■ K'. -nVjr ", ^ V ■ .Y X. TUE^^DAT, OCTOBER Jl, 1944 .’■f. ► • *. •» '.'--I'- ; Average DaUy Circulation F*e the Month a t Oetober, 1844 ’ 'The Weather - • Manchester Evening Herald Forecnet el L. S, Weather Rnrenu Rev. Willianis SMORGASBORD 9,002 Fair and •caunall.v mild wMth, Soon to Wed t- i» Member of the Andit er tOlUght and 'rhuniday; tvlniil In- Episcopal church will meet Thuis- Has Gunner’s Wings Town Planners Gather Given by W. M. S. creaalng to troth on Thurodny. Aliout Tovii (lav aftcrnooit at two o’clock in J.1- ■■■■If To Take Pari Bnrewi n( CIrenlatlons theme v»uiiuGuild room. —Mrs. HproUl. 'Emanuel Lutheran ^MjaMhe»t«r—~A^jE(ty of Village dharm Clarke and Mrs. Eilward Lincoln For Preliminary Talk M rt. Edward G. Chapdelalne. of will be ho.stcs.scs. Qiurch 101 Spruce atreeti and J'**' St. Mary’s Rector to VOL. LXIV., NO. 27 (ClMtiaed AdTerttefaig rage 14) ^ M A N CH ESim c o m , WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1914 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CEN'TS Ur RMalie, enterUined about 20 SgU Henijr J. Klein, A. Plffi present town water supply sys­ Give the Sermon at boya and glrla in the M n”imd MrJ. Andrew Klein, 6 Two. (Questions .^Insl Be tem; sanitary .sewer and storm Saturday, Nov. 4 with a HaUowe'en party laat nlgh^ Edgerton place, Is a parachute Ordination Thursday. The children came in costume and water main maps, showing the 5:30 to 6:30 rigger and member of a B-24 Decided; Either In­ sewage and storm drain network, Leyte Wounded Evacuated afUr the grand f heavy bomber group which has Admission $1.00 the prettiest went to Shirley Pet­ dustrialize It Or to and maps showing new building In The Rev. Alfred L. Williams, Doughboys Smash been awarded the Distinguished recent years and the possible erson, who wore a colonial dreas, Unit Badge, highest unit award, rector of St. Mary's Episcopal For Reservations Cail 3726 British Commandos and for the funniest to Donald Make It Residential. trend of building and types of con church, will preach in Christ 15th AAF Headquarters in Italy .struction existing. Glammann who appeared m a has announced. A graduate of church, West Haven, Thursday witch. Appropriate games and re- Manchester High achool, Sgt. The Town Planning Commission, I’se Natural Kesourees morning, when t(ie Rev. Robert Jap Rear Guards; fr^m enU were enjoyed and the Klein was employed as a para­ Flavell Shurtlcff and Frederick J. The.se maps will be produced Douglas Martin^ now a deacon, will children voted U a grand party. with the Intent of utilizing such be ordained to th^ priesthood. Mr. chute rigger by Pioneer PR' a-. Allen of the Mass.'ichusetts Insti­ natural resources as the town has Land on Walcherem chute Co., before entering the Air Martin is a curateate ^fir the West Ha The monthly meeting of Mons tute of Technology, Cambridge, within its boundaries for any proj­ Corps Jan. 14. 19f3- | ven parish. The Right Rev. Fred­ LECLERC Tpres Auxillar>'. British War Vet- and Roland B. Greeley, Boston, ected improvements without any erick G. Budlong. bishop .^ Con­ Brace for Battle er^t. will take place tomorrow extensive capital outlay. FUNERAL HOME Marine Corporal John C. Kirb-' planning engineer actively en­ necticut, will ordain him and.eijle- nigh^ a t the Britlsh-American Coupled with these maps the brate the Holy Communion. Club on Maple street. mond. husband of Mrs. Barbara | gaged in conducting the local sur­ survey will include a complete 23 Main Street Luettgens Richmond, of 9'Che.st-| vey. approved by the voters of The ordlnand, Mr. Martin, pre- i Advance lo. Within Five Begin Pincers Drive .statl.stlcal breakdown, showing the pared for Holy Orders in the Epis­ Phone 5269 The bowling team of the Chil­ nut street, has been promoted j Manchester, met with the Town accurate population, employment Miles of Strategic Rebel Units from Private First Class to his Zoning Commission, the Zoning copal church under the guidance of dren of Mary Sodality of St. problems, financial trends of the Mr. Williams, when the latter was James’s church will omit their present rank at the Marine Corps Board of Appeals and the Board of town government over a period of Coastal Village of Cari- Air Station here. Corporal Rich­ Selectmen Inst night to inquire In charge of Christ church. Strat­ Of Filipinos Making Good Progress r e ^ la r meeting tonight because^ years. Miss Beatrice McDonnell ford. Although he originally In­ of Hallowe’en. mond is serving in the aviation Just what kind of a town the peo­ Flavell Shurtleff of the plan­ gara; Another Column Reds Pouring Help Asked propellei shop at Cherry l*fc. Andrew Rebula ple of Manchester wanted plans tended to enter the ministry of an­ In Push to Smash ning commission, said that the Mrs. Patrick McDonnell, of 313 other cihristlan body, Mr. Martin Expecting Counter - At­ Ha was employed by the Hamil­ drawn for. initiation of town planning in Go in Army ton Standard Propeller Company. Pfc. Andrew Sebula of 102 West After a lengthy discussion con­ Center street, announces the com- came to his decision to enter the Fuel and Range La$t Germans Barring Manchester Involved several chief Episcopal church in the fall of tack by Japanese Units Into Breach In Ousting East Hartford, before enlisting m street, aerial gunne rand propeller cerning the possible future of dng marriage of her daughter, Sea Lane to« Antwerp; DR. I. GERSHANOFF Manchester, It was the concensus objectives, viz., (1) production of 1941. He waa at th a t time a senior the Marine Corps on October 5, specialist, has been awarded the a master |jlan as a guide to future OIL Army aircrewman’s gunners of those present that the projected Beatrice, to Lieut. Robert W. In Yale Divinity school. Rector General MacArthur’a Head­ Osntena Order Gives OPTOMETRIST 1943. public development and construc­ Moore, son of Mrs. Arleigh Moore, 111 Defenses Of Hitler Canadiansf ^ Establish wings at the AAF Gunnery Sch^l. plans might be drawn along one of Williams presented him for con­ Have it delivered now. quarters, Philippines, Nov. 1. Successor to two dista.at lines; 1., Planning to tion, to form the .skeleton or back­ of 23 Union street. The ceremony firmation in Bridgeport in Janu­ Official Status to Small Beachhead on The Botarv Club will meet a t Harlingen, Texas, his ,wlfe has bone of future operations; (2) an will be performed in St. Augustine ary of 1&42 and, with the help of We also have new RanRe Oil ■ ^ / P )—Doughboys of the D r . Walter Oliver the Garden Grove, K"ency street, been Informed. make Manchester more of an In Rank, Given in Field dustriallzcd town as well as cen outline of possible and expectant church, Avon Park, Florida, where the vestry of Christ Church. Strat­ Burners and Trumbull Elec­ 24th division smashed an­ Motoriyicil Infantrv Is Eastern Edge Despite this evening at 6:30 for the annual Pfc. Sebula U at present sta­ public works and the financial Lieut. Moore is now stationed. The ford, assisted him first in becom­ Radio Speaker Calling 915 Main St. Tel. 6030 tioned at Lincoln, Nebraska, i^dlh tering upon the town as a hlgh- tric Oil Pumps. other Japanese rear guard To All in Guerrillas. official visit of James F. Watson, ,class residential section:'(2| Plans structure of the town, based on date of the, wedding has been set ing a postulant and later a candi­ Clearing Scattered De­ Himself Former Ger­ Heavy Nazi Resistance. governor of Rotary Internationa the Second Air Force and has past experience; (3) the compila for tomorrow. date for Holy Orders. concentration and advanced H-e* teen assigned as a member of the for continuing to improve Man­ District No. 199 of which Ihe local chester as a high-class residential tlofl and adoption of town ordl Bishop Budlong required Mr to within five miles of the Tacloban. Leyte, P. I., Nov. 1.— tachments from Three man Chief of Staff London, Nov. 1,-^/P)— club Is a member. An assembly of crew of a four-engined bom^r. r.ances correlated with the plan Martin to undertake an added 18 Barlow Oil Co'. directors, officers and committee Private Sebula waa graduated town and to exert efforts to re­ tract to town residents who would strategic coastal village of (^ —Filipino guerrillas Were blank­ Sides of Kesekemet. Urges People Revolt. British Commandos stormed FOR EXPERT tain those industries now located nlng and the functions of, and the build the better type of homes and months of study at the General 595 Main St. Tcl, 5404 chairmen will meet with Mr. Wat­ from Manchester High In the C.a.ss Theological Seminary In New Carigara today, as another eted into the Philippine Army by ashore today on the south­ in Manchester. control of the sub-divisions of the Town Treasurer George IH. Wad­ American column on the coaat WELDING son following the regular meeting. of 1939, ind the Trade achool In Employed In Mancheeter town planning board with relation York, after which he waa ordained proclamation of Sergio Osmena, Bulletin! ern and western coast of 1940 as an electrician. He was last dell stated that Manchester has braced itaelf for a poaatble cli­ \ Stockholm, Nov. 1— —The It was pointed out by Selectman to the execution of the recommen­ a deacon In Chriat Church Cathed­ president of the commonwealth. I»ndun, Nov. —Berlin Walcheren island, and were WIRING - n St.
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