NINE MILE RUN WATERSHED RESTORATION Proposal to PA Department of Environmental Protection Environmental Stewardship and Watershed Protection Grant Pennsylvania Growing Greener Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh February 3, 2003 U R B A N REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ======OF ___ PITTSBURGH February 3, 2003 DEP Grants Center Rachel Carson State Office Building 400 Market Street, i 5th Floor P.O. box 8776 Harrisburg, PA 17105-8776 To the Growing Greener Grants Staff: The Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh is pleased to submit this grant application for the next phase of the Nine Mile Run Watershed Restoration project. We refer to this as the next phase since the restoration of the Nine Mile Run and the extension of Frick Park to the Monongahela River is a multi-year project and this work has already benefited from two Growing Greener grants. The work represented in this application builds on the work performed as a result of these two previous grants and helps insure that the investment of State Department of Environmental Protection is protected. The redevelopment of former brownfield properties such as the Pittsburgh Technology Center, the South Side Works and Washington's Landing are all outstanding examples of former riverfront industrial sites that offer new residential and employment opportunities to citizens of the region. Where hot .&1• .,._____ 1,--,.J ..,_ -V'W"'l>-l-.1., _,.__,..._l,11,-...-l,-lll"n 111," ,....,...,.... n n-111, Oi¼.+r" h11 rnh• rl"'\.e,t.l"'\.�l"l"'h "."lnrl 1u111cn... v-:1 u;:,vu lU 0111p1uy ;:,Lvv1vvu11'1.v1;:,, vv o ;:,oc; a 11ovv ,-nl-:1uu1�11. 10.:>oa1v11 u11u development jobs now help to diversify our local economy; an FBI Regional Office; the UPMC Sports Medicine Center providing state-of-the-art facilities for neighborhood users and visitors from around the country; a rowing center and boat marina; and beautiful housing that takes advantage of trails running along the rivers. The cleanup of the Nine Mile Run Watershed continues these remarkable transformations. In part, the Nine Mile Run Watershed was a victim of our industrial past. The stream itself as it approaches the Monongahela River was nearly destroyed as slag, the by product of the steel-making process, was dumped for five decades on the gently rolling hills that graced this formerly beautiful valley. Natural vegetation was destroyed and Nine Mile Run was reduced into a narrow channel that was at the mercy of raging torrents of water after heavy rainfalls. In other areas the stream was culverted since urban streams were not viewed as recreational amenities. 200 ROSS STREET • PITTSBURGH, PA 15219-2069 (412) 255-6600 FAX No. (412) 255-6617 COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Proposed Project Summary Statistics (Answer all applicable) Fm in Blank 1 People Reached (number) 2 Signs Posted (number) 3 Meetings (number) Targeted Audience 4 5 Creation of Website Pages (number:)__ How will target audience's comprehension and the effectiveness of message be measured? 6 7 Size of Watershed sa. mi. 8 Stream Restoration Planned mi. 9 AMD sources assessed (number) 10 Stream restored mi. i 1 Fish Structures (number) 12 Dams removed (number) 13 Riparian Buffer restored mi. 14 Wetland restored acres Passive Treatment Wetland created 15 acres 16 Mined lands restored acres 17 Wells capped (number) 18 Cattle crossings built (number) 19 Fence installed mi. 20 Other agriculture BMP's (number) Applicants should enter as much data as possible. Some questions are more important to the evaluation of certain types of applications: e.g. Education/Outreach - 1-6, Watershed Group Organization and/or Support - 3-6, Development of a Watershed Restoration and/or protection plan - 7-9, Construction and/or Installation of Watershed Restoration and/or Protection Plan - 10-20, Demonstration - 1-5, 10-20 -A3- COMMONWEAL TH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION DEP Growing Greener Budget Worksheet This worksheet should be used to prepare Item #14 on the Application, Budget Summary, and must be submitted with the application package. Totals for each category should be entered on the application form. 1. SPONSOR SALARIES/BENEFITS INDIVIDUAL POSITION HOURLY HOURS BENEFITS TOTAL COST RATE TOTAL SALARIES/BENEFITS 2. TRAVEL Mileage: miles @ $___ /mile = _____ Ensure that maximum reimbursement are Meals: = not exceeded. Rates can be found at Lodging: nights @ $__ �/night = www.dep.state.pa.us/growgreen/travel.htm TOTAL TRAVEL = -A4- COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION B. OTHER CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES ITEM COST Water Sample Analvsis Permitting Application Fees (List FEE only) Other {list specific item) TOTAL OTHER CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES C. TOTAL CONTRACTUAL(= A+B CONTRACTOR SALARIES OTHER CONTRACTUAL EXPENSES TOTAL CONTRACTUAL 6. CONSTRUCTION (list time and materials; including Plants) a. MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: COST PER UNIT: COST MOBILIZATION COSTS TOTAL MATERIALS B. LABOR JOB: TO1'Al HOURS: HOURLY RATE: COST CONSTRUCTION OVERSIGHT COST TOTAL LABOR C. TOTAL CONSTRUCTION (=A+B TOTAL MATERIALS TOTAL LABOR TOTAl CONSTRUCTION -A6- COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 7. OTHER ITEM COST TOTAL OTHER 8. MATCH Please use the following table to calculate matching contributions of cash, goods and services to enter on the application form. Do not include other DEP funding sources or in-kind services. All items listed must be accompanied by a Letter of Commitment. BUDGET STATUS (applied for, VALUE in CONTRIBUTOR CATEGORY DESCRIPTION pledged or in-hand) DOLLARS Pennsylvania - RACP In-hand $7,500,000 City of Pgh. - Capital Budget In-hand $2,675,000 US Army Corps of Enqineers In-hand $4,271,052 Pgh Water&Sewer Authority In-hand $2,514,358 Heinz Endowment pledged $ 58,500 If your project is selected for funding through ttle Section 319 Nonpoint Source Management program, DEP contributions may be accepted as match. Please use the following table to describe potential contributions from DEP. Do not include these calculations on the application form. BUDGET STATUS (applied for, VALUE in PROGRAM or OFFICE CATEGORY DESCRIPTION pledged or in-hand) DOLLARS -A7- CU1VltvlUi\lvVcAL i tl u/·· !-c., ,i'-40 i '- 'IAi'41A DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Department of Environmental Protection Environmental Stewardship and Watershed Protection Grant Application CHECKLIST FOR APPLICATION COMPLETENESS (This must be completed and submitted with each Grant Project Proposal) Applicant Sponsor: Urban Redevelopment Authority of Pittsburgh Project Title: Nine Mile Run Stream Watershed Restoration - Phase Ill Use a check if contained in your application. NIA means "Not Applicable" GENERAL X Discussed with Watershed Manager. X The project addresses nonpoint sources of pollution. X The project participants/responsible parties are identified. X All tasks required to implement project are identified and assigned. X The project outputs are listed. X "Match" is supported with documentation. X The application includes the original and four copies (a total of five) X Provide the Conservation District with a copy of complete application. APPLICATION The two-page application form includes: x Project Title x Project Location x Application Type x Applicant Organization Information x Sponsor Organization Information x Discussion with DEP regional or mining watershed manager x Project Description x Funding Request Summary x Applicant and/or Sponsor certification and signature The proposal body and attachments include: X Project Location �v1ap X Discussion of proposal's relationship to watershed plans X Detailed Project Description including: x Executive Summary x Statement of Need and Justification of Funding x Proposed Scope of Work x Partnerships x Operation, Maintenance and Replacement Tasks and Responsibilities x Proposed Project Summary Statistics x Detailed Budget Worksheets X Participating Partners' Letters of Commitment X Letters of Support X Letter of Acknowledgement from the Western or Eastern Pa Coalition of Abandoned Mine Reclamation, if applicable -A8- Contractor will remove and dispose of any materials that are unsuitable for use as fill in the earthwork operations. 1.8 Mobilization/Demobilization The Contractor will transport large earthmoving equipment, crushing plant, Construction Office Trailer and Inspector's Office Trailer to the project site. The Contractor will also need to establish utility services to the mobile offices and establish and maintain proper sanitary facilities for employees. In addition the contractor will be required to establish and maintain various bonds and insurance for the duration of the project. COST: TASK 1 1.1 Excavation and Earth Fill $1,069,850 1.2 Blended Soil for Slope Stabilization $ 459,000 1.3 Crush Concrete Debris $ 200,000 1.4 Dust Suppression During Construction $ 173,100 1.5 Clearing and Grubbing $ 54,000 1.6 Re-vegetation $ 570,550 1.7 Remove Unsuitable Material $ 91,500 1.8 Mobilization/Demobilization $ 182,000 SUBTOTAL $2,800,000 Task 2 - Seep Remediation Due to the granular nature of the slag material, Rainwater landing on the surface and groundwater from buried springs infiltrates through the pile and emanates from the stream bank of Nine Mile Run in the form of seeps. Contact with the siag raises the pH of this groundwater to a vaiue of approximateiy i 1. This high pH discharge negatively impacts the water quality of Nine Mile Run. The seep remediation project proposes to collect the high pH discharge before it enters the stream channel and convey the flow to a municipal sanitary sewer system for treatment. 2.1 Access Road The Contractor will construct a road that will be utilized for construction access and then later be used for maintenance access of the seep collection systems. The Contractor will also restore all areas impacted during the installation of the system. 2.2 Seep 1 Remediation The Contractor will install a pile and plank cutoff wall approximately 11 O feet in length adjacent to the Nine Mile Run Stream channel. The Contractor will then install an impervious liner, perforated pipe and aggregate material to collect the seepage flow.
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