X b. HasH&~ ans.n FCC.f·CC FormForn; 1240i 2..;:.,; been!t'l~~·-n filed61td previouslypn~~·;.;Ju:;>y withwuh Iberht FCC?FCC! X If yes. enter Ibe date of the most recent filing: I'---===----' 09130110 (mmlddlyy) YES NO c. Has an FCC Form 1240 been filed previously with the Francbising AuIhority? X If yes. enter the date of the most re«n' filing' '--_===-_-'09/30110 (mmldd/yy) 8. Status of Previous Filin, of FCC Form 1210 (eoter au "x" in the appropriate box) YES NO a. Has an FCC Form 1210 been pre,iously filed wilb the FCC? X If yes. enter Ibe date of the most recent filing: '-_==:::"'_-'6,'30!9S (mmlddIyy) YES NO b. Has an FCC Form 1210 been previously filed wilb the Francbising AuIhority? X If yes. enter !he date of!he most recent filing: '--_==':::"'_-'6I3O!9S (mmlddIyy) 9. Status oncc Form 1200 F'diuc (enter au "x" in the appropriate box) YES-,-:-;_::, NO --------- ------·· a. Has an FCC Form 1200 been previously filed wilb !he FCC' X Ify... enter !he date filed: '--_==-=-_-'BiI5!9S (mmldd/yy) YES NO b. Has an FCC Form 1200 been previously filed wiIh!he Francbising AuIhori1}~ X If yes. enter !he date filed' '--_-==-=-_...JBiI5!9S (mmlddlyy) 10. Cable PrOCromminl Senices Complaint Sta.... (... ter au "s" iD the appropriate box) YES NO L Is dus form being filed In response to an FCC Form 329 complaint? If yes. enter !he date of !he complain" '-_____-' Il.u. Ish rccFCC FOnDf'1n·w UOSIIeiucu.~}5 s,~~l£' Iadnde4hH:Jrtt'I~Nt WttiJWill! TIIiIl"bls F'1Iia1fi"UJn.g 12.r:t __Mlf~"'ftt'!ll of"GoiD&·•}f"'Gf)'UI~ FoF9n¥.rird".... nI" a.-eIChiUn\1.'1. AUitioDAthttti\•11 MetbodoIo&YMttl.J~:u.toho:gy ((MtN'... ter ...,'f1i "s-''·li'' iDHt theVl1· .ppropriate.appl'{~prl;Ut• box)lx•Ji} I :Cbeckbere uyou are using !he original rules [MARKlJ]> METIIOD]. I X : Check her. if)". are ",,"g!he new. altema."e rules [CAPS ME1lJODI. If usmg !he CAPS ME1lJOD. have you elected to ....ise recoveIY for channels added dWlllll!he period May 15. 1994 to Dec. 31. 1994? Page 1 13. _dead Uperade Melbodolozy -NOTE: O~raton ",USI «nify Ib 1M Co", ..iJsion l~ir ehgibiliJy to rue thu vpgrutk IrUflhodology DJtd Quach lZtt t:quJpMenllisl and aeprecialion scMJuk. D Check here if you are a quaWYing small5»lOm using Ihe streamlined headend upgrade methodology. Page 2 Part I: Preliminary Informationln formation Module A: MaximumMadmum Permitted RateRaie .FromFrom PreviousPn"·ious FiliagFiling h TIer 2 Tler3 TIerS Module B: Subscribersbip . b . d . u.. u..Doac_ Tlerl TIer 3 TIer 4 TIerS 81 A_ SubscribenInp For True-Up Period I -- 21,141 0 0 B2 A_ Subscnbcnbip For TNC-Up Period 2 B3 ~~A~.SubscnbcnbipF«~PMOO 19,945 0 0 Module C: InflatIOn Information u.. __ u.. UOO __· OpcrarorSWlldungF.... 12IOT.1240 CI 10000 U__ 'U~Opcraror~"'Ra!ooComp_ C2 I 1.0000 (.'3 _F""""ForT_UpFMOOI [Wb I) 1.0206 C4 lnfillioo F"""" For T.... -Up Period 2 [Wb I] C5 Cum:nl FCC hd'Iatwo F-=tor 1.0206 Module D: Calculatmg tbe Base Rate u.. __ . h . d . u.. Tlerl TIe. 3 TIer 4 TIerS DI C...... _UpgradcSqman 02 eunauExtcml c-5o_l -56.3594 D3 C...... Caps Method Sqman D4 c...... MarIrup Method 50_ DS eunau CI>amd _ ond DcIdion 50_ D6 C=t T_Up Sqman $113301 D7 CUll'alt Intlatioo SeJmc:ut SO.1l19 DB Bue Ra!oo [AI-01-D2-D3-D4-0S-D6-D7J SIG.35IIO Part II: True-UD Period ModuleMuduk E: TimiugTiming Informationlnfonnatlon u.. __ --···"·---··-· ..... u.. EI WIw T}l'C of True-Up Is BeinB Paformcd? (Answer '\'. '2', or '3' Sec _ for. description oftbese types.) I I 2 If"t",ptoMod_ L If ttl'·, UIIWft' E2 ud U. Jt"J",auwer'I:l".E3,E4,uctES. E2 N... ba- ofMOIIIhs in Ihe True-Up Period I 12 El NlDDba-ofMOlllhs _lheend ofTme-Up Period I ond the end of the most """'" Projected Pcrioo 0 E4 Nmnber of Months in True-Up Period 2 Eligible for Interest ES Numba- ofMOlllhs True-Up Period 21ne1igtble for _ Module F: Maximum Permitted Rate For True-Up Period 1 . b . d . u.. u..Doacri._ Tier2 TIer 3 TIer 4 TIerS FI Cap> Method Segmcut For T.... Up Period 1 [Wks2] -- F2 MarIrup Method ~ For True-Up Period 1 [Wb 3J F3 Chan Mvmnt Del..., ~ Fcc True-Up Pcrioo I [Wks' 415J F4 True-Up Period I Ra!oo Eligible For IntIalIon [D8+f I ;f2+F3] SIO.3580 F5 Inflation Segmcul for True-Up Period I [(F'"C3l-F4] SO.lll' F6 _ Upgrade Segmcul For True-Up Period I [Wb 6J F? ExtcmI Costs Sqman For True-Up Period I [Wks 7] $13715 F8 True-Up Segment For True-Up Period 1 511.4315 F9 Max P .... Rate fur True-Up Period I [F4+FS+F6+F?+F8] 529.3744 Module G: Maximum Permitted Rate For True-Up Period :z . b . d • u.. u..Doacri_ Tlerl TIe. 3 TIe. 4 TIerS GI Cap> Method 50_ For True.Up Period 2 [Wb 2J -- G2 MarIrup Method Sqman For True-Up FMOO 2 [Wb 1] G3 Chan M_ DclCIO 50_ For True-Up Period 2 [Wb' 415] I G4 TO Period 1 Ra!oo Ebgtble For Infl..... [D8+FS+G1 +G2+G3 J G5 IntIalIon Sqman for True-Up Period 21(G4*C4)-G41 I G6 _ Upgrade Sqman For True·Up PMOd 2 [Wb 6) I i G1 ExrmW c-Sqman For True-Up Penod 2 fWks 1] i I i G8 T.... ·Up Sqman For True-Up Period 2 I I I I I G9 Max PMD Rate f",True-Up PMOd 2 (G4+G5+G6+G1+G8] I SIloooo I I Page 3 Module H: True-Up Adjustment Calculation __ . b . d . u.. u.._ Tier! TierJ Tier 4 TIerS Adj_' Few 'frM.Up Period 1 HI Revenue From Pa:tod 1 54.353.564.0000 H2 Rnenut From MIx Ptnnittcd Rate rot Penod 1 $7.522,53661261 H3 Truo-UpPeriod I Adj_ [H2-HIj 5).168.972.6126 H4 Interest 00 Palod I AdjU3bJ')CQt 5178.254.7095 A4j....... For T ....Vp Period 2 H5 1l<=1.. F""" Period 2 EtiJ!lble fur -... H6 _ F.... M.. Pam RaIc fur Period 2 Etil1ble F",-... I 117 Period 2 ~ Etil1b1e For In...... [H6-HS] 1/8 _ 00 Pcnod 2 Adj_ (See _ furfonnula) H9 _ From Period 21nobgible C... _ HIO Rnenue From MIX Perm Rate fir Penod 2 lfteliBlble fur intcresI: ! 1/11 Pcnod 2 Adj_lnoligible For ........ [IIIO-H9] ToIoI TrH-Up AdJ_' 1112 Pn:vwusRemainwgT"",-UpAdj_ HI) TOIal True-Up Adi- [H2+H4417+H8+H11 +H12] 53,347.227.3220 HI4 Amount of True-Up CWmod For TIus Projeo:tol Period 53.347.227.3220 1115 R""""'"'s True-Up Adjuslment [1/13-1114] SO.OOOO Part III:lJI: Projected Period Module1\f(ldule I:l: New Maximumi\iallimum l'ennittedPermitted Rate u.. __ . b . d . u.. .- TIer 2 Tierl Tier 4 TierS II Caps Method 5<_ For Projeo:tol Period [Wks 2] SO.OOOO 12 MMkup Method Scpnatt For l'IoJll<Ied Period [Wks 3] SO.OOOO 13 Chan Mvmnt Deldn Scpnatt Fcc l'IoJll<Ied Period (Wks 4/5J SO.OOOO I.
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