El Pairis Assured the Scenic Driveway Around the Him of the Mesa Ask the Jtotarians About It SECCIÓN ESPAfiOU The Mornliu Tlnrsrn' PAGINA 16-1-7 Prtatod and rrattrtbntesd 18,345 'MM iMIft, M Day' Mar n.tti. Loan, par too lbs w.mbm.m. Am Avertura fdr takter, 34TH YEAR EL PASO. TEXAS, SUNDAY, JULY 12, 1914. THIRTY-EIGH- T PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS comprehending that the causea or the included In the bill as It stands. These that afTllet our ronatry emlnate potáis win pa disposed or Monday. rrom the pretoiianltm. plutocracy and the WILL HERESIGN? The judiciary committee decided COMPROMISE clergy, the division or the north and BLAME COLLIER HUERTA NAY eliminate from the Clayton bill the section WILSON northeast solemnly agree to right until the) wmcn would make It unlawful ror dealer PLAN ex federal army shall disappear completaB in cert ató unutuodlUea to refuse to sell to he supplanted by the constitutionalist their nrodurt to responsible applicants. It army and to plant a democratic form or Was also decid sd to strike from the hill government to procura the enactment or in provision pranimtmg pingaiinr on the wise lawt ror the protection or laborers premises or enxplovars tn time or strikes AT TORREON to exconomlrally emancípale the farmers FOR ACCIDENT MAKEGEJAWAY or oiner laoor tronóles IN PHILIPPINES ny mating an evntiiaoie aiainnunon 01 urn lands as wen as an oiner meant or reaman KOI PBONS AW DRAD tinns which mav solve the agrarian oro idem, to punish and exact responsibilities Responsibility Sinking His vicUms or Ktresalra Real la its Conference Declines to Bar rrom the Roman Catholic clergy, who for of Reported Will Tender Louis -- other Denlas Reported More Autonomous Govern- materially or Intellectually have assisted Sw Ihe ateontsfetf rVwaa Carranza From Succeeding the uanmer. Victoriano Huerta. Empress of Ireland Placed Resignation Monday and St. Louis, July H. Four persons died ment as Another Step To- "Conclusion- - Willi the adoption of the City. item luoay anu several onaera were pros- to the Presidency. above the delegates or the divisions or the on Storstad. Leave Mexico trated by the best, which broke all rec ward Independence. north and northeast have adjourned their ords fbr the year. At 4 o'clock In the conferences after having read and approved afternoon ihe government thermometer on by unanimous volet or the minutes which the top of the highest building In the city FULL STATEMENT ISSUED were made In conformity with the exact COLLIER CHANGED COURSE TO HAVE BRITISH ESCORT registered 109 The government kiosk on NEW BILL IslÑTHODIICrD copies of the two secretaries. We certify the street registered 108 degreesr at the this to be a true copy. asme hour. 'Miguel Silva, president: Antonio 1. Villa "Will Tonight the official forecast held out no Military Convention to Be real, Manuel Bonilla. Cesarlo Castro, i. I In Obedience to Order of Rear Admiral Cradock spe ror reuer. Representative Jones Prepares Robles. Luis Caballero, delegates: E. M Called After Triumph of Fierro and Roque (Jómales oarta, sec re Third Officer. Without Take Huerta Aboard British One Death Sastarted Measure That Meets Ad-- . tartas." Sy Aaaeda laat Vest Revolution. Instructions. Warship for Safety. Kansas City, Mo.. July II. -- Excessive ministration s Views. CKMCRAI. VF.M ST1ANO CARRANZA Bnmldlty, romhlned with high temperttures aansas to- REITERATES PLAN OF Cl ADALITE. nt FROM CHI 7 n i.ny ana western Missouri í piirt VERA day brought much luffarim. in a raw PLAN 9F GUADALUPE AFFIRMED ñu ha AumncUlteA Vea EMPRESS SANK IN ST. LAWRENCE ARK THAT MB WILL ANO THAT CARBAJAL BECOMES PRESIDENT places NO DATE SET FOR Saltillo. Mexico. July II General Car the season's temperature record whs INDEPENDENCE chler, MB WILL FLBE MEXICO. equalled. But one death waa due lo the ranta, the constitutionalist Ittued heat, although several cities reported Me- statement here todav reiterating hit lnten Resolutions Adopted by Won of carrying out the plan of Guadalupe. Vessel Went Down on May Claimed That There Will Be prostrations But the Islands Are Granted carranza' statement said: diator Call for Resignation "As rtrst chief of the constitutionalists I 29, With Loss of More No More Fighting Betveen Most Liberal Form of Ter- have rrmplied and propose to comply to 1, PEACE DEPORT THIRTY PRIESTS of Gov. Maytorena. ihe end with the plan or Guadalupe, which Than 000 Lives. ROVERS Mexican Factions. ritorial Government. bears date or March, Mil year, in eon fortuity plan, was sub with this which By íHe aséete ted Presa hy I As Roman Catholic Clergymen Brouaht to B scribed to by the chiefs and officials who asaoclafed Press fhe attoi-nife- representatives or army of the north Quebec, July II. The collier storstad Vera Cruz. July ll. The ruslmaiion of order from Zacatecas and Expelled July II. An admlnlstrstlon- the surrounded me before I was acquainted held to ror on Charon af Aiding Huerta mat uenerai carranza ana roe military lesn-e- gov blame the Embrea of Ireland Provisional I'rrsidenl Huerta may be placed approved plan ror a more autonomous rov- with the usurper. Huerta. I roes Being m ine or congress Monday, of feo revolution be debarred rrom be- or Co oisatier, rutantes the Wreck com herore on the trecersl de ernmeni In Ihe Philippines as another ernor of the state abulia, and aceentea mission, nanoed down today. com. OVER MEXICO Mexico or ttaf coming- candidates for the presidency or by all the chler and officials of the con- The parting immediately for Puerto Charred with aTtlng aid and comfort to toward Independence waa laid before con- at the triumph or the revo- mission holds thai the disaster wat due to era Cruz under British escort,' according to the enemies or- the constitutionalist cause, gress today. stitutionalist army, rind myself obliged ine lution, the mediator in the recent poce rrom occupy Btoratad's change of course, ordered on hern tonight wmcn thirty Roman Catholic clergymen were Representative Jones or Virginia, Intro- to remove the posts they un by the third Instructions source usually duced a conference at Torreón adopted a resolution lawfully sll the usurpers or the three officer without ortgtntti'd from s that Is to Juarez yesterday from Zarate bill covering the subject. Mr. that a convention representing the armlet In rrom the nrst ornear who was in churre Carbajal well informed. cas and to never Jonea it chairman or the bouse powers executive, legislative and judicial. me Appointment of as ordered leave Mexico and tntulnr the field be called to rtx the dale and the Will oi ine coiner at tune. Adolfo he La Llama, minister of finance m return. Tne pnetts at once came to committee and his measure, decíanos the Call Election. ron Empress was s nere purpose or manner or holding national elections. The "As the chler or Sunn in the St. Law Minister Means Early Re- tn Huerta cabinet, who arrived to El I'aao where they were hospitably re- or the people the United State or conrer-enc- first the constitutionalists renca on May M. with a losa .of more than ep re ru stag to as full text of the proceedings the I shall to to day route to Europe, while ceived by the local Catholic deny. the ruture political atatua or the El continue struggle establish mu uves. a or was made public in Paso yesterday, peace throughout the requhllr as soon as tirement of Huerta. confirm these reports, said Huerwa retire The priests, on arrival in El Paso, said rollows lonr series conrer- copies or the minutes, signed by the s possible, immediately Coiner's Third orrieer. ment at an earlv date was nni unnaeiy they had no complaint to make or their encet with President Witson. nee retary for and wfI thereafter now- Monday was Manuel and secretaries being given out call elections which will in the re The comer's third officer found retpon and that from until "but treatment at the hands or the constitu- Oirrtson. Quezon, the Philippine publication. result Ma soon tune to awa t developments. delegate, the recent commissioner to establishment or constitutional order In Bible Is Alfred Tur temas was on the tionalist military. Though ibey had been the In the convention, which Is to be called nridge when the oceztrsad, and the re Reports rrom the Mexican capital also prisoners since the rail ot Zacaleoaf they Cnited States, and Democratic members or Mexico. For this reason the plan or Quads crash TRIUMPH OF REVOLUTION - Immediately following the final auccess or port holds 'that ha wan wrong and nee state that Francisco Carbajal, Uie newly ap- had been accorded every possible oourte-a- the Insular committee, all or whom in. lupe it not and will not be a progr; or formally have the revolution, the men who have fought government nor a revolutionary plan gem id keeping navigation or roe vessel lOlnted foreign minister, replacing Etieva by their captors. Nearly all of the de- approved It for the constitutionalist cause are to be rather as It Is, a political plan." in nis own banda and ralltng to mil the tulz. the actlnr minister, who will arrive ported clergymen are Spaniards and In- Ne Date for Independence represented by one delegate ror each carranza or captain when he taw the coming on. Persons here tomorrow on his way to Europe, will tend returning to their native land or go- The bill makes no attempt to Mx a whlcn then outlined the history the says for Connected With the neo sp ing data under arms. This convention, Madero revolution, crttlsiting the provi- The report Ihe disaster Wan not due to provisional prnsinent.
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