k.. : J'H y r . ? •. :v- 't •7 T.,:/ v: -v,___ ' A ■‘y . THURSDAY, JT7HB •, 1' PAGE EOURTEJW X . / The Weather Average Daily Circulation Foreceot ot L. 8. U rather BnreaD Manchester ling Herald . j For the Month of May. 1644 • yrT ’ Fair tonIgM aad tetoiday: lit­ Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Baedor ^Ij^ss M «0' Martin, formerly of 2 Someone Drops Garbage Technical Sergeant Francis tle change In temperature to­ Moriarty who has beeii home on a and daughter, Patricia, of Boulder r 8,732 Broaaxstrcct, but ho\V living at 3^ All Over Manchester night; clewly riciflg temperatures About Town Hishlarttl, street, West Hartford, ism ay furlough, has returned to road, are spending a vacatloiy^tn Member of the. Audit In Interior Saturday. Maxfield Field., Ala. He Is with a Florida. They are ■ makUig /their will graduate .June 0th fropr St. The Selectmen,' Police and Bnreiu of Clr6nlstions ■ \ . ^ .w Joseph's OmegCt Mlsa Margin at­ pyschologlcal - research unit. Ser­ headquarters w'lth Mrs. ^ e d o r 's ~ The Men'e Society ot Bimv>ue( Board of Health have united geant Mofiarty is the son of Mr. sistei', Mrs. A lfred' E. ^ n d e l of Mant1te»tBr——A City of Village Charm tended WMUafil A lTaiy.^ollege in In an effort to, lekm who It is Lutheran church will ohaerv^,La­ Virginia Aof twd years before en­ and Mrs ’ Mathew Moriarty of 48 Miami. dies' Jfight tonight at the church that had been depositing gar­ Hamilton street. His wife accom­ (SIXTEEN PAGES) tering St. Joseph^ She Is the bage in different parts of Man­ A daughter was ^drn yesterday l-r. - ' (ClaaaUled Adverttalag on P a ^ 14) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JUNE 9,1944 at 8 o’clock. The executive com­ daughter- of____ M rr_ —™BrE Martip panied him to this town. ^ ^L. LXIII.,J»l0. 21.3 mittee has planned an Interesting chester along the roadways at the Hartford l^spital to Mr. and the late li Martin.who prac- There is no particular part ot evening. ManvUle Smith, South r New York ^ t y , Mrs. Members of the Beethoven Glee and Mrs. A m ol^/C .. Thompson tftif ticed law i p ----- ------ - . the town used by the persons. Hathaway lane/ American repreaentatlve of the Martin. Was the foi'mer\Heftn It seems to be a town-Wi'de Club and friends are remlndjed of .Pratt A Whitney Aircraft Corpo­ the annual banquet this evening Keatipgof Center street, Mahcpes- project. ration, will give an Illustrated lec­ The Selectmen have had at the Villa Louisa in Bolton. Ray ture on South America. AI Pear­ many complaints and are con- Kulpinsky who is transportation FOli TOP VALliE L . son Will have charge of the mu­ - The main hall of the Salvation^ rhalrman tirges every onef going IN A NEW HOME sic. A social time and refresh;^ .sldering offering a reward for to be at the Emanuel Lutheran Army will be open each day /Or ithe arrest of those responsl- Xi. X- ments will be enjoyed. any who wish tc entec. to jpray'for bl^.xThe police are on the look­ church at seven o’clock sharp. S ft the Ones Being Built Bjf Raymond Erickson, social chair­ erican the success of the Allied Armies in out and the Board of Health, man, who Is in charge of , the din­ The Donevls Club of'.'^odrldge their great undertaking. A prayer haV'ingA'ho ^ c n informed, has GREENBROOKE X - meeting 'will be held tomorrow s t a r t e d ^ investigation. ner, stag's that it will be served^'' held Its final m eetin g ^ the sea­ promptly at 7:30 o’clock. / X son T^jesday night.J^t the first evening al-7:30, andAlI are Invited HOMES, IN ^ meeting in September new officers to join in this special. service of ,. elan McLean N,o. 252. O. ft'. C., " On Walker ^^tfeet will be electem intercession. The Cosmbpolllan Clubi will will hold Its regular meetillg to­ Fur Coats have' its annual- picnic tomorrow morrow night al eight o’clock in For further ln|efmtlo« call at at 11:30 a. m. at the home of Mrs. the Masonic Temple, / | Alexander Jarfvie Co. office on Robert Russell on Mountain' road. Center ateSet or at 28 Alexander Members attending' are feq\iested meat 4113 or 7270 to provide their own cup, spoon, St G.E. WILLIS & SON, INC. fork and sugar. T A iX EDAM On Living Models ArmorRiders Blessed Beford Battle Lumber of All Kitiils u n i c l i A t e A \ H it TOMORROW Roofing—Asbestoo Muson Supplies— Faint— Hardware THE'SHERIDAN Balsam Wool Insulation ^ / AT 8 O’ Siding and Rock RESTAURANT O R A f ^ HALL _.Wool Insulation In New Pinf^ers; / 3 3 REGULAR GAMES AT COAL COKE OIL Invites the People of Expert workmanalilp. AD work $3 .9 0 ^ A GAME FOR 25c! guaranteed. Rmieonable Prices 2 Main St. Tel. 5125 Manchester To fry ITieir No obligation Tor ml eattawte. Attack by Nazis 7 SPECIAL <5;AMES WrHe...... ----------------------- - SiyEEPSTAK^ 65c X - I 9 at 3 P. M. $5.00 WEEKLY PRJZEL Burton Insulating Co, lerican XJnde r Full Course Lnpelietm.. $25 WAR BOND ISO Oxford St. Hartford ers Strike MONTHLY PRIZE Phone Bartfurd St-4016 • *■ V ■ Canadians and British Served 11 A. M. to 2 P. M. ■__, To Be Given June SO U Attack Coordinated!' JY litcS P l t t C e Nazis Admit Nazis Count Join Forces for/^ Co­ ^ith Disruptive Blows ordinated Assault oil in Germjiiti Positions Allied Tanks Upon Czech Iii^Our Apparel Section O f R u bber Pivol City at 'East­ In Frauds from West. = AMERICAN B C / U D / A f G ~ Make Gains Arm s Flow ern End of Combat ■Supreme Headquarters, A1-, Seals Radar and ' Other Zone; ,, Main German Main Floor Rear / RELIEF FOR ITALY id/*^ Expeditionary Force, Electricid,^ Parts to Propagandists Take Counter - Attack Is Re­ i e '9 .— ( ^ — U. S. heavy Encircling Attacks Only .........^........................ • ' .'I. Make Them Complete­ During the Imbers striking from the Checked When They Pains to Assure Ger­ pulsed in That Area. /A ly Moisture Proof. ORDER NOW Day ith 500 to 750 strong bat- man Public Factories HEADQUAKIBiS Reach Point About Six prime targets in the Supreme Headquarters, Al­ ARRIVING WEDNESDAY, JUNE 14TH ITALIAN-AMERICAN CLUB Dial 46.32 A t t e n t io n Humming in .Arsenal, 1 ELDRfDGE ST.. TEL. 3830 Plan To Attend. You W ill inich area of southern Ger- New Tfork.-June 9—(/P)—A new Milefi -West of Bayeux. lied Expeditionary Force, 8101 6910 Home Owners ony today, in a new pincers plastic which re'places rubber and June 9.-^yP)— A powerful Someone In Attendance Every Evening seals radar and Other electrical _ London, June 9—(>P)—The Ger­ By Wade Werner American thrust has plunged (Except Smfday) A 'T o 10 O’CIock. 6031 tack on the NaZi war ma- BRONZE Our expert carpenters Ine coordinated with disruptive parts to make them completely man high command today said Al­ Lasbon, June P.^-OI*)—The Nazia within 18 miles of the prize are now available for any ■ Enjoy Every Minute ^ ywa on German positions In moisture probf was announced lied tanks from the beachhead west art counting heavily on the port of Cherbourg after cap­ A snee from the west. a^d all types of home re- X. here today by the Westinghouae of the p m e had made ’’encircling CZeckoalovaklan arms industry to turing Ste. Mere Eglise, the ^ i r s and alterations. ■'X Clouds of Germsn Fighters / Electric A Manufacturing Com* attacks’^3b-thruats west and south­ malntaiir an uninterrupted flow of Germans conceded today, and Estimates cheerfully lie bombers, flying Into the Pahy. west of Bayeuk-snd had only been munitions to the western front, linich ares for the ' first time supreme headquarters rciiort- given. bm lU ly, and their escorting The new stuff is named foaterite checked when they'i^ched a point judging from articles appearing In ed armored combat rising hs In­ tensity on the plain* of Francs. / / - Minings, Mustangs and ThiMi- after Newton C. Foster, 29-year- about six mile's west of'the town. German- publications rtaching old Westinghouae chemist who de­ More Armor Throwe let* Battle . Fbolts fought through cloitdi of American armoraldera and their Shertnan tank. «n France, are Wes.sed by their chaplain. Capt. Although heavy loaaea ly**'* Portugal. ' . Irman fighters to reach f ' veloped it. It is in widespread use claimed to have been Inflicted'bn Allied headquarters, announc­ W m . F . by the military forces and has Peter ilcPaitl.ind (.second from right) a.s th^y av. t the signal thift will senJ tnem into battle against Nazi propagandists , are taking ing “satisfactory progresa" all jets.■ - , . the Nazis.— (Signal Corps Radiotcicphoto from I^EA Tole'pliotc). the landing forcea, the communi­ J o h n s o n Swisa dispatches reported ex- greatly lengthened the life and que admitted that the Allies had pains to aaaurt the German public along the 60-mile beachhead froet, ^sives in the Muntch and Auga- service of electrical equipment atrehgthened. their bridgehead. that all 4a well and that factories said tonight that both sidM were throwing more and more armor vm Broad Street ik.JW.HALC COM areas. Tronafonner Under Water The' Allies were also said to art humming in the great arsenal . .. _ , T 1A BBC tn’oadcast said the At a demonstration*a transform­ have gained ground in' r drive of central Eufope—particularly In into the battle.
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