Grosse Pointe News Complete News C041er4ge of AU the Pointes GROSSE POIN1C. ...cHIGAN. JANUARY 27, 1944 $2.00 Por Y•...--5c Per Copy JEADLINES 0/ 'he WEEK AI (o",p,lttJ by Ib_ ~s, p~/. N#w1 GROSSE POINTE NEWS r.ge Two "Headlines Notice of Primary Election AND Notice of Registration TO BE HELD IN THE TOWNSHIP OF GROSSE POINTE ON MONDAY, FEBRUARY 21st, 1944 TO THE QUALIFIED ELECfORS TOWNSHIP OF GROSSE POINTE WAYNE COUNIT. MlOllGAN YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED ~ha~ the Primary ElewOD foe the Dommauon of candtdaEel fM T~Js ?f. NI ~2S5 flUS, to be voted upon at tbe ADnuai Etccuon shan be held 00 Monda). Feb~ ...:ln. 1944 E.:.::tStaD~ w:. Mid eJecdoa tha11 be opea from 700 odock in the forenoon to II 00 odock 10 we C'RDIDK> T.... 00 luxo Workmonship Th.t Is Not Conly YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED WE the andulau. (or the (OUOW1DJTowruhJp Ofhca will. be t:lODl1Daced he .t hid Pt1JJWy flKdoD ~'::~-a:rb:=~~:X: :s~:xr.;;g~d~ TOW' ron~eoce. We uke a pel'SClD.J1 mtemt lit ONE (1) JUSTICE OF THE PEACE ..",.IOb. ONE (1) MEMBER OF THE BOARD OF REVIEW YOU ARE FUR11IER NOTIFIED mar the pollmg P laces for sard Election shall be u follcnn VOTll\G PREONCT NO l--Soulh end of me Robert VOTING PREDNer NO 14---50 u t h silk of M.ck Ttombley School A,enue Mnlten Bud: VOTll\G PRECINer NO 2_I'Iroorth I!nd of me Robert IIIgham Road and Bet" Trombll!Y SchooL slllre Road VOTING PRECINCT NO 3-The South5ldeofJeffer VOTING PREONCf ro.O IS-The Southeast corme of :~f~:en~:ar:;~e:: Whuuer Road and Mack chesll!r Road AU.CIue 'OTI~G PREUNCT NO 4-TbeSouth"eu cor.CIl!rof VOTING PREONCf NO I6--The Eut End of the Jefferson A" Cn u e and Gabnel Illchard School Park Lane •• HIle_pt_, Sel"YlCI \ OTl ...'G PRECL.~cr ~O 17-Kercheval Avenue be.. VOTII'IroG PREUN{:T NO S-MuDlclpal B u I Idin g liT TIrE MO"'TII tnen MOrlln Road and 1'u u<l "pool" \.-. Jefferson and Maryland r ...bnt Mat..u<l (u.d U A,enuts Ml!rtl'lli"eathuRoad. "'.ta'7 "'1111".ll~ .....01 VOTlr...G PREGNeT l'oJO 6--Somenet Ro.1d and St HARRl BAA" VOTII'IroG PREc:ll'I.Cf NO 18-G~se POinte Fat m I Paul A,eouC' lUll ... ~~:..ulta~~ftOl mI MuniCIpal Bw1duJ8 lIArau' Allu ••• d VOTING PREONCT NO 7-South SId! of St. Paul A\t,nue betwelea Three VOTING PREONCT NO I9-Tbe Wen End of the 8012 KERCHEVAL AVE., IIIII' v. IIJkI Mill! Orne and Audubou Gabtlel RIchard SchooL EST 1921 Avenue VOTING PREClNCf NO 20-Kerb} Road at Beaupre I VOTING PREaNCf NO 8-Kl!u:heul A\"nue and AVI!DUL ',Im" r.... ~ !~,~Rc~~~ BiShop A'l!nuC' Seboo1 DERIFIELD" o)D t!Ic Collies' VOT1l'l.G PREONCf r...O 9-The Ean End of the vonr...G PREaNCI' NO 21-Mack A'~nue at Motu """~... Chiropractic Office .... s'" R~d. &777 Defer School 1oo0TE .NEW PHONE NUMBE&-IV,u,BOE 1131 LEux VOTIl'IoG PRLONCT ~O to-Pierce SChool VOTl1'\G PREO'lCT ro.O 22-The MUDD School FISHER.RECOII.D I MOTOIT SALES vonr...G PREONCT NO ll-Thl! Wen End of the VOTING PRI:ONCT 1\0 23--Gtoue POinte Wooda 15000 KERCHEVAL "vt. Defer School YOll 0/1_ Hurd P#opk 5",- MuniCipal Budding r. VOni'.G PRECINcr NO 12-Charle'0lJ: Aunue bo!! tvoecn Mat}land A'enue, VOTING PREaNCT NO 24-GtOSSe' Pomte S hot U , •, "WOI'" WIIIrt Iea.II, .... Fiu"" KEEP YOUI NAME lnkepomte A,-enue MUDlCpal BwidiDg Before the Peop~ (If G~PDnl" VOTll\G PRECI ....CT I'IroOl}--Charll!vOlx AVl!nue bo!! \OTING PRECINCT NO 25-Mrl Avenue ar It.en .r'DUw:lOttherl~ tween Uikepolnte Ave- more Drive nUl! I n d Beaconsfield A\l!nue \ OTING PREONCT l\oO 26-The Mason School YOU ARE HEREBY i'.Ol1FIED mat If }ou ba,e not already regIStered. ,"ou mal do SO by appeanng before I the T01VWhlp Cll!rk It hl.l office to thl! MuniCipal BuddlDA' In the Village of Grtme POIDte Park, Wayne County. Michigan on Iny day up to and mcludlng the t'IIicnuem (20th) dly prece(hng the spring prunary ..... Tllis ..... W.. YHWaRI YOU ARE FURTIiER NOTIFIED that (he Tcmn5hlp Oerk ~dl be at hu OUI~ m thc Mtrnlopal Bul!dlnA In the Village of Grosse POlDte Park Wayne: Count) Mu:hlgart on thl! twl"nuelh (20th) da) prec~(hng the sprsng ?~:'ear~o~:ee:u~h:fac%p~l~ ~~::atll~:e forenootl and 800 odoc.k In the C\eDlD& Eastttn Standard War Oil Burner Service YOU ARE FURTIlER NOTIFIED TIiAT reglStraUon may also be made 'lliltb the respecnve Vllage dera of the Vllllges of Grone POinte Park Grosse POinte Shores. Gnme POinte farma and Groue Pomte Woods on uy lTD. 2·9700 I day up to aDd Includmg Ihl! t\\enlleth day (20th) ptc~dlDg such prunary YOU ARE FURTHER NOTIFIED Ihal me last day (or tcal\lng regl.ltrluoDS for rucb prunary election IS Feb- Better Have a Mid Season Check ~p No .....l ruary In. 1944 We take are of all )our AutomatIc Hf'i1lm,c:Problems Any make HENRY LAVERS, Grone POinte Service exclUSively ToVtwhlp C1etk, GtOS!!! POl!:lte TOWD5hlJl Wayoe Count). MichIgan __ &1l.0SSE POI NT E NEWS IN THE DAILY ALL DETROIT TIMES LET'S EXPLORE YOUR MIND It>' JIr • ..u.ert E. ...."1ICp..,. •• So "~td ~ ,. ),b<k: ..r ~ Order for Easter YOUR HOROSCOPE .y FaA..,t:ES ... UiE and Spring NOWI T.- 4ad, _doo1.,. -.1... too \M ..... -.4,.......IouU<l.a,. Ch~::lle from OUf e~qu s Ie mpo led Gnd do e t Co weoves for Sp ng <'lnd EMler \U i llnd topcoob now wi Ie tho se1prtons ~ 0 ':IOed <'lnd there , 'hme w thoul hdste WISHING WELL MARSHALL 2l~~ & O'CONNOR DETROIT TOlES (S,oILtnd TtIIlors Co) IU41FutJ"JJerson LEnOI5344-S Do.. nto ....n 882 8l:lo~ Bldg C.d 114(;6051 f Buy an extra war bond AIJO\lrl~nlorbtoker rW'lIhleould _ ('(Inn JOUt dO\l' pel'lOrW act:' and ut'$talit1I1"'~""" lef'found 10 tee you me way IUlcd other lhnp fllr whch JOll mar be- These are JUsra few of the thll"l'I J'Il"I. to_lQ help determme rout r ,h and ICfall,. llble .ll (orooly,10 andI.houlddlJ01SL \Vhen I a,. I:· ~llrouabourncwand~ttcrcoYel'llee, I m IpWlOll: for any 'eent Of broker BUI-wfw"lm ru nuonmlr and .hort VI whom you b.lYC confidence lli.nfhdp_lt JUrtlJntmlhccardl Ld'. look :LI: It on me balll dDt I ~ OfcOW'IlIIlmllll:etaround:ll much want to NIp I'll zit t!,. pntKtwr }ftt 'lid-not that I }UStwaflt to tell JOIl On the bctIle fronts. om men aN pattmq :II I can And «-('endy Just Arrived! ,,,'o,"'.om,,, IOmethma S nee I can t be every ....err last 0UDCe of etiort into the grim peopl",wth problem. Have JIlU heard of the n<".1'i"Ihdt pol where .u once. won t you look me lob of endmq the war at the earhest ~ to In 00lIl111.1.SI"I, of PlrlllDllll Delill needlnll:anennonthat cy thaI coverJ prnpenybelonll:lni up' Phone me or drop to 'H: m. mbl. moment. W. at home ccm do DO 1-. you your famly your iU""tf; your 10 I ~ help you prolll!Cl. 10urlCif Ul J thln'r.lI melUl!e of YOUR Bghtmg can _ th.1orm of ..... warn nil: to you I' n lenant~' itl much bro;tder, muc;b the.eddlkulttlmu 4 order In""er nCJnrnanformerpolcleI' bonds. E""'Y """" bond )'011 buy • em adcHd blow aqamst the AxIs. Enry dol- ProttctiOlf CO!t! LESS toJa:/1 Miln} people don t reallU wt be- VENETIAN lar you pat lnlo the Fourth War Loan causeofnnonnilluto- r."aretheonemoJtvtaflYlnterest.oo:d DnT. IS one more weapon m a unqhty lIIbetnll:propcrly nwred ThO'prem mo", mN~" ~,~ have be"n duhed 10 arseDCd 10 oyorwhelm the enemy az:.d turn you pay thO' company and the BLINDS much thaI cant.froId bnnq a c:ledmon ~ COmmlJSlonlietareutfl.elcompared Ifflltluen""charr'ed",.thfuUrupoll It jUlt15ntanilrru- .. bll,ufthelloluc:bold-anddOlltuow We Can Fit allY Wllldow .p to 43" "ththcltzrplmtltowhlch,.,,,Qlil.Y A .. hore for adnee Oft ,oronnu In this cruaal battle. ler. ~ to turn menllnthen,tmel width Larqer IInS a~ obtallllable btexposed.tthl'vcrrmnure' ~~;':;lb-;t.a.:.:u~bcO::~~:~ e-nrythmq we haTe. Let. make thuI the IladlyhdP'tou on order Pern.:,PI you don t Iutow there I I And w Ih prnperty values chane nil: knockout punch.1u the words 01our Iigh~ liIpdly broad new pol cy dlJ,l «IYII!~ damaae firensurancepo!celIlhould mq men. let II "pour II ou- to hurry the * Complekly tlttlowd hud lUll hazudi ID .and uound the hUll II! bethorolleh1y rev ewed In manycaset. with roundti1 edltell dar 01 V"ldoryl ~ w......"' .... W.n,,,,/u,'.·ri_ * Triple flnbhed slatll ::LDd klrhorn-d'l,I.,;.,,,. ........ smooth workluK hardware Pubhshed in ooopeRlion ~ WIth the These truly delun bUnds are for the finer hom'" and GENERAL UNDERWRITERS, INC. 8her\l, In "IIUana un Ice or measurlnr and makiDr lD WAR PRODUCTION BOARD .taUatlon .. absolutely trouble 1te#J to the eustomer Let Call u toow ,our Doeedlnow "hUe ~e ha\e ltoek OD h1od. THE DETROIT EDISON COMPANY J R (Jacl) SUTTON,JR. O~fic.e'Phone H(lm. 'Phone I Sherwin Williams Co.
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