BIRD LIST OF SAN JORGE DE SUMACO BAJO BIRD RESERVE AMAZONIAN TROPICAL RAINFOREST TINAMOUS 1.Grey Tinamou 2.Great Tinamou 3.White throated Tinamou 4.Cinereous Tinamou 5.Little Tinamou 6.Brown Tinamou 7.Undulated Tinamou 8.Variegated Tinamou 9.Barletts Tinamou GUANS 10.Spix’s Guan 11.Blue-throated piping Guan 12.Nocturnal Curassow 13.Salvin’s Curassow WOOD QUAILS 14.Marbled Wood- quail 15.Starred Wood Quail AQUATIC BIRDS 16.Least Grebe 17.Neotropical Cormorant 18.Anhinga 19.Rufescent Tiger Heron 20.Fasciated Tiger Heron 21.Boat billed Heron 22.Least Bittern 23.Black-crowned Night Heron 24.Green Heron 25.Striated heron 26. Cattle Egret 27.Cocoi Heron 28.Great Egret 29. Snowy Egret 30.Little Blue Heron 31.Woodstork 32.Bare faced Ibis RAPTORS 33.King Vulture 34.Greater Yellow Headed Vulture 35.Turkey Vulture 36.Black Vulture 37.Osprey 38.Pearl Kite 39.Hook-billed Kite 40.Gray-headed Kite 41.Swallow tailed Kite 42.Snail Kite 43.Slender billed Kite 44.Double-toothed Kite 45.Mississipi Kite 46.Plumbeous Kite 47.Grey bellied Kite 48.Tiny Hawk 49.Bicoloured Hawk 50.Crane Hawk 51.Black faced Hawk 52.White Hawk 53.Great Black Hawk 54.Road side Hawk 55.Short tailed Hawk 56.Zone tailed Hawk 57.Crested Eagle 58.Harpy Eagle 59.Black and White Hawk Eagle 60.Black Hawk Eagle 61.Ornate Hawk Eagle 62.Laughing Falcon 63.Lined forest Falcon 64.Slaty backed forest Falcon 65.Collared forest Falcon 66.Buckley’s forest Falcon 67.Red throated Caracara 68.Black Caracara 69.Yellow headed Caracara 70.Peregrine Falcon Aquatic Birds 2 71.Limpkin 72.Grey winged Trumpeter 73.Grey necked Woodrail 74.Red winged Woodrail 75.Chestnut headed Crake 76.Black banded Crake 77.Rufous sided Crake 78.Grey breasted Crake 79.Sora 80.Paint billed Crake 81.Blackish Rail 82.Purple Gallinule 83.Sungrebe 84.Sunbittern 85.Southern Lapwing 86.American Plover 87.Pied Plover 88.Semipalmated Plover 89.Collared Plover 90.Upland Sandpiper 91.Spotted Sandpiper 92.Greater Yellowlegs 93.Lesser Yellowlegs 94.Solitary Sandpiper 95.Least Sandpiper 96.Pectoral Sandpiper 97.Wattled Jacana 98.Laughing Gull DOVES 99. Blue ground Dove 100. Gray fronted Dove MACAWS and PARROTS 101. Blue and yellow Macaw 102.Scarlet macaw 103.Chestnut fronted macaw 104.Red bellied macaw 105.Red and Green Macaw 106.Dusky billed Parrotlet 107.Blue winged Parrotlet 108.Cobalt winged Parrakeet 109.Toy Parrakeet 110.Scarlet shouldered Parrotlet 111.Maroon tailed Parakeet 112.Black headed Parrot 113.Orange cheeked Parrot 114.Dusky headed Parakeet 115.White eyed Parakeet 116.Blue headed Parrot 117.Orange winged Amazon 118.Yellow crowned Amazon 119.Mealy Amazon CUCKOOS 120.Black billed Cuckoo 121.Dark billed Cuckoo 122.Squirrel Cuckoo 123.Greater Ani 124.Smooth bellied Ani 125.Haotzin 126.Phaisant Cuckoo 127.Pavonine Cuckoo 128.Rufous vented Ground Cuckoo OWLS 129.Tawny bellied Screech Owl 130.Fothill Screech Owl 131.Tropical Screech Owl 132.Ferruginosus Pygmy Owl 133.Barn Owl 134.Crested Owl 135.Spectacled Owl 136.Black banded Owl 137.Spectacled Owl 138.Motled Owl Potoos, Nighthawks, Nightjars 139.Great Potoo 140.Long tailed Potoo 141.Common Potoo 142.Rufouspot00 143.Short tailed Nighthawk 144.Lesser Nighthawk 145.Common Nighthawk 146.nacunda Nighthawk 147.Common pauraque 148.Ocellated Poorwil 149.BlackishNightjar 150.Ladder Tailed Nightjar 151.White chinned Swift 152.White collared Swift 153.Grey rumped Swift 154.Pale-rumped Swift 155.Short tailed Swift 156.Fork tailed palm Swift 157.Lesser swallow tailed Swift HUMMINGBIRDS 158.Fiery Topaz 159.White necked Jacobin 160.Buff tailed Sicklebill 161.Rufous breasted Hermit 162.Pale tailed Barbthroat 163.Black throated Hermit 164.Reddish Hermit 165. White bearded Hermit 166.Straight billed Hermit 167.Great billed Hermit 168.Blue fronted Lancebill 169.Black eared Fairy 170.Black throated Mango 171.Wire crested Thorntail 172.Black bellied Thorntail 173.Spangled Coquette 174.Festive Coquette 175.Long billed Starthroat 176.Black throated Brillant 177.Blue chinned Sapphire 178.Bue tailed Emerald 179.Grey breasted Sabrewing 180.Fork tailed Woodnymph 181.Glittering throated Emerald 182.Golden tailed Sapphire 183.Rufous throated Sapphire QUETZALS AND TROGONS 184.Pavonine Quetzal 185.Black tailed Trogon 186.Green backed Trogon (Amazonian violaceous Trogon) 187.Amazonian Trogon 188. Blue crowned Trogon 189.Black throated Trogon 190.Collared Trogon KINGFISHERS 191.Ringed kingfisher 192.Amazonian Kingfisher 193.GreenKingfisher 194.Green and Rufous Kingfisher 195.Broad billed Motmot 196.Rufous Motmot 197.Amazonian Motmot 198.White eared Jacamar 199.Yellow billed Jacamar 200.Purplish Jacamar 201.Great Jacamar 202.White necked Puffbird 203.Pied Puffbird 204.Chestnut capped Puffbird 205.Collared Puffbird 206.White chested Puffbird 207. Lanceolated Monklet 208. Brown Nunlet 209. Black fronted Nunbird 210.Yellow billed Nunbird 211.White fronted Nunbird 212. Swallow winged Puffbird BARBETS 213.Scarlet crowned Barbet 214.Gilded Barbet 215. Lemon throated Barbet TOUCANS 216.White throated Toucan 217.Channel billed Toucan 218.Golden collared Toucanet 219.Lettered Aracari 220.Chestnut eared Aracari 221.Many banded Aracari 222.Ivory billed Aracari WOODPECKERS 223.Lafresnaye’s Piculet 224.Rufous breasted Piculet 225.Yellow tufted Woodpecker 226.Little Woodpecker 227.Red stained Woodpecker 228.Golden green Woodpecker 229.Spot breasted Woodpecker 230.Scaly breasted Woodpecker 231.Chestnut Woodpecker 232.Cream coloured Woodpecker OVENBIRDS 231.Dusky Leaftosser 232.Short billed Leaftosser 233.Black tailed Leaftosser 234.Dark breasted Spinetail 235.Chestnut throated Spinetail 236.Dusky Spinetail 237.Ash browed Spinetail 238.Speckled Spinetail 239.Plain Softail 240.Orange fronted Plushcrown 241.Point tailed Palmcreeper FOLIAGEGLEANERS 242.Chestnut winged Hookbill 243.Eastern Woodhaunter 244.Rufous rumped Foliagegleaner 245.Chestnut winged Foliagegleaner 246.Buff fronted Foliagegleaner 247.Cinnamon rumped Foliagegleaner 248.Buff fronted Foliagegleaner 249.Olive backed Foliagegleaner 250.Brown rumped Foliagegleaner 251.Ruddy Foliagegleaner 252.Chestnut crowned Foliagegleaner 253.Rufous tailed Xenops 254.Slender billed Xenops 255.Plain Xenops WOODCREEPERS 256.Plain Brown Woodcreeper 257.Olivaceous Woodcreeper 258.Wedge billed Woodcreeper 259.Long billed Woodcreeper 260.Cinnamon throated Woodcreeper 261.Amazonian barred Woodcreeper 262.Black banded Woodcreeper 263.Straight billed Woodcreeper 264.Striped Woodcreeper 265.Ocellated Woodcreeper 266.Elegant Woodcreeper 267.Buff throated Woodcreeper 268.Duida (Lineated) Woodcreeper 269.Red billed Scythebill 270.Brown billed Scythebill ANTBIRDS 271.Fasciated Antshrike 272.Fulvous (Undulated) Antshrike 273.Great Antshrike 274.Lined Antshrike 275.Plain winged Antshrike 276.Mouse coloured Antshrike 277.White shouldered Antshrike 278.Black Bushbird 279.White streaked Antvireo 280.Dusky throated Antshrike 281.Cinereous Antshrike 282.Spot winged Antshrike 283.Ornate Antwren 284.Rufous tailed Antwren 285.Pygmy Antwren 286.Moustached Antwren 287.Plain throated Antwren 288.White flanked Antwren 289.Rio Suno Antwren 290.Long winged Antwren 291.Grey Antwren 292. Banded Antbird 293.Dugans Antwren 294.Rufous winged Antwren 295.Dot winged Antwren 296.Striated Antbird 297.Peruvian warbling Antbird 298.Yellow browed Antbird 299.Chestnut shouldered Antwren 300.Grey Antbird 301.Riparian /Blackish Antbird 302.Black Antbird 303.Black faced Antbird 304.Silvered Antbird 305.Spot winged Antbird 306.Northern Chestnut tailed Antbird 307.Black throated Antbird 308 White shouldered Antbird 309.Sooty Antbird 310.Winged banded Antbird 311.White plumed Antbird 312.White cheeked Antbird ( bicoloured) 313.Lunulated Antbird 314.Hairy crested Antbird 315.Spot backed Antbird 316.Spot backed Antbird 317.Scale backed Antbird 318.Reddish winged Bare Eye ANTPITTAS / ANTTRHUSHES 319.Rufous capped Antthrush 320.Black faced Antthrush 321.Striated Antthrush 322.Moustached Antpitta 323.Thrush like Antpitta GNATEATER / TAPACULOS 324.Ash throated Gnateater 325.Rusty belted Tapaculo FLYCATCHERS 326.White fronted Tyranulet 327.Yellow crowned Tyranulet 328.Southern Beardless Tyranulet 329.Forest Elaenia 330. Grey Elaenia 331.Large Elaenia 332.Ringed Antpipit 333.Mouse coloured Tyrannulet 334.Bronze olive pygmyTyrant 335.Ringed Antpipit 336.Golden faced Tyrannulet 337.Ochre bellied Flycatcher 338.Sepia capped Flycatcher 339.Amazonian scrub Flycatcher 340.Short tailed Pygmy Tyrant 341.Double banded Pygmy Tyrant 342.White eyed Tody Tyrant 343.Rusty fronted Tody Flycatcher 344.Golden winged Tody Flycatcher 345.Black and White Tody Flycatcher 346.Yellow Browed Tody Flycatcher 347.Brownish Twistwing 348.Olivaceous Flatbill 349.Orange eyed Flycatcher 350.Zimmers Flycatcher 351.Grey crowned Flycatcher 352.Olive faced Flycatcher 353.Golden crowned Spadebill 354.White crested Spadebill 355.Amazonian Royal Flycatcher 356.Bran coloured Flycatcher 367.Tawny breasted Myiobius( Flycatcher) 368.Whiskered Myiobius 367.Black tailed Myiobius 368.Ruddy tailed Flycatcher 369.Cinnamon Neopipo 370.Eulers Flycatcher 371.Alder Flycatcher 372.Eastern Woodpewee 373.Olive sided Flycatcher 374.Blackish Pewee 375.Drab Water tyrant 376.Cattle Tyrant 377.Lomg tailed Tyrant 378.Piratic Flycatcher 379.Social flycatcher 380.Grey capped Flycatcher 381.Dusky chested Flycatcher 382.Great Kiskadee 383.Lesser Kiskadee 384.Sulphur bellied Flycatcher 385.Streaked Flycatcher 386.Boat bill Flycatcher 387.Sulphury Flycatcher 388.Variegated Flycatcher 389.Crowned Slaty Flycatcher 390.White throated Kingbird 391.Tropical Kingbird 392.Fork tailed Flycatcher
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