www.ukrweekly.com - English supplement of SVOBODA, Ukrainian daily, founded 1893. Dedicated to the needs and interests of young Americans oi Ukrainian descent. 5 JSNo . 22 JERSEY; CITY, N. J., SATURDAY, JUNE l^plO VOL. vm M STIRS R'BSI^LIJTIONS Ait; - ^ Adopted at thgjjOqngress pf Ameri- . s ean ITkrainians hf, W/as^lngton. By far the.most impressive de- I crucial times it is ^necessary, for Saturday^; flight, May 24th, in monstration of Ukrainian-Ameri- Ukrainian-Americans tiMapquaint Washington, at the concert of Uk- can. sohdarity in support of. the. AmerieSii and . the^SSattside world rainian choral music, presented in Representatives of Ukrainian -centuries-old movement., forr^jjfti tfl^Q^tthe time facts of .the UkMin- conjunction , with the American- org'anizatiohs ,in "the United" States liberation of i^fkraine, was.;^^ ^ocase, and to.:manifQB^Jbefore Ukrainian Cor.gress held there dur- ' of America, convened on Tday 24, American-Ukrainian Congress,.held. 'the entire, vworld upright ,I.m the .1940, at the Coingress qf American ing that day, a specially.selected Friday, May 24, at Washington, jj :Ulfira4nwjRijnation to free; and juide- . mixed. andT^male chorus of, some ^'rainians l^^shirigtbn, D. C, Highly impressive though the pendentji^dstence. fifty voices under Prof. Afexfmder congressional sessions were, they A survey of Ukrainian-American ^Koshetz, elevated .Ukrainiiu^8one -I were overshadowed, howevejci^Ki life from dts beginnings to'the pre- vO one of tie higliest junnacles of We American ykrainians con- the inspiring qualities of the coh- . sent time, "Was presented in a. talk artistry it has ever attained in this demn' the jmerciless 'and I^rbaric gress conoert, ,pnesented that eve' delivered in EnglishTby John Kise- I ;„fiountry. viblatiohT'mC^e. sovereign' rights ning by a mixed and male.chorus licia, president of the Ukrainian " Xtii.Under the magic, spell of. the f^f-^eutral, countries by '^dictator under, the briUiar^Sdirection of. states'Jn "the jareaent Europeanwar I Prof^yexander Kbshebb^i^ ^e^th'St iLpag?ie of, ^orth America. 1 direction, of.^Koshetz,,,4j^is chorus ' TJhe'^.wp2'events combined left ' He^^cially, .stressea Tlkrainian produced c)iora^^u^ic'.-yery, seldom.: ahd^.exore^'tsur^finii' belief 'that U utI( these j countries v^,regain the op- . those"who attended thesSwith their'^ 9h^ W ' Y9^^P ^^9i^merican ' ' heard .4fc-AmericanJi$oncert Joans. portuhity"'fffo"livet an independent .feehngs fired :by^m^b^resolution^0 j'JJT was choral music (of ksuchi: stir-, '^deVote 'themselves unswervjhgly to - ^TS' Joary,vGambal, ,fpi^r.edit- ring quality, and, poignant, ^barm life. - ' ^^m^^m a great arid -noble'causes-freedom '.or ^itte toen^'Hge Mfc Hie , thatjt seemed to wash away all ,In this connection we again call ^arodna WolA i^poiff .oji, .tiie 'suW . the ,dust everyday" existence, the attention of the American and "!for' Ukraine and'l^.JM6ple. "Ungagged 'w. ^ariy anti-demo-1 . ject '(Of ,U^rainian aapii^QnjB for"; and to bear on the stream of its t bther jo^tidns^of' the world^to the .fre^don^^an^.^dep^de She melody botib^ the singers and au- fact''that forty'jnillion 'Ukrainians, cratic restriction upon our right of" ? show^' how .^tiie^//aspirations . dience away to new, strange worlds the second largest Slavoplc people, Imie speech and free press^t is - jjfpjralijQJgp^ in of mystic beauty and emotion. lmve also been deprived of a state Ipffi^ppvilege arid daiy-im become of their own',',Have been divided by .spokeamen "and"champioris^ ofi^^e' 4hg. /past, and how ^^ia^^hey . Everyone of the choristers seemed havfe gpown m,Intensity' -,tp^ itiieX to have had lost his individuality foreign occupants , and are sub- cause ^gf' our "gagged and sorely- ; ^pnd become a key tn^A^uman or- ' ject to^Jrpthless pohtical oppression oppressed kinsmen 'h^pkraihe^^ point, wher^e there, is Jnpthiiig that V such',^^ effec^jwas "t^^l^fec^wt; can,.preventtheir, aj^Sfflm eat. r gan that responded to the slightest and ecoho'imc ,exproitatioh.'' touch of Koshetz. '^9^!^^. 'foundations for 'the eri'tire corigress, as '..expressed In his address op '^How We Can ivjjjfe.lt is noteworthy, tbajt aside from A 3astmg^eace'''p^^ Europe and -At^-the vefy"fflitset 'by^'Nicholas Help Ukradne,^^ephen Shumeyko, ^wu^hoi^ tteVj. worlds are being Muraszko, 'congress chainriah"' and' editor ''of tfie^'Ukrainianr Weekfy, . the Quality and' i'hythmip.^iiriety sought, we once .more raise' our 'president" 'Of ^hie "TJkrainiah" Na- examined^ Ukraim^anAm'ericah ef- i of the songs sung. at 'this .concert,j voice bn behalf .62 ^Ukrainian in- tion'al^AssocmtioMC'reiterated by fort8 to'aid the 'UkrainTan'cause'" 1 ; ^^bifflj^l^il)^ )^!!!^ ti^e ,chorist-. dep^denc^^^lkra^^^^'i^^right the succeeding speakers of Ukrain ^^e" Vgbx of,the American rNep- -. era 'was'drawn' fromVtne!artistry to' the. samlT.measure '^jhiational '^Hl: descent; echoed strongly by trafi^y' Act and '^ttnfi that they ,.,skin to genius and ^^n^tchless. freedbm" and independence'' which ^rerin^tent^Americah^^'Who ad- I direction "o^.'JProfl Kbshet^V His : ' dressed tlie cdngressV^bid ^ally i^ft^'^S^ w^r "wlfll be enjoyed by dow^i^^^^^^p^ltttrtrj^^^^ Piety tOwa^ the'Ukrainian song, all other'foeoples'of Europe. Tndo- crystallized iri form""^itc.a resolu- his experiences o^vgtS. Jbduntiful. ihg this, '-we" express the desires of tion passed by. the progress. IA historical analysis, of tb.p . l t^iries-old, Polish-Ukraihian.'.conflict field—all this he poured into the the Ukrainian peopl^4ii',Europe, ^I^Among the nroriiirierit American - 1 6 i? ^ L^iij^fo^iuhe^ ., souls of the singers and the ,audi- who, '^because of foreign' rule and speakers were twenty sehatijm and' T eflStor ,bf the Sv6boda" This 6bn- .ence alike, so that they factually.. its terrorism. and' Censorship,' can- congressmen, mcludlhglpSenatorB' 1 r .lived through. everything. that the not themselves voice their wishes. 'DavfiV '-Gulfey, and Maloney. and ^Jbngs .'pgrtrayed. In particular, the Ukrainian peo- Rejpresentatives Bdlarid, voorbiS,'- In keeping, with ithe.spirit of the ple shall never agree'l^'tBe plans 'Caroline O'Day, Sabath; L.^$tRo^ ^concept were t^-vocal, selections of some apolitical circles which de- bert, secretary of the Democ'ratic' ^jOffered by Mar^.HreberietSka,. a sire tbjrebulld Poland hi the same National Committee, "alBo spOkeiMJS and.^sojiECgs ^t ^^^pense of i i Uk^une^ The .copstanv 'resistance (,yjeteran.of tne,Cdhce^vptage,' who bouhdaHes 'aM^efore the"p'resent 'All 'bT^tiiem''decTared themselves l ^jcjmriried tier! Bs^eneta'with tiie fine war and'Siu's again forcmFy 'annex tja'favoir,^irn' the'establishment' of a i^e^Ukiaini^s ^ere^ itOw^ ,^313 policy tofjBbUsh s^grandwcement ; a.qualifi.es j'of her^ybice. I W^^^id I seven' 'hn^p^'UkraihIi^Si^^We8t- ," f r^e end mde^nden^^Ukraine. The 'program presented by the erri^'Ukrai^e''^6'^Such a'state. The 'Most of th'em'^vere" presented by ' Dr^. Mjysnuha , sahl (weak^ifxl Bo- 5 ir ^l^dllo;^6Sa,fc tpkt ^sne fellVigicJim jTchoru^ consisted of two. parts. The . Ukrammjd^people .oxi "their native Michael T4znak,tlww"Toi kwfor4 first consisted .or, historical"songs land ' are struggling against^'^fiet ney and' president of the;Ukraih- jtot her ^^erid/ ji^d^ticdis'vat itiie' 7 s ^^rawn from the 16th to the 20th. SovieMf German, Rumanian and ian ^TOutfi ^" League of tl^orth Jugse, t^Ce ^lS^fic^6iry.,^dnoly? centuries, sung entirely py.the male Hungarian^occupatiO^"of' 'their America, while' the remainder werej- ing hef. revival $t^"the rploae.the ' ChOrus. The second part consisted country, but at' the same tihde tiiey l^^rbduced iby Miroslav' Sichihsky;Vi r pf more general selections, sung by resolutel^j^rbclalilJto the world: 'Jftesident pf thef^rainian Wowr . Western "Ukraine; further de- : jClared^ Poland, once.^nJe epibarked 1 the enure' mixed chorus. .PoliSh rule must not retum again t ihgmen's ' Aesociatiofi^ - 'R,'^ctw0k 1 The soloist who.ably did his.part to Ukraihlan land. Smook, Chicagb ettorney and mem- .^1)00^ pjM^:^algn^'^tiapdpe ,in the choral numbers was Petro , ber of tES -U.N^'Board bf AU- Ordynsky, baritone^ Miss" Vera Therefore, we affirm once more ditors; and Stephen 'iarema,' mem; ,peated h^.^yiqusvinista^^,. with Stetkewicz as the piano accompanist "ber-of the N. Y. State legislature.1 i similar f atal,' r^e^its—ier 4ow?Q- before America ana before the 1 acquitted herself more than cradit-r,; world at large that Ukraine de- Speakers of TJkrainiatt ^iiesoent ' fall ek^t.iDational,;state.' Belaid ably. sires, can" and should be-an inde- "Who addressed the assemblage were' weir said, to The,;munbers sung inthe first pendent state and that th^^recog- W$l8tilfc' her. past ^taWs and (to part Were^ 16th.century-j-Kh.or nition of her right to national self- John Kiselicia; mery.Jpnbal,mm^S^^jJb^lanoV^ Brantslw (The Captives' Chorus), . determinatioh is in the interest of 'phefi-Shumeyko, Dr^Pi^^hiP'^^fedWKWIW from the poem Hamabya by Taras her people ahd in the interest of ha, Mlroslav SichinSky,"'and Prof. Speaking also in Ukrainian, Miro- Shevchenko,, music by Mikola Ly- permanent European' peace slav I Sichinsky, presented "^ae his - ',senko; 17th century—Plants Pro . Volodunir' TymOshenko. Ukraine wants ^^^^fidependent They had as their audience 805 topic, ".Ukraine, Russia and Demo- Nechaya (Song of Neehay),. folk state. The Ukrainian people have cracyCr""He revealed some Of the 'song (1648), arranged by Koshetz; delegates' ^representing' 1,425 so- expressed ^pte desira^hrohghout cieties f rom"18 different States, in . methods Russia, formerly Mus^ L'i8th century—Maxim Kozak JZaliz- the course of their history, and covy, irised to conquer and enslave ,,Biak (Kozak - Maxi^',: Zalizniak), .
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