NEWFOUNDLAND The Land of A Thousand Bays QU ART •.__ 11 .ao. __ n, . s, tl, _ ••II _,I . 11 ' 10'_ '1< ... I n.._ 1.111•• _.w rit, .. _F._H~.S_.. M BrioU .... High School Seniors HAVE YOU THOUGHT OF TEACHING? • How Important I. Teadtinq? Good k.Khille: is tilt' k.·~, to national we-lfur.. , -\ It'adwr ....II" It-ads stmlt'lIh to importilul Cftl\\th ill I.'"mine: is of nnmeasurahle value to his stllll.'nh. to his commuuitv. province and nation. Teucl...rs'.lr<· ill ,'har~,' of the most importallt nutural r.·...mrc...• of ' Ih,' nalion-ils dlildrt'll ami vmrth TIWrt· .H'· uow not Iwarly "nou~h (Iualifi.'tl !t·.tl·h.'rs to 1I"'t'1 tilt' T1t't't1s of th.· ,dlool, • What ar e the Requirements lor Teachinq? For illfonn,tlioll rt'e:'Hdill~ tilt' academic ,Hlli prof.·.s iulI.11 rt'tlllirt'l1l"uh lor tt-ach iull;, 'Hih' 10 ~onr D"lllllllinali" lla l SUP"rill lt'nd"nt of Education. De-partuu-nt 01 Edll".IIi" n, SI, Jolm's • What or. th e Oppo rtuni ties lor Emp loyment in the Teachinq Proleulon ? It is non-d <lhll\'" that there is a critical sho rlag,· of ..I.'me utar\' alld 01 hi~h school teach ­ t'rs, ,-\Imost all~ higb sc·11001 senior now phllllling to join Ih.· 1t,.ll:hilll;: pmf" " iou ,"Ill l>t, as­ vur..d of "mplo~' llI "llt a,s 'Ill d " III"nta~ or high sdH>tll tt'ad wr h~ Ih.· tiUII' lu- mil IN'1.'Ornt (jualifi.'tl for ,lidI ,I position. • What are th e Rates 01 Remun erati on in Newlou ndland lor Te ac he",, ~ S" I.lri.·s ra llgl' lrom $2,O(J.,-1,OO a yt'ar for lPadwrs with mn- Yt'ar pmlt's,siollal traiui ll ~ to fro m ~1, OOO , OO to f)1,2(Ml,OO a y.·a r (. k p t' m lill~ llPOli ' ·'p,·ril·lll·t·) for tt'adwrs wh o h'I'" a U q..\HT ill ElllIl'al iotl, or WIllI lIa\'.· oth ..r univ..r s it ~ ' dq..\ft·.·s uud n,,' rt · . ~ ' g ll i Zl · d E.Illl'al iollal ( :ourS,.s, III ad .litioll, te.u-lu-rs an- protr-ctr-rl by uu excellent p" IlSiOIl sd wIIH' mill g" IH"ToliS sit " l..aH · provisiollS, I'rind pals 01 schools rt'l'dn' wh at is known as tIll' prin cipal 's I\olllls ill uddtnon 10 bask sala ril's, TIl\' [,"'IIIS rallg" s from ,~ 100 ,( J( l to ) SOO .l~ l. d"lw rulillg " II si/, ' of ~ d IlH , I, • Wh o should Becom e a Tea cher? 111 '~'lI'.idl'rill~ fitlll'" for t1'ad lillg a yOllng p,'r so\l sholi ld gd all p" " illl,' Iwlp [nnu h-,ll,I" "rs, p.lr,·uts al)(1 Irit-lilh. Thi-n lu- sllOlIl,l ma "" his OW1l .,hoi.... ill k rms of his ""'lI lilt- vulur-s Till' fo llowill~ 'pm litil" un- highly d.. ~ i rabll' ill a k al,h"r : III th.. maln, tt'adlillg will III.' uttr uc­ th .. to a ll<'rsoll who li"'·s rwupl,' uud like-s to do thillgs for tlu-m. who is lll mfort ahl.· ill tk<lliul,\ with p,·opl.· ill ' ~I - op" r , l l i n ' r..1atiow:hip. who nllds pleas llft' ill slwr illg 11('" t·"lwri" IlI,t·s wit h IMl~s uud girk \\ ho can gl"! ]l<'opl.. to wo rk with him t'll tllllsia~ tka lly: who '·lIjo~·s plall llillC: his work t hol1l11e:III~ slt'p h~ skp: aud who lilt·s lx)lJk~ alld n-aclill!.\ NEWfOUNDLAND NEEDS GOOD TEACHERS - HAVE YOU CONSIDERED TEACHING AS A PROFESSION? J. It C IIA L KEH, ,\Ii'liMn 0/ 1':tll/("(ltioll 'r ue :'IiEWFOU:".'I)I ,A:'Ii1l (l l'ARn:R L \ ' ~ FIRE INSURANCE l rORVA<U1j Effect it with the old, reliable a nd P rompt-paying Com pan y IMPORTERS OF Dry Goods, Footwear. Men's. W omen's and Chtldren'a Wearin... Appa rel. Piece Goods. THE YORKSHIRE Pound Goods. Smallwa res. Novelties, Etc. I:'IiSl 'R .\:'IiCE CO ~I P .\ SY, LTD. Losses by Gas. Light oiog an d Forest Fires not e xcepted. Ask for rates befo re insu ring els ewhere, All :nfo rmation gladly liven fl~~3!~ M cGRATH & FURLONG Ra rris le ..... Solidi.." &: S o bry PUblic TWO STORES I %63 Uuckworth St. 216 • 220 Duckw orth S~ I - Dial 3257. 109 · 111 (Top) Lonq'. Hill - Dial 4341. PRE ST-O-LITE Gray &Goodland BATTERIES Need wate r onl y 3 time. a y ear Limited GUARA NTEE: PRINTERS The battery with the 3O-month qucrcntee. or 30.000 miles lor private car usa . BOOKSEllERS Guarantee lor commercial vehicle s: 15,000 miles. STATIONERS DiAtributo r lor New foundland: GROUCHY'S Makers ot Rubb er Stamp s LEMA RCHA NT ROAD , ST. fO HN'S W at er St. St. John's Nlld. Dial 5433 P.O. Box 448 Grocers! AFull Line of Dustbane Products For all you r Grocery and Provision need s write to:- T. & M. WINTER - LI MITED - R. J. COLEMAN Duckworth St. St. Jo hn's P.O. Box £.5178 Sol. DiAtrib ulor J. J. Eds trom. Man a Qer 'Phon. 2415 Tilt: :"iE WFOL'l"\IJLA:"iD Q l~AKTt:RL1' -A CM E- FROM COAST TO COAST "ACME" Brand Products ar e makinq new friends dtrl1y. you can be sure that you a re qettinq the bellt your money can buy U the "Acme" labella your quide. Specify " Acme " and be sure. " Acme" products are ma nu. DEPARTME NT lactured In Newfoundland by OF PUBLIC WE LFARE T. McMURDO &CO., LTD. St. John's. Newfoundland Season's Greetings and WELFAR;;FFICERS I BEST WISHES WANTED for A HAPP Y NEW YEAR ,\ p pliC-.ltioll.'> are invited from (Iua!ified per­ cons who are interested ill doing Social \ \'orL with the Department of Puhlic Welfare, TIle Welfare Officer service of the Depa rt­ uu-nt of Public \\'cHare offers good pay and att ructtve pens ion. holida y and sh-k leave priv­ il ,·~t·s. Opportuniti es art' also prnvid t·t1 for ill-ser vice tmi nin~ rec()~ll ized Lawrence Brothers. Ltd. 011 the job and in Schools of Embalmers and Funeral Dire ctors Social Work. Molor Henne Open and CIOlIed Hearses Interested persons 1)(:"(\\"1"'11 the agt's of 25 aml 3.5 yea rs who would IiLe to work with peo­ pll' alld whose academic stallding is Grade XI CarriaQe. SleiQh. Truck. Bua and Boat Builders or higher art' invited to wnte to the undersigned lor further information. AutomobUes Pointed and Sprayed R. L ASlJREWS, Hoode Re-covered D rIll/II) ,\fi ni.d N of filMic W elfare. Trunk and Suitcase Manufactuntra Phone 2705 Niqhl and Holidays 2236 139 GOWER STREET THE NEWFOUNDLAND QUARTERLY Openillf!: new doortHJq$ of knou:ledJ!,e about Sell.;foundland t ,oo per year ST. JOHN 'S. NFLD •• DECEMBER. 1955 VOL. LlV. NO.4 !S(o . Ptr Co py The Newf ound land Quarterly Editorially Speaking Issu ed eve ry t hird m onth about the 15th of March, June, September, and Deeernber. St~:: ;:~r ol:::r:::;; ~; :;tee::in;e;a:~sI~kr:e~~ L. W J an es . Editor and Publisher A ings to our readers and our advertisers with a special p O. Box E5419, St. John's, Ne .....foundland. word of thanks to the latter for their continued patron­ age. T o wh om all communications should be addressed. Telephone 80186 Looking back over th~ past year and recalling the many fr-iendly and complimentary letters we have re­ H'lbert Saunders, J.D., Ph. D Contributing Ed itor ceived it gives us deep sa t isfaction to k now t ha t our readers art' enjoying each succeeding issue of t he ol d Newfoundla nd <l ua rte r ly an d as we enter u pon a New S n t S CR IP T JO S RATt:S : Ye ar of service to our reader s w e luuk forward to the oppor tunity of continuing and improving t hat service in On .. ~·t'8r in advance (Canada) .. ,."."., .. $1.00 19~6. Fort'ign subsc ri ption .. $1.25 To en sure return of mss. please enclose self-addressed envelope with sufficient postage. The publisher will not be responsible for loss of any m5S., drawings or photo­ graph, but will exercise care in handling material sub­ muted for publication. Advertising rates on application. Autnorteed as Second Class Mail, Post oece Dept., Ottawa. 19S3 All r ights in contents of this magazine reserved. CO NTENTS Editorially Speaking. 3 To All Our Readers and Advertisers Announcemt'nt. .. 3 T he Emigrant, by L. E. F . English , O.H.E.. •.... 4 Board Made From Shavings . ... 7 A tth'rry <!rl!ri nhllnS w he n Nfld. Helped Save Canada, By Dr. R. Saunders, J. D ~ 10 and Fi.~ht·ry Research in Nfld. by H. J. Squires 13 The Nfld.-Labrador Boundary by Dr. L. J . J ack m an ..18 A i'!npPH :Nt'll1 TIl'nr England 's Loneliest Lighthouse 21 The Greenspond Saga, by Dr. Robert Saunders 23 The Channel Islands and Nfld. by Dr . C. R. Fay 26 ANNOUNCEMENT EG IN.NING in the March issue we w~lI publish an B mtrlgUlng and perhaps controversial series of articles entitled '·Ye Olden Times in Catalina" in which the author gives a historical outline of the discovery and history of early settlement in Newfoundland.
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